// // System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataList.cs // // Author: // Sebastien Pouliot // // Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Security.Permissions; namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls { // CAS [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] [AspNetHostingPermission (SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)] // attributes [DefaultEvent ("SelectedIndexChanged")] [DefaultProperty ("DataSource")] [Designer ("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.BaseDataListDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")] public abstract class BaseDataList : WebControl { static readonly object selectedIndexChangedEvent = new object (); DataKeyCollection keycoll; object source; //string dataSourceId; IDataSource boundDataSource = null; bool initialized; bool requiresDataBinding; DataSourceSelectArguments selectArguments; IEnumerable data; protected BaseDataList () { } [DefaultValue ("")] [Localizable (true)] [WebSysDescription ("")] [WebCategory ("Accessibility")] public virtual string Caption { get { return ViewState.GetString ("Caption", String.Empty); } set { if (value == null) ViewState.Remove ("Caption"); else ViewState ["Caption"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (TableCaptionAlign.NotSet)] public virtual TableCaptionAlign CaptionAlign { get { return (TableCaptionAlign) ViewState.GetInt ("CaptionAlign", (int)TableCaptionAlign.NotSet); } set { if ((value < TableCaptionAlign.NotSet) || (value > TableCaptionAlign.Right)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (Locale.GetText ("Invalid TableCaptionAlign value.")); ViewState ["CaptionAlign"] = value; } } [DefaultValue (-1)] [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Layout")] public virtual int CellPadding { get { if (!ControlStyleCreated) return -1; // default value return TableStyle.CellPadding; } set { TableStyle.CellPadding = value; } } [DefaultValue (0)] [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Layout")] public virtual int CellSpacing { get { if (!ControlStyleCreated) return 0; // default value return TableStyle.CellSpacing; } set { TableStyle.CellSpacing = value; } } public override ControlCollection Controls { get { EnsureChildControls (); return base.Controls; } } [DefaultValue ("")] [Themeable (false)] [MonoTODO ("incomplete")] [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Data")] public virtual string DataKeyField { get { return ViewState.GetString ("DataKeyField", String.Empty); } set { if (value == null) ViewState.Remove ("DataKeyField"); else ViewState ["DataKeyField"] = value; } } [Browsable (false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Data")] public DataKeyCollection DataKeys { get { if (keycoll == null) keycoll = new DataKeyCollection (DataKeysArray); return keycoll; } } protected ArrayList DataKeysArray { get { ArrayList keys = (ArrayList) ViewState ["DataKeys"]; if (keys == null) { keys = new ArrayList (); ViewState ["DataKeys"] = keys; } return keys; } } [DefaultValue ("")] [Themeable (false)] [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Data")] public string DataMember { get { return ViewState.GetString ("DataMember", String.Empty); } set { if (value == null) ViewState.Remove ("DataMember"); else ViewState ["DataMember"] = value; OnDataPropertyChanged (); } } [Bindable (true)] [DefaultValue (null)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] [Themeable (false)] [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Data")] public virtual object DataSource { get { return source; } set { if ((value == null) || (value is IEnumerable) || (value is IListSource)) { // FIXME - can't duplicate in a test case ? LAMESPEC ? // can't duplicate in a test case // if ((dataSourceId != null) && (dataSourceId.Length != 0)) // throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("DataSourceID is already set.")); source = value; OnDataPropertyChanged (); } else { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Invalid data source. This requires an object implementing {0} or {1}.", "IEnumerable", "IListSource"); throw new ArgumentException (msg); } } } [DefaultValue (GridLines.Both)] [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Appearance")] public virtual GridLines GridLines { get { if (!ControlStyleCreated) return GridLines.Both; // default value return TableStyle.GridLines; } set { TableStyle.GridLines = value; } } [Category ("Layout")] [DefaultValue (HorizontalAlign.NotSet)] [WebSysDescription("")] public virtual HorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign { get { if (!ControlStyleCreated) return HorizontalAlign.NotSet; // default value return TableStyle.HorizontalAlign; } set { TableStyle.HorizontalAlign = value; } } [DefaultValue (false)] public virtual bool UseAccessibleHeader { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("UseAccessibleHeader", false); } set { ViewState ["UseAccessibleHeader"] = value; } } [DefaultValue ("")] [IDReferenceProperty (typeof (DataSourceControl))] [Themeable (false)] public virtual string DataSourceID { get { return ViewState.GetString ("DataSourceID", String.Empty); } set { // LAMESPEC ? this is documented as an HttpException in beta2 if (source != null) throw new InvalidOperationException (Locale.GetText ("DataSource is already set.")); ViewState ["DataSourceID"] = value; OnDataPropertyChanged (); } } protected bool Initialized { get { return