// // assembly: System // namespace: System.Text.RegularExpressions // file: parser.cs // // author: Dan Lewis (dlewis@gmx.co.uk) // (c) 2002 // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Syntax { class Parser { public static int ParseDecimal (string str, ref int ptr) { return ParseNumber (str, ref ptr, 10, 1, Int32.MaxValue); } public static int ParseOctal (string str, ref int ptr) { return ParseNumber (str, ref ptr, 8, 1, 3); } public static int ParseHex (string str, ref int ptr, int digits) { return ParseNumber (str, ref ptr, 16, digits, digits); } public static int ParseNumber (string str, ref int ptr, int b, int min, int max) { int p = ptr, n = 0, digits = 0, d; if (max < min) max = Int32.MaxValue; while (digits < max && p < str.Length) { d = ParseDigit (str[p ++], b, digits); if (d < 0) { -- p; break; } n = n * b + d; ++ digits; } if (digits < min) return -1; ptr = p; return n; } public static string ParseName (string str, ref int ptr) { if (Char.IsDigit (str[ptr])) { int gid = ParseNumber (str, ref ptr, 10, 1, 0); if (gid > 0) return gid.ToString (); return null; } int start = ptr; for (;;) { if (!IsNameChar (str[ptr])) break; ++ ptr; } if (ptr - start > 0) return str.Substring (start, ptr - start); return null; } public static string Escape (string str) { string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++ i) { char c = str[i]; switch (c) { case '\\': case '*': case '+': case '?': case '|': case '{': case '[': case '(': case ')': case '^': case '$': case '.': case '#': case ' ': result += "\\" + c; break; case '\t': result += "\\t"; break; case '\n': result += "\\n"; break; case '\r': result += "\\r"; break; case '\f': result += "\\f"; break; default: result += c; break; } } return result; } public static string Unescape (string str) { if (str.IndexOf ('\\') == -1) return str; return new Parser ().ParseString (str); } // public instance public Parser () { this.caps = new ArrayList (); this.refs = new Hashtable (); } public RegularExpression ParseRegularExpression (string pattern, RegexOptions options) { this.pattern = pattern; this.ptr = 0; caps.Clear (); refs.Clear (); this.num_groups = 0; try { RegularExpression re = new RegularExpression (); ParseGroup (re, options, null); ResolveReferences (); re.GroupCount = num_groups; return re; } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { throw NewParseException ("Unexpected end of pattern."); } } public int GetMapping (Hashtable mapping) { int end = caps.Count; mapping.Add ("0", 0); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { CapturingGroup group = (CapturingGroup) caps [i]; string name = group.Name != null ? group.Name : group.Index.ToString (); if (mapping.Contains (name)) { if ((int) mapping [name] != group.Index) throw new SystemException ("invalid state"); continue; } mapping.Add (name, group.Index); } return gap; } // private methods private void ParseGroup (Group group, RegexOptions options, Assertion assertion) { bool is_top_level = group is RegularExpression; Alternation alternation = null; string literal = null; Group current = new Group (); Expression expr = null; bool closed = false; while (true) { ConsumeWhitespace (IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (options)); if (ptr >= pattern.Length) break; // (1) Parse for Expressions char ch = pattern[ptr ++]; switch (ch) { case '^': { Position pos = IsMultiline (options) ? Position.StartOfLine : Position.Start; expr = new PositionAssertion (pos); break; } case '$': { Position pos = IsMultiline (options) ? Position.EndOfLine : Position.End; expr = new PositionAssertion (pos); break; } case '.': { Category cat = IsSingleline (options) ? Category.AnySingleline : Category.Any; expr = new CharacterClass (cat, false); break; } case '\\': { int c = ParseEscape (false); if (c >= 0) ch = (char)c; else { expr = ParseSpecial (options); if (expr == null) ch = pattern[ptr ++]; // default escape } break; } case '[': { expr = ParseCharacterClass (options); break; } case '(': { bool ignore = IsIgnoreCase (options); expr = ParseGroupingConstruct (ref options); if (expr == null) { if (literal != null && IsIgnoreCase (options) != ignore) { current.AppendExpression (new Literal (literal, IsIgnoreCase (options))); literal = null; } continue; } break; } case ')': { closed = true; goto EndOfGroup; } case '|': { if (literal != null) { current.AppendExpression (new Literal (literal, IsIgnoreCase (options))); literal = null; } if (assertion != null) { if (assertion.TrueExpression == null) assertion.TrueExpression = current; else if (assertion.FalseExpression == null) assertion.FalseExpression = current; else throw NewParseException ("Too many | in (?