// // XmlSchemaInference.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // Copyright (C)2004 Novell Inc. // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using QName = System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName; using Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm; using Use = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse; using SOMList = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection; using SOMObject = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject; using Import = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaImport; using Element = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement; using Attr = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute; using AttrGroup = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroup; using AttrGroupRef = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef; using SimpleType = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType; using ComplexType = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType; using SimpleModel = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContent; using SimpleExt = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension; using SimpleRst = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction; using ComplexModel = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContent; using ComplexExt = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension; using ComplexRst = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction; using SimpleTypeRst = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction; using SimpleList = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList; using SimpleUnion = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion; using SchemaFacet = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet; using LengthFacet = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaLengthFacet; using MinLengthFacet = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet; using Particle = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle; using Sequence = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence; using Choice = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaChoice; namespace System.Xml.Schema { [MonoTODO] // FIXME: // - merge primitive types // - infer gYearMonth too // - in some cases sequence should contain element whose minOccurs=0 // (no obvious rules right now) // - reject some non-supported schema components public sealed class XmlSchemaInference { public enum InferenceOption { Restricted, Relaxed, } InferenceOption occurrence = InferenceOption.Restricted; InferenceOption typeInference = InferenceOption.Restricted; public XmlSchemaInference () { } public InferenceOption Occurrence { get { return occurrence; } set { occurrence = value; } } public InferenceOption TypeInference { get { return typeInference; } set { typeInference = value; } } public XmlSchemaSet InferSchema (XmlReader instanceDocument) { return InferSchema (instanceDocument, new XmlSchemaSet ()); } public XmlSchemaSet InferSchema (XmlReader instanceDocument, XmlSchemaSet schemas) { return XsdInference.Process (instanceDocument, schemas, occurrence == InferenceOption.Relaxed, typeInference == InferenceOption.Relaxed); } } class XsdInference { public static XmlSchemaSet Process (XmlReader xmlReader, XmlSchemaSet schemas, bool laxOccurrence, bool laxTypeInference) { XsdInference impl = new XsdInference (xmlReader, schemas, laxOccurrence, laxTypeInference); impl.Run (); return impl.schemas; } public const string NamespaceXml = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; public const string NamespaceXmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/"; public const string XdtNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2003/11/xpath-datatypes"; static readonly QName QNameString = new QName ( "string", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameBoolean = new QName ( "boolean", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameAnyType = new QName ( "anyType", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameByte = new QName ( "byte", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameUByte = new QName ( "unsignedByte", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameShort = new QName ( "short", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameUShort = new QName ( "unsignedShort", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameInt = new QName ( "int", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameUInt = new QName ( "unsignedInt", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameLong = new QName ( "long", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameULong = new QName ( "unsignedLong", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameDecimal = new QName ( "decimal", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameDouble = new QName ( "double", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameFloat = new QName ( "float", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameDateTime = new QName ( "dateTime", XmlSchema.Namespace); static readonly QName QNameDuration = new QName ( "duration", XmlSchema.Namespace); XmlReader source; XmlSchemaSet schemas; bool laxOccurrence; bool laxTypeInference; Hashtable newElements = new Hashtable (); Hashtable newAttributes = new Hashtable (); private XsdInference (XmlReader xmlReader, XmlSchemaSet schemas, bool laxOccurrence, bool laxTypeInference) { this.source = xmlReader; this.schemas = schemas; this.laxOccurrence = laxOccurrence; this.laxTypeInference = laxTypeInference; } private void Run () { // XmlSchemaSet need to be compiled. schemas.Compile (); // move to top-level element source.MoveToContent (); if (source.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) throw new ArgumentException ("Argument XmlReader content is expected to be an element."); QName qname = new QName (source.LocalName, source.NamespaceURI); Element el = GetGlobalElement (qname); if (el == null) { el = CreateGlobalElement (qname); InferElement (el, qname.Namespace, true); } else InferElement (el, qname.Namespace, false); // FIXME: compile again. // foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemas.Schemas ()) // schemas.Reprocess (schema); } private void AddImport (string current, string import) { foreach (XmlSchema schema in schemas.Schemas (current)) { bool exists = false; foreach (XmlSchemaExternal e in schema.Includes) { Import imp = e as Import; if (imp != null && imp.Namespace == import) exists = true; } if (exists) continue; Import newimp = new Import (); newimp.Namespace = import; schema.Includes.Add (newimp); } } private void IncludeXmlAttributes () { if (schemas.Schemas (NamespaceXml).Count == 0) // FIXME: do it from resources. schemas.Add (NamespaceXml, "http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"); } private void InferElement (Element el, string ns, bool isNew) { // Quick check for reference to another definition // (i.e. element ref='...' that should be redirected) if (el.RefName != QName.Empty) { Element body = GetGlobalElement (el.RefName); if (body == null) { body = CreateElement (el.RefName); InferElement (body, ns, true); } else InferElement (body, ns, isNew); return; } // Attributes if (source.MoveToFirstAttribute ()) { InferAttributes (el, ns, isNew); source.MoveToElement (); } // Content if (source.IsEmptyElement) { InferAsEmptyElement (el, ns, isNew); source.Read (); source.MoveToContent (); } else { InferContent (el, ns, isNew); source.ReadEndElement (); } if (el.SchemaType == null && el.SchemaTypeName == QName.Empty) el.SchemaTypeName = QNameString; } #region Attribute Inference private Hashtable CollectAttrTable (SOMList attList) { // get attribute definition table. Hashtable table = new Hashtable (); foreach (XmlSchemaObject obj in attList) { Attr attr = obj as Attr; if (attr == null) throw Error (obj, String.Format ("Attribute inference only supports direct attribute definition. {0} is not supported.", obj.GetType ())); if (attr.RefName != QName.Empty) table.Add (attr.RefName, attr); else table.Add (new QName (attr.Name, ""), attr); } return table; } private void InferAttributes (Element el, string ns, bool isNew) { // Now this element is going to have complexType. // It currently not, then we have to replace it. ComplexType ct = null; SOMList attList = null; Hashtable table = null; do { switch (source.NamespaceURI) { case NamespaceXml: if (schemas.Schemas ( NamespaceXml) .Count == 0) IncludeXmlAttributes (); break; case XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace: if (source.LocalName == "nil") el.IsNillable = true; // all other xsi:* atts are ignored continue; case NamespaceXmlns: continue; } if (ct == null) { ct = ToComplexType (el); attList = GetAttributes (ct); table = CollectAttrTable (attList); } QName attrName = new QName ( source.LocalName, source.NamespaceURI); Attr attr = table [attrName] as Attr; if (attr == null) { attList.Add (InferNewAttribute ( attrName, isNew, ns)); } else { table.Remove (attrName); if (attr.RefName != null && attr.RefName != QName.Empty) continue; // just