System.Security System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigExcC14NTransform The class represents the exclusive C14N XML canonicalization transform with comments. This class is similar to the class, which allows a signer to create a digest using the canonical form of an XML document. However, the class excludes ancestor context from a canonicalized subdocument. Use the class when you need to canonicalize an XML subdocument so that it is independent from its XML context. For example, applications such as Web services that use signed XML within complex communication protocols often need to canonicalize XML in this manner. Such applications often envelop XML within various dynamically constructed elements, which can substantially change the document and cause XML signature verification to fail. The class solves this problem by excluding such ancestor context from the canonical subdocument. Note that you cannot directly create a new instance of a canonicalization transform class. To specify a canonicalization transform, pass the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that describes the transform to the property, which is accessible from the property. To acquire a reference to the canonicalization transform, use the property, which is accessible from the property. The URI that describes the class is defined by the field. For more information about the exclusive C14N transform, see the XMLDSIG specification, which is available from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at The canonicalization algorithm is defined in the W3C Canonical XML specification, which is available at Represents the exclusive C14N XML canonicalization transform for a digital signature as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), with comments. Constructor To be added. Initializes a new instance of the class. Constructor The parameter contains a whitespace-delimited list of namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm rather than the exclusive canonicalization algorithm. To specify the default namespace, which does not have a prefix, pass the special prefix "#default". Initializes a new instance of the class specifying a list of namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm. The namespace prefixes to canonicalize using the standard canonicalization algorithm.