//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.Web.Mobile { using System.Xml; using System.Configuration; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=157231.")] internal class ConfigurationSectionHelper { private XmlNode _currentNode = null; internal ConfigurationSectionHelper() { } internal /*public*/ XmlNode Node { get { return _currentNode; } set { _currentNode = value; } } private XmlNode GetAndRemoveAttribute(String attributeName, bool required) { XmlNode attibuteNode = _currentNode.Attributes.RemoveNamedItem(attributeName); if (required && attibuteNode == null) { String msg = SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_MissingAttr, attributeName); throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(msg, _currentNode); } return attibuteNode; } internal /*public*/ String RemoveStringAttribute(String attributeName, bool required) { Debug.Assert(null != _currentNode); XmlNode attributeNode = GetAndRemoveAttribute(attributeName, required); if(attributeNode != null) { if(required && (attributeNode.Value != null && attributeNode.Value.Length == 0)) { String msg = SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_MissingValue, attributeName); throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(msg, _currentNode); } return attributeNode.Value; } else { return null; } } #if UNUSED_CODE internal /*public*/ bool RemoveBoolAttribute(String attributeName, bool required, bool defaultValue) { Debug.Assert(null != _currentNode); XmlNode attributeNode = GetAndRemoveAttribute(attributeName, required); if(attributeNode != null) { try { return bool.Parse(attributeNode.Value); } catch { String msg = SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_InvalidBooleanAttr, attributeName); throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(msg, _currentNode); } } else { return defaultValue; } } internal /*public*/ int RemoveIntAttribute(String attributeName, bool required, int defaultValue) { Debug.Assert(null != _currentNode); XmlNode attributeNode = GetAndRemoveAttribute(attributeName, required); if(attributeNode != null) { try { return int.Parse(attributeNode.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch { String msg = SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_InvalidIntegerAttr, attributeName); throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(msg, _currentNode); } } else { return defaultValue; } } #endif internal /*public*/ void CheckForUnrecognizedAttributes() { Debug.Assert(null != _currentNode); if(_currentNode.Attributes.Count != 0) { String msg = SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_UnknownAttr, _currentNode.Attributes[0].Name); throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(msg, _currentNode); } } internal /*public*/ bool IsWhitespaceOrComment() { Debug.Assert(null != _currentNode); return _currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment || _currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace; } internal /*public*/ void RejectNonElement() { Debug.Assert(null != _currentNode); if(_currentNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.ConfigSect_UnrecognizedXML), _currentNode); } } } }