// // System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceView // // Authors: // Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@novell.com) // // (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Data; using System.Web.Compilation; namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { public class ObjectDataSourceView : DataSourceView, IStateManager { ObjectDataSource owner; HttpContext context; Type objectType; Type dataObjectType; bool convertNullToDBNull = false; bool enablePaging = false; string dataObjectTypeName = null; string filterExpression = null; string maximumRowsParameterName = null; string oldValuesParameterFormatString = null; string deleteMethod = null; string insertMethod = null; string selectCountMethod = null; string selectMethod = null; string sortParameterName = null; string startRowIndexParameterName = null; string typeName = null; string updateMethod = null; bool isTrackingViewState = false; ParameterCollection selectParameters; ParameterCollection updateParameters; ParameterCollection deleteParameters; ParameterCollection insertParameters; ParameterCollection filterParameters; static readonly object DeletedEvent = new object(); static readonly object DeletingEvent = new object(); static readonly object FilteringEvent = new object(); static readonly object InsertedEvent = new object(); static readonly object InsertingEvent = new object(); static readonly object ObjectCreatedEvent = new object(); static readonly object ObjectCreatingEvent = new object(); static readonly object ObjectDisposingEvent = new object(); // static readonly object ResolvingMethodEvent = new object(); static readonly object SelectedEvent = new object(); static readonly object SelectingEvent = new object(); static readonly object UpdatedEvent = new object(); static readonly object UpdatingEvent = new object(); public ObjectDataSourceView (ObjectDataSource owner, string name, HttpContext context): base (owner, name) { this.owner = owner; this.context = context; } public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Deleted { add { Events.AddHandler (DeletedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DeletedEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler Deleting { add { Events.AddHandler (DeletingEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DeletingEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventHandler Filtering { add { Events.AddHandler (FilteringEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (FilteringEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Inserted { add { Events.AddHandler (InsertedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (InsertedEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler Inserting { add { Events.AddHandler (InsertingEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (InsertingEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler ObjectCreated { add { Events.AddHandler (ObjectCreatedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ObjectCreatedEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler ObjectCreating { add { Events.AddHandler (ObjectCreatingEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ObjectCreatingEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventHandler ObjectDisposing { add { Events.AddHandler (ObjectDisposingEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ObjectDisposingEvent, value); } } /* public event ObjectDataSourceResolvingMethodEventHandler ResolvingMethod { add { Events.AddHandler (ResolvingMethodEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ResolvingMethodEvent, value); } } */ public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Selected { add { Events.AddHandler (SelectedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (SelectedEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventHandler Selecting { add { Events.AddHandler (SelectingEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (SelectingEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler Updated { add { Events.AddHandler (UpdatedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UpdatedEvent, value); } } public event ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler Updating { add { Events.AddHandler (UpdatingEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UpdatingEvent, value); } } protected virtual void OnDeleted (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler) Events [DeletedEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnDeleting (ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler) Events [DeletingEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnFiltering (ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventHandler) Events [FilteringEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnInserted (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler) Events [InsertedEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnInserting (ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler) Events [InsertingEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnObjectCreated (ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler) Events [ObjectCreatedEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnObjectCreating (ObjectDataSourceEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceObjectEventHandler) Events [ObjectCreatingEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnObjectDisposing (ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventHandler) Events [ObjectDisposingEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } /* protected virtual void OnResolvingMethod (ObjectDataSourceResolvingMethodEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceResolvingMethodEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceResolvingMethodEventHandler) Events [ResolvingMethodEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } */ protected virtual void OnSelected (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler) Events [SelectedEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnSelecting (ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventHandler) Events [SelectingEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnUpdated (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceStatusEventHandler) Events [UpdatedEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnUpdating (ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs e) { if (Events != null) { ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler eh = (ObjectDataSourceMethodEventHandler) Events [UpdatingEvent]; if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } } public override bool CanDelete { get { return DeleteMethod.Length > 0; } } public override bool CanInsert { get { return InsertMethod.Length > 0; } } public override bool CanPage { get { return EnablePaging; } } public override bool CanRetrieveTotalRowCount { get { if( SelectCountMethod.Length > 0) return true; return !EnablePaging; } } public override bool CanSort { get { return true; } } public override bool CanUpdate { get { return UpdateMethod.Length > 0; } } // LAME SPEC: MSDN says value should be stored in ViewState but tests show otherwise. ConflictOptions conflictDetection = ConflictOptions.OverwriteChanges; public ConflictOptions ConflictDetection { get { return conflictDetection; } set { if (ConflictDetection == value) return; conflictDetection = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public bool ConvertNullToDBNull { get { return convertNullToDBNull; } set { convertNullToDBNull = value; } } public string DataObjectTypeName { get { return dataObjectTypeName != null ? dataObjectTypeName : string.Empty; } set { if (DataObjectTypeName == value) return; dataObjectTypeName = value; dataObjectType = null; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public string DeleteMethod { get { return deleteMethod != null ? deleteMethod : string.Empty; } set { deleteMethod = value; } } public ParameterCollection DeleteParameters { get { if (deleteParameters == null) { deleteParameters = new ParameterCollection (); } return deleteParameters; } } public bool EnablePaging { get { return enablePaging; } set { if (EnablePaging == value) return; enablePaging = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public string FilterExpression { get { return filterExpression != null ? filterExpression : string.Empty; } set { if (FilterExpression == value) return; filterExpression = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public ParameterCollection FilterParameters { get { if (filterParameters == null) { filterParameters = new ParameterCollection (); filterParameters.ParametersChanged += new EventHandler (OnParametersChanged); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)filterParameters).TrackViewState (); } return filterParameters; } } public string InsertMethod { get { return insertMethod != null ? insertMethod : string.Empty; } set { insertMethod = value; } } public ParameterCollection InsertParameters { get { if (insertParameters == null) { insertParameters = new ParameterCollection (); } return insertParameters; } } public string MaximumRowsParameterName { get { return maximumRowsParameterName != null ? maximumRowsParameterName : "maximumRows"; } set { if (MaximumRowsParameterName == value) return; maximumRowsParameterName = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } [DefaultValue ("{0}")] public string OldValuesParameterFormatString { get { return oldValuesParameterFormatString != null ? oldValuesParameterFormatString : "{0}"; } set { if (OldValuesParameterFormatString == value) return; oldValuesParameterFormatString = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public string SelectCountMethod { get { return selectCountMethod != null ? selectCountMethod : string.Empty; } set { if (SelectCountMethod == value) return; selectCountMethod = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public string SelectMethod { get { return selectMethod != null ? selectMethod : string.Empty; } set { if (SelectMethod == value) return; selectMethod = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public ParameterCollection SelectParameters { get { if (selectParameters == null) { selectParameters = new ParameterCollection (); selectParameters.ParametersChanged += new EventHandler (OnParametersChanged); if (IsTrackingViewState) ((IStateManager)selectParameters).TrackViewState (); } return selectParameters; } } public string SortParameterName { get { return sortParameterName != null ? sortParameterName : string.Empty; } set { sortParameterName = value; } } public string StartRowIndexParameterName { get { return startRowIndexParameterName != null ? startRowIndexParameterName : "startRowIndex"; } set { if (StartRowIndexParameterName == value) return; startRowIndexParameterName = value; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public string TypeName { get { return typeName != null ? typeName : string.Empty; } set { if (TypeName == value) return; typeName = value; objectType = null; OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public string UpdateMethod { get { return updateMethod != null ? updateMethod : string.Empty; } set { updateMethod = value; } } public ParameterCollection UpdateParameters { get { if (updateParameters == null) { updateParameters = new ParameterCollection (); } return updateParameters; } } Type ObjectType { get { if (objectType == null) { objectType = HttpApplication.LoadType (TypeName); if (objectType == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Type not found: " + TypeName); } return objectType; } } Type DataObjectType { get { if (dataObjectType == null) { dataObjectType = HttpApplication.LoadType (DataObjectTypeName); if (dataObjectType == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Type not found: " + DataObjectTypeName); } return dataObjectType; } } public IEnumerable Select (DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) { return ExecuteSelect (arguments); } public int Update (IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues) { return ExecuteUpdate (keys, values, oldValues); } public int Delete (IDictionary keys, IDictionary oldValues) { return ExecuteDelete (keys, oldValues); } public int Insert (IDictionary values) { return ExecuteInsert (values); } protected override int ExecuteInsert (IDictionary values) { if (!CanInsert) throw new NotSupportedException ("Insert operation not supported."); IOrderedDictionary paramValues; MethodInfo method; if (DataObjectTypeName.Length == 0) { paramValues = MergeParameterValues (InsertParameters, values, null); method = GetObjectMethod (InsertMethod, paramValues, DataObjectMethodType.Insert); } else { method = ResolveDataObjectMethod (InsertMethod, values, null, out paramValues); } ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs args = new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs (paramValues); OnInserting (args); if (args.Cancel) return -1; ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs rargs = InvokeMethod (method, paramValues); OnInserted (rargs); if (rargs.Exception != null && !rargs.ExceptionHandled) throw rargs.Exception; if (owner.EnableCaching) owner.Cache.Expire (); OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); return -1; } protected override int ExecuteDelete (IDictionary keys, IDictionary oldValues) { if (!CanDelete) throw new NotSupportedException ("Delete operation not supported."); if (ConflictDetection == ConflictOptions.CompareAllValues && (oldValues == null || oldValues.Count == 0)) throw new InvalidOperationException ("ConflictDetection is set to CompareAllValues and oldValues collection is null or empty."); IDictionary oldDataValues; oldDataValues = BuildOldValuesList (keys, oldValues, false); IOrderedDictionary paramValues; MethodInfo method; if (DataObjectTypeName.Length == 0) { paramValues = MergeParameterValues (DeleteParameters, null, oldDataValues); method = GetObjectMethod (DeleteMethod, paramValues, DataObjectMethodType.Delete); } else { method = ResolveDataObjectMethod (DeleteMethod, oldDataValues, null, out paramValues); } ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs args = new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs (paramValues); OnDeleting (args); if (args.Cancel) return -1; ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs rargs = InvokeMethod (method, paramValues); OnDeleted (rargs); if (rargs.Exception != null && !rargs.ExceptionHandled) throw rargs.Exception; if (owner.EnableCaching) owner.Cache.Expire (); OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); return -1; } protected override int ExecuteUpdate (IDictionary keys, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues) { IOrderedDictionary paramValues; MethodInfo method; IDictionary oldDataValues; oldDataValues = BuildOldValuesList (keys, oldValues, true); if (DataObjectTypeName.Length == 0) { IDictionary dataValues; dataValues = values; paramValues = MergeParameterValues (UpdateParameters, dataValues, oldDataValues); method = GetObjectMethod (UpdateMethod, paramValues, DataObjectMethodType.Update); } else { if (ConflictDetection != ConflictOptions.CompareAllValues) { oldDataValues = null; } IDictionary dataValues = new Hashtable (); if (keys != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in keys) dataValues [de.Key] = de.Value; } if (values != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in values) dataValues [de.Key] = de.Value; } method = ResolveDataObjectMethod (UpdateMethod, dataValues, oldDataValues, out paramValues); } ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs args = new ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs (paramValues); OnUpdating (args); if (args.Cancel) return -1; ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs rargs = InvokeMethod (method, paramValues); OnUpdated (rargs); if (rargs.Exception != null && !rargs.ExceptionHandled) throw rargs.Exception; if (owner.EnableCaching) owner.Cache.Expire (); OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); return -1; } IDictionary BuildOldValuesList (IDictionary keys, IDictionary oldValues, bool keysWin) { IDictionary oldDataValues; if (ConflictDetection == ConflictOptions.CompareAllValues) { oldDataValues = new Hashtable (); if (keys != null && !keysWin) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in keys) oldDataValues [de.Key] = de.Value; } if (oldValues != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in oldValues) oldDataValues [de.Key] = de.Value; } if (keys != null && keysWin) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in keys) oldDataValues [de.Key] = de.Value; } } else { oldDataValues = keys; } return oldDataValues; } protected internal override IEnumerable ExecuteSelect (DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) { arguments.RaiseUnsupportedCapabilitiesError (this); IOrderedDictionary paramValues = MergeParameterValues (SelectParameters, null, null); ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs args = new ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs (paramValues, arguments, false); object result = null; if (owner.EnableCaching) result = owner.Cache.GetCachedObject (SelectMethod, SelectParameters); if (result == null) { OnSelecting (args); if (args.Cancel) return new ArrayList (); if (CanPage) { if (StartRowIndexParameterName.Length == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Paging is enabled, but the StartRowIndexParameterName property is not set."); if (MaximumRowsParameterName.Length == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Paging is enabled, but the MaximumRowsParameterName property is not set."); paramValues [StartRowIndexParameterName] = arguments.StartRowIndex; paramValues [MaximumRowsParameterName] = arguments.MaximumRows; } if (SortParameterName.Length > 0) paramValues [SortParameterName] = arguments.SortExpression; result = InvokeSelect (SelectMethod, paramValues); if (CanRetrieveTotalRowCount && arguments.RetrieveTotalRowCount) arguments.TotalRowCount = QueryTotalRowCount (MergeParameterValues (SelectParameters, null, null), arguments); if (owner.EnableCaching) owner.Cache.SetCachedObject (SelectMethod, SelectParameters, result); } if (FilterExpression.Length > 0 && !(result is DataGrid || result is DataView || result is DataTable)) throw new NotSupportedException ("The FilterExpression property was set and the Select method does not return a DataSet, DataTable, or DataView."); if (owner.EnableCaching && result is IDataReader) throw new NotSupportedException ("Data source does not support caching objects that implement IDataReader"); if (result is DataSet) { DataSet dset = (DataSet) result; if (dset.Tables.Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The select method returnet a DataSet which doesn't contain any table."); result = dset.Tables [0]; } if (result is DataTable) { DataView dview = new DataView ((DataTable)result); if (arguments.SortExpression != null && arguments.SortExpression.Length > 0) { dview.Sort = arguments.SortExpression; } if (FilterExpression.Length > 0) { IOrderedDictionary fparams = FilterParameters.GetValues (context, owner); ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventArgs fargs = new ObjectDataSourceFilteringEventArgs (fparams); OnFiltering (fargs); if (!fargs.Cancel) { object[] formatValues = new object [fparams.Count]; for (int n=0; n 1) { // MSDN: The ObjectDataSource resolves method overloads by method name and number // of parameters; the names and types of the parameters are not considered. // LAMESPEC: the tests show otherwise DataObjectMethodAttribute methodAttribute = null; MethodInfo methodInfo = null; bool hasConflict = false; foreach (MethodInfo me in methods) { // we look for methods only ParameterInfo [] pinfos = me.GetParameters (); if (pinfos.Length == parameters.Count) { object [] attrs = me.