a reference InferMergedAttribute (attr); } } while (source.MoveToNextAttribute ()); // mark all attr definitions that did not appear // as optional. if (table != null) foreach (Attr attr in table.Values) attr.Use = Use.Optional; } private XmlSchemaAttribute InferNewAttribute ( QName attrName, bool isNewTypeDefinition, string ns) { Attr attr = null; bool mergedRequired = false; if (attrName.Namespace.Length > 0) { // global attribute; might be already defined. attr = GetGlobalAttribute (attrName) as Attr; if (attr == null) { attr = CreateGlobalAttribute (attrName); attr.SchemaTypeName = InferSimpleType (source.Value); } else { InferMergedAttribute (attr); mergedRequired = attr.Use == Use.Required; } attr = new Attr (); attr.RefName = attrName; AddImport (ns, attrName.Namespace); } else { // local attribute attr = new Attr (); attr.Name = attrName.Name; attr.SchemaTypeName = InferSimpleType (source.Value); } if (!laxOccurrence && (isNewTypeDefinition || mergedRequired)) attr.Use = Use.Required; else attr.Use = Use.Optional; return attr; } // validate string value agains attr and // if invalid, then relax the type. private void InferMergedAttribute (Attr attr) { attr.SchemaTypeName = InferMergedType (source.Value, attr.SchemaTypeName); attr.SchemaType = null; } private QName InferMergedType (string value, QName typeName) { // examine value against specified type and // if unacceptable, then return a relaxed type. SimpleType st = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType ( typeName); if (st == null) // non-primitive type => see above. return QNameString; do { try { st.Datatype.ParseValue (value, source.NameTable, source as IXmlNamespaceResolver); return typeName; } catch { st = st.BaseXmlSchemaType as XmlSchemaSimpleType; typeName = st != null ? st.QualifiedName : QName.Empty; } } while (typeName != QName.Empty); return QNameString; } private SOMList GetAttributes (ComplexType ct) { if (ct.ContentModel == null) return ct.Attributes; SimpleModel sc = ct.ContentModel as SimpleModel; if (sc != null) { SimpleExt sce = sc.Content as SimpleExt; if (sce != null) return sce.Attributes; SimpleRst scr = sc.Content as SimpleRst; if (scr != null) return scr.Attributes; else throw Error (sc, "Invalid simple content model."); } ComplexModel cc = ct.ContentModel as ComplexModel; if (cc != null) { ComplexExt cce = cc.Content as ComplexExt; if (cce != null) return cce.Attributes; ComplexRst ccr = cc.Content as ComplexRst; if (ccr != null) return ccr.Attributes; else throw Error (cc, "Invalid simple content model."); } throw Error (cc, "Invalid complexType. Should not happen."); } private ComplexType ToComplexType (Element el) { QName name = el.SchemaTypeName; XmlSchemaType type = el.SchemaType; // 1. element type is complex. ComplexType ct = type as ComplexType; if (ct != null) return ct; // 2. reference to global complexType. XmlSchemaType globalType = schemas.GlobalTypes [name] as XmlSchemaType; ct = globalType as ComplexType; if (ct != null) return ct; ct = new ComplexType (); el.SchemaType = ct; el.SchemaTypeName = QName.Empty; // 3. base type name is xs:anyType or no specification. // if (name == QNameAnyType) return ct; else if (type == null && name == QName.Empty) return ct; SimpleModel sc = new SimpleModel (); ct.ContentModel = sc; // 4. type is simpleType // -> extension of existing simple type. SimpleType st = type as SimpleType; if (st != null) { SimpleRst scr = new SimpleRst (); scr.BaseType = st; sc.Content = scr; return ct; } SimpleExt sce = new SimpleExt (); sc.Content = sce; // 5. type name points to primitive type // -> simple extension of a primitive type st = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (name); if (st != null) { sce.BaseTypeName = name; return ct; } // 6. type name points to global simpleType. st = globalType as SimpleType; if (st != null) { sce.BaseTypeName = name; return ct; } throw Error (el, "Unexpected schema component that contains simpleTypeName that could not be resolved."); } #endregion #region Element Type private void InferAsEmptyElement (Element el, string ns, bool isNew) { ComplexType ct = el.SchemaType as ComplexType; if (ct != null) { SimpleModel sm = ct.ContentModel as SimpleModel; if (sm != null) { ToEmptiableSimpleContent (sm, isNew); return; } ComplexModel cm = ct.ContentModel as ComplexModel; if (cm != null) { ToEmptiableComplexContent (cm, isNew); return; } if (ct.Particle != null) ct.Particle.MinOccurs = 0; return; } SimpleType st = el.SchemaType as SimpleType; if (st != null) { st = MakeBaseTypeAsEmptiable (st); switch (st.QualifiedName.Namespace) { case XmlSchema.Namespace: case XdtNamespace: el.SchemaTypeName = st.QualifiedName; break; default: el.SchemaType =st; break; } } } private SimpleType MakeBaseTypeAsEmptiable (SimpleType st) { switch (st.QualifiedName.Namespace) { case XmlSchema.Namespace: case XdtNamespace: // If a primitive type return XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType ( XmlTypeCode.String); } SimpleTypeRst str = st.Content as SimpleTypeRst; if (str != null) { ArrayList al = null; foreach (SchemaFacet f in str.Facets) { if (f is LengthFacet || f is MinLengthFacet) { if (al == null) al = new ArrayList (); al.Add (f); } } foreach (SchemaFacet f in al) str.Facets.Remove (f); if (str.BaseType != null) str.BaseType = MakeBaseTypeAsEmptiable (st); else // It might have a reference to an // external simple type, but there is // no assurance that any of those // external types allow an empty // string. So just set base type as // xs:string. str.BaseTypeName = QNameString; } // union/list can have empty string value. return st; } private void ToEmptiableSimpleContent ( SimpleModel sm, bool isNew) { SimpleExt se = sm.Content as SimpleExt; if (se != null) se.BaseTypeName = QNameString; else { SimpleRst sr = sm.Content as SimpleRst; if (sr == null) throw Error (sm, "Invalid simple content model was passed."); sr.BaseTypeName = QNameString; sr.BaseType = null; } } private void ToEmptiableComplexContent ( ComplexModel cm, bool isNew) { ComplexExt ce = cm.Content as ComplexExt; if (ce != null) { if (ce.Particle != null) ce.Particle.MinOccurs = 0; else if (ce.BaseTypeName != null && ce.BaseTypeName != QName.Empty && ce.BaseTypeName != QNameAnyType) throw Error (ce, "Complex type content extension has a reference to an external component that is not supported."); } else { ComplexRst cr = cm.Content as ComplexRst; if (cr == null) throw Error (cm, "Invalid complex content model was passed."); if (cr.Particle != null) cr.Particle.MinOccurs = 0; else if (cr.BaseTypeName != null && cr.BaseTypeName != QName.Empty && cr.BaseTypeName != QNameAnyType) throw Error (cr, "Complex type content extension has a reference to an external component that is not supported."); } } private void InferContent (Element el, string ns, bool isNew) { source.Read (); source.MoveToContent (); switch (source.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.EndElement: InferAsEmptyElement (el, ns, isNew); break; case XmlNodeType.Element: InferComplexContent (el, ns, isNew); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: InferTextContent (el, isNew); source.MoveToContent (); if (source.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) goto case XmlNodeType.Element; break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: InferContent (el, ns, isNew); // skip and retry break; } } private void InferComplexContent (Element el, string ns, bool isNew) { ComplexType ct = ToComplexType (el); ToComplexContentType (ct); int position = 0; bool consumed = false; do { switch (source.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: Sequence s = PopulateSequence (ct); Choice c = s.Items.Count > 0 ? s.Items [0] as Choice : null; if (c != null) ProcessLax (c, ns); else ProcessSequence (ct, s, ns, ref position, ref consumed, isNew); source.MoveToContent (); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: MarkAsMixed (ct); source.ReadString (); source.MoveToContent (); break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: return; // finished case XmlNodeType.None: throw new NotImplementedException ("Internal Error: Should not happen."); } } while (true); } private void InferTextContent (Element el, bool isNew) { string value = source.ReadString (); if (el.SchemaType == null) { if (el.SchemaTypeName == QName.Empty) { // no type information -> infer type if (isNew) el.SchemaTypeName = InferSimpleType ( value); else el.SchemaTypeName = QNameString; return; } switch (el.SchemaTypeName.Namespace) { case XmlSchema.Namespace: case XdtNamespace: // existing primitive type el.SchemaTypeName = InferMergedType ( value, el.SchemaTypeName); break; default: ComplexType ct = schemas.GlobalTypes [ el.SchemaTypeName] as ComplexType; // If it is complex, then just set // mixed='true' (type cannot be set.) // If it is simple, then we cannot // make sure that string value is // valid. So just set as xs:string. if (ct != null) MarkAsMixed (ct); else el.SchemaTypeName = QNameString; break; } return; } // simpleType SimpleType st = el.SchemaType as SimpleType; if (st != null) { // If simple, then (described