// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System.Xml;
namespace System.IdentityModel.Tokens
/// Abstract class for SecurityKeyIdentifierClause Serializer.
public abstract class SecurityKeyIdentifierClauseSerializer
/// When implmented in the derived class will check the element where the reader is
/// positioned for a SecurityKeyIdentifierClause type.
/// XmlReader positioned at a SecurityKeyIdentifierClause element.
/// True if the SecurityKeyIdentifierClause can be deserialized.
public abstract bool CanReadKeyIdentifierClause( XmlReader reader );
/// When implemented in the derived class, the method checks if the given
/// SecurityKeyIdentifierClause can be serialized.
/// SecurityKeyIdentifierClause to be serialized.
/// True if the SecurityKeyIdentifierClause can be serialized.
public abstract bool CanWriteKeyIdentifierClause( SecurityKeyIdentifierClause securityKeyIdentifierClause );
/// When implemented in the dervice class will deserialize a SecurityKeyIdentifierClause
/// from the given XmlReader.
/// XmlReader positioned at a SecurityKeyIdentifierClause.
/// Deserialized SecurityKeyIdentifierClause
public abstract SecurityKeyIdentifierClause ReadKeyIdentifierClause( XmlReader reader );
/// When implemented in the derived class will serialize the given SecurityKeyIdentifierClause
/// to the XmlWriter.
/// XmlWriter to serialize the SecurityKeyIdenfierClause.
/// SecurityKeyIdentifierClause to be serialized.
public abstract void WriteKeyIdentifierClause( XmlWriter writer, SecurityKeyIdentifierClause securityKeyIdentifierClause );