System.Windows.Forms 1.0.5000.0 System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase System.ComponentModel.Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.RadioButtonDesigner, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a") System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem("System.Windows.Forms.Design.AutoSizeToolboxItem,System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a") System.ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("Checked") System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true) System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterface(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch) System.ComponentModel.DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged") System.ComponentModel.DefaultProperty("Checked") The control can display text, an , or both. When the user selects one option button (also known as a radio button) within a group, the others clear automatically. All controls in a given container, such as a , constitute a group. To create multiple groups on one form, place each group in its own container, such as a or control. and controls have a similar function: they offer choices a user can select or clear. The difference is that multiple controls can be selected at the same time, but option buttons are mutually exclusive. Use the property to get or set the state of a . The option button's appearance can be altered to appear as a toggle-style button or as a standard option button by setting the property. Enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired with other controls. Constructor The default view of the has its text aligned to the right of the button and the property is set to true. Initializes a new instance of the class. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.ComponentModel.Localizable(true) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(System.Windows.Forms.Appearance.Normal) System.Windows.Forms.Appearance To be added. If the value is set to , then the control is drawn with a circular check box. If the value is set to , then the is drawn as a control that can be toggled to an up or down state. Either type can display text, an image, or both. Gets or sets a value determining the appearance of the . 1.0.5000.0 Event System.EventHandler For more information about handling events, see Consuming Events. Occurs when the property value changes. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(true) System.Boolean To be added. If the value is set to false, the portion of the control must be checked in code in the event handler. In addition, if the is part of a control group, this property ensures that only one of the controls is checked at a given time. If the property is set to false, a group of controls will not act as a mutually exclusive group and the property must be updated in code. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value and the appearance of the control automatically change when the control is clicked. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft) System.ComponentModel.Localizable(true) System.Drawing.ContentAlignment To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the location of the check box portion of the . 1.0.5000.0 Property System.ComponentModel.Bindable(true, System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection.OneWay) System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindable(true) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(false) System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is checked. 1.0.5000.0 Event System.EventHandler For more information about handling events, see Consuming Events. Occurs when the value of the property changes. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject If you do not explicitly call the method, it will be called when the property is referenced. To get or set the property, you must add a reference to the assembly installed with the .NET Framework. Creates a new accessibility object for the control. A new for the control. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.Windows.Forms.CreateParams To be added. To be added. Gets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.Drawing.Size To be added. To be added. Gets the default size of the control. 1.0.5000.0 Event System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never) System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false) System.EventHandler By default, the style bit is set to false for the control, and the event is not raised. Occurs when the user double-clicks the control. 1.0.5000.0 Event System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never) System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false) System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler By default, the style bit is set to false for the control, and the event is not raised. Occurs when the user double-clicks the control with the mouse. Method System.Void Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Void If the property is set to true, the property is set to true when the control is clicked. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Void If the user enters the control by using the arrow keys, the will raise the event. Raises the event. An that contains the event data. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Void To be added. Overrides the method. An that contains the event data. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Void Raising an event invokes the event handler through a delegate. For more information, see Raising an Event. The method also allows derived classes to handle the event without attaching a delegate. This is the preferred technique for handling the event in a derived class. Raises the event. A that contains the event data. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Void To be added. Generates a event for the control, simulating a click by a user. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Boolean To be added. Overrides the method. true if the character was successfully processed; otherwise, false. The character to process. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(false) System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key. 1.0.5000.0 Property System.ComponentModel.Localizable(true) System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft) System.Drawing.ContentAlignment To be added. To be added. Gets or sets the alignment of the text on the control. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.String To be added. Overrides the method. A string representation of the that indicates whether it is checked. 1.0.5000.0