Mono.Security [00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 79 15 99 77 D2 D0 3A 8E 6B EA 7A 2E 74 E8 D1 AF CC 93 E8 85 19 74 95 2B B4 80 A1 2C 91 34 47 4D 04 06 24 47 C3 7E 0E 68 C0 80 53 6F CF 3C 3F BE 2F F9 C9 79 CE 99 84 75 E5 06 E8 CE 82 DD 5B 0F 35 0D C1 0E 93 BF 2E EE CF 87 4B 24 77 0C 50 81 DB EA 74 47 FD DA FA 27 7B 22 DE 47 D6 FF EA 44 96 74 A4 F9 FC CF 84 D1 50 69 08 93 80 28 4D BD D3 5F 46 CD FF 12 A1 BD 78 E4 EF 00 65 D0 16 DF] 1.0.5000.0 Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm Defines a base class from which all Diffie-Hellman implementations inherit. To be added Constructor To be added To be added 1.0.5000.0 Method Mono.Security.Cryptography.DiffieHellman Creates an instance of the default implementation of the DiffieHellman algorithm. A new instance of the default implementation of DiffieHellman. To be added 1.0.5000.0 Method Mono.Security.Cryptography.DiffieHellman The name of the implementation of DiffieHellman to use. Creates an instance of the specified implementation of DiffieHellman. A new instance of the specified implementation of DiffieHellman. To be added 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Byte[] When overridden in a derived class, creates the key exchange data. The key exchange data to be sent to the intended recipient. To be added 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Byte[] The key exchange data within which the secret information is hidden. When overridden in a derived class, extracts secret information from the key exchange data. The secret information derived from the key exchange data. To be added 1.0.5000.0 Method Mono.Security.Cryptography.DHParameters True to include private parameters; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, exports the DHParameters. The parameters for Diffie-Hellman. To be added 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Void The XML string to use to reconstruct the DiffieHellman object. Reconstructs a DiffieHellman object from an XML string. A is thrown if one of the values in the XML string is invalid. 1.0.5000.0 Method System.Void The parameters for Diffie-Hellman. When overridden in a derived class, imports the specified DHParameters. To be added 1.0.5000.0 Method System.String True to include private parameters; otherwise, false. Creates and returns an XML string representation of the current DiffieHellman object. An XML string encoding of the current DiffieHellman object. To be added 1.0.5000.0