System.ServiceModel System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingElement To enable packet routing a one-way conversion layer is required, which this class provides. This class is a binding in the stack of bindings that performs a message-level shape change called OneWayBindingElement. This shape change can take a or a and expose it as a , or conversely it can take a or a and expose it as a . A user can create a custom binding that layers this binding over a session-aware or request-reply transport to make it packet routable. This class is also useful when you want to expose one-way methods in a more native fashion. More transformations can be applied over this layer, such as Composite Duplex and Reliable Messaging. Enables packet routing and the use of one-way methods. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Method System.ServiceModel.Channels.IChannelFactory<TChannel> This method creates a channel factory, which is used to create a channel that processes outgoing messages for this binding. Initializes a channel factory for producing one-way channels from the binding context. The of type initialized from the . The that provides context for the binding element. The type of channel that the factory builds. Method System.ServiceModel.Channels.IChannelListener<TChannel> ReferenceTypeConstraint System.ServiceModel.Channels.IChannel This method creates a channel listener, which is used to create a channel that processes incoming messages for this binding. Initializes a channel listener for accepting one-way channels. The of type initialized from the . The that provides context for the binding element. The type of channel that the listener is built to accept. Method System.Boolean You should call this method before trying to create a channel factory. This method returns true when is an , and the binding below the present one in the binding stack is an or . Gets a value that indicates whether a channel factory of the specified type can be built. true if a channel factory of the specified type can be built; otherwise, false. The default is false. The that provides context for the binding element. The type of channel factory to build. Method System.Boolean ReferenceTypeConstraint System.ServiceModel.Channels.IChannel You should call this method before trying to create a channel listener. This method returns true when is an , and the binding below the present one in the binding stack is an or . Gets a value that indicates whether a channel listener of the specified type can be built. true if a channel listener of the specified type can be built; otherwise, false. The default is false. The that provides context for the binding element. The type of channel listener to build. Property System.ServiceModel.Channels.ChannelPoolSettings To be added. To be added. Gets the channel pool settings. Method System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingElement To be added. Clones an instance of this class. A cloned copy of this instance of this class. Method T ReferenceTypeConstraint This method receives a binding context as an input parameter, which represents the stack of binding elements. Each binding element in the stack can handle the inquiry itself or delegate the inquiry, or a combination of the two. Each binding element can modify the context if it delegates the inquiry. However, a transport binding element handles the inquiry itself. This method is implemented by binding elements as well as by the runtime objects, such as , , and . Gets properties from the binding stack, if present. A object from the binding stack, if present. The that provides context for the binding element. Type of the property.