// <copyright file="ControlsConfig.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>                                                                

using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace System.Web.UI.MobileControls
    // Mobile Controls Configuration class.
    // Includes Mobile Web Forms-specific settings, including a set
    // of device configurations, that can be used to decide what set of
    // adapters to use for a given device.

    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")]
    internal class ControlsConfig
        private readonly ControlsConfig _parent;

        private readonly StringDictionary _settings = new StringDictionary();
        private readonly ListDictionary _deviceConfigs = new ListDictionary();

        [ConfigurationPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted=true)]
        internal static ControlsConfig GetFromContext(HttpContext context)
            // VSWhidbey 372365: Use MobileControlsSection if it is being returned
            Object config = context.GetSection("system.web/mobileControls");
            MobileControlsSection controlSection = config as MobileControlsSection;
            if (controlSection != null)
                return controlSection.GetControlsConfig();
            return (ControlsConfig)config;

        internal ControlsConfig(ControlsConfig parent)
            _parent = parent;

        // Return false if a device of the same name has already been added.
        internal /*public*/ bool AddDeviceConfig(String configName, IndividualDeviceConfig deviceConfig)
            // Note that GetDeviceConfig also walks the parents configs
            if (GetDeviceConfig(configName) != null)
                return false;
                _deviceConfigs[configName] = deviceConfig;
                return true;

        internal /*public*/ IndividualDeviceConfig GetDeviceConfig(HttpContext context)
            IndividualDeviceConfig deviceConfig = null;

            #if DEBUG
            if (context.Session != null)
                String var = "AdapterOverride";
                bool saveInSession = true;
                String adapterOverride = (String)context.Session[var];
                if (adapterOverride == null)
                    saveInSession = false;
                    adapterOverride = (String)context.Request.QueryString[var];
                if (adapterOverride != null && 
                    (deviceConfig = GetDeviceConfig(adapterOverride)) != null)
                    if (saveInSession)
                        context.Session[var] = adapterOverride;
                    return deviceConfig;

            foreach (IndividualDeviceConfig candidate in _deviceConfigs.Values) 
                if (candidate.DeviceQualifies(context))
                    deviceConfig = candidate;

            if (deviceConfig == null && _parent != null)
                deviceConfig = _parent.GetDeviceConfig (context);

            if (deviceConfig == null)
                throw new Exception(

            return deviceConfig;

        internal /*public*/ IndividualDeviceConfig GetDeviceConfig(String configName)
            IndividualDeviceConfig deviceConfig = (IndividualDeviceConfig)_deviceConfigs[configName];
            if (deviceConfig == null && _parent != null)
                deviceConfig = _parent.GetDeviceConfig (configName);
            return deviceConfig;

        // Call this after all the device configs have been entered.  This will
        // resolve the names of the parent classes to inherit from actual
        // classes, and flag an error if there isn't one.  This is done as a
        // second-pass because devices earlier in web.config may inherit from
        // items later in the web.config.  That flexibility is required to get
        // the right behavior for device predicates being evaluated in the order
        // they appear.
        internal void FixupDeviceConfigInheritance(XmlNode configNode)
            foreach (IndividualDeviceConfig config in _deviceConfigs.Values)
                config.FixupInheritance(null, configNode);

        internal /*public*/ String this[String key]
                String s = _settings[key];
                if (s == null && _parent != null)
                    s = _parent[key];
                return s;

                _settings[key] = value;

        internal /*public*/ int SessionStateHistorySize
                String sizeString = this["sessionStateHistorySize"];
                int size = Constants.DefaultSessionsStateHistorySize;
                if (sizeString != null)
                    // Enclose in case a numerical value wasn't provided.  In
                    // which case just return the default.
                        size = Int32.Parse(sizeString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                return size;

        internal /*public*/ Type CookielessDataDictionaryType
                Type cookielessDataType = null;
                String typeString = this["cookielessDataDictionaryType"];
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeString)) {
                    cookielessDataType = Type.GetType(typeString);
                return cookielessDataType;

        internal /*public*/ bool AllowCustomAttributes
                String allow = this["allowCustomAttributes"];
                return String.Compare(allow, "true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0;