//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Globalization; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.Design; using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Adapters; using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Converters; using System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Util; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls; using System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters; using WebCtrlStyle = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style; using DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult; [ System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode) ] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] internal abstract class MobileTemplatedControlDesigner : TemplatedControlDesigner, IMobileDesigner, IDeviceSpecificDesigner { #if TRACE internal static BooleanSwitch TemplateableControlDesignerSwitch = new BooleanSwitch("MobileTemplatedControlDesigner", "Enable TemplateableControl designer general purpose traces."); #endif private System.Windows.Forms.Control _header; private MobileControl _mobileControl; private System.Web.UI.Control _control; private DesignerVerbCollection _designerVerbs = null; private DeviceSpecificChoice _currentChoice = null; private bool _containmentStatusDirty = true; private ContainmentStatus _containmentStatus; private IDesignerHost _host; private IWebFormsDocumentService _iWebFormsDocumentService; private IMobileWebFormServices _iMobileWebFormServices; private const String _htmlString = "html"; private TemplateEditingVerb[] _templateVerbs; private bool _templateVerbsDirty = true; private const int _templateWidth = 275; private static readonly String _noChoiceText = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_NoChoice); private static readonly String _defaultChoiceText = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_DefaultChoice); private static readonly String _nonHtmlSchemaErrorMessage = SR.GetString(SR.MobileControl_NonHtmlSchemaErrorMessage); private static readonly String _illFormedWarning = SR.GetString(SR.TemplateFrame_IllFormedWarning); private const String _illFormedHtml = "
"; internal const String DefaultTemplateDeviceFilter = "__TemplateDeviceFilter__"; private const String _templateDeviceFilterPropertyName = "TemplateDeviceFilter"; private const String _appliedDeviceFiltersPropertyName = "AppliedDeviceFilters"; private const String _propertyOverridesPropertyName = "PropertyOverrides"; private const String _expressionsPropertyName = "Expressions"; private const String _defaultDeviceSpecificIdentifier = "unique"; // used by DesignerAdapterUtil.GetMaxWidthToFit // and needs to be exposed in object model because // custom controls may need to access the value just like // DesignerAdapterUtil.GetMaxWidthToFit does. public virtual int TemplateWidth { get { return _templateWidth; } } public override bool AllowResize { get { // Non mobilecontrols (ie. DeviceSpecific) does not render templates, no need to resize. // When templates are not defined, we render a read-only fixed // size block. Once templates are defined or are being edited // the control should allow resizing. return InTemplateMode || (_mobileControl != null && _mobileControl.IsTemplated); } } private bool AllowTemplateEditing { get { return (CurrentChoice != null && IsHTMLSchema(CurrentChoice) && !ErrorMode); } } [ DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), Editor(typeof(AppliedDeviceFiltersTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), MobileCategory("Category_DeviceSpecific"), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_AppliedDeviceFiltersDescription), ParenthesizePropertyName(true), ] protected String AppliedDeviceFilters { get { return String.Empty; } } protected ContainmentStatus ContainmentStatus { get { if (!_containmentStatusDirty) { return _containmentStatus; } _containmentStatus = DesignerAdapterUtil.GetContainmentStatus(_control); _containmentStatusDirty = false; return _containmentStatus; } } public DeviceSpecificChoice CurrentChoice { get { return _currentChoice; } set { if (_currentChoice != value) { SetTemplateVerbsDirty(); _currentChoice = value; OnCurrentChoiceChange(); } } } public virtual DeviceSpecific CurrentDeviceSpecific { get { if (null == _mobileControl) { return null; } return _mobileControl.DeviceSpecific; } } internal Object DesignTimeElementInternal { get { return typeof(HtmlControlDesigner).InvokeMember("DesignTimeElement", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, this, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } public override bool DesignTimeHtmlRequiresLoadComplete { get { return true; } } // // Return true only when GetErrorMessage returns non-null string and // it is not info mode (warning only). protected virtual bool ErrorMode { get { bool infoMode; return (GetErrorMessage(out infoMode) != null && !infoMode); } } protected IDesignerHost Host { get { if (_host != null) { return _host; } _host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)); Debug.Assert(_host != null); return _host; } } protected IMobileWebFormServices IMobileWebFormServices { get { if (_iMobileWebFormServices == null) { _iMobileWebFormServices = (IMobileWebFormServices)GetService(typeof(IMobileWebFormServices)); } return _iMobileWebFormServices; } } private IWebFormsDocumentService IWebFormsDocumentService { get { if (_iWebFormsDocumentService == null) { _iWebFormsDocumentService = (IWebFormsDocumentService)GetService(typeof(IWebFormsDocumentService)); Debug.Assert(_iWebFormsDocumentService != null); } return _iWebFormsDocumentService; } } /// /// Indicates whether the initial page load is completed /// protected bool LoadComplete { get { return !IWebFormsDocumentService.IsLoading; } } [ DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), Editor(typeof(PropertyOverridesTypeEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(false), MobileCategory("Category_DeviceSpecific"), MobileSysDescription(SR.MobileControl_DeviceSpecificPropsDescription), ParenthesizePropertyName(true), ] protected String PropertyOverrides { get { return String.Empty; } } [ DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden), MobileSysDescription(SR.TemplateableDesigner_TemplateChoiceDescription), TypeConverter(typeof(ChoiceConverter)), ] public String TemplateDeviceFilter { get { if (null == CurrentChoice) { return _noChoiceText; } if (CurrentChoice.Filter.Length == 0) { return _defaultChoiceText; } else { return DesignerUtility.ChoiceToUniqueIdentifier(CurrentChoice); } } set { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_NoChoice))) { CurrentChoice = null; return; } if (null == CurrentDeviceSpecific) { return; } Debug.Assert(CurrentDeviceSpecific.Choices != null); foreach (DeviceSpecificChoice choice in CurrentDeviceSpecific.Choices) { if (DesignerUtility.ChoiceToUniqueIdentifier(choice).Equals(value) || (choice.Filter.Length == 0 && value.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_DefaultChoice)))) { CurrentChoice = choice; return; } } CurrentChoice = null; } } private bool ValidContainment { get { return (ContainmentStatus == ContainmentStatus.InForm || ContainmentStatus == ContainmentStatus.InPanel || ContainmentStatus == ContainmentStatus.InTemplateFrame); } } public override DesignerVerbCollection Verbs { get { if (_designerVerbs == null) { _designerVerbs = new DesignerVerbCollection(); _designerVerbs.Add(new DesignerVerb( SR.GetString(SR.TemplateableDesigner_SetTemplatesFilterVerb), new EventHandler(this.OnSetTemplatesFilterVerb))); } _designerVerbs[0].Enabled = !this.InTemplateMode; return _designerVerbs; } } protected WebCtrlStyle WebCtrlStyle { get { WebCtrlStyle style = new WebCtrlStyle(); if (_mobileControl != null) { _mobileControl.Style.ApplyTo(style); } else { Debug.Assert(_control is DeviceSpecific); if (_control.Parent is Panel) { ((Panel)_control.Parent).Style.ApplyTo(style); } } return style; } } [ Conditional("DEBUG") ] private void CheckTemplateName(String templateName) { Debug.Assert ( templateName == Constants.HeaderTemplateTag || templateName == Constants.FooterTemplateTag || templateName == Constants.ItemTemplateTag || templateName == Constants.AlternatingItemTemplateTag || templateName == Constants.SeparatorTemplateTag || templateName == Constants.ItemDetailsTemplateTag || templateName == Constants.ContentTemplateTag); } protected override ITemplateEditingFrame CreateTemplateEditingFrame(TemplateEditingVerb verb) { ITemplateEditingService teService = (ITemplateEditingService)GetService(typeof(ITemplateEditingService)); Debug.Assert(teService != null, "How did we get this far without an ITemplateEditingService"); String[] templateNames = GetTemplateFrameNames(verb.Index); ITemplateEditingFrame editingFrame = teService.CreateFrame( this, TemplateDeviceFilter, templateNames, WebCtrlStyle, null /* we don't have template styles */); editingFrame.InitialWidth = _templateWidth; return editingFrame; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { DisposeTemplateVerbs(); if (IMobileWebFormServices != null) { // If the page is in loading mode, it means the remove is trigged by webformdesigner. if (IWebFormsDocumentService.IsLoading) { IMobileWebFormServices.SetCache(_control.ID, (Object) DefaultTemplateDeviceFilter, (Object) this.TemplateDeviceFilter); } else { // setting to null will remove the entry. IMobileWebFormServices.SetCache(_control.ID, (Object) DefaultTemplateDeviceFilter, null); } } } base.Dispose(disposing); } public override void OnComponentChanged(Object sender, ComponentChangedEventArgs ce) { base.OnComponentChanged(sender, ce); MemberDescriptor member = ce.Member; if (member != null && member.GetType().FullName.Equals(Constants.ReflectPropertyDescriptorTypeFullName)) { PropertyDescriptor propDesc = (PropertyDescriptor)member; switch (propDesc.Name) { case "ID": { // Update the