Both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 make it possible for applications to determine the existence of SQL Server instances within the current network. The class exposes this information to the application developer, providing a containing information about all the available servers. This returned table contains a list of server instances that matches the list provided when a user attempts to create a new connection, and on the dialog box, expands the drop-down list containing all the available servers.
Provides a mechanism for enumerating all available instances of SQL Server within the local network.
The table returned by this method contains the following columns, all of which contain strings:
Name of the server.
Name of the server instance. Blank if the server is running as the default instance.
Indicates whether the server is part of a cluster.
Version of the server (8.00.x for SQL Server 2000, and 9.00.x for SQL Server 2005).
Due to the nature of the mechanism used by to locate data sources on a network, the method will not always return a complete list of the available servers, and the list might not be the same on every call. If you plan to use this function to let users select a server from a list, make sure that you always also supply an option to type in a name that is not in the list, in case the server enumeration does not return all the available servers. In addition, this method may take a significant amount of time to execute, so be careful about calling it when performance is critical.
Retrieves a containing information about all visible SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 instances.
Returns a containing information about the visible SQL Server instances.
To be added.
The class does not provide a constructor. Use the property to retrieve an instance of the class instead.
Gets an instance of the , which can be used to retrieve information about available SQL Server instances.