Mono.Security[00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 79 15 99 77 D2 D0 3A 8E 6B EA 7A 2E 74 E8 D1 AF CC 93 E8 85 19 74 95 2B B4 80 A1 2C 91 34 47 4D 04 06 24 47 C3 7E 0E 68 C0 80 53 6F CF 3C 3F BE 2F F9 C9 79 CE 99 84 75 E5 06 E8 CE 82 DD 5B 0F 35 0D C1 0E 93 BF 2E EE CF 87 4B 24 77 0C 50 81 DB EA 74 47 FD DA FA 27 7B 22 DE 47 D6 FF EA 44 96 74 A4 F9 FC CF 84 D1 50 69 08 93 80 28 4D BD D3 5F 46 CD FF 12 A1 BD 78 E4 EF 00 65 D0 16 DF]1.0.5000. is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.System.ObjectCryptographic convertion helper.Converting private keys into byte arrays may cause security risks. You should always zeroize buffers with sensitive informations after their use.
// create a 1024 bits key pair
RSA rsa = RSA.Create ();
// convert the key pair into a CryptoAPI PRIVATEKEYBLOB
byte[] keypair = CryptoConvert.ToCapiKeyBlob (rsa, true);
// save the key pair to a file
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite ("my.key")) {
fs.Write (keypair, 0, keypair.Length);
// zeroize the key pair from memory
Array.Clear (keypair, 0, keypair.Length);
// note: the private key still exists in the RSA instance!
an array of bytes containing either a PUBLICKEYBLOB or a PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure.
Convert the key from either a CryptoAPI PUBLICKEYBLOB structure or PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure to a RSA instance.a instance containing the decoded key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.
an array of bytes containing either a PUBLICKEYBLOB or a PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure.
a representing the offset where the key blob starts in the specified buffer.
Convert the key from either a CryptoAPI PUBLICKEYBLOB structure or PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure to a RSA instance. a instance containing the decoded key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.Method1.0.5000.
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSA
an array of bytes containing a PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure.
Convert the key from the CryptoAPI PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure to a RSA instance.a instance containing the decoded key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.
an array of bytes containing a PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure.
a representing the offset where the key blob starts in the specified buffer.
Convert the key from the CryptoAPI PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure to a RSA instance.a instance containing the decoded key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.Method1.0.5000.
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSA
an array of bytes containing a PUBLICKEYBLOB structure.
Convert the public key from the CryptoAPI PUBLICKEYBLOB structure to a RSA instance.a instance containing the decoded key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.
an array of bytes containing a PUBLICKEYBLOB structure.
a representing the offset where the key blob starts in the specified buffer.
Convert the public key from the CryptoAPI PUBLICKEYBLOB structure to a RSA instance.a instance containing the decoded key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.Method1.0.5000.
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Byte[]
an hexadecimal without any separator. The string length must be a multiple of 2.
Convert an hexadecimal string to an array of bytes.the converted data as an array of bytes.
byte[] data = CryptoConvert.FromHex ("DEADC0DE");
the instance to be converted.
True if the private key is to be converted, resulting in a PRIVATEKEYBLOB. False if only the public is to be converted, resulting in a PUBLICKEYBLOB.
Convert an AsymmetricAlgorithm instance to a CryptoAPI blob array of bytes containing either a PRIVATEKEYBLOB or a PUBLICKEYBLOB structure.This version only support RSA key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.[]
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Byte[]
the instance to be converted.
True if the private key is to be converted, resulting in a PRIVATEKEYBLOB. False if only the public is to be converted, resulting in a PUBLICKEYBLOB.
Convert an RSA instance to a CryptoAPI blob array of bytes containing either a PRIVATEKEYBLOB or a PUBLICKEYBLOB structure.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.[]
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Byte[]
the instance to be converted.
Convert an RSA instance to a CryptoAPI PRIVATEKEYBLOB array of bytes containing a PRIVATEKEYBLOB structure.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.[]
To be added.
To be added.To be added.To be added.MethodSystem.Byte[]
the instance to be converted.
Convert an RSA instance to a CryptoAPI PUBLICKEYBLOB array of bytes containing a PUBLICKEYBLOB structure.The RSA instance may either be a key pair, with both it's private and public key, or only a public key.Many formats, like PVK (private key files) and SNK (strongname key files), uses CryptoAPI structures.1.0.5000.
an array of bytes to be converted.
Convert an array of bytes to an hexadecimal string.a representing the specified data in hexadecimal. No separator is used.
byte[] data = new byte[] { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xC0, 0xDE };
string s = CryptoConvert.ToHex (data);
// s == "DEADC0DE"