dictionary of device filters stored in the page designer // setting to null will remove the entry. IMobileWebFormServices.SetCache(ce.OldValue.ToString(), (Object) DefaultTemplateDeviceFilter, null); break; } case "BackColor": case "ForeColor": case "Font": case "StyleReference": { SetTemplateVerbsDirty(); break; } } } } private void DisposeTemplateVerbs() { if (_templateVerbs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _templateVerbs.Length; i++) { _templateVerbs[i].Dispose(); } _templateVerbs = null; _templateVerbsDirty = true; } } protected override TemplateEditingVerb[] GetCachedTemplateEditingVerbs() { if (ErrorMode) { return null; } // dispose template verbs during template editing would cause exiting from editing mode // without saving. if (_templateVerbsDirty == true && !InTemplateMode) { DisposeTemplateVerbs(); _templateVerbs = GetTemplateVerbs(); _templateVerbsDirty = false; } foreach(TemplateEditingVerb verb in _templateVerbs) { verb.Enabled = AllowTemplateEditing; } return _templateVerbs; } // Gets the HTML to be used for the design time representation of the control runtime. public sealed override String GetDesignTimeHtml() { if (!LoadComplete) { return null; } bool infoMode; String errorMessage = GetErrorMessage(out infoMode); SetStyleAttributes(); if (null != errorMessage) { return GetDesignTimeErrorHtml(errorMessage, infoMode); } String designTimeHTML = null; // This is to avoiding cascading error rendering. try { designTimeHTML = GetDesignTimeNormalHtml(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToString()); designTimeHTML = GetDesignTimeErrorHtml(ex.Message, false); } return designTimeHTML; } protected virtual String GetDesignTimeErrorHtml(String errorMessage, bool infoMode) { return DesignerAdapterUtil.GetDesignTimeErrorHtml( errorMessage, infoMode, _control, Behavior, ContainmentStatus); } protected virtual String GetDesignTimeNormalHtml() { return GetEmptyDesignTimeHtml(); } // We sealed this method because it will never be called // by our designers under current structure. protected override sealed String GetErrorDesignTimeHtml(Exception e) { return base.GetErrorDesignTimeHtml(e); } protected virtual String GetErrorMessage(out bool infoMode) { infoMode = false; if (!DesignerAdapterUtil.InMobileUserControl(_control)) { if (DesignerAdapterUtil.InUserControl(_control)) { infoMode = true; return MobileControlDesigner._userControlWarningMessage; } if (!DesignerAdapterUtil.InMobilePage(_control)) { return MobileControlDesigner._mobilePageErrorMessage; } if (!ValidContainment) { return MobileControlDesigner._formPanelContainmentErrorMessage; } } if (CurrentChoice != null && !IsHTMLSchema(CurrentChoice)) { infoMode = true; return _nonHtmlSchemaErrorMessage; } // Containment is valid, return null; return null; } /// /// /// Gets the HTML to be persisted for the content present within the associated server control runtime. /// /// /// /// /// Persistable Inner HTML. /// /// public override String GetPersistInnerHtml() { String persist = null; if (InTemplateMode) { SaveActiveTemplateEditingFrame(); } if (IsDirty) { persist = MobileControlPersister.PersistInnerProperties(Component, Host); } if (InTemplateMode) { IsDirty = true; } return persist; } public override String GetTemplateContent( ITemplateEditingFrame editingFrame, String templateName, out bool allowEditing) { Debug.Assert(AllowTemplateEditing); #if DEBUG CheckTemplateName(templateName); #endif allowEditing = true; ITemplate template = null; String templateContent = String.Empty; // Here we trust the TemplateVerbs to give valid template names template = (ITemplate)CurrentChoice.Templates[templateName]; if (template != null) { templateContent = GetTextFromTemplate(template); if (!IsCompleteHtml(templateContent)) { allowEditing = false; templateContent = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, _illFormedHtml, _illFormedWarning); } } return templateContent; } protected abstract String[] GetTemplateFrameNames(int index); protected abstract TemplateEditingVerb[] GetTemplateVerbs(); /// /// /// Initializes the designer. /// /// /// /// The control element being designed. /// /// /// /// This is called by the designer host to establish the component being /// designed. /// /// /// public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { Debug.Assert(component is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileControl || component is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.DeviceSpecific, "MobileTemplatedControlDesigner.Initialize - Invalid (Mobile) Control"); base.Initialize(component); if (component is System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileControl) { _mobileControl = (System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileControl) component; } // else the component is a DeviceSpecific control _control = (System.Web.UI.Control) component; if (IMobileWebFormServices != null) { this.TemplateDeviceFilter = (String) IMobileWebFormServices.GetCache(_control.ID, (Object)DefaultTemplateDeviceFilter); } } private bool IsCompleteHtml(String templateContent) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(templateContent)) { return SimpleParser.IsWellFormed(templateContent); } // if template is empty, it's always editable. return true; } protected bool IsHTMLSchema(DeviceSpecificChoice choice) { Debug.Assert(choice != null); return choice.Xmlns != null && choice.Xmlns.