$ mono bundling.exe --help Usage: bundling [OPTIONS]+ Demo program to show the effects of bundling options and their values gcc-like options: -D[=VALUE1:VALUE2] Predefine a macro with an (optional) value. -d=VALUE1-->VALUE2 Alternate macro syntax. -o=VALUE Specify the output file tar-like options: -f=VALUE The input file -x Extract the file -c Create the file -t List the file ls-like optional values: --color[=VALUE] control whether and when color is used other: -h, --help show this message and exit $ mono bundling.exe -D bundling: Missing macro name for option -D. Try `greet --help' for more information. $ mono bundling.exe -DA -DB=C "-dD-->E" "-dF=>G" -d "H=>I" -cf input --color -ooutput Macros: A= B=C D=E F=G H=I Options: Input File: input Ouptut File: output Create: True Extract: False List: False Color: $ mono bundling.exe -cfv input def handler: color=; arg=input Macros: Options: Input File: v Ouptut File: Create: True Extract: False List: False Color: $ mono bundling.exe -xctf input Macros: Options: Input File: input Ouptut File: Create: True Extract: True List: True Color: $ mono bundling.exe --color=auto -o output -finput Macros: Options: Input File: input Ouptut File: output Create: False Extract: False List: False Color: auto $ mono bundling.exe --color=on A B --color=off C D def handler: color=on; arg=A def handler: color=on; arg=B def handler: color=off; arg=C def handler: color=off; arg=D Macros: Options: Input File: Ouptut File: Create: False Extract: False List: False Color: off