// // Expression.cs: Stores references to items or properties. // // Authors: // Marek Sieradzki (marek.sieradzki@gmail.com) // Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com) // // (C) 2005 Marek Sieradzki // Copyright (c) 2014 Xamarin Inc. (http://www.xamarin.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Mono.XBuild.Utilities; namespace Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine { // Properties and items are processed in two ways // 1. Evaluate, Project calls evaluate on all the item and property groups. // At this time, the items are fully expanded, all item and property // references are expanded to get the item's value. // Properties on the other hand, expand property refs, but _not_ // item references. // // 2. After the 'evaluation' phase, this could be when executing a target/task, // - Items : no expansion required, as they are already at final value // - Properties: Item references get expanded now, in the context of the // batching // // The enum ExpressionOptions is for specifying this expansion of item references. // // GroupingCollection.Evaluate, evaluates all properties and then items internal class Expression { ExpressionCollection expressionCollection; static Regex item_regex; static Regex metadata_regex; public Expression () { this.expressionCollection = new ExpressionCollection (); } public static T ParseAs (string expression, ParseOptions options, Project project) { Expression expr = new Expression (); expr.Parse (expression, options); return (T)expr.ConvertTo (project, typeof (T)); } public static T ParseAs (string expression, ParseOptions options, Project project, ExpressionOptions exprOptions) { Expression expr = new Expression (); expr.Parse (expression, options); return (T)expr.ConvertTo (project, typeof (T), exprOptions); } // Split: Split on ';' // Eg. Property values don't need to be split // // AllowItems: if false, item refs should not be treated as item refs! // it converts them to strings in the final expressionCollection // // AllowMetadata: same as AllowItems, for metadata public void Parse (string expression, ParseOptions options) { bool split = (options & ParseOptions.Split) == ParseOptions.Split; bool allowItems = (options & ParseOptions.AllowItems) == ParseOptions.AllowItems; bool allowMd = (options & ParseOptions.AllowMetadata) == ParseOptions.AllowMetadata; expression = expression.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); string [] parts; if (split) parts = expression.Split (new char [] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); else parts = new string [] { expression }; // TODO: Too complicated, each part parses only its known part // we should simply do it in one go and avoid all this parts code madness List p1 = new List (parts.Length); List p2 = new List (parts.Length); List p3 = new List (parts.Length); Prepare (p1, parts.Length); Prepare (p2, parts.Length); Prepare (p3, parts.Length); for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) p1 [i] = SplitItems (parts [i], allowItems); for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { p2 [i] = new ArrayList (); foreach (object o in p1 [i]) { if (o is string) p2 [i].AddRange (ExtractProperties ((string) o)); else p2 [i].Add (o); } } for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++) { p3 [i] = new ArrayList (); foreach (object o in p2 [i]) { if (o is string) p3 [i].AddRange (SplitMetadata ((string) o)); else p3 [i].Add (o); } } CopyToExpressionCollection (p3, allowItems, allowMd); } void Prepare (List l, int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) l.Add (null); } void CopyToExpressionCollection (List lists, bool allowItems, bool allowMd) { for (int i = 0; i < lists.Count; i++) { foreach (object o in lists [i]) { if (o is string) expressionCollection.Add (MSBuildUtils.Unescape ((string) o)); else if (!allowItems && o is ItemReference) expressionCollection.Add (((ItemReference) o).OriginalString); else if (!allowMd && o is MetadataReference) { expressionCollection.Add (((MetadataReference) o).OriginalString); } else if (o is IReference) expressionCollection.Add ((IReference) o); } if (i < lists.Count - 1) expressionCollection.Add (";"); } } ArrayList SplitItems (string text, bool allowItems) { ArrayList phase1 = new ArrayList (); Match m; m = ItemRegex.Match (text); while (m.Success) { string name = null, transform = null, separator = null; ItemReference ir; name = m.Groups [ItemRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("itemname")].Value; if (m.Groups [ItemRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("has_transform")].Success) transform = m.Groups [ItemRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("transform")].Value; if (m.Groups [ItemRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("has_separator")].Success) separator = m.Groups [ItemRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("separator")].Value; ir = new ItemReference (text.Substring (m.Groups [0].Index, m.Groups [0].Length), name, transform, separator, m.Groups [0].Index, m.Groups [0].Length); phase1.Add (ir); m = m.NextMatch (); } ArrayList phase2 = new ArrayList (); int last_end = -1; int end = text.Length - 1; foreach (ItemReference ir in phase1) { int a,b; a = last_end; b = ir.Start; if (b - a - 1 > 0) { phase2.Add (text.Substring (a + 1, b - a - 1)); } last_end = ir.End; phase2.Add (ir); } if (last_end < end) phase2.Add (text.Substring (last_end + 1, end - last_end)); return phase2; } // // Parses property syntax // static List ExtractProperties (string text) { var phase = new List (); var pos = text.IndexOf ("$(", StringComparison.Ordinal); if (pos < 0) { phase.Add (text); return phase; } if (pos != 0) { // Extract any whitespaces before property reference phase.Add (text.Substring (0, pos)); } while (pos < text.Length) { pos += 2; int start = pos; int end = 0; var ch = text [pos]; if ((ch == 'r' || ch == 'R') && text.Substring (pos + 1).StartsWith ("egistry:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { pos += 9; ParseRegistryFunction (text, pos); } else { while (char.IsWhiteSpace (ch)) ch = text [pos++]; if (ch == '[') { phase.Add (ParsePropertyFunction (text, ref pos)); } else { // TODO: There is something like char index syntax as well: $(aa [10]) // text.IndexOf ('['); end = text.IndexOf (')', pos) + 1; if (end > 0) { // // Instance string method, $(foo.Substring (0, 3)) // var dot = text.IndexOf ('.', pos, end - pos); if (dot > 0) { var name = text.Substring (start, dot - start); ++dot; var res = ParseInvocation (text, ref dot, null, new PropertyReference (name)); if (res != null) { phase.Add (res); end = dot; } } else { var name = text.Substring (start, end - start - 1); // // Check for wrong syntax e.g $(foo() // var open_parens = name.IndexOf ('('); if (open_parens < 0) { // // Simple property reference $(Foo) // phase.Add (new PropertyReference (name)); } else { end = 0; } } } if (end == 0) { end = text.Length; start -= 2; phase.Add (text.Substring (start, end - start)); } pos = end; } } end = text.IndexOf ("$(", pos, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (end < 0) end = text.Length; if (end - pos > 0) phase.Add (text.Substring (pos, end - pos)); pos = end; } return phase; } // // Property function with syntax $([Class]::Method(Parameters)) // static MemberInvocationReference ParsePropertyFunction (string text, ref int pos) { int p = text.IndexOf ("]::", pos, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (p < 0) throw new InvalidProjectFileException (string.Format ("Invalid static method invocation syntax '{0}'", text.Substring (pos))); var type_name = text.Substring (pos + 1, p - pos - 1); var type = GetTypeForStaticMethod (type_name); if (type == null) { if (type_name.Contains (".")) throw new InvalidProjectFileException (string.Format ("Invalid type '{0}' used in static method invocation", type_name)); throw new InvalidProjectFileException (string.Format ("'{0}': Static method invocation requires full type name to be used", type_name)); } pos = p + 3; return ParseInvocation (text, ref pos, type, null); } // // Property function with syntax $(Registry:Call) // static void ParseRegistryFunction (string text, int pos) { throw new NotImplementedException ("Registry function"); } static Type GetTypeForStaticMethod (string typeName) { // // In static property functions, you can use any static method or property of these system classes: // switch (typeName.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "system.byte": return typeof (byte); case "system.char": return typeof (char); case "system.convert": return typeof (Convert); case "system.datetime": return typeof (DateTime); case "system.decimal": return typeof (decimal); case "system.double": return typeof (double); case "system.enum": return typeof (Enum); case "system.guid": return typeof (Guid); case "system.int16": return typeof (Int16); case "system.int32": return typeof (Int32); case "system.int64": return typeof (Int64); case "system.io.path": return typeof (System.IO.Path); case "system.math": return typeof (Math); case "system.uint16": return typeof (UInt16); case "system.uint32": return typeof (UInt32); case "system.uint64": return typeof (UInt64); case "system.sbyte": return typeof (sbyte); case "system.single": return typeof (float); case "system.string": return typeof (string); case "system.stringcomparer": return typeof (StringComparer); case "system.timespan": return typeof (TimeSpan); case "system.text.regularexpressions.regex": return typeof (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex); case "system.version": return typeof (Version); case "microsoft.build.utilities.toollocationhelper": throw new NotImplementedException (typeName); case "msbuild": return typeof (PredefinedPropertyFunctions); case "system.environment": return typeof (System.Environment); case "system.io.directory": return typeof (System.IO.Directory); case "system.io.file": return typeof (System.IO.File); } return null; } static bool IsMethodAllowed (Type type, string name) { if (type == typeof (System.Environment)) { switch (name.