// // XmlDictionaryReader.cs // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi@ximian.com> // // Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Xml; namespace System.Xml { public abstract partial class XmlDictionaryReader : XmlReader { protected XmlDictionaryReader () { } XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas; public virtual bool CanCanonicalize { get { return false; } } public virtual XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas Quotas { get { if (quotas == null) quotas = new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas (); return quotas; } } public virtual void EndCanonicalization () { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public virtual string GetAttribute ( XmlDictionaryString localName, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName"); if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); return GetAttribute (localName.Value, namespaceUri.Value); } public virtual int IndexOfLocalName ( string [] localNames, string namespaceUri) { if (localNames == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localNames"); if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); if (NamespaceURI != namespaceUri) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < localNames.Length; i++) if (localNames [i] == LocalName) return i; return -1; } public virtual int IndexOfLocalName ( XmlDictionaryString [] localNames, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (localNames == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localNames"); if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); if (NamespaceURI != namespaceUri.Value) return -1; XmlDictionaryString localName; if (!TryGetLocalNameAsDictionaryString (out localName)) return -1; IXmlDictionary dict = localName.Dictionary; XmlDictionaryString iter; for (int i = 0; i < localNames.Length; i++) if (dict.TryLookup (localNames [i], out iter) && object.ReferenceEquals (iter, localName)) return i; return -1; } public virtual bool IsArray (out Type type) { type = null; return false; } public virtual bool IsLocalName (string localName) { return LocalName == localName; } public virtual bool IsLocalName (XmlDictionaryString localName) { if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName"); return LocalName == localName.Value; } public virtual bool IsNamespaceUri (string namespaceUri) { return NamespaceURI == namespaceUri; } public virtual bool IsNamespaceUri (XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); return NamespaceURI == namespaceUri.Value; } public virtual bool IsStartArray (out Type type) { type = null; return false; } public virtual bool IsStartElement ( XmlDictionaryString localName, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName"); if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); return IsStartElement (localName.Value, namespaceUri.Value); } protected bool IsTextNode (XmlNodeType nodeType) { switch (nodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: // wow, it isn't indeed. case XmlNodeType.Text: case XmlNodeType.CDATA: case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: return true; default: return false; } } XmlException XmlError (string message) { IXmlLineInfo li = this as IXmlLineInfo; if (li == null || !li.HasLineInfo ()) return new XmlException (message); else return new XmlException (String.Format ("{0} in {1} , at ({2},{3})", message, BaseURI, li.LineNumber, li.LinePosition)); } public virtual void MoveToStartElement () { MoveToContent (); if (NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) throw XmlError (String.Format ("Element node is expected, but got {0} node.", NodeType)); } public virtual void MoveToStartElement (string name) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name"); MoveToStartElement (); if (Name != name) throw XmlError (String.Format ("Element node '{0}' is expected, but got '{1}' element.", name, Name)); } public virtual void MoveToStartElement ( string localName, string namespaceUri) { if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName"); if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); MoveToStartElement (); if (LocalName != localName || NamespaceURI != namespaceUri) throw XmlError (String.Format ("Element node '{0}' in namespace '{1}' is expected, but got '{2}' in namespace '{3}' element.", localName, namespaceUri, LocalName, NamespaceURI)); } public virtual void MoveToStartElement ( XmlDictionaryString localName, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName"); if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); MoveToStartElement (localName.Value, namespaceUri.Value); } public virtual void StartCanonicalization ( Stream stream, bool includeComments, string [] inclusivePrefixes) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public virtual bool TryGetArrayLength (out int count) { count = -1; return false; } public virtual bool TryGetBase64ContentLength (out int count) { count = -1; return false; } public virtual bool TryGetLocalNameAsDictionaryString ( out XmlDictionaryString localName) { localName = null; return false; } public virtual bool TryGetNamespaceUriAsDictionaryString ( out XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { namespaceUri = null; return false; } #region Content Reader Methods public override object ReadContentAs (Type type, IXmlNamespaceResolver nsResolver) { return base.ReadContentAs (type, nsResolver); } public virtual byte [] ReadContentAsBase64 () { int len; if (!TryGetBase64ContentLength (out len)) return Convert.FromBase64String (ReadContentAsString ()); byte [] bytes = new byte [len]; ReadContentAsBase64 (bytes, 0, len); return bytes; } MethodInfo xmlconv_from_bin_hex = typeof (XmlConvert).GetMethod ("FromBinHexString", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type [] {typeof (string)}, null); byte [] FromBinHexString (string s) { return (byte []) xmlconv_from_bin_hex.Invoke (null, new object [] {s}); } public virtual byte [] ReadContentAsBinHex () { int len; if (!TryGetArrayLength (out len)) return FromBinHexString (ReadContentAsString ()); return ReadContentAsBinHex (len); } protected byte [] ReadContentAsBinHex (int maxByteArrayContentLength) { byte [] bytes = new byte [maxByteArrayContentLength]; ReadContentAsBinHex (bytes, 0, maxByteArrayContentLength); return bytes; } [MonoTODO] public virtual int ReadContentAsChars (char [] chars, int offset, int count) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public override decimal ReadContentAsDecimal () { return base.ReadContentAsDecimal (); } public override float ReadContentAsFloat () { return base.ReadContentAsFloat (); } public virtual Guid ReadContentAsGuid () { return XmlConvert.ToGuid (ReadContentAsString ()); } public virtual void ReadContentAsQualifiedName (out string localName, out string namespaceUri) { XmlQualifiedName qname = (XmlQualifiedName) ReadContentAs (typeof (XmlQualifiedName), this as IXmlNamespaceResolver); localName = qname.Name; namespaceUri = qname.Namespace; } public override string ReadContentAsString () { return ReadContentAsString (Quotas.MaxStringContentLength); } [MonoTODO] protected string ReadContentAsString (int maxStringContentLength) { return base.ReadContentAsString (); } [MonoTODO ("there is exactly no information on the web")] public virtual string ReadContentAsString (string [] strings, out int index) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO ("there is exactly no information on the web")] public virtual string ReadContentAsString (XmlDictionaryString [] strings, out int index) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public virtual TimeSpan ReadContentAsTimeSpan () { return XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan (ReadContentAsString ()); } public virtual UniqueId ReadContentAsUniqueId () { return new UniqueId (ReadContentAsString ()); } public virtual byte [] ReadElementContentAsBase64 () { ReadStartElement (); byte [] ret = ReadContentAsBase64 (); ReadEndElement (); return ret; } public virtual byte [] ReadElementContentAsBinHex () { ReadStartElement (); byte [] ret = ReadContentAsBinHex (); ReadEndElement (); return ret; } public virtual Guid ReadElementContentAsGuid () { ReadStartElement (); Guid ret = ReadContentAsGuid (); ReadEndElement (); return ret; } public virtual TimeSpan ReadElementContentAsTimeSpan () { ReadStartElement (); TimeSpan ret = ReadContentAsTimeSpan (); ReadEndElement (); return ret; } public virtual UniqueId ReadElementContentAsUniqueId () { ReadStartElement (); UniqueId ret = ReadContentAsUniqueId (); ReadEndElement (); return ret; } public override string ReadElementContentAsString () { if (IsEmptyElement) { Read (); return String.Empty; } else { ReadStartElement (); string s; if (NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) s = String.Empty; else s = ReadContentAsString (); ReadEndElement (); return s; } } public virtual void ReadFullStartElement () { if (!IsStartElement ()) throw new XmlException ("Current node is not a start element"); ReadStartElement (); } public virtual void ReadFullStartElement (string name) { if (!IsStartElement (name)) throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Current node is not a start element '{0}'", name)); ReadStartElement (name); } public virtual void ReadFullStartElement (string localName, string namespaceUri) { if (!IsStartElement (localName, namespaceUri)) throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Current node is not a start element '{0}' in namesapce '{1}'", localName, namespaceUri)); ReadStartElement (localName, namespaceUri); } public virtual void ReadFullStartElement (XmlDictionaryString localName, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (!IsStartElement (localName, namespaceUri)) throw new XmlException (String.Format ("Current node is not a start element '{0}' in namesapce '{1}'", localName, namespaceUri)); ReadStartElement (localName.Value, namespaceUri.Value); } public virtual void ReadStartElement (XmlDictionaryString localName, XmlDictionaryString namespaceUri) { if (localName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("localName"); if (namespaceUri == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("namespaceUri"); ReadStartElement (localName.Value, namespaceUri.Value); } public override string ReadString () { return ReadString (Quotas.MaxStringContentLength); } [MonoTODO] protected string ReadString (int maxStringContentLength) { return base.ReadString (); } public virtual int ReadValueAsBase64 (byte [] bytes, int start, int length) { throw new NotSupportedException (); // as it is documented ... } public virtual bool TryGetValueAsDictionaryString (out XmlDictionaryString value) { throw new NotSupportedException (); // as documented } #endregion #region Factory Methods