Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the <link location="node:gtk-sharp/programming/threads">Gtk# Thread Programming</link> for details.
System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple=true, Inherited=true)
The basic steps to receiving and processing a SOAP header are:
Create a class deriving from representing the data passed in the SOAP header.
Add a member to the XML Web service class or XML Web service client proxy class of the type created in step 1.
Apply a to the XML Web service method or the corresponding method in the proxy class, specifying the member created in step 2 in the property.
Within the XML Web service method or XML Web service client code, access the property to process the data sent in the SOAP header.
For more details, see the property.
This attribute is applied to an XML Web service method or an XML Web service client to specify a SOAP header that the XML Web service method or XML Web service client can process. This class cannot be inherited.
An XML Web service client or XML Web service can specify the SOAP headers it wants to process for specific XML Web service methods by applying a to the XML Web service method in the XML Web service class or the corresponding method in the proxy class. In order for the XML Web service method to receive the contents of the SOAP header, a member is added to the XML Web service class of a derived from . Likewise, an XML Web service client adds a member to the proxy class deriving from . That deriving from represents the contents of the SOAP header and is created by the developer of the XML Web service or XML Web service client that wants to receive the SOAP header. Once the class is created, a can be applied to the XML Web service method or corresponding method in the XML Web service client proxy class specifing the member to receive the SOAP header contents with the parameter to this constructor or the property.
An XML Web service method can receive multiple SOAP headers by adding multiple members to the XML Web service class or the XML Web service proxy class and in turn applying multiple attributes to the XML Web service method.
To receive and process unknown SOAP headers at the time the XML Web service is written, specify the of the member to be either , or an array of either class.
Initializes a new instance of the class, setting the member of the XML Web service class representing the SOAP header contents.
The member of the XML Web service class representing the SOAP header contents. The property will be set to the value of this parameter.
To be added: an object of type 'SoapHeaderDirection'
To be added
Gets or sets whether the SOAP header is intended for the XML Web service or the XML Web service client or both.
To be added: an object of type 'string'
An XML Web service or XML Web service client can specify the SOAP headers it wants to process by applying a to the XML Web service method in the XML Web service class or the corresponding method in the proxy class. In order for the XML Web service method to receive the contents of the SOAP header, a member is added to the XML Web service class of a type derived from . Likewise, an XML Web service client adds a member to the proxy class deriving from . The deriving from represents the contents of the SOAP header and is created by the developer of the XML Web service or XML Web service client that wants to receive the SOAP header. Once the class is created, a can be applied to the XML Web service method or corresponding method in the XML Web service client proxy class specifying the member to receive the SOAP header contents with the property.
An XML Web service method can receive multiple SOAP headers by adding multiple members to the XML Web service class or the XML Web service proxy class and in turn applying multiple attributes to the XML Web service method.
To receive and process unknown SOAP headers at the time the XML Web service is written, specify the type of the member to be either , or an array of either class.
Gets or sets the member of the XML Web service class representing the SOAP header contents.
To be added: an object of type 'bool'
To verify that a SOAP header is sent to an XML Web service, confirm that the member specified in the property is null. If it is null, the SOAP header was not sent.
In version 1.0 of the .NET Framework SDK, the property indicates whether a SOAP header must be understood and processed by the recipient XML Web service or XML Web service client. If a recipient did not process the SOAP header an exception was thrown.
This member is obsolete and has no functionality.
System.Obsolete("This property will be removed from a future version. The presence of a particular header in a SOAP message is no longer enforced", false)