System.Web System.Object The class is used to represent information about a user profile from the data store, including the last date and time when profile properties were retrieved or updated, the user name associated with the profile, and whether the profile is for an anonymous or authenticated user. objects are constructed and returned as part of a by the , , , and methods of a . Provides information about a user profile. Constructor This constructor is not intended to be used from your code. Instead, use the . objects are constructed and returned as part of a by the , , , and methods of a . Creates an instance of the object for a class that inherits the class. Constructor The object is used to represent information about a user profile from the data store, including the last date and time when profile properties were retrieved or updated, the user name associated with the profile, and whether the profile is for an anonymous or authenticated user. objects are constructed and returned as a by the , , , and methods of a . Creates an instance of the class with the specified property values. The user name for the profile. true to indicate the profile is for an anonymous user; false to indicate the profile is for an authenticated user. The last date and time when the profile was read or updated. The last date and time when the profile was updated. The size of the profile information and values stored in the data source. Property System.Boolean To be added. To be added. Gets whether the user name for the profile is anonymous. Property System.DateTime To be added. To be added. Gets the last date and time when the profile was read or updated. Property System.DateTime To be added. To be added. Gets the last date and time when the profile was updated. Property System.Int32 To be added. The calculates the size of the profile as the total size of the string and binary columns that store the profile property values and the column that stores the profile property names. The size of the columns is determined using the SQL Server DATALENGTH function. Gets the size of the profile property names and values stored in the data source. Property System.String To be added. To be added. Gets the user name for the profile.