()|)."); } else { if (alternation == null) alternation = new Alternation (); alternation.AddAlternative (current); } current = new Group (); continue; } case '*': case '+': case '?': { throw NewParseException ("Bad quantifier."); } default: break; // literal character } ConsumeWhitespace (IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (options)); // (2) Check for Repetitions if (ptr < pattern.Length) { char k = pattern[ptr]; int min = 0, max = 0; bool lazy = false; bool haveRep = false; if (k == '?' || k == '*' || k == '+') { ++ ptr; haveRep = true; switch (k) { case '?': min = 0; max = 1; break; case '*': min = 0; max = 0x7fffffff; break; case '+': min = 1; max = 0x7fffffff; break; } } else if (k == '{' && ptr + 1 < pattern.Length) { int saved_ptr = ptr; ++ptr; haveRep = ParseRepetitionBounds (out min, out max, options); if (!haveRep) ptr = saved_ptr; } if (haveRep) { ConsumeWhitespace (IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (options)); if (ptr < pattern.Length && pattern[ptr] == '?') { ++ ptr; lazy = true; } //It doesn't make sense to assert a given position more than once. bool ignore_repetition = false; if (expr is PositionAssertion) { ignore_repetition = min > 0 && !lazy; max = 1; } if (!ignore_repetition) { Repetition repetition = new Repetition (min, max, lazy); if (expr == null) repetition.Expression = new Literal (ch.ToString (), IsIgnoreCase (options)); else repetition.Expression = expr; expr = repetition; } } } // (3) Append Expression and/or Literal if (expr == null) { if (literal == null) literal = ""; literal += ch; } else { if (literal != null) { current.AppendExpression (new Literal (literal, IsIgnoreCase (options))); literal = null; } current.AppendExpression (expr); expr = null; } if (is_top_level && ptr >= pattern.Length) goto EndOfGroup; } EndOfGroup: if (is_top_level && closed) throw NewParseException ("Too many )'s."); if (!is_top_level && !closed) throw NewParseException ("Not enough )'s."); // clean up literals and alternations if (literal != null) current.AppendExpression (new Literal (literal, IsIgnoreCase (options))); if (assertion != null) { if (assertion.TrueExpression == null) assertion.TrueExpression = current; else assertion.FalseExpression = current; group.AppendExpression (assertion); } else if (alternation != null) { alternation.AddAlternative (current); group.AppendExpression (alternation); } else group.AppendExpression (current); } private Expression ParseGroupingConstruct (ref RegexOptions options) { if (pattern[ptr] != '?') { Group group; if (IsExplicitCapture (options)) group = new Group (); else { group = new CapturingGroup (); caps.Add (group); } ParseGroup (group, options, null); return group; } else ++ ptr; switch (pattern[ptr]) { case ':': { // non-capturing group ++ ptr; Group group = new Group (); ParseGroup (group, options, null); return group; } case '>': { // non-backtracking group ++ ptr; Group group = new NonBacktrackingGroup (); ParseGroup (group, options, null); return group; } case 'i': case 'm': case 'n': case 's': case 'x': case '-': { // options RegexOptions o = options; ParseOptions (ref o, false); if (pattern[ptr] == '-') { ++ ptr; ParseOptions (ref o, true); } if (pattern[ptr] == ':') { // pass options to child group ++ ptr; Group group = new Group (); ParseGroup (group, o, null); return group; } else if (pattern[ptr] == ')') { // change options of enclosing group ++ ptr; options = o; return null; } else throw NewParseException ("Bad options"); } case '<': case '=': case '!': { // lookahead/lookbehind ExpressionAssertion asn = new ExpressionAssertion (); if (!ParseAssertionType (asn)) goto case '\''; // it's a (? ) construct Group test = new Group (); ParseGroup (test, options, null); asn.TestExpression = test; return asn; } case '\'': { // named/balancing group char delim; if (pattern[ptr] == '<') delim = '>'; else delim = '\''; ++ ptr; string name = ParseName (); if (pattern[ptr] == delim) { // capturing group if (name == null) throw NewParseException ("Bad group name."); ++ ptr; CapturingGroup cap = new CapturingGroup (); cap.Name = name; caps.Add (cap); ParseGroup (cap, options, null); return cap; } else if (pattern[ptr] == '-') { // balancing group ++ ptr; string balance_name = ParseName (); if (balance_name == null || pattern[ptr] != delim) throw NewParseException ("Bad balancing group name."); ++ ptr; BalancingGroup bal = new BalancingGroup (); bal.Name = name; if(bal.IsNamed) { caps.Add (bal); } refs.Add (bal, balance_name); ParseGroup (bal, options, null); return bal; } else throw NewParseException ("Bad group name."); } case '(': { // expression/capture test Assertion asn; ++ ptr; int p = ptr; string name = ParseName (); if (name == null || pattern[ptr] != ')') { // expression test // FIXME MS implementation doesn't seem to // implement this version of (?(x) ...) ptr = p; ExpressionAssertion expr_asn = new ExpressionAssertion (); if (pattern[ptr] == '?') { ++ ptr; if (!ParseAssertionType (expr_asn)) throw NewParseException ("Bad conditional."); } else { expr_asn.Negate = false; expr_asn.Reverse = false; } Group test = new Group (); ParseGroup (test, options, null); expr_asn.TestExpression = test; asn = expr_asn; } else { // capture test ++ ptr; asn = new CaptureAssertion (new Literal (name, IsIgnoreCase (options))); refs.Add (asn, name); } Group group = new Group (); ParseGroup (group, options, asn); return group; } case '#': { // comment ++ ptr; while (pattern[ptr ++] != ')') { if (ptr >= pattern.Length) throw NewParseException ("Unterminated (?#...) comment."); } return null; } default: // error throw NewParseException ("Bad grouping construct."); } } private bool ParseAssertionType (ExpressionAssertion assertion) { if (pattern[ptr] == '<') { switch (pattern[ptr + 1]) { case '=': assertion.Negate = false; break; case '!': assertion.Negate = true; break; default: return false; } assertion.Reverse = true; ptr += 2; } else { switch (pattern[ptr]) { case '=': assertion.Negate = false; break; case '!': assertion.Negate = true; break; default: return false; } assertion.Reverse = false; ptr += 1; } return true; } private void ParseOptions (ref RegexOptions options, bool negate) { for (;;) { switch (pattern[ptr]) { case 'i': if (negate) options &= ~RegexOptions.IgnoreCase; else options |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase; break; case 'm': if (negate) options &= ~RegexOptions.Multiline; else options |= RegexOptions.Multiline; break; case 'n': if (negate) options &= ~RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture; else options |= RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture; break; case 's': if (negate) options &= ~RegexOptions.Singleline; else options |= RegexOptions.Singleline; break; case 'x': if (negate) options &= ~RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace; else options |= RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace; break; default: return; } ++ ptr; } } private Expression ParseCharacterClass (RegexOptions options) { bool negate = false; if (pattern[ptr] == '^') { negate = true; ++ ptr; } bool ecma = IsECMAScript (options); CharacterClass cls = new CharacterClass (negate, IsIgnoreCase (options)); if (pattern[ptr] == ']') { cls.AddCharacter (']'); ++ ptr; } int c = -1; int last = -1; bool range = false; bool closed = false; while (ptr < pattern.Length) { c = pattern[ptr ++]; if (c == ']') { closed = true; break; } if (c == '-' && last >= 0 && !range) { range = true; continue; } if (c == '\\') { c = ParseEscape (true); if (c >= 0) goto