System.Windows.Forms System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs The event of the class is raised before a ToolTip is displayed. The handler for this event receives a parameter of type . This parameter provides information about the ToolTip and enables you to modify the size of the ToolTip through the property. Because derives from , the handler can also stop the ToolTip from being displayed. Provides data for the event. Constructor The parameters to the constructor are used to initialize the corresponding, similarly named properties. The parameter can be null if the owning window is not of type . Initializes an instance of the class. The that the ToolTip is bound to. The that the ToolTip is being created for. true to indicate that the associated ToolTip window has a balloon-style appearance; otherwise, false to indicate that the ToolTip window has a standard rectangular appearance. The of the ToolTip. Property System.Windows.Forms.Control To be added. Because you can associate the with multiple controls through the method, you can use the property to determine which control the event is associated with. This is helpful if you want to perform different ToolTip customization based on the associated control. Gets the control for which the is being drawn. Property System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window To be added. When a window is owned by another window, the owned window is minimized and closed with the owner window. Owned windows are also never displayed behind their owner form. In this case, the ToolTip is owned by the native Win32 window, represented by the property. Gets the window to which this is bound. Property System.Boolean To be added. The type of window used for the ToolTip is specified in the method of the class. Gets a value indicating whether the ToolTip is displayed as a standard rectangular or a balloon window. Property System.Drawing.Size To be added. The property enables the event handler to change the size of the ToolTip window. is often used in conjunction with the members of the class to customize the appearance of ToolTips. Gets or sets the size of the ToolTip.