System.Web System.EventArgs The object provides event information to the event of the class. The object provides access to the of the current request, and a Boolean property is used to enable or cancel creation of a by the . Provides event data for the event of the class. Constructor The object provides event information to the event of the class. The object provides access to the of the current request, and a Boolean property is used to enable or cancel creation of a by the . Creates an instance of the class and sets the property to the specified . The of the current request. Property System.Web.HttpContext To be added. The object provides event information to the event of the class. The property provides access to the of the current request. Gets the for the current request. Property System.Boolean To be added. The property is used to enable or cancel creation of a by the . If set to true in the event, then the assumes that role membership for the current user has been verified and any required role membership information has been set up for the current user. No action is taken by the to create a object for the current user. Gets or sets a value indicating whether role information has been applied to the current user.