// SqliteDataAdapterUnitTests.cs - NUnit Test Cases for Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteDataAdapter // // Author(s): Thomas Zoechling <thomas.zoechling@gmx.at> using System; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Mono.Data.Sqlite; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.Mono.Data.Sqlite { [TestFixture] public class SqliteCommandUnitTests { readonly static string _uri = Path.Combine (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "SqliteTest.db"); readonly static string _connectionString = "URI=file://" + _uri + ", version=3"; static SqliteConnection _conn = new SqliteConnection (_connectionString); readonly static string stringvalue = "my keyboard is better than yours : äöüß"; public SqliteCommandUnitTests() { } [SetUp] public void Create() { try { if(File.Exists(_uri)) { _conn.Dispose(); // We want to start with a fresh db for each full run // The database is created on the first open() File.Delete(_uri); } } catch(Exception e) { throw e; } try { using (SqliteCommand createCommand = new SqliteCommand("CREATE TABLE t1(t TEXT, f FLOAT, i INTEGER, b TEXT);", _conn)) using (SqliteCommand insertCommand = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 (t, f, i, b ) VALUES('" + stringvalue + "',123,123,'123')", _conn)) { _conn.Open(); createCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine (e); throw new AssertionException("Create table failed",e); } finally { _conn.Close(); } } [Test] public void Select() { using (_conn) using (SqliteCommand simpleSelect = new SqliteCommand("SELECT * FROM t1; ", _conn)) // check trailing spaces { _conn.Open(); using (SqliteDataReader dr = simpleSelect.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { string test = dr[0].ToString(); Assert.AreEqual(dr["T"], stringvalue); // also checks case-insensitive column Assert.AreEqual(dr["F"], 123); Assert.AreEqual(dr["I"], 123); Assert.AreEqual(dr["B"], "123"); } Assert.IsTrue(dr.FieldCount>0); } } } [Test] public void Delete() { using (_conn) using (SqliteCommand insCmd = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('todelete',0.1,0,'')", _conn)) using (SqliteCommand delCmd = new SqliteCommand("DELETE FROM t1 WHERE t = 'todelete'", _conn)) { _conn.Open(); int insReturn = insCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); int delReturn = delCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Assert.IsTrue(insReturn == delReturn); } } [Test] public void Insert() { using (_conn) using (SqliteCommand insCmd = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('inserted',0.1,0,'')", _conn)) { _conn.Open(); int insReturn = insCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Assert.IsTrue(insReturn == 1); } } [Test] public void Update() { using (_conn) using (SqliteCommand insCmd = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('toupdate',0.1,0,'')", _conn)) using (SqliteCommand updCmd = new SqliteCommand("UPDATE t1 SET t = 'updated' ,f = 2.0, i = 2, b = '' WHERE t = 'toupdate'", _conn)) { _conn.Open(); insCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Assert.IsTrue(updCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1); } } [Test] public void ScalarReturn() { // This should return the 1 line that got inserted in CreateTable() Test using (_conn) using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1 WHERE t LIKE '%äöüß'", _conn)) { _conn.Open(); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar())); } } [Test] public void InsertWithTransaction() { _conn.Open(); using (_conn) using (SqliteTransaction t = _conn.BeginTransaction() as SqliteTransaction) using (SqliteCommand c1 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a',0.1,0,'0')", _conn, t)) using (SqliteCommand c2 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('b',1.2,0,'0')", _conn, t)) using (SqliteCommand c3 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('c',0.3,1,'0')", _conn, t)) using (SqliteCommand c4 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('d',0.4,0,'1')", _conn, t)) { try { c1.ExecuteNonQuery(); c2.ExecuteNonQuery(); c3.ExecuteNonQuery(); c4.ExecuteNonQuery(); t.Commit(); } catch(Exception e) { t.Rollback(); throw new AssertionException("Sqlite Commands failed", e); } } } [Test] #if NET_2_0 [ExpectedException(typeof(SqliteException))] #else [ExpectedException(typeof(SqliteSyntaxException))] #endif public void InsertWithFailingTransaction() { _conn.Open(); using (_conn) using (SqliteTransaction t = _conn.BeginTransaction() as SqliteTransaction) using (SqliteCommand c1 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('1','0','0','0')", _conn, t)) using (SqliteCommand c2 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('0','1','0','0')", _conn, t)) using (SqliteCommand c3 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('x',?,'x',?,'x',?,'x')", _conn, t)) using (SqliteCommand c4 = new SqliteCommand("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('0','0','0','1')", _conn, t)) { try { c1.ExecuteNonQuery(); c2.ExecuteNonQuery(); c3.ExecuteNonQuery(); c4.ExecuteNonQuery(); t.Commit(); } catch(Exception e) { t.Rollback(); throw e; } } } } }