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (DataObjectMethodAttribute), true); DataObjectMethodAttribute domAttr = (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0) ? (DataObjectMethodAttribute) attrs [0] : null; if (domAttr != null && domAttr.MethodType != methodType) continue; bool paramsMatch = true; foreach (ParameterInfo pinfo in pinfos) { if (!parameters.Contains (pinfo.Name)) { paramsMatch = false; break; } } if (!paramsMatch) continue; if (domAttr != null) { if (methodAttribute != null) { if (methodAttribute.IsDefault) { if (domAttr.IsDefault) { methodInfo = null; break; //fail due to a conflict } else continue; //existing matches better } else { methodInfo = null; //we override hasConflict = !domAttr.IsDefault; } } else methodInfo = null; //we override } if (methodInfo == null) { methodAttribute = domAttr; methodInfo = me; continue; } hasConflict = true; } } if (!hasConflict && methodInfo != null) return methodInfo; } else if (methods.Length == 1) { MethodInfo me = methods[0] as MethodInfo; if (me != null && me.GetParameters().Length == parameters.Count) return me; } throw CreateMethodException (methodName, parameters); } MethodInfo ResolveDataObjectMethod (string methodName, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues, out IOrderedDictionary paramValues) { MethodInfo method; if (oldValues != null) method = ObjectType.GetMethod (methodName, new Type[] { DataObjectType, DataObjectType }); else method = ObjectType.GetMethod (methodName, new Type[] { DataObjectType }); if (method == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("ObjectDataSource " + owner.ID + " could not find a method named '" + methodName + "' with parameters of type '" + DataObjectType + "' in '" + ObjectType + "'."); paramValues = new OrderedDictionary (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); ParameterInfo[] ps = method.GetParameters (); if (oldValues != null) { if (FormatOldParameter (ps[0].Name) == ps[1].Name) { paramValues [ps[0].Name] = CreateDataObject (values); paramValues [ps[1].Name] = CreateDataObject (oldValues); } else if (FormatOldParameter (ps[1].Name) == ps[0].Name) { paramValues [ps[0].Name] = CreateDataObject (oldValues); paramValues [ps[1].Name] = CreateDataObject (values); } else throw new InvalidOperationException ("Method '" + methodName + "' does not have any parameter that fits the value of OldValuesParameterFormatString."); } else { paramValues [ps[0].Name] = CreateDataObject (values); } return method; } Exception CreateMethodException (string methodName, IOrderedDictionary parameters) { string s = ""; foreach (string p in parameters.Keys) { s += p + ", "; } return new InvalidOperationException ("ObjectDataSource " + owner.ID + " could not find a method named '" + methodName + "' with parameters " + s + "in type '" + ObjectType + "'."); } object CreateDataObject (IDictionary values) { object ob = Activator.CreateInstance (DataObjectType); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in values) { PropertyInfo p = DataObjectType.GetProperty ((string)de.Key); if (p == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Property " + de.Key + " not found in type '" +DataObjectType + "'."); object[] attributes = p.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute), true); Type propertyType = p.PropertyType; object value = de.Value; object converted = ConvertParameterWithTypeConverter (attributes, propertyType, value); if (converted == null) converted = ConvertParameter (propertyType, value); p.SetValue (ob, converted, null); } return ob; } object CreateObjectInstance () { ObjectDataSourceEventArgs args = new ObjectDataSourceEventArgs (null); OnObjectCreating (args); if (args.ObjectInstance != null) return args.ObjectInstance; object ob = Activator.CreateInstance (ObjectType); args.ObjectInstance = ob; OnObjectCreated (args); return args.ObjectInstance; } void DisposeObjectInstance (object obj) { ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventArgs args = new ObjectDataSourceDisposingEventArgs (obj); OnObjectDisposing (args); if (!args.Cancel) { IDisposable disp = obj as IDisposable; if (disp != null) disp.Dispose (); } } object FindValueByName (string name, IDictionary values, bool format) { if (values == null) return null; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in values) { string valueName = format == true ? FormatOldParameter (de.Key.ToString ()) : de.Key.ToString (); if (String.Compare (name, valueName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) return values [de.Key]; } return null; } /// /// Merge the current data item fields with view parameter default values /// /// default parameters /// new parameters for update and insert /// old parameters for update and delete /// true for insert, as current item is /// irrelevant for insert /// merged values IOrderedDictionary MergeParameterValues (ParameterCollection viewParams, IDictionary values, IDictionary oldValues) { IOrderedDictionary parametersValues = viewParams.GetValues (context, owner); OrderedDictionary mergedValues = new OrderedDictionary (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (string parameterName in parametersValues.Keys) { mergedValues [parameterName] = parametersValues [parameterName]; if (oldValues != null) { object value = FindValueByName (parameterName, oldValues, true); if (value != null) { object dataValue = viewParams [parameterName].ConvertValue (value); mergedValues [parameterName] = dataValue; } } if (values != null) { object value = FindValueByName (parameterName, values, false); if (value != null) { object dataValue = viewParams [parameterName].ConvertValue (value); mergedValues [parameterName] = dataValue; } } } if (values != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in values) if (FindValueByName ((string) de.Key, mergedValues, false) == null) mergedValues [de.Key] = de.Value; } if (oldValues != null) { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in oldValues) { string oldValueKey = FormatOldParameter ((string) de.Key); if (FindValueByName (oldValueKey, mergedValues, false) == null) mergedValues [oldValueKey] = de.Value; } } return mergedValues; } object[] GetParameterArray (ParameterInfo[] methodParams, IOrderedDictionary viewParams, out ArrayList outParamInfos) { // FIXME: make this case insensitive outParamInfos = null; object[] values = new object [methodParams.Length]; foreach (ParameterInfo mp in methodParams) { // Parameter names must match if (!viewParams.Contains (mp.Name)) return null; values [mp.Position] = ConvertParameter (mp.ParameterType, viewParams [mp.Name]); if (mp.ParameterType.IsByRef) { if (outParamInfos == null) outParamInfos = new ArrayList (); outParamInfos.Add (mp); } } return values; } object ConvertParameterWithTypeConverter (object[] attributes, Type targetType, object value) { if (attributes == null || attributes.Length == 0 || value == null) return null; TypeConverterAttribute tca; Type converterType; TypeConverter converter; foreach (object a in attributes) { tca = a as TypeConverterAttribute; if (tca == null) continue; converterType = HttpApplication.LoadType (tca.ConverterTypeName, false); if (converterType == null) continue; converter = Activator.CreateInstance (converterType, new object[] {targetType}) as TypeConverter; if (converter == null) continue; if (converter.CanConvertFrom (value.GetType ())) return converter.ConvertFrom (value); else if (converter.CanConvertFrom (typeof (string))) return converter.ConvertFrom (value.ToString ()); } return null; } object ConvertParameter (Type targetType, object value) { return ConvertParameter (Type.GetTypeCode (targetType), value); } object ConvertParameter (TypeCode targetType, object value) { if (value == null) { if (targetType != TypeCode.Object && targetType != TypeCode.String) value = 0; else if (ConvertNullToDBNull) return DBNull.Value; } if (targetType == TypeCode.Object || targetType == TypeCode.Empty) return value; else return Convert.ChangeType (value, targetType); } string FormatOldParameter (string name) { string f = OldValuesParameterFormatString; if (f.Length > 0) return String.Format (f, name); else return name; } void OnParametersChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { OnDataSourceViewChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } protected virtual void LoadViewState (object savedState) { object[] state = (savedState == null) ? new object [5] : (object[]) savedState; ((IStateManager)SelectParameters).LoadViewState (state[0]); ((IStateManager)UpdateParameters).LoadViewState (state[1]); ((IStateManager)DeleteParameters).LoadViewState (state[2]); ((IStateManager)InsertParameters).LoadViewState (state[3]); ((IStateManager)FilterParameters).LoadViewState (state[4]); } protected virtual object SaveViewState() { object[] state = new object [5]; if (selectParameters != null) state [0] = ((IStateManager)selectParameters).SaveViewState (); if (updateParameters != null) state [1] = ((IStateManager)updateParameters).SaveViewState (); if (deleteParameters != null) state [2] = ((IStateManager)deleteParameters).SaveViewState (); if (insertParameters != null) state [3] = ((IStateManager)insertParameters).SaveViewState (); if (filterParameters != null) state [4] = ((IStateManager)filterParameters).SaveViewState (); foreach (object ob in state) if (ob != null) return state; return null; } protected virtual void TrackViewState() { isTrackingViewState = true; if (selectParameters != null) ((IStateManager)selectParameters).TrackViewState (); if (filterParameters != null) ((IStateManager)filterParameters).TrackViewState (); } protected bool IsTrackingViewState { get { return isTrackingViewState; } } bool IStateManager.IsTrackingViewState { get { return IsTrackingViewState; } } void IStateManager.TrackViewState() { TrackViewState (); } void IStateManager.LoadViewState (object savedState) { LoadViewState (savedState); } object IStateManager.SaveViewState() { return SaveViewState (); } } } #endif