System.Windows.Forms System.Enum When a control is bound to a data source using a object, you can specify when an update to the data source will occur using the enumeration. When the update mode is , you can force the data source to be updated by using the method. Even when the update mode is set to , the data source will be updated when the binding is first created, so at that least one update will always occur. Specifies when a data source is updated when changes occur in the bound control. Field System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode Data source is never updated and values entered into the control are not parsed, validated or re-formatted. Field System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode Data source is updated whenever the value of the control property changes. Field System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode After validation, the value in the control property will also be re-formatted. Data source is updated when the control property is validated,