using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter; using Mono.Options; namespace Mono.MdbRebase { class Settings { public string OutputDirectory { get; set; } public string InputPattern { get; set; } public string OutputPattern { get; set; } public bool InputPatternIsRegex { get; set; } public bool FileNamesOnly { get; set; } public bool Verbose { get; set; } public bool Quiet { get; set; } Regex inputPatternRegex; public bool Validate () { return InputPattern != null && OutputPattern != null; } public string Replace (string input) { if (InputPatternIsRegex) { if (inputPatternRegex == null) inputPatternRegex = new Regex (InputPattern); return inputPatternRegex.Replace (input, OutputPattern); } else { if (input.StartsWith (InputPattern)) return OutputPattern + input.Substring (InputPattern.Length); } return input; } } class MdbRebase { Settings settings; public MdbRebase (Settings settings) { this.settings = settings; } public void RewriteMdbFile (string inputFile) { if (!settings.Quiet) Console.WriteLine ("Processing {0}", inputFile); var input = MonoSymbolFile.ReadSymbolFile (inputFile); var output = new MonoSymbolFile (); foreach (var s in input.Sources) { var newFileName = settings.FileNamesOnly ? Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (s.FileName), settings.Replace (Path.GetFileName (s.FileName))) : settings.Replace (s.FileName); if (settings.Verbose) Console.WriteLine ("{0} -> {1}", s.FileName, newFileName); s.FileName = newFileName; output.AddSource (s); } foreach (var cu in input.CompileUnits) { cu.ReadAll (); output.AddCompileUnit (cu); } foreach (var m in input.Methods) { m.ReadAll (); output.AddMethod (m); } var mdbName = new FileInfo (inputFile).Name; var tmpMdb = Path.GetTempFileName (); var finalMdb = inputFile; if (settings.OutputDirectory != null) finalMdb = Path.Combine (settings.OutputDirectory, mdbName); using (var stream = new FileStream (tmpMdb, FileMode.Create)) { output.CreateSymbolFile (input.Guid, stream); } input.Dispose (); File.Delete (finalMdb); File.Move (tmpMdb, finalMdb); } } class Driver { static void Usage (OptionSet options) { Console.WriteLine (@"Usage: mdbrebase [options] <ASSEMBLY_TO_FIX>"); if (options != null) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Available options:"); options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out); } Console.WriteLine (); Environment.Exit (-1); } static int Main (string[] args) { var s = new Settings (); bool showHelp = false; var p = new OptionSet () { { "d=|output=", "Output directory to the mdb file, replace existing one if ommited", v => s.OutputDirectory = v }, { "v|verbose", "Be verbose with output (show individual path rewrites)", v => s.Verbose = true }, { "f|filenames", "Only operate on file names, not full absolute paths", v => s.FileNamesOnly = true }, { "r|regex", "Input pattern is a regular expression", v => s.InputPatternIsRegex = true }, { "i=|input-pattern=", "Input pattern to replace (must not be a prefix to output-pattern)(required)", v => s.InputPattern = v }, { "o=|output-pattern=", "Output pattern to replace (required)", v => s.OutputPattern = v }, { "q|quiet", "Be quiet with output (not show anything but errors)", v => s.Quiet = true }, { "h|?|help", v => showHelp = true }, }; List <string> extra = p.Parse (args); if (showHelp || extra.Count < 1 || !s.Validate ()) Usage (p); var m = new MdbRebase (s); foreach (var a in extra) m.RewriteMdbFile (a); return 0; } } }