// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System.Web.Razor.Parser; using System.Web.Razor.Parser.SyntaxTree; using System.Web.Razor.Resources; using System.Web.Razor.Test.Framework; using System.Web.Razor.Text; using Xunit; using Xunit.Extensions; using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx; namespace System.Web.Razor.Test.Parser.VB { public class VBBlockTest : VBHtmlCodeParserTestBase { [Fact] public void ParseBlockMethodThrowsArgNullExceptionOnNullContext() { // Arrange VBCodeParser parser = new VBCodeParser(); // Act and Assert Assert.Throws(() => parser.ParseBlock(), RazorResources.Parser_Context_Not_Set); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockAcceptsImplicitExpression() { ParseBlockTest(@"If True Then @foo End If", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code("If True Then\r\n ").AsStatement(), new ExpressionBlock( Factory.CodeTransition(), Factory.Code("foo") .AsImplicitExpression(VBCodeParser.DefaultKeywords, acceptTrailingDot: true) .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace)), Factory.Code("\r\nEnd If") .AsStatement() .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockAcceptsIfStatementWithinCodeBlockIfInDesignTimeMode() { ParseBlockTest(@"If True Then @If True Then End If End If", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code("If True Then\r\n ").AsStatement(), new StatementBlock( Factory.CodeTransition(), Factory.Code("If True Then\r\n End If\r\n") .AsStatement() .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None)), Factory.Code(@"End If") .AsStatement() .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockSupportsSpacesInStrings() { ParseBlockTest(@"for each p in db.Query(""SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS"") @


next", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code("for each p in db.Query(\"SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS\")\r\n") .AsStatement(), new MarkupBlock( Factory.Markup(" "), Factory.MarkupTransition(), Factory.Markup("

"), new ExpressionBlock( Factory.CodeTransition(), Factory.Code("p.Name") .AsImplicitExpression(VBCodeParser.DefaultKeywords) .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace)), Factory.Markup("