public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( byte [] buffer, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateBinaryReader (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateBinaryReader (buffer, offset, count, new XmlDictionary (), quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateBinaryReader (buffer, offset, count, dictionary, quotas, new XmlBinaryReaderSession (), null); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, XmlBinaryReaderSession session) { return CreateBinaryReader (buffer, offset, count, dictionary, quotas, session, null); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, XmlBinaryReaderSession session, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose) { return new XmlBinaryDictionaryReader (buffer, offset, count, dictionary, quotas, session, onClose); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( Stream stream, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateBinaryReader (stream, new XmlDictionary (), quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( Stream stream, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateBinaryReader (stream, dictionary, quotas, new XmlBinaryReaderSession (), null); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( Stream stream, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, XmlBinaryReaderSession session) { return CreateBinaryReader (stream, dictionary, quotas, session, null); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateBinaryReader ( Stream stream, IXmlDictionary dictionary, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, XmlBinaryReaderSession session, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose) { return new XmlBinaryDictionaryReader (stream, dictionary, quotas, session, onClose); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateDictionaryReader ( XmlReader reader) { return new XmlSimpleDictionaryReader (reader); } #if !NET_2_1 public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( Stream stream, Encoding encoding, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return new XmlMtomDictionaryReader (stream, encoding, quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( Stream stream, Encoding [] encodings, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateMtomReader (stream, encodings, null, quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( Stream stream, Encoding [] encodings, string contentType, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateMtomReader (stream, encodings, contentType, quotas, int.MaxValue, null); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( Stream stream, Encoding [] encodings, string contentType, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, int maxBufferSize, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose) { return new XmlMtomDictionaryReader (stream, encodings, contentType, quotas, maxBufferSize, onClose); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, Encoding encoding, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateMtomReader (new MemoryStream (buffer, offset, count), encoding, quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, Encoding [] encodings, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateMtomReader (new MemoryStream (buffer, offset, count), encodings, quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, Encoding [] encodings, string contentType, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateMtomReader (new MemoryStream (buffer, offset, count), encodings, contentType, quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateMtomReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, Encoding [] encodings, string contentType, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, int maxBufferSize, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose) { return CreateMtomReader (new MemoryStream (buffer, offset, count), encodings, contentType, quotas, maxBufferSize, onClose); } #endif public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateTextReader (byte [] buffer, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateTextReader (buffer, 0, buffer.Length, quotas); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateTextReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateTextReader (buffer, offset, count, Encoding.UTF8, quotas, null); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateTextReader ( byte [] buffer, int offset, int count, Encoding encoding, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose) { return CreateTextReader (new MemoryStream (buffer, offset, count), encoding, quotas, onClose); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateTextReader ( Stream stream, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas) { return CreateTextReader (stream, Encoding.UTF8, quotas, null); } public static XmlDictionaryReader CreateTextReader ( Stream stream, Encoding encoding, XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas quotas, OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose onClose) { XmlReaderSettings s = new XmlReaderSettings (); XmlNameTable nt = new NameTable (); XmlParserContext c = new XmlParserContext (nt, new XmlNamespaceManager (nt), String.Empty, XmlSpace.None, encoding); XmlDictionaryReader res = new XmlSimpleDictionaryReader (XmlReader.Create (stream, s, c), null, onClose); res.quotas = quotas; return res; } #endregion } }