// // BindingTestAssertions.cs // // Author: // Martin Baulig // // Copyright (c) 2012 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #if !MOBILE && !XAMMAC_4_5 using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Security; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using NUnit.Framework; using NUnit.Framework.Constraints; using QName = System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName; using WS = System.Web.Services.Description; namespace MonoTests.System.ServiceModel.MetadataTests { public static class BindingTestAssertions { const string WspNamespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy"; const string WsuNamespace = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"; const string MsbNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/06/2004/mspolicy/netbinary1"; const string WsawNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl"; const string MsfNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2006/05/framing/policy"; const string SpNamespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy"; const string WsrmNamespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm/policy"; const string HttpNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/06/2004/policy/http"; const string WsomaNamespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/policy/optimizedmimeserialization"; const string Wsa10Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"; static readonly QName BinaryEncodingQName = new QName ("BinaryEncoding", MsbNamespace); static readonly QName UsingAddressingQName = new QName ("UsingAddressing", WsawNamespace); static readonly QName StreamedTransferQName = new QName ("Streamed", MsfNamespace); static readonly QName ReliableSessionQName = new QName ("RMAssertion", WsrmNamespace); static readonly QName TransportBindingQName = new QName ("TransportBinding", SpNamespace); static readonly QName AsymmetricBindingQName = new QName ("AsymmetricBinding", SpNamespace); static readonly QName SymmetricBindingQName = new QName ("SymmetricBinding", SpNamespace); static readonly QName EndorsingSupportingQName = new QName ("EndorsingSupportingTokens", SpNamespace); static readonly QName SignedSupportingQName = new QName ("SignedSupportingTokens", SpNamespace); static readonly QName Wss10QName = new QName ("Wss10", SpNamespace); static readonly QName Wss11QName = new QName ("Wss11", SpNamespace); static readonly QName Trust10QName = new QName ("Trust10", SpNamespace); static readonly QName NtlmAuthenticationQName = new QName ("NtlmAuthentication", HttpNamespace); static readonly QName MtomEncodingQName = new QName ("OptimizedMimeSerialization", WsomaNamespace); public static void CheckImportErrors (WsdlImporter importer, TestLabel label) { bool foundErrors = false; foreach (var error in importer.Errors) { if (error.IsWarning) Console.WriteLine ("WARNING ({0}): {1}", label, error.Message); else { Console.WriteLine ("ERROR ({0}): {1}", label, error.Message); foundErrors = true; } } if (foundErrors) Assert.Fail ("Found import errors", label); } static void CheckSoapBinding (object extension, string transport, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("soap"); Assert.That (extension, Is.AssignableTo(), label.Get ()); var soap = (WS.SoapBinding)extension; Assert.That (soap.Style, Is.EqualTo (WS.SoapBindingStyle.Document), label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Transport, Is.EqualTo (transport), label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Required, Is.False, label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); } public static void CheckBasicHttpBinding ( Binding binding, string scheme, BasicHttpSecurityMode security, WSMessageEncoding encoding, HttpClientCredentialType clientCred, AuthenticationSchemes authScheme, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("http"); if (security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof(CustomBinding), binding, label.Get ()); } else { Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof(BasicHttpBinding), binding, label.Get ()); var basicHttp = (BasicHttpBinding)binding; Assert.That (basicHttp.EnvelopeVersion, Is.EqualTo (EnvelopeVersion.Soap11), label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.MessageVersion, Is.EqualTo (MessageVersion.Soap11), label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.Scheme, Is.EqualTo (scheme), label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.TransferMode, Is.EqualTo (TransferMode.Buffered), label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.MessageEncoding, Is.EqualTo (encoding), label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.Security, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.Security.Mode, Is.EqualTo (security), label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType, Is.EqualTo (clientCred), label.Get ()); Assert.That (basicHttp.Security.Message.AlgorithmSuite, Is.EqualTo (SecurityAlgorithmSuite.Basic256), label.Get ()); } label.EnterScope ("elements"); var elements = binding.CreateBindingElements (); Assert.That (elements, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); if ((security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message) || (security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential)) Assert.That (elements.Count, Is.EqualTo (3), label.Get ()); else Assert.That (elements.Count, Is.EqualTo (2), label.Get ()); TextMessageEncodingBindingElement textElement = null; TransportSecurityBindingElement securityElement = null; HttpTransportBindingElement transportElement = null; AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement asymmSecurityElement = null; MtomMessageEncodingBindingElement mtomElement = null; foreach (var element in elements) { if (element is TextMessageEncodingBindingElement) textElement = (TextMessageEncodingBindingElement)element; else if (element is HttpTransportBindingElement) transportElement = (HttpTransportBindingElement)element; else if (element is TransportSecurityBindingElement) securityElement = (TransportSecurityBindingElement)element; else if (element is AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement) asymmSecurityElement = (AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement)element; else if (element is MtomMessageEncodingBindingElement) mtomElement = (MtomMessageEncodingBindingElement)element; else Assert.Fail (string.Format ( "Unknown element: {0}", element.GetType ()), label.Get ()); } label.EnterScope ("text"); if (encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Text) { Assert.That (textElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof(UTF8Encoding), textElement.WriteEncoding, label.Get ()); } else { Assert.That (textElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("mtom"); if (encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom) { Assert.That (mtomElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); } else { Assert.That (mtomElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("security"); if (security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential) { Assert.That (securityElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (securityElement.SecurityHeaderLayout, Is.EqualTo (SecurityHeaderLayout.Lax), label.Get ()); } else { Assert.That (securityElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("asymmetric"); if (security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message) { Assert.That (asymmSecurityElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); } else { Assert.That (asymmSecurityElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("transport"); Assert.That (transportElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (transportElement.Realm, Is.Empty, label.Get ()); Assert.That (transportElement.Scheme, Is.EqualTo (scheme), label.Get ()); Assert.That (transportElement.TransferMode, Is.EqualTo (TransferMode.Buffered), label.Get ()); label.EnterScope ("auth"); Assert.That (transportElement.AuthenticationScheme, Is.EqualTo (authScheme), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); // auth label.LeaveScope (); // transport label.LeaveScope (); // elements label.LeaveScope (); // http } static void CheckEndpoint (ServiceEndpoint endpoint, string uri, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("endpoint"); Assert.That (endpoint.ListenUri, Is.EqualTo (new Uri (uri)), label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.ListenUriMode, Is.EqualTo (ListenUriMode.Explicit), label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.Contract, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.Contract.Name, Is.EqualTo ("MyContract"), label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.Address, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.Address.Uri, Is.EqualTo (new Uri (uri)), label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.Address.Identity, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.Address.Headers, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoint.Address.Headers.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); } public static void BasicHttpBinding ( TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, WSMessageEncoding encoding, TestLabel label) { BasicHttpBinding ( context, doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode.None, encoding, HttpClientCredentialType.None, AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous, label); } public static void BasicHttpBinding ( TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode security, TestLabel label) { BasicHttpBinding ( context, doc, security, WSMessageEncoding.Text, HttpClientCredentialType.None, AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous, label); } public static void BasicHttpBinding ( TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode security, WSMessageEncoding encoding, HttpClientCredentialType clientCred, AuthenticationSchemes authScheme, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("basicHttpBinding"); BasicHttpBinding_inner ( context, doc, security, encoding, clientCred, authScheme, false, label); label.LeaveScope (); } public static void BasicHttpsBinding ( TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode security, WSMessageEncoding encoding, HttpClientCredentialType clientCred, AuthenticationSchemes authScheme, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("basicHttpsBinding"); BasicHttpBinding_inner ( context, doc, security, encoding, clientCred, authScheme, true, label); label.LeaveScope (); } static void BasicHttpBinding_inner ( TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode security, WSMessageEncoding encoding, HttpClientCredentialType clientCred, AuthenticationSchemes authScheme, bool isHttps, TestLabel label) { var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata; label.EnterScope ("wsdl"); label.EnterScope ("bindings"); Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var binding = sd.Bindings [0]; Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); bool hasPolicyXml; switch (security) { case BasicHttpSecurityMode.None: if (isHttps) throw new InvalidOperationException (); hasPolicyXml = encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom; break; case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message: case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport: case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential: if (encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom) throw new InvalidOperationException (); hasPolicyXml = true; break; case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly: if (isHttps) throw new InvalidOperationException (); hasPolicyXml = true; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException (); } label.LeaveScope (); WS.SoapBinding soap = null; XmlElement xml = null; foreach (var ext in binding.Extensions) { if (ext is WS.SoapBinding) soap = (WS.SoapBinding)ext; else if (ext is XmlElement) xml = (XmlElement)ext; } CheckSoapBinding (soap, WS.SoapBinding.HttpTransport, label); label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("policy-xml"); if (!hasPolicyXml) Assert.That (xml, Is.Null, label.Get ()); else { Assert.That (xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); var assertions = AssertPolicy (sd, xml, label); Assert.That (assertions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); if (clientCred == HttpClientCredentialType.Ntlm) AssertPolicy (assertions, NtlmAuthenticationQName, label); if (encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom) AssertPolicy (assertions, MtomEncodingQName, label); switch (security) { case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message: AssertPolicy (assertions, AsymmetricBindingQName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss10QName, label); break; case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport: AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label); break; case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential: AssertPolicy (assertions, SignedSupportingQName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss10QName, label); break; default: break; } Assert.That (assertions.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("services"); Assert.That (sd.Services, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (sd.Services.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var service = sd.Services [0]; Assert.That (service.Ports, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (service.Ports.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var port = service.Ports [0]; label.EnterScope ("port"); Assert.That (port.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (port.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); WS.SoapAddressBinding soap_addr_binding = null; foreach (var extension in port.Extensions) { if (extension is WS.SoapAddressBinding) soap_addr_binding = (WS.SoapAddressBinding)extension; else Assert.Fail (label.Get ()); } Assert.That (soap_addr_binding, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); label.LeaveScope (); // wsdl var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc); label.EnterScope ("bindings"); var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings (); CheckImportErrors (importer, label); Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); string scheme; if ((security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport) || (security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential)) scheme = "https"; else scheme = "http"; CheckBasicHttpBinding ( bindings [0], scheme, security, encoding, clientCred, authScheme, label); label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("endpoints"); var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints (); CheckImportErrors (importer, label); Assert.That (endpoints, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var uri = isHttps ? MetadataSamples.HttpsUri : MetadataSamples.HttpUri; CheckEndpoint (endpoints [0], uri, label); label.LeaveScope (); } public static void CheckNetTcpBinding ( Binding binding, SecurityMode security, bool reliableSession, TransferMode transferMode, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("net-tcp"); if (security == SecurityMode.Message) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof(CustomBinding), binding, label.Get ()); } else { Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof(NetTcpBinding), binding, label.Get ()); var netTcp = (NetTcpBinding)binding; Assert.That (netTcp.EnvelopeVersion, Is.EqualTo (EnvelopeVersion.Soap12), label.Get ()); Assert.That (netTcp.MessageVersion, Is.EqualTo (MessageVersion.Soap12WSAddressing10), label.Get ()); Assert.That (netTcp.Scheme, Is.EqualTo ("net.tcp"), label.Get ()); Assert.That (netTcp.TransferMode, Is.EqualTo (transferMode), label.Get ()); label.EnterScope ("security"); Assert.That (netTcp.Security, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (netTcp.Security.Mode, Is.EqualTo (security), label.Get ()); Assert.That (netTcp.Security.Transport, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (netTcp.Security.Transport.ProtectionLevel, Is.EqualTo (ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign), label.Get ()); Assert.That (netTcp.