// // System.Web.Security.RolePrincipal // // Authors: // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net) // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com> // // (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Util; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace System.Web.Security { [Serializable] [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] public class RolePrincipal : IPrincipal { IIdentity _identity; bool _listChanged; string[] _cachedArray; HybridDictionary _cachedRoles; readonly string _providerName; int _version = 1; string _cookiePath; DateTime _issueDate; DateTime _expireDate; public RolePrincipal (IIdentity identity) { if (identity == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("identity"); this._identity = identity; this._cookiePath = RoleManagerConfig.CookiePath; this._issueDate = DateTime.Now; this._expireDate = _issueDate.Add (RoleManagerConfig.CookieTimeout); } public RolePrincipal (IIdentity identity, string encryptedTicket) : this (identity) { DecryptTicket (encryptedTicket); } public RolePrincipal (string providerName, IIdentity identity) : this (identity) { if (providerName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("providerName"); this._providerName = providerName; } public RolePrincipal (string providerName, IIdentity identity, string encryptedTicket) : this (providerName, identity) { DecryptTicket (encryptedTicket); } public string [] GetRoles () { if (!_identity.IsAuthenticated) return new string[0]; if (!IsRoleListCached || Expired) { _cachedArray = Provider.GetRolesForUser (_identity.Name); _cachedRoles = new HybridDictionary (true); foreach (string r in _cachedArray) _cachedRoles.Add(r, r); _listChanged = true; } return _cachedArray; } public bool IsInRole (string role) { if (!_identity.IsAuthenticated) return false; GetRoles (); return _cachedRoles [role] != null; } public string ToEncryptedTicket () { string roles = string.Join (",", GetRoles ()); string cookiePath = RoleManagerConfig.CookiePath; int approxTicketLen = roles.Length + cookiePath.Length + 64; if (_cachedArray.Length > Roles.MaxCachedResults) return null; MemoryStream ticket = new MemoryStream (approxTicketLen); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter (ticket); // version writer.Write (Version); // issue datetime DateTime issueDate = DateTime.Now; writer.Write (issueDate.Ticks); // expiration datetime writer.Write (_expireDate.Ticks); writer.Write (cookiePath); writer.Write (roles); CookieProtection cookieProtection = RoleManagerConfig.CookieProtection; byte[] ticket_data = ticket.GetBuffer (); if (cookieProtection == CookieProtection.All) { ticket_data = MachineKeySectionUtils.EncryptSign (MachineConfig, ticket_data); } else if (cookieProtection == CookieProtection.Encryption) { ticket_data = MachineKeySectionUtils.Encrypt (MachineConfig, ticket_data); } else if (cookieProtection == CookieProtection.Validation) { ticket_data = MachineKeySectionUtils.Sign (MachineConfig, ticket_data); } return GetBase64FromBytes (ticket_data, 0, ticket_data.Length); } void DecryptTicket (string encryptedTicket) { if (encryptedTicket == null || encryptedTicket == String.Empty) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid encrypted ticket", "encryptedTicket"); byte [] ticketBytes = GetBytesFromBase64 (encryptedTicket); byte [] decryptedTicketBytes = null; CookieProtection cookieProtection = RoleManagerConfig.CookieProtection; if (cookieProtection == CookieProtection.All) { decryptedTicketBytes = MachineKeySectionUtils.VerifyDecrypt (MachineConfig, ticketBytes); } else if (cookieProtection == CookieProtection.Encryption) { decryptedTicketBytes = MachineKeySectionUtils.Decrypt (MachineConfig, ticketBytes); } else if (cookieProtection == CookieProtection.Validation) { decryptedTicketBytes = MachineKeySectionUtils.Verify (MachineConfig, ticketBytes); } if (decryptedTicketBytes == null) throw new HttpException ("ticket validation failed"); MemoryStream ticket = new MemoryStream (decryptedTicketBytes); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader (ticket); // version _version = reader.ReadInt32 (); // issued date _issueDate = new DateTime (reader.ReadInt64 ()); // expire date _expireDate = new DateTime (reader.ReadInt64 ()); // cookie path _cookiePath = reader.ReadString (); // roles string roles = reader.ReadString (); if (!Expired) { InitializeRoles (roles); //update ticket if less than half of CookieTimeout remaining. if (Roles.CookieSlidingExpiration){ if (_expireDate-DateTime.Now < TimeSpan.FromTicks (RoleManagerConfig.CookieTimeout.Ticks/2)) { _issueDate = DateTime.Now; _expireDate = DateTime.Now.Add (RoleManagerConfig.CookieTimeout); SetDirty (); } } } else { // issue a new ticket _issueDate = DateTime.Now; _expireDate = _issueDate.Add (RoleManagerConfig.CookieTimeout); } } void InitializeRoles (string decryptedRoles) { _cachedArray = decryptedRoles.Split (','); _cachedRoles = new HybridDictionary (true); foreach (string r in _cachedArray) _cachedRoles.Add (r, r); } public bool CachedListChanged { get { return _listChanged; } } public string CookiePath { get { return _cookiePath; } } public bool Expired { get { return ExpireDate < DateTime.Now; } } public DateTime ExpireDate { get { return _expireDate; } } public IIdentity Identity { get { return _identity; } } public bool IsRoleListCached { get { return (_cachedRoles != null) && RoleManagerConfig.CacheRolesInCookie; } } public DateTime IssueDate { get { return _issueDate; } } public string ProviderName { get { return String.IsNullOrEmpty(_providerName) ? Provider.Name : _providerName; } } public int Version { get { return _version; } } RoleProvider Provider { get { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (_providerName)) return Roles.Provider; return Roles.Providers [_providerName]; } } public void SetDirty () { _listChanged = true; _cachedRoles = null; _cachedArray = null; } static string GetBase64FromBytes (byte [] bytes, int offset, int len) { return Convert.ToBase64String (bytes, offset, len); } static byte [] GetBytesFromBase64 (string base64String) { return Convert.FromBase64String (base64String); } RoleManagerSection RoleManagerConfig { get { return (RoleManagerSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/roleManager"); } } MachineKeySection MachineConfig { get { return (MachineKeySection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/machineKey"); } } } }