above) el.SchemaType = null; el.SchemaTypeName = QNameString; return; } // complexType ComplexType ect = el.SchemaType as ComplexType; SimpleModel sm = ect.ContentModel as SimpleModel; if (sm == null) { // - ComplexContent MarkAsMixed (ect); return; } // - SimpleContent SimpleExt se = sm.Content as SimpleExt; if (se != null) se.BaseTypeName = InferMergedType (value, se.BaseTypeName); SimpleRst sr = sm.Content as SimpleRst; if (sr != null) { sr.BaseTypeName = InferMergedType (value, sr.BaseTypeName); sr.BaseType = null; } } private void MarkAsMixed (ComplexType ct) { ComplexModel cm = ct.ContentModel as ComplexModel; if (cm != null) cm.IsMixed = true; else ct.IsMixed = true; } #endregion #region Particles private void ProcessLax (Choice c, string ns) { foreach (Particle p in c.Items) { Element el = p as Element; if (el == null) throw Error (c, String.Format ("Target schema item contains unacceptable particle {0}. Only element is allowed here.")); if (ElementMatches (el, ns)) { InferElement (el, ns, false); return; } } // append a new element particle to lax term. Element nel = new Element (); if (source.NamespaceURI == ns) nel.Name = source.LocalName; else { nel.RefName = new QName (source.LocalName, source.NamespaceURI); AddImport (ns, source.NamespaceURI); } InferElement (nel, source.NamespaceURI, true); c.Items.Add (nel); } private bool ElementMatches (Element el, string ns) { bool matches = false; if (el.RefName != QName.Empty) { if (el.RefName.Name == source.LocalName && el.RefName.Namespace == source.NamespaceURI) matches = true; } else if (el.Name == source.LocalName && ns == source.NamespaceURI) matches = true; return matches; } private void ProcessSequence (ComplexType ct, Sequence s, string ns, ref int position, ref bool consumed, bool isNew) { for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) { Element iel = s.Items [i] as Element; if (ElementMatches (iel, ns)) { // Sequence element type violation // might happen (might not, but we // cannot backtrack here). So switch // to sequence of choice* here. ProcessLax (ToSequenceOfChoice (s), ns); return; } } if (s.Items.Count <= position) { QName name = new QName (source.LocalName, source.NamespaceURI); Element nel = CreateElement (name); if (laxOccurrence) nel.MinOccurs = 0; InferElement (nel, ns, true); if (ns == name.Namespace) s.Items.Add (nel); else { Element re = new Element (); if (laxOccurrence) re.MinOccurs = 0; re.RefName = name; AddImport (ns, name.Namespace); s.Items.Add (re); } consumed = true; return; } Element el = s.Items [position] as Element; if (el == null) throw Error (s, String.Format ("Target complex type content sequence has an unacceptable type of particle {0}", s.Items [position])); bool matches = ElementMatches (el, ns); if (matches) { if (consumed) el.MaxOccursString = "unbounded"; InferElement (el, source.NamespaceURI, false); source.MoveToContent (); switch (source.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.None: if (source.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) goto case XmlNodeType.Element; else if (source.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) goto case XmlNodeType.EndElement; break; case XmlNodeType.Element: ProcessSequence (ct, s, ns, ref position, ref consumed, isNew); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: MarkAsMixed (ct); source.ReadString (); goto case XmlNodeType.None; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: source.ReadString (); goto case XmlNodeType.None; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: return; default: source.Read (); break; } } else { if (consumed) { position++; consumed = false; ProcessSequence (ct, s, ns, ref position, ref consumed, isNew); } else ProcessLax (ToSequenceOfChoice (s), ns); } } // Note that it does not return the changed sequence. private Choice ToSequenceOfChoice (Sequence s) { Choice c = new Choice (); if (laxOccurrence) c.MinOccurs = 0; c.MaxOccursString = "unbounded"; foreach (Particle p in s.Items) c.Items.Add (p); s.Items.Clear (); s.Items.Add (c); return c; } // It makes complexType not to have Simple content model. private void ToComplexContentType (ComplexType type) { SimpleModel sm = type.ContentModel as SimpleModel; if (sm == null) return; SOMList atts = GetAttributes (type); foreach (SOMObject o in atts) type.Attributes.Add (o); // FIXME: need to copy AnyAttribute. // (though not considered right now) type.ContentModel = null; type.IsMixed = true; } private Sequence PopulateSequence (ComplexType ct) { Particle p = PopulateParticle (ct); Sequence s = p as