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType, Is.EqualTo (TcpClientCredentialType.Windows), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); } label.EnterScope ("elements"); var elements = binding.CreateBindingElements (); Assert.That (elements, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); TcpTransportBindingElement transportElement = null; TransactionFlowBindingElement transactionFlowElement = null; BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement encodingElement = null; WindowsStreamSecurityBindingElement windowsStreamElement = null; ReliableSessionBindingElement reliableSessionElement = null; TransportSecurityBindingElement transportSecurityElement = null; SslStreamSecurityBindingElement sslStreamElement = null; SymmetricSecurityBindingElement symmSecurityElement = null; foreach (var element in elements) { if (element is TcpTransportBindingElement) transportElement = (TcpTransportBindingElement)element; else if (element is TransactionFlowBindingElement) transactionFlowElement = (TransactionFlowBindingElement)element; else if (element is BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement) encodingElement = (BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement)element; else if (element is WindowsStreamSecurityBindingElement) windowsStreamElement = (WindowsStreamSecurityBindingElement)element; else if (element is ReliableSessionBindingElement) reliableSessionElement = (ReliableSessionBindingElement)element; else if (element is TransportSecurityBindingElement) transportSecurityElement = (TransportSecurityBindingElement)element; else if (element is SslStreamSecurityBindingElement) sslStreamElement = (SslStreamSecurityBindingElement)element; else if (element is SymmetricSecurityBindingElement) symmSecurityElement = (SymmetricSecurityBindingElement)element; else Assert.Fail (string.Format ( "Unknown element `{0}'.", element.GetType ()), label.Get ()); } label.EnterScope ("windows-stream"); if (security == SecurityMode.Transport) { Assert.That (windowsStreamElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (windowsStreamElement.ProtectionLevel, Is.EqualTo (ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign), label.Get ()); } else { Assert.That (windowsStreamElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("reliable-session"); if (reliableSession) { Assert.That (reliableSessionElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); } else { Assert.That (reliableSessionElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("encoding"); Assert.That (encodingElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("transaction"); if (security == SecurityMode.Message) { Assert.That (transactionFlowElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); } else { Assert.That (transactionFlowElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); } label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("transport"); Assert.That (transportElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (transportElement.Scheme, Is.EqualTo ("net.tcp"), label.Get ()); Assert.That (transportElement.TransferMode, Is.EqualTo (transferMode), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); // transport label.EnterScope ("security"); switch (security) { case SecurityMode.None: case SecurityMode.Transport: Assert.That (transportSecurityElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (sslStreamElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (symmSecurityElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); break; case SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential: Assert.That (transportSecurityElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (sslStreamElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (symmSecurityElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); break; case SecurityMode.Message: Assert.That (transportSecurityElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (sslStreamElement, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (symmSecurityElement, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException (); } label.LeaveScope (); label.LeaveScope (); // elements label.LeaveScope (); // net-tcp } public static void NetTcpBinding ( TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, SecurityMode security, bool reliableSession, TransferMode transferMode, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("netTcpBinding"); var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata; label.EnterScope ("wsdl"); label.EnterScope ("bindings"); Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var binding = sd.Bindings [0]; Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); WS.Soap12Binding soap = null; XmlElement xml = null; foreach (var ext in binding.Extensions) { if (ext is WS.Soap12Binding) soap = (WS.Soap12Binding)ext; else if (ext is XmlElement) xml = (XmlElement)ext; } CheckSoapBinding (soap, "http://schemas.microsoft.com/soap/tcp", label); label.EnterScope ("policy-xml"); Assert.That (xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); var assertions = AssertPolicy (sd, xml, label); Assert.That (assertions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); AssertPolicy (assertions, BinaryEncodingQName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, UsingAddressingQName, label); if (transferMode == TransferMode.Streamed) AssertPolicy (assertions, StreamedTransferQName, label); switch (security) { case SecurityMode.Message: AssertPolicy (assertions, SymmetricBindingQName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss11QName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, Trust10QName, label); break; case SecurityMode.Transport: AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label); break; case SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential: AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, EndorsingSupportingQName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss11QName, label); AssertPolicy (assertions, Trust10QName, label); break; default: break; } if (reliableSession) AssertPolicy (assertions, ReliableSessionQName, label); Assert.That (assertions.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("services"); Assert.That (sd.Services, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (sd.Services.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var service = sd.Services [0]; Assert.That (service.Ports, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (service.Ports.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var port = service.Ports [0]; label.EnterScope ("port"); Assert.That (port.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (port.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (2), label.Get ()); WS.Soap12AddressBinding soap_addr_binding = null; XmlElement port_xml = null; foreach (var extension in port.Extensions) { if (extension is WS.Soap12AddressBinding) soap_addr_binding = (WS.Soap12AddressBinding)extension; else if (extension is XmlElement) port_xml = (XmlElement)extension; else Assert.Fail (label.Get ()); } Assert.That (soap_addr_binding, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (port_xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (port_xml.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (Wsa10Namespace), label.Get ()); Assert.That (port_xml.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("EndpointReference"), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); label.LeaveScope (); label.LeaveScope (); // wsdl var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc); label.EnterScope ("bindings"); var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings (); CheckImportErrors (importer, label); Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); CheckNetTcpBinding ( bindings [0], security, reliableSession, transferMode, label); label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("endpoints"); var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints (); CheckImportErrors (importer, label); Assert.That (endpoints, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); CheckEndpoint (endpoints [0], MetadataSamples.NetTcpUri, label); label.LeaveScope (); label.LeaveScope (); } public static void Dump (PolicyAssertionCollection assertions) { foreach (var assertion in assertions) Console.WriteLine ("ASSERTION: {0}", assertion.OuterXml); } public static void AssertPolicy ( PolicyAssertionCollection assertions, QName qname, TestLabel label) { var assertion = assertions.Find (qname.Name, qname.Namespace); label.EnterScope (qname.Name); Assert.That (assertion, Is.Not.Null, label.ToString ()); assertions.Remove (assertion); label.LeaveScope (); } static XmlElement ResolvePolicy (WS.ServiceDescription sd, XmlElement policy) { if (policy.LocalName.Equals ("Policy")) return policy; var uri = policy.GetAttribute ("URI"); if (!uri.StartsWith ("#")) return null; foreach (var sext in sd.Extensions) { var sxml = sext as XmlElement; if (sxml == null) continue; if (!sxml.NamespaceURI.Equals (WspNamespace)) continue; if (!sxml.LocalName.Equals ("Policy")) continue; var id = sxml.GetAttribute ("Id", WsuNamespace); if (uri.Substring (1).Equals (id)) return sxml; } return null; } public static PolicyAssertionCollection AssertPolicy ( WS.Binding binding, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("FindPolicy"); XmlElement policy = null; foreach (var extension in binding.Extensions) { var xml = extension as XmlElement; if (xml == null) continue; Assert.That (policy, Is.Null, label.Get ()); policy = xml; } Assert.That (policy, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); try { return AssertPolicy (binding.ServiceDescription, policy, label); } finally { label.LeaveScope (); } } static XmlElement AssertExactlyOneChildElement (XmlElement element) { XmlElement found = null; foreach (var node in element.ChildNodes) { if (node is XmlWhitespace) continue; var e = node as XmlElement; if (e == null) return null; if (found != null) return null; found = e; } return found; } public static PolicyAssertionCollection AssertPolicy ( WS.ServiceDescription sd, XmlElement element, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("wsp:Policy"); Assert.That (element.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ()); Assert.That (element.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("Policy") | Is.EqualTo ("PolicyReference"), label.Get ()); var policy = ResolvePolicy (sd, element); Assert.That (policy, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); label.EnterScope ("wsp:ExactlyOne"); var exactlyOne = AssertExactlyOneChildElement (policy); Assert.That (exactlyOne, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (exactlyOne.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ()); Assert.That (exactlyOne.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("ExactlyOne"), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("wsp:Any"); var all = AssertExactlyOneChildElement (exactlyOne); Assert.That (all, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (all.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ()); Assert.That (all.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("All"), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); var collection = new PolicyAssertionCollection (); label.EnterScope ("assertions"); foreach (var node in all.ChildNodes) { if (node is XmlWhitespace) continue; Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (XmlElement), node, label.ToString ()); collection.Add ((XmlElement)node); } label.LeaveScope (); label.LeaveScope (); return collection; } public static void TestOperation (MetadataSet metadata, bool soap12, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("TestOperation"); label.EnterScope ("metadata"); WS.ServiceDescription sd = null; foreach (var ms in metadata.MetadataSections) { if (!ms.Dialect.Equals ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/")) continue; sd = ms.Metadata as WS.ServiceDescription; } Assert.That (sd, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (sd.Bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var binding = sd.Bindings [0]; label.LeaveScope (); label.EnterScope ("operation"); Assert.That (binding.Operations, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.Operations.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); var op = binding.Operations [0]; Assert.That (op.Name, Is.EqualTo ("Hello"), label.Get ()); Assert.That (op.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ()); label.EnterScope ("extensions"); Assert.That (op.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (op.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); Assert.That (op.Extensions [0], Is.AssignableTo(), label.Get ()); var soap = (WS.SoapOperationBinding)op.Extensions [0]; TestSoap (soap, soap12, label); label.LeaveScope (); TestSoapMessage (op.Input, soap12, label); TestSoapMessage (op.Output, soap12, label); label.LeaveScope (); // operation label.LeaveScope (); } static void TestSoap (WS.SoapOperationBinding soap, bool soap12, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("soap"); var type = soap12 ? typeof (WS.Soap12OperationBinding) : typeof (WS.SoapOperationBinding); Assert.That (soap.GetType (), Is.EqualTo (type), label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Style, Is.EqualTo (WS.SoapBindingStyle.Document), label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.SoapAction, Is.EqualTo ("http://tempuri.org/IMyContract/Hello"), label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Required, Is.False, label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); } static void TestSoapMessage (WS.MessageBinding binding, bool soap12, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope (binding is WS.InputBinding ? "input" : "output"); Assert.That (binding, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.Name, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ()); Assert.That (binding.Extensions [0], Is.AssignableTo (), label.Get ()); var body = (WS.SoapBodyBinding)binding.Extensions [0]; TestSoapBody (body, soap12, label); label.LeaveScope (); } static void TestSoapBody (WS.SoapBodyBinding soap, bool soap12, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("soap-body"); var type = soap12 ? typeof (WS.Soap12BodyBinding) : typeof (WS.SoapBodyBinding); Assert.That (soap.GetType (), Is.EqualTo (type), label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Encoding, Is.Empty, label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Namespace, Is.Empty, label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Parts, Is.Null, label.Get ()); Assert.That (soap.Use, Is.EqualTo (WS.SoapBindingUse.Literal), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); } public static void AssertConfig (MetadataSet metadata, XmlDocument xml, TestLabel label) { label.EnterScope ("import"); var importer = new WsdlImporter (metadata); var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints (); CheckImportErrors (importer, label); Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.AtLeast (1), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); var nav = xml.CreateNavigator (); // FIXME: Check endpoints. label.EnterScope ("endpoints"); var endpointIter = nav.Select ("/configuration/system.serviceModel/client/endpoint"); Assert.That (endpointIter.Count, Is.EqualTo (endpoints.Count), label.Get ()); label.LeaveScope (); } } } #endif