System System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception To be added. Represents an exception that occurred when performing an operation on a WebSocket connection. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The native error code for the exception. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The description of the error. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The native error code for the exception. Indicates the previous exception that led to the current exception. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The native error code for the exception. The description of the error. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. Indicates the previous exception that led to the current exception. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. The native error code for the exception. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. The description of the error. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The description of the error. Indicates the previous exception that led to the current exception. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. The native error code for the exception. Indicates the previous exception that led to the current exception. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. The native error code for the exception. The description of the error. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. The description of the error. Indicates the previous exception that led to the current exception. Constructor To be added. Creates an instance of the class. The error from the WebSocketError enumeration. The native error code for the exception. The description of the error. Indicates the previous exception that led to the current exception. Property System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError To be added. To be added. Returns a WebSocketError indicating the type of error that occurred.