char_recognized; // didn't recognize escape c = pattern [ptr ++]; switch (c) { case 'b': c = '\b'; goto char_recognized; case 'd': case 'D': cls.AddCategory (ecma ? Category.EcmaDigit : Category.Digit, c == 'D'); break; case 'w': case 'W': cls.AddCategory (ecma ? Category.EcmaWord : Category.Word, c == 'W'); break; case 's': case 'S': cls.AddCategory (ecma ? Category.EcmaWhiteSpace : Category.WhiteSpace, c == 'S'); break; case 'p': case 'P': cls.AddCategory (ParseUnicodeCategory (), c == 'P'); // ignore ecma break; default: // add escaped character goto char_recognized; } // if the pattern looks like [a-\s] ... if (range) throw NewParseException ("character range cannot have category \\" + c); last = -1; continue; } char_recognized: if (range) { // if 'range' is true, we know that 'last >= 0' if (c < last) throw NewParseException ("[" + last + "-" + c + "] range in reverse order."); cls.AddRange ((char)last, (char)c); last = -1; range = false; continue; } cls.AddCharacter ((char)c); last = c; } if (!closed) throw NewParseException ("Unterminated [] set."); if (range) cls.AddCharacter ('-'); return cls; } private bool ParseRepetitionBounds (out int min, out int max, RegexOptions options) { int n, m; min = max = 0; /* check syntax */ ConsumeWhitespace (IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (options)); if (pattern[ptr] == ',') { n = -1; } else { n = ParseNumber (10, 1, 0); ConsumeWhitespace (IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (options)); } switch (pattern[ptr ++]) { case '}': m = n; break; case ',': ConsumeWhitespace (IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (options)); m = ParseNumber (10, 1, 0); ConsumeWhitespace (IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (options)); if (pattern[ptr ++] != '}') return false; break; default: return false; } /* check bounds and ordering */ if (n > 0x7fffffff || m > 0x7fffffff) throw NewParseException ("Illegal {x, y} - maximum of 2147483647."); if (m >= 0 && m < n) throw NewParseException ("Illegal {x, y} with x > y."); /* assign min and max */ min = n; if (m > 0) max = m; else max = 0x7fffffff; return true; } private Category ParseUnicodeCategory () { if (pattern[ptr ++] != '{') throw NewParseException ("Incomplete \\p{X} character escape."); string name = ParseName (pattern, ref ptr); if (name == null) throw NewParseException ("Incomplete \\p{X} character escape."); Category cat = CategoryUtils.CategoryFromName (name); if (cat == Category.None) throw NewParseException ("Unknown property '" + name + "'."); if (pattern[ptr ++] != '}') throw NewParseException ("Incomplete \\p{X} character escape."); return cat; } private Expression ParseSpecial (RegexOptions options) { int p = ptr; bool ecma = IsECMAScript (options); Expression expr = null; switch (pattern[ptr ++]) { // categories case 'd': expr = new CharacterClass (ecma ? Category.EcmaDigit : Category.Digit, false); break; case 'w': expr = new CharacterClass (ecma ? Category.EcmaWord : Category.Word, false); break; case 's': expr = new CharacterClass (ecma ? Category.EcmaWhiteSpace : Category.WhiteSpace, false); break; case 'p': // this is odd - ECMAScript isn't supposed to support Unicode, // yet \p{..} compiles and runs under the MS implementation // identically to canonical mode. That's why I'm ignoring the // value of ecma here. expr = new CharacterClass (ParseUnicodeCategory (), false); break; case 'D': expr = new CharacterClass (ecma ? Category.EcmaDigit : Category.Digit, true); break; case 'W': expr = new CharacterClass (ecma ? Category.EcmaWord : Category.Word, true); break; case 'S': expr = new CharacterClass (ecma ? Category.EcmaWhiteSpace : Category.WhiteSpace, true); break; case 'P': expr = new CharacterClass (ParseUnicodeCategory (), true); break; // positions case 'A': expr = new PositionAssertion (Position.StartOfString); break; case 'Z': expr = new PositionAssertion (Position.End); break; case 'z': expr = new PositionAssertion (Position.EndOfString); break; case 'G': expr = new PositionAssertion (Position.StartOfScan); break; case 'b': expr = new PositionAssertion (Position.Boundary); break; case 'B': expr = new PositionAssertion (Position.NonBoundary); break; // references case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { ptr --; int n = ParseNumber (10, 1, 0); if (n < 0) { ptr = p; return null; } // FIXME test if number is within number of assigned groups // this may present a problem for right-to-left matching Reference reference = new BackslashNumber (IsIgnoreCase (options), ecma); refs.Add (reference, n.ToString ()); expr = reference; break; } case 'k': { char delim = pattern[ptr ++]; if (delim == '<') delim = '>'; else if (delim != '\'') throw NewParseException ("Malformed \\k<...> named backreference."); string name = ParseName (); if (name == null || pattern[ptr] != delim) throw NewParseException ("Malformed \\k<...> named backreference."); ++ ptr; Reference reference = new Reference (IsIgnoreCase (options)); refs.Add (reference, name); expr = reference; break; } default: expr = null; break; } if (expr == null) ptr = p; return expr; } private int ParseEscape (bool inCharacterClass) { int p = ptr; int c; if (p >= pattern.Length) throw new ArgumentException ( String.Format ("Parsing \"{0}\" - Illegal \\ at end of " + "pattern.", pattern), pattern); switch (pattern[ptr ++]) { // standard escapes (except \b) case 'a': return '\u0007'; case 't': return '\u0009'; case 'r': return '\u000d'; case 'v': return '\u000b'; case 'f': return '\u000c'; case 'n': return '\u000a'; case 'e': return '\u001b'; case '\\': return '\\'; // character codes case '0': // // Turns out that octal values can be specified // without a leading zero. But also the limit // of three character should include this first // one. // ptr--; int prevptr = ptr; int result = ParseOctal (pattern, ref ptr); if (result == -1 && prevptr == ptr) return 0; return result; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': if (inCharacterClass){ ptr--; return ParseOctal (pattern, ref ptr); } break; case 'x': c = ParseHex (pattern, ref ptr, 2); if (c < 0) throw NewParseException ("Insufficient hex digits"); return c; case 'u': c = ParseHex (pattern, ref ptr, 4); if (c < 0) throw NewParseException ("Insufficient hex digits"); return c; // control characters case 'c': c = pattern[ptr ++]; if (c >= '@' && c <= '_') return c - '@'; else throw NewParseException ("Unrecognized control character."); } // unknown escape ptr = p; return -1; } private string ParseName () { return Parser.ParseName (pattern, ref ptr); } private static bool IsNameChar (char c) { UnicodeCategory cat = Char.GetUnicodeCategory (c); if (cat == UnicodeCategory.ModifierLetter) return false; if (cat == UnicodeCategory.ConnectorPunctuation) return true; return Char.IsLetterOrDigit (c); } private int ParseNumber (int b, int min, int max) { return Parser.ParseNumber (pattern, ref ptr, b, min, max); } private static int ParseDigit (char c, int b, int n) { switch (b) { case 8: if (c >= '0' && c <= '7') return c - '0'; else return -1; case 10: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; else return -1; case 16: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return 10 + c - 'a'; else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return 10 + c - 'A'; else return -1; default: return -1; } } private void ConsumeWhitespace (bool ignore) { while (ptr < pattern.Length) { if (pattern[ptr] == '(') { if (ptr + 3 >= pattern.Length) return; if (pattern[ptr + 1] != '?' || pattern[ptr + 2] != '#') return; ptr += 3; while (ptr < pattern.Length && pattern[ptr ++] != ')') /* ignore */ ; } else if (ignore && pattern[ptr] == '#') { while (ptr < pattern.Length && pattern[ptr ++] != '\n') /* ignore */ ; } else if (ignore && Char.IsWhiteSpace (pattern[ptr])) { while (ptr < pattern.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace (pattern[ptr])) ++ ptr; } else return; } } private string ParseString (string pattern) { this.pattern = pattern; this.ptr = 0; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder (pattern.Length); while (ptr < pattern.Length) { int c = pattern[ptr ++]; if (c == '\\') { c = ParseEscape (false); if(c < 0) { c = pattern[ptr ++]; if(c == 'b') c = '\b'; } } result.Append ((char) c); } return result.ToString (); } private void ResolveReferences () { int gid = 1; Hashtable dict = new Hashtable (); ArrayList explicit_numeric_groups = null; // number unnamed groups foreach (CapturingGroup group in caps) { if (group.Name != null) continue; dict.Add (gid.ToString (), group); group.Index = gid ++; ++ num_groups; } // number named groups foreach (CapturingGroup group in caps) { if (group.Name == null) continue; if (dict.Contains (group.Name)) { CapturingGroup prev = (CapturingGroup) dict [group.Name]; group.Index = prev.Index; if (group.Index == gid) gid ++; else if (group.Index > gid) explicit_numeric_groups.Add (group); continue; } if (Char.IsDigit (group.Name [0])) { int ptr = 0; int group_gid = ParseDecimal (group.Name, ref ptr); if (ptr == group.Name.Length) { group.Index = group_gid; dict.Add (group.Name, group); ++ num_groups; if (group_gid == gid) { gid ++; } else { // all numbers before 'gid' are already in the dictionary. So, we know group_gid > gid if (explicit_numeric_groups == null) explicit_numeric_groups = new ArrayList (4); explicit_numeric_groups.Add (group); } continue; } } string gid_s = gid.ToString (); while (dict.Contains (gid_s)) gid_s = (++gid).ToString (); dict.Add (gid_s, group); dict.Add (group.Name, group); group.Index = gid ++; ++ num_groups; } gap = gid; // == 1 + num_groups, if explicit_numeric_groups == null if (explicit_numeric_groups != null) HandleExplicitNumericGroups (explicit_numeric_groups); // resolve references foreach (Expression expr in refs.Keys) { string name = (string) refs [expr]; if (!dict.Contains (name)) { if (expr is CaptureAssertion && !Char.IsDigit (name [0])) continue; BackslashNumber bn = expr as BackslashNumber; if (bn != null && bn.ResolveReference (name, dict)) continue; throw NewParseException ("Reference to undefined group " + (Char.IsDigit (name[0]) ? "number " : "name ") + name); } CapturingGroup group = (CapturingGroup)dict[name]; if (expr is Reference) ((Reference)expr).CapturingGroup = group; else if (expr is CaptureAssertion) ((CaptureAssertion)expr).CapturingGroup = group; else if (expr is BalancingGroup) ((BalancingGroup)expr).Balance = group; } } private void HandleExplicitNumericGroups (ArrayList explicit_numeric_groups) { int gid = gap; int i = 0; int n_explicit = explicit_numeric_groups.Count; explicit_numeric_groups.Sort (); // move 'gap' forward to skip over all explicit groups that // turn out to match their index for (; i < n_explicit; ++i) { CapturingGroup g = (CapturingGroup) explicit_numeric_groups [i]; if (g.Index > gid) break; if (g.Index == gid) gid ++; } gap = gid; // re-index all further groups so that the indexes are contiguous int prev = gid; for (; i < n_explicit; ++i) { CapturingGroup g = (CapturingGroup) explicit_numeric_groups [i]; if (g.Index == prev) { g.Index = gid - 1; } else { prev = g.Index; g.Index = gid ++; } } } // flag helper functions private static bool IsIgnoreCase (RegexOptions options) { return (options & RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0; } private static bool IsMultiline (RegexOptions options) { return (options & RegexOptions.Multiline) != 0; } private static bool IsExplicitCapture (RegexOptions options) { return (options & RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture) != 0; } private static bool IsSingleline (RegexOptions options) { return (options & RegexOptions.Singleline) != 0; } private static bool IsIgnorePatternWhitespace (RegexOptions options) { return (options & RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace) != 0; } private static bool IsECMAScript (RegexOptions options) { return (options & RegexOptions.ECMAScript) != 0; } // exception creation private ArgumentException NewParseException (string msg) { msg = "parsing \"" + pattern + "\" - " + msg; return new ArgumentException (msg, pattern); } private string pattern; private int ptr; private ArrayList caps; private Hashtable refs; private int num_groups; private int gap; } }