System.Web System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase The class allows you to programmatically access a collection of objects. The collection can be accessed with either the key or the index. Contains a collection of objects. This class cannot be inherited. Constructor To be added. Creates a new instance of the class. Method System.Void To be added. Adds a object to the instance. A that contains the virtual directory path. A object. Property System.Collections.ICollection To be added. To be added. Returns a string array that contains all the keys in the instance. Method System.Void To be added. Clears all objects from the instance. Method System.Void To be added. Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional , starting at the specified index of the target array. A one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from the . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Method System.Web.Configuration.VirtualDirectoryMapping To be added. Gets the specified collection element at the specified index. The element at the specified index. An integer value that specifies a particular object within the . Method System.Web.Configuration.VirtualDirectoryMapping To be added. Gets the collection element based on the specified virtual-directory name. The element based on the specified virtual-directory name. A string that contains the name of the object. Method System.String To be added. Gets the key of the entry at the specified index of the instance. A string that contains the name of the object. An integer value that specifies a particular object within the . Property System.Web.Configuration.VirtualDirectoryMapping To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Property System.Web.Configuration.VirtualDirectoryMapping To be added. To be added. To be added. To be added. Method System.Void To be added. Removes a object from the instance. A string that contains the name of the object. Method System.Void To be added. Removes a object at the specified index from the . An integer value that specifies a particular object within the .