// // BuildTask.cs: Represents a Task element in a project. // // Author: // Marek Sieradzki (marek.sieradzki@gmail.com) // // (C) 2006 Marek Sieradzki // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; using Microsoft.Build.Framework; using Microsoft.Build.Utilities; namespace Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine { public class BuildTask : IBuildTask { ITaskHost hostObject; Target parentTarget; XmlElement taskElement; TaskLoggingHelper task_logger; internal BuildTask (XmlElement taskElement, Target parentTarget) { if (taskElement == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("taskElement"); if (parentTarget == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("parentTarget"); this.taskElement = taskElement; this.parentTarget = parentTarget; } [MonoTODO] public void AddOutputItem (string taskParameter, string itemName) { XmlElement element = parentTarget.Project.XmlDocument.CreateElement ("Output", Project.XmlNamespace); taskElement.AppendChild (element); if (taskParameter != null) element.SetAttribute ("TaskParameter", taskParameter); if (itemName != null) element.SetAttribute ("ItemName", itemName); } [MonoTODO] public void AddOutputProperty (string taskParameter, string propertyName) { XmlElement element = parentTarget.Project.XmlDocument.CreateElement ("Output", Project.XmlNamespace); taskElement.AppendChild (element); if (taskParameter != null) element.SetAttribute ("TaskParameter", taskParameter); if (propertyName != null) element.SetAttribute ("PropertyName", propertyName); } [MonoTODO] public bool Execute () { bool result = false; TaskEngine taskEngine; LogTaskStarted (); ITask task = null; try { try { task = InitializeTask (); } catch (Exception e) { LogError ("Error initializing task {0}: {1}", taskElement.LocalName, e.Message); LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "Error initializing task {0}: {1}", taskElement.LocalName, e.ToString ()); return false; } try { taskEngine = new TaskEngine (parentTarget.Project); taskEngine.Prepare (task, this.taskElement, GetParameters (), this.Type); result = taskEngine.Execute (); if (result) taskEngine.PublishOutput (); } catch (Exception e) { task_logger.LogError ("Error executing task {0}: {1}", taskElement.LocalName, e.Message); task_logger.LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "Error executing task {0}: {1}", taskElement.LocalName, e.ToString ()); result = false; } } finally { LogTaskFinished (result); } return result; } public string[] GetParameterNames () { List tempNames = new List (); foreach (XmlAttribute xmlAttribute in taskElement.Attributes) { if (xmlAttribute.Name == "Condition" || xmlAttribute.Name == "ContinueOnError") continue; tempNames.Add (xmlAttribute.Name); } return tempNames.ToArray (); } public string GetParameterValue (string attributeName) { if (attributeName == "Condition") throw new ArgumentException ("Condition attribute cannot be accessed using this method."); if (attributeName == "ContinueOnError") throw new ArgumentException ("ContinueOnError attribute cannot be accessed using this method."); return taskElement.GetAttribute (attributeName); } public void SetParameterValue (string parameterName, string parameterValue) { SetParameterValue (parameterName, parameterValue, false); } public void SetParameterValue (string parameterName, string parameterValue, bool treatParameterValueAsLiteral) { if (treatParameterValueAsLiteral) taskElement.SetAttribute (parameterName, Utilities.Escape (parameterValue)); else taskElement.SetAttribute (parameterName, parameterValue); } void LogTaskStarted () { TaskStartedEventArgs tsea = new TaskStartedEventArgs ("Task started.", null, parentTarget.Project.FullFileName, parentTarget.TargetFile, taskElement.Name); parentTarget.Project.ParentEngine.EventSource.FireTaskStarted (this, tsea); } void LogTaskFinished (bool succeeded) { TaskFinishedEventArgs tfea = new TaskFinishedEventArgs ("Task finished.", null, parentTarget.Project.FullFileName, parentTarget.TargetFile, taskElement.Name, succeeded); parentTarget.Project.ParentEngine.EventSource.FireTaskFinished (this, tfea); } void LogError (string message, params object[] messageArgs) { parentTarget.Project.ParentEngine.LogError (message, messageArgs); } void LogMessage (MessageImportance importance, string message, params object[] messageArgs) { parentTarget.Project.ParentEngine.LogMessage (importance, message, messageArgs); } ITask InitializeTask () { ITask task; try { task = (ITask)Activator.CreateInstance (this.Type); } catch (InvalidCastException) { LogMessage (MessageImportance.Low, "InvalidCastException, ITask: {0} Task type: {1}", typeof (ITask).AssemblyQualifiedName, this.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName); throw; } parentTarget.Project.ParentEngine.LogMessage ( MessageImportance.Low, "Using task {0} from {1}", Name, this.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName); task.BuildEngine = new BuildEngine (parentTarget.Project.ParentEngine, parentTarget.Project, parentTarget.TargetFile, 0, 0, ContinueOnError); task_logger = new TaskLoggingHelper (task); return task; } IDictionary GetParameters () { Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary (); string[] parameterNames = GetParameterNames (); foreach (string s in parameterNames) parameters.Add (s, GetParameterValue (s)); return parameters; } public string Condition { get { return taskElement.GetAttribute ("Condition"); } set { taskElement.SetAttribute ("Condition", value); } } [MonoTODO] public bool ContinueOnError { get { string str = taskElement.GetAttribute ("ContinueOnError"); if (str == String.Empty) return false; else { Expression exp = new Expression (); exp.Parse (str, ParseOptions.AllowItemsNoMetadataAndSplit); return (bool) exp.ConvertTo (parentTarget.Project, typeof (bool), ExpressionOptions.ExpandItemRefs); } } set { taskElement.SetAttribute ("ContinueOnError", value.ToString ()); } } [MonoTODO] public ITaskHost HostObject { get { return hostObject; } set { hostObject = value; } } public string Name { get { return taskElement.Name; } } internal Target ParentTarget { get { return parentTarget; } set { parentTarget = value; } } internal XmlElement TaskElement { get { return taskElement; } set { taskElement = value; } } [MonoTODO] public Type Type { get { return parentTarget.Project.TaskDatabase.GetTypeFromClassName (Name); } } public IEnumerable GetAttributes () { foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in TaskElement.Attributes) yield return attrib.Value; foreach (XmlNode xn in TaskElement.ChildNodes) { XmlElement xe = xn as XmlElement; if (xe == null) continue; //FIXME: error on any other child if (String.Compare (xe.LocalName, "Output", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in xe.Attributes) yield return attrib.Value; } } } } }