\r\n").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None)), Factory.Code("next") .AsStatement() .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.WhiteSpace | AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockSupportsSimpleCodeBlock() { ParseBlockTest(@"Code If foo IsNot Nothing Bar(foo) End If End Code", new StatementBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Code").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n If foo IsNot Nothing\r\n Bar(foo)\r\n End If\r\n") .AsStatement(), Factory.MetaCode("End Code").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockRejectsNewlineBetweenEndAndCodeIfNotPrefixedWithUnderscore() { ParseBlockTest(@"Code If foo IsNot Nothing Bar(foo) End If End Code", new StatementBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Code").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n If foo IsNot Nothing\r\n Bar(foo)\r\n End If\r\nEnd\r\nCode") .AsStatement()), new RazorError( String.Format(RazorResources.ParseError_BlockNotTerminated, "Code", "End Code"), SourceLocation.Zero)); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockAcceptsNewlineBetweenEndAndCodeIfPrefixedWithUnderscore() { ParseBlockTest(@"Code If foo IsNot Nothing Bar(foo) End If End _ _ _ Code", new StatementBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Code").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n If foo IsNot Nothing\r\n Bar(foo)\r\n End If\r\n") .AsStatement(), Factory.MetaCode("End _\r\n_\r\n _\r\nCode").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockSupportsSimpleFunctionsBlock() { ParseBlockTest(@"Functions Public Sub Foo() Bar() End Sub Private Function Bar() As Object Return Nothing End Function End Functions", new FunctionsBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Functions").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n Public Sub Foo()\r\n Bar()\r\n End Sub\r\n\r\n Private Function Bar() As Object\r\n Return Nothing\r\n End Function\r\n") .AsFunctionsBody(), Factory.MetaCode("End Functions").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockRejectsNewlineBetweenEndAndFunctionsIfNotPrefixedWithUnderscore() { ParseBlockTest(@"Functions If foo IsNot Nothing Bar(foo) End If End Functions", new FunctionsBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Functions").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n If foo IsNot Nothing\r\n Bar(foo)\r\n End If\r\nEnd\r\nFunctions") .AsFunctionsBody()), new RazorError( String.Format(RazorResources.ParseError_BlockNotTerminated, "Functions", "End Functions"), SourceLocation.Zero)); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockAcceptsNewlineBetweenEndAndFunctionsIfPrefixedWithUnderscore() { ParseBlockTest(@"Functions If foo IsNot Nothing Bar(foo) End If End _ _ _ Functions", new FunctionsBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Functions").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n If foo IsNot Nothing\r\n Bar(foo)\r\n End If\r\n") .AsFunctionsBody(), Factory.MetaCode("End _\r\n_\r\n _\r\nFunctions").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockCorrectlyHandlesExtraEndsInEndCode() { ParseBlockTest(@"Code Bar End End Code", new StatementBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Code").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n Bar End\r\n").AsStatement(), Factory.MetaCode("End Code").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Fact] public void ParseBlockCorrectlyHandlesExtraEndsInEndFunctions() { ParseBlockTest(@"Functions Bar End End Functions", new FunctionsBlock( Factory.MetaCode("Functions").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None), Factory.Code("\r\n Bar End\r\n").AsFunctionsBody().AutoCompleteWith(null, atEndOfSpan: false), Factory.MetaCode("End Functions").Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Theory] [InlineData("If", "End", "If")] [InlineData("Try", "End", "Try")] [InlineData("While", "End", "While")] [InlineData("Using", "End", "Using")] [InlineData("With", "End", "With")] public void KeywordAllowsNewlinesIfPrefixedByUnderscore(string startKeyword, string endKeyword1, string endKeyword2) { string code = startKeyword + @" ' In the block " + endKeyword1 + @" _ _ _ _ _ _ " + endKeyword2 + @" "; ParseBlockTest(code + "foo bar baz", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code(code) .AsStatement() .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Theory] [InlineData("While", "EndWhile", "End While")] [InlineData("If", "EndIf", "End If")] [InlineData("Select", "EndSelect", "End Select")] [InlineData("Try", "EndTry", "End Try")] [InlineData("With", "EndWith", "End With")] [InlineData("Using", "EndUsing", "End Using")] public void EndTerminatedKeywordRequiresSpaceBetweenEndAndKeyword(string startKeyword, string wrongEndKeyword, string endKeyword) { string code = startKeyword + @" ' This should not end the code " + wrongEndKeyword + @" ' But this should " + endKeyword; ParseBlockTest(code, new StatementBlock( Factory.Code(code) .AsStatement() .Accepts(AcceptedCharacters.None))); } [Theory] [InlineData("While", "End While", false)] [InlineData("Do", "Loop", true)] [InlineData("If", "End If", false)] [InlineData("Select", "End Select", false)] [InlineData("For", "Next", true)] [InlineData("Try", "End Try", false)] [InlineData("With", "End With", false)] [InlineData("Using", "End Using", false)] public void EndSequenceInString(string keyword, string endSequence, bool acceptToEndOfLine) { string code = keyword + @" """ + endSequence + @""" " + endSequence + (acceptToEndOfLine ? @" foo bar baz" : "") + @" "; ParseBlockTest(code + "biz boz", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code(code).AsStatement().Accepts(GetAcceptedCharacters(acceptToEndOfLine)))); } [Theory] [InlineData("While", "End While", false)] [InlineData("Do", "Loop", true)] [InlineData("If", "End If", false)] [InlineData("Select", "End Select", false)] [InlineData("For", "Next", true)] [InlineData("Try", "End Try", false)] [InlineData("With", "End With", false)] [InlineData("Using", "End Using", false)] private void CommentedEndSequence(string keyword, string endSequence, bool acceptToEndOfLine) { string code = keyword + @" '" + endSequence + @" " + endSequence + (acceptToEndOfLine ? @" foo bar baz" : "") + @" "; ParseBlockTest(code + "biz boz", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code(code).AsStatement().Accepts(GetAcceptedCharacters(acceptToEndOfLine)))); } [Theory] [InlineData("While", "End While", false)] [InlineData("Do", "Loop", true)] [InlineData("If", "End If", false)] [InlineData("Select", "End Select", false)] [InlineData("For", "Next", true)] [InlineData("Try", "End Try", false)] [InlineData("With", "End With", false)] [InlineData("SyncLock", "End SyncLock", false)] [InlineData("Using", "End Using", false)] private void NestedKeywordBlock(string keyword, string endSequence, bool acceptToEndOfLine) { string code = keyword + @" " + keyword + @" Bar(foo) " + endSequence + @" " + endSequence + (acceptToEndOfLine ? @" foo bar baz" : "") + @" "; ParseBlockTest(code + "biz boz", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code(code).AsStatement().Accepts(GetAcceptedCharacters(acceptToEndOfLine)))); } [Theory] [InlineData("While True", "End While", false)] [InlineData("Do", "Loop", true)] [InlineData("If foo IsNot Nothing", "End If", false)] [InlineData("Select Case foo", "End Select", false)] [InlineData("For Each p in Products", "Next", true)] [InlineData("Try", "End Try", false)] [InlineData("With", "End With", false)] [InlineData("SyncLock", "End SyncLock", false)] [InlineData("Using", "End Using", false)] private void SimpleKeywordBlock(string keyword, string endSequence, bool acceptToEndOfLine) { string code = keyword + @" Bar(foo) " + endSequence + (acceptToEndOfLine ? @" foo bar baz" : "") + @" "; ParseBlockTest(code + "biz boz", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code(code).AsStatement().Accepts(GetAcceptedCharacters(acceptToEndOfLine)))); } [Theory] [InlineData("While True", "Exit While", "End While", false)] [InlineData("Do", "Exit Do", "Loop", true)] [InlineData("For Each p in Products", "Exit For", "Next", true)] [InlineData("While True", "Continue While", "End While", false)] [InlineData("Do", "Continue Do", "Loop", true)] [InlineData("For Each p in Products", "Continue For", "Next", true)] private void KeywordWithExitOrContinue(string startKeyword, string exitKeyword, string endKeyword, bool acceptToEndOfLine) { string code = startKeyword + @" ' This is before the exit " + exitKeyword + @" ' This is after the exit " + endKeyword + @" "; ParseBlockTest(code + "foo bar baz", new StatementBlock( Factory.Code(code).AsStatement().Accepts(GetAcceptedCharacters(acceptToEndOfLine)))); } private AcceptedCharacters GetAcceptedCharacters(bool acceptToEndOfLine) { return acceptToEndOfLine ? AcceptedCharacters.WhiteSpace | AcceptedCharacters.NonWhiteSpace : AcceptedCharacters.None; } } }