// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // EventAttributes are an enum defining the attributes associated with // // [....] // and Event. These are defined in CorHdr.h and are a combination of // bits and enums. // // namespace System.Reflection { using System; [Serializable] [Flags] [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] public enum EventAttributes { None = 0x0000, // This Enum matchs the CorEventAttr defined in CorHdr.h SpecialName = 0x0200, // event is special. Name describes how. // Reserved flags for Runtime use only. ReservedMask = 0x0400, RTSpecialName = 0x0400, // Runtime(metadata internal APIs) should check name encoding. } }