Sequence; if (s != null) return s; else throw Error (ct, String.Format ("Target complexType contains unacceptable type of particle {0}", p)); } private Sequence CreateSequence () { Sequence s = new Sequence (); if (laxOccurrence) s.MinOccurs = 0; return s; } private Particle PopulateParticle (ComplexType ct) { if (ct.ContentModel == null) { if (ct.Particle == null) ct.Particle = CreateSequence (); return ct.Particle; } ComplexModel cm = ct.ContentModel as ComplexModel; if (cm != null) { ComplexExt ce = cm.Content as ComplexExt; if (ce != null) { if (ce.Particle == null) ce.Particle = CreateSequence (); return ce.Particle; } ComplexRst cr = cm.Content as ComplexRst; if (cr != null) { if (cr.Particle == null) cr.Particle = CreateSequence (); return cr.Particle; } } throw Error (ct, "Schema inference internal error. The complexType should have been converted to have a complex content."); } #endregion #region String Value // primitive type inference. // When running lax type inference, it just returns xs:string. private QName InferSimpleType (string value) { if (laxTypeInference) return QNameString; switch (value) { // 0 and 1 are not inferred as byte unlike MS.XSDInfer // case "0": // case "1": case "true": case "false": return QNameBoolean; } try { long dec = XmlConvert.ToInt64 (value); if (byte.MinValue <= dec && dec <= byte.MaxValue) return QNameUByte; if (sbyte.MinValue <= dec && dec <= sbyte.MaxValue) return QNameByte; if (ushort.MinValue <= dec && dec <= ushort.MaxValue) return QNameUShort; if (short.MinValue <= dec && dec <= short.MaxValue) return QNameShort; if (uint.MinValue <= dec && dec <= uint.MaxValue) return QNameUInt; if (int.MinValue <= dec && dec <= int.MaxValue) return QNameInt; return QNameLong; } catch (Exception) { } try { XmlConvert.ToUInt64 (value); return QNameULong; } catch (Exception) { } try { XmlConvert.ToDecimal (value); return QNameDecimal; } catch (Exception) { } try { double dbl = XmlConvert.ToDouble (value); if (float.MinValue <= dbl && dbl <= float.MaxValue) return QNameFloat; else return QNameDouble; } catch (Exception) { } try { // FIXME: also try DateTimeSerializationMode // and gYearMonth XmlConvert.ToDateTime (value); return QNameDateTime; } catch (Exception) { } try { XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan (value); return QNameDuration; } catch (Exception) { } // xs:string return QNameString; } #endregion #region Utilities private Element GetGlobalElement (QName name) { Element el = newElements [name] as Element; if (el == null) el = schemas.GlobalElements [name] as Element; return el; } private Attr GetGlobalAttribute (QName name) { Attr a = newElements [name] as Attr; if (a == null) a = schemas.GlobalAttributes [name] as Attr; return a; } private Element CreateElement (QName name) { Element el = new Element (); el.Name = name.Name; return el; } private Element CreateGlobalElement (QName name) { Element el = CreateElement (name); XmlSchema schema = PopulateSchema (name.Namespace); schema.Items.Add (el); newElements.Add (name, el); return el; } private Attr CreateGlobalAttribute (QName name) { Attr attr = new Attr (); XmlSchema schema = PopulateSchema (name.Namespace); attr.Name = name.Name; schema.Items.Add (attr); newAttributes.Add (name, attr); return attr; } // Note that the return value never assures that all the // components in the parameter ns must reside in it. private XmlSchema PopulateSchema (string ns) { ICollection list = schemas.Schemas (ns); if (list.Count > 0) { IEnumerator e = list.GetEnumerator (); e.MoveNext (); return (XmlSchema) e.Current; } XmlSchema s = new XmlSchema (); if (ns != null && ns.Length > 0) s.TargetNamespace = ns; s.ElementFormDefault = Form.Qualified; s.AttributeFormDefault = Form.Unqualified; schemas.Add (s); return s; } private XmlSchemaInferenceException Error ( XmlSchemaObject sourceObj, string message) { // This override is mainly for schema component error. return Error (sourceObj, false, message); } private XmlSchemaInferenceException Error ( XmlSchemaObject sourceObj, bool useReader, string message) { string msg = String.Concat ( message, sourceObj != null ? String.Format (". Related schema component is {0}", sourceObj.SourceUri, sourceObj.LineNumber, sourceObj.LinePosition) : String.Empty, useReader ? String.Format (". {0}", source.BaseURI) : String.Empty); IXmlLineInfo li = source as IXmlLineInfo; if (useReader && li != null) return new XmlSchemaInferenceException ( msg, null, li.LineNumber, li.LinePosition); else return new XmlSchemaInferenceException (msg); } #endregion } } #endif