System.Windows.Forms System.Object System.Collections.ICollection To be added. Defines a collection of objects. Property System.Int32 To be added. To be added. Gets the number of elements in the collection. Method System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementCollection While the property of an must be unique, multiple elements can use the same property. Gets a collection of elements by their name. An containing the elements whose property match . The name or ID of the element. Method System.Collections.IEnumerator To be added. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An that can be used to iterate through the collection. Property System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method System.Void To be added. Copies the elements of the collection to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from collection. The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Property System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets a value indicating whether access to the is synchronized (thread safe). Property System.Object To be added. To be added. Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection.