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Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.
The object is immutable and has no public constructor. An instance of the class is returned by the method and represents the first pattern match in a string. Subsequent matches are represented by objects returned by the method. In addition, a object that consists of zero, one, or more objects is returned by the method.
If the method fails to match a regular expression pattern in an input string, it returns an empty object. You can then use a foreach construct in C# or a For Each construct in Visual Basic to iterate the collection.
If the method fails to match the regular expression pattern, it returns a object that is equal to . You can use the property to determine whether the match was successful. The following example provides an illustration.
code reference: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.Class#1
If a pattern match is successful, the property contains the matched substring, the property indicates the zero-based starting position of the matched substring in the input string, and the property indicates the length of matched substring in the input string.
Because a single match can involve multiple capturing groups, has a property that returns the . The has accessors that return each group. The instance itself is equivalent to the first object in the collection, at Match.Groups[0] (Match.Groups(0) in Visual Basic), which represents the entire match.
Represents the results from a single regular expression match.
To be added: an object of type 'Match'
This property should not be used to determine if a match is successful. Instead, use the Match.Success property (which is inherited from ).
Gets the empty group. All failed matches return this empty match.
To be added: an object of type 'GroupCollection'
A regular expression pattern can include subexpressions, which are defined by enclosing a portion of the regular expression pattern in parentheses. Every such subexpression forms a group. The property provides access to information about those subexpression matches. For example, the regular expression pattern (\d{3})-(\d{3}-\d{4}), which matches North American telephone numbers, has two subexpressions. The first consists of the area code, which composes the first three digits of the telephone number. This group is captured by the first portion of the regular expression, (\d{3}).The second consists of the individual telephone number, which composes the last seven digits of the telephone number. This group is captured by the second portion of the regular expression, (\d{3}-\d{4}). These two groups can then be retrieved from the object that is returned by the property, as the following example shows.
code reference: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.Groups#1
The object returned by the property always has at least one member. If the regular expression engine cannot find any matches in a particular input string, the property of the single object in the collection is set to false and the object's property is set to . If the regular expression engine can find a match, the first element of the object returned by the property contains a string that matches the entire regular expression pattern. Each subsequent element represents a captured group, if the regular expression includes capturing groups. For more information, see the "Grouping Constructs and Regular Expression Objects" section of the Grouping Constructs in Regular Expressions article.
Gets a collection of groups matched by the regular expression.
This method is similar to calling again and passing (Index+Length) as the new starting position.
This method does not modify the current instance. Instead, it returns a new object that contains information about the next match.
Attempting to retrieve the next match may throw a if a time-out value for matching operations is in effect and the attempt to find the next match exceeds that time-out interval.
Returns a new object with the results for the next match, starting at the position at which the last match ended (at the character after the last matched character).
The next regular expression match.
Whereas the method replaces all matches in an input string with a specified replacement pattern, the method replaces a single match with a specified replacement pattern. Because it operates on an individual match, it is also possible to perform processing on the matched string before you call the method.
The parameter is a standard regular expression replacement pattern. It can consist of literal characters and regular expression substitutions. For more information, see Substitutions.
Returns the expansion of the specified replacement pattern.
The expanded version of the parameter.
The replacement pattern to use.
System.MonoTODO("not thread-safe")
To be added
Returns a instance equivalent to the one supplied that is suitable to share between multiple threads.
A regular expression match that is suitable to share between multiple threads.
A regular expression match equivalent to the one expected.