System.Windows.Forms 1.0.5000.0 System.Enum Use the members of this enumeration to set the value of the property of the control. Specifies the user action that is required to activate items in a list view control and the feedback that is given as the user moves the mouse pointer over an item. Field System.Windows.Forms.ItemActivation The user must single-click to activate items. The cursor changes to a hand pointer cursor, and the item text changes color as the user moves the mouse pointer over the item. 1.0.5000.0 Field System.Windows.Forms.ItemActivation The user must double-click to activate items. No feedback is given as the user moves the mouse pointer over an item. 1.0.5000.0 Field System.Windows.Forms.ItemActivation The user must click an item twice to activate it. This is different from the standard double-click because the two clicks can have any duration between them. The item text changes color as the user moves the mouse pointer over the item. 1.0.5000.0