System System.Collections.IList System.ComponentModel.IBindingList With the interface, you implement advanced sorting as a set of property descriptor-direction pairs. You implement filtering as a string to be interpreted by the data source implementation. The interface is implemented by the class. Extends the interface by providing advanced sorting and filtering capabilities. Method System.Void The is a read-only collection, once constructed. Sorts the data source based on the given . The containing the sorts to apply to the data source. Property System.String To be added. Your implementation of the property should exhibit the following behavior when the property is set: The data source returns only the items that meet the filter criteria when the list is accessed by item index or when the list is enumerated. The definition of the filter string is dependent on the data-source implementation, but the behavior associated with setting the filter should be modeled on . Gets or sets the filter to be used to exclude items from the collection of items returned by the data source Method System.Void With the type, you implement filtering as a string to be interpreted by the data source implementation. Removes the current filter applied to the data source. Property System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection To be added. The is a read-only collection, once constructed. Gets the collection of sort descriptions currently applied to the data source. Property System.Boolean To be added. Advanced sorting refers to the ability to sort by multiple columns. Gets a value indicating whether the data source supports advanced sorting. Property System.Boolean To be added. With the property, you implement filtering as a string to be interpreted by the data source implementation. Gets a value indicating whether the data source supports filtering.