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).IndexOf(_htmlString, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1; } // Notification that is called when current choice is changed, it is currently // used to notify StyleSheet that template device filter is changed. protected virtual void OnCurrentChoiceChange() { } /// /// /// Notification that is called when internal changes have been made. /// /// protected virtual void OnInternalChange() { ISite site = _control.Site; if (site != null) { IComponentChangeService changeService = (IComponentChangeService)site.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); if (changeService != null) { try { changeService.OnComponentChanging(_control, null); } catch (CheckoutException ex) { if (ex == CheckoutException.Canceled) { return; } throw; } changeService.OnComponentChanged(_control, null, null, null); } } } /// /// /// Notification that is called when the associated control is parented. /// /// public override void OnSetParent() { base.OnSetParent(); // Template verbs may need to be refreshed SetTemplateVerbsDirty(); // this needs to be set before OnLoadComplete; _containmentStatusDirty = true; if (LoadComplete) { UpdateRendering(); } } private void OnSetTemplatesFilterVerb(Object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowTemplatingOptionsDialog(); } protected override void OnTemplateModeChanged() { base.OnTemplateModeChanged(); if (InTemplateMode) { // Set xmlns in view linked document to show HTML intrinsic // controls in property grid with same schema used by // Intellisense for current choice tag in HTML view. // This code won't work in Venus now since there are no viewlinks and // they don't support this kind of schema. /* NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlElement = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement) ((IHtmlControlDesignerBehavior) Behavior).DesignTimeElementView; Debug.Assert(htmlElement != null, "Invalid HTML element in MobileTemplateControlDesigner.OnTemplateModeChanged"); NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2 htmlDocument2 = (NativeMethods.IHTMLDocument2) htmlElement.GetDocument(); Debug.Assert(htmlDocument2 != null, "Invalid HTML Document2 in MobileTemplateControlDesigner.OnTemplateModeChanged"); NativeMethods.IHTMLElement htmlBody = (NativeMethods.IHTMLElement) htmlDocument2.GetBody(); Debug.Assert(htmlBody != null, "Invalid HTML Body in MobileTemplateControlDesigner.OnTemplateModeChanged"); htmlBody.SetAttribute("xmlns", (Object) CurrentChoice.Xmlns, 0); */ } } protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties) { base.PreFilterProperties(properties); // DesignTime Property only, we will use this to select choices. properties[_templateDeviceFilterPropertyName] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(this.GetType(), _templateDeviceFilterPropertyName, typeof(String), new DefaultValueAttribute(SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_NoChoice)), MobileCategoryAttribute.Design, InTemplateMode ? BrowsableAttribute.No : BrowsableAttribute.Yes ); // design time only entry used to display dialog box used to create choices. properties[_appliedDeviceFiltersPropertyName] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(this.GetType(), _appliedDeviceFiltersPropertyName, typeof(String), InTemplateMode? BrowsableAttribute.No : BrowsableAttribute.Yes ); // design time only entry used to display dialog box to create choices. properties[_propertyOverridesPropertyName] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(this.GetType(), _propertyOverridesPropertyName, typeof(String), InTemplateMode? BrowsableAttribute.No : BrowsableAttribute.Yes ); PropertyDescriptor property = (PropertyDescriptor) properties[_expressionsPropertyName]; if (property != null) { properties[_expressionsPropertyName] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(this.GetType(), property, BrowsableAttribute.No); } } protected virtual void SetStyleAttributes() { Debug.Assert(Behavior != null); DesignerAdapterUtil.SetStandardStyleAttributes(Behavior, ContainmentStatus); } public override void SetTemplateContent( ITemplateEditingFrame editingFrame, String templateName, String templateContent) { Debug.Assert(AllowTemplateEditing); // Debug build only checking CheckTemplateName(templateName); ITemplate template = null; if ((templateContent != null) && (templateContent.Length != 0)) { template = GetTemplateFromText(templateContent); } else { CurrentChoice.Templates.Remove(templateName); return; } // Here we trust the TemplateVerbs to give valid template names CurrentChoice.Templates[templateName] = template; } protected internal void SetTemplateVerbsDirty() { _templateVerbsDirty = true; } protected virtual void ShowTemplatingOptionsDialog() { IComponentChangeService changeService = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); if (changeService != null) { try { changeService.OnComponentChanging(_control, null); } catch (CheckoutException ex) { if (ex == CheckoutException.Canceled) { return; } throw; } } try { TemplatingOptionsDialog dialog = new TemplatingOptionsDialog( this, _control.Site, MobileControlDesigner.MergingContextTemplates); dialog.ShowDialog(); } finally { if (changeService != null) { changeService.OnComponentChanged(_control, null, null, null); if (IMobileWebFormServices != null) { IMobileWebFormServices.ClearUndoStack(); } } } } public void UpdateRendering() { if (!(null == _mobileControl || _mobileControl is StyleSheet)) { _mobileControl.RefreshStyle(); } // template editing frame need to be recreated because the style // (WebCtrlStyle) to use may have to change SetTemplateVerbsDirty(); if (!InTemplateMode) { UpdateDesignTimeHtml(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Begin IDeviceSpecificDesigner Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void IDeviceSpecificDesigner.SetDeviceSpecificEditor (IRefreshableDeviceSpecificEditor editor) { } String IDeviceSpecificDesigner.CurrentDeviceSpecificID { get { return _defaultDeviceSpecificIdentifier; } } System.Windows.Forms.Control IDeviceSpecificDesigner.Header { get { return _header; } } System.Web.UI.Control IDeviceSpecificDesigner.UnderlyingControl { get { return _control; } } Object IDeviceSpecificDesigner.UnderlyingObject { get { return _control; } } void IDeviceSpecificDesigner.InitHeader(int mergingContext) { HeaderPanel panel = new HeaderPanel(); HeaderLabel lblDescription = new HeaderLabel(); lblDescription.TabIndex = 0; lblDescription.Height = 24; lblDescription.Width = 204; panel.Height = 28; panel.Width = 204; panel.Controls.Add(lblDescription); switch (mergingContext) { case MobileControlDesigner.MergingContextTemplates: { lblDescription.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TemplateableDesigner_SettingTemplatingChoiceDescription); break; } default: { lblDescription.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TemplateableDesigner_SettingGenericChoiceDescription); break; } } _header = panel; } void IDeviceSpecificDesigner.RefreshHeader(int mergingContext) { } bool IDeviceSpecificDesigner.GetDeviceSpecific(String deviceSpecificParentID, out DeviceSpecific ds) { Debug.Assert(_defaultDeviceSpecificIdentifier == deviceSpecificParentID); ds = CurrentDeviceSpecific; return true; } void IDeviceSpecificDesigner.SetDeviceSpecific(String deviceSpecificParentID, DeviceSpecific ds) { Debug.Assert(_defaultDeviceSpecificIdentifier == deviceSpecificParentID); if (_mobileControl != null) { if (null != ds) { ds.SetOwner(_mobileControl); } _mobileControl.DeviceSpecific = ds; } else if (_control != null && ds == null) { Debug.Assert(_control is DeviceSpecific); // Clear the choices if it is a DeviceSpecific control. ((DeviceSpecific)_control).Choices.Clear(); } if (null != CurrentChoice) { if (null == ds) { CurrentChoice = null; } else { // This makes sure that the CurrentChoice value is set to null if // it was deleted during the deviceSpecific object editing if (CurrentChoice.Filter.Length == 0) { TemplateDeviceFilter = SR.GetString(SR.DeviceFilter_DefaultChoice); } else { TemplateDeviceFilter = DesignerUtility.ChoiceToUniqueIdentifier(CurrentChoice); } } } } void IDeviceSpecificDesigner.UseCurrentDeviceSpecificID() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End IDeviceSpecificDesigner Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Hack : Internal class used to provide TemplateContainerAttribute for Templates. [ System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Flags=System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode) ] [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] internal class TemplateContainer { [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate HeaderTemplate { get {return null;} } [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate FooterTemplate { get {return null;} } [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate ItemTemplate { get {return null;} } [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate AlternatingItemTemplate { get {return null;} } [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate SeparatorTemplate { get {return null;} } [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate ContentTemplate { get {return null;} } [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate LabelTemplate { get {return null;} } [ TemplateContainer(typeof(MobileListItem)) ] internal ITemplate ItemDetailsTemplate { get {return null;} } } } }