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "commandline": case "expandenvironmentvariables": case "getenvironmentvariable": case "getenvironmentvariables": case "getfolderpath": case "getlogicaldrives": return true; } return false; } if (type == typeof (System.IO.Directory)) { switch (name.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "getdirectories": case "getfiles": case "getlastaccesstime": case "getlastwritetime": return true; } return false; } if (type == typeof (System.IO.File)) { switch (name.ToLowerInvariant ()) { case "getcreationtime": case "getattributes": case "getlastaccesstime": case "getlastwritetime": case "readalltext": return true; } } return true; } static List ParseArguments (string text, ref int pos) { List args = new List (); int parens = 0; bool backticks = false; int start = pos; for (; pos < text.Length; ++pos) { var ch = text [pos]; if (ch == '`') { backticks = !backticks; continue; } if (backticks) continue; if (ch == '(') { ++parens; continue; } if (ch == ')') { if (parens == 0) { var arg = text.Substring (start, pos - start).Trim (); if (arg.Length > 0) args.Add (arg); ++pos; return args; } --parens; continue; } if (parens != 0) continue; if (ch == ',') { args.Add (text.Substring (start, pos - start)); start = pos + 1; continue; } } // Invalid syntax return null; } static MemberInvocationReference ParseInvocation (string text, ref int p, Type type, IReference instance) { var open_parens = text.IndexOf ('(', p); string name; int end; List args; // // Is it method or property // if (open_parens > 0) { name = text.Substring (p, open_parens - p); // // It can be instance method on static property // if (name.IndexOf ('.') > 0) { var names = name.Split ('.'); int i; for (i = 0; i < names.Length - 1; ++i) { instance = new MemberInvocationReference (type, names [i]) { Instance = instance }; } type = null; name = names [i]; } ++open_parens; args = ParseArguments (text, ref open_parens); end = text.IndexOf (')', open_parens); } else { end = text.IndexOf (')', p); if (end < 0) throw new InvalidProjectFileException (string.Format ("Invalid static method invocation syntax '{0}'", text.Substring (p))); name = text.Substring (p, end - p); // // It can be instance member on static property // if (name.IndexOf ('.') > 0) { var names = name.Split ('.'); int i; for (i = 0; i < names.Length - 1; ++i) { instance = new MemberInvocationReference (type, names [i]) { Instance = instance }; } type = null; name = names [i]; } args = null; } name = name.TrimEnd (); if (!IsMethodAllowed (type, name)) throw new InvalidProjectFileException (string.Format ("The function '{0}' on type '{1}' has not been enabled for execution", name, type.FullName)); p = end + 1; return new MemberInvocationReference (type, name) { Arguments = args, Instance = instance }; } ArrayList SplitMetadata (string text) { ArrayList phase1 = new ArrayList (); Match m; m = MetadataRegex.Match (text); while (m.Success) { string name = null, meta = null; MetadataReference mr; if (m.Groups [MetadataRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("name")].Success) name = m.Groups [MetadataRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("name")].Value; meta = m.Groups [MetadataRegex.GroupNumberFromName ("meta")].Value; mr = new MetadataReference (text.Substring (m.Groups [0].Index, m.Groups [0].Length), name, meta, m.Groups [0].Index, m.Groups [0].Length); phase1.Add (mr); m = m.NextMatch (); } ArrayList phase2 = new ArrayList (); int last_end = -1; int end = text.Length - 1; foreach (MetadataReference mr in phase1) { int a,b; a = last_end; b = mr.Start; if (b - a - 1> 0) { phase2.Add (text.Substring (a + 1, b - a - 1)); } last_end = mr.End; phase2.Add (mr); } if (last_end < end) phase2.Add (text.Substring (last_end + 1, end - last_end)); return phase2; } public object ConvertTo (Project project, Type type) { return ConvertTo (project, type, ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs); } public object ConvertTo (Project project, Type type, ExpressionOptions options) { return expressionCollection.ConvertTo (project, type, options); } public ExpressionCollection Collection { get { return expressionCollection; } } static Regex ItemRegex { get { if (item_regex == null) item_regex = new Regex ( @"@\(\s*" + @"(?[_A-Za-z][_\-0-9a-zA-Z]*)" + @"(?\s*->\s*'(?[^']*)')?" + @"(?\s*,\s*'(?[^']*)')?" + @"\s*\)"); return item_regex; } } static Regex MetadataRegex { get { if (metadata_regex == null) metadata_regex = new Regex ( @"%\(\s*" + @"((?[_a-zA-Z][_\-0-9a-zA-Z]*)\.)?" + @"(?[_a-zA-Z][_\-0-9a-zA-Z]*)" + @"\s*\)"); return metadata_regex; } } } [Flags] enum ParseOptions { // absence of one of these flags, means // false for that option AllowItems = 0x1, Split = 0x2, AllowMetadata = 0x4, None = 0x8, // == no items, no metadata, and no split // commonly used options AllowItemsMetadataAndSplit = AllowItems | Split | AllowMetadata, AllowItemsNoMetadataAndSplit = AllowItems | Split } enum ExpressionOptions { ExpandItemRefs, DoNotExpandItemRefs } }