initialized; } } // as documented in BaseDataBoundControl protected bool IsBoundUsingDataSourceID { get { return (DataSourceID.Length != 0); } } // doc says ?automatically? called by ASP.NET protected bool RequiresDataBinding { get { return requiresDataBinding; } set { requiresDataBinding = value; } } protected DataSourceSelectArguments SelectArguments { get { if (selectArguments == null) selectArguments = CreateDataSourceSelectArguments (); return selectArguments; } } #if NET_4_0 public override bool SupportsDisabledAttribute { get { return RenderingCompatibilityLessThan40; } } #endif TableStyle TableStyle { // this will throw an InvalidCasException just like we need get { return (TableStyle) ControlStyle; } } protected override void AddParsedSubObject (object obj) { // don't accept controls } // see Kothari, page 435 protected internal override void CreateChildControls () { // We are recreating the children from viewstate if (HasControls ()) base.Controls.Clear(); if (IsDataBound) CreateControlHierarchy (false); else if (RequiresDataBinding) EnsureDataBound (); } protected abstract void CreateControlHierarchy (bool useDataSource); // see Kothari, page 434 // see also: Control.DataBind on Fx 2.0 beta2 documentation public override void DataBind () { // unlike most samples we don't call base.OnDataBinding // because we override it in this class OnDataBinding (EventArgs.Empty); // Clear, if required, then recreate the control hierarchy if (HasControls ()) Controls.Clear (); if (HasChildViewState) ClearChildViewState (); if (!IsTrackingViewState) TrackViewState (); CreateControlHierarchy (true); // Indicate that child controls have been created, preventing // CreateChildControls from getting called. ChildControlsCreated = true; RequiresDataBinding = false; IsDataBound = true; } protected virtual DataSourceSelectArguments CreateDataSourceSelectArguments () { return DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty; } // best documentation is (again) in BaseDataBoundControl protected void EnsureDataBound () { if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && RequiresDataBinding) DataBind (); } void SelectCallback (IEnumerable data) { this.data = data; } protected virtual IEnumerable GetData () { if (DataSourceID.Length == 0) return null; if (boundDataSource == null) ConnectToDataSource (); DataSourceView dsv = boundDataSource.GetView (String.Empty); dsv.Select (SelectArguments, new DataSourceViewSelectCallback (SelectCallback)); return data; } bool IsDataBound { get { return ViewState.GetBool ("_DataBound", false); } set { ViewState ["_DataBound"] = value; } } protected override void OnDataBinding (EventArgs e) { base.OnDataBinding (e); } protected virtual void OnDataPropertyChanged () { if (Initialized) RequiresDataBinding = true; } protected virtual void OnDataSourceViewChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { RequiresDataBinding = true; } protected internal override void OnInit (EventArgs e) { base.OnInit (e); Page page = Page; if (page != null) { page.PreLoad += new EventHandler (OnPagePreLoad); if (!IsViewStateEnabled && page.IsPostBack) RequiresDataBinding = true; } } void OnPagePreLoad (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Initialized) Initialize (); } protected internal override void OnLoad (EventArgs e) { if (!Initialized) Initialize (); base.OnLoad (e); } void Initialize () { Page page = Page; if (page != null) { if (!page.IsPostBack || (IsViewStateEnabled && !IsDataBound)) RequiresDataBinding = true; } if (IsBoundUsingDataSourceID) ConnectToDataSource (); initialized = true; } protected internal override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e) { EnsureDataBound (); base.OnPreRender (e); } protected virtual void OnSelectedIndexChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler selectedIndexChanged = (EventHandler) Events [selectedIndexChangedEvent]; if (selectedIndexChanged != null) selectedIndexChanged (this, e); } protected abstract void PrepareControlHierarchy (); protected internal override void Render (HtmlTextWriter writer) { PrepareControlHierarchy (); // don't call base class or RenderBegin|EndTag // or we'll get an extra RenderContents (writer); } [WebSysDescription("")] [WebCategory("Action")] public event EventHandler SelectedIndexChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (selectedIndexChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (selectedIndexChangedEvent, value); } } static public bool IsBindableType (Type type) { // I can't believe how many NRE are possible in System.Web if (type == null) // Type.GetTypeCode no longer throws when a null is passed. throw new NullReferenceException (); switch (Type.GetTypeCode (type)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: case TypeCode.Char: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.DateTime: case TypeCode.Decimal: case TypeCode.String: return true; default: return false; } } void ConnectToDataSource () { if (NamingContainer != null) boundDataSource = (NamingContainer.FindControl (DataSourceID) as IDataSource); if (boundDataSource == null) { if (Parent != null) boundDataSource = (Parent.FindControl (DataSourceID) as IDataSource); if (boundDataSource == null) throw new HttpException (Locale.GetText ("Coulnd't find a DataSource named '{0}'.", DataSourceID)); } DataSourceView dsv = boundDataSource.GetView (String.Empty); dsv.DataSourceViewChanged += new EventHandler (OnDataSourceViewChanged); } } }