// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System.Web.Routing; using Microsoft.Web.UnitTestUtil; using Moq; using Xunit; using Assert = Microsoft.TestCommon.AssertEx; namespace System.Web.Mvc.Test { public class UrlHelperTest { [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsNull() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl(null)); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsEmptyString() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl(String.Empty)); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl(" ")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_AcceptsRootedUrls() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.True(helper.IsLocalUrl("/fooo")); Assert.True(helper.IsLocalUrl("/www.hackerz.com")); Assert.True(helper.IsLocalUrl("/")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_AcceptsAppRelativeUrls() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.True(helper.IsLocalUrl("~/")); Assert.True(helper.IsLocalUrl("~/foobar.html")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsRelativeUrls() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("../foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("fold/foobar.html")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectValidButUnsafeRelativeUrls() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http:/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("hTtP:foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http:/www.hackerz.com")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("HtTpS:/www.hackerz.com")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsUrlsOnTheSameHost() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http://www.mysite.com/appDir/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http://WWW.MYSITE.COM")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsUrlsOnLocalHost() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http://localhost/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsUrlsOnTheSameHostButDifferentScheme() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("https://www.mysite.com/")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsUrlsOnDifferentHost() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http://www.hackerz.com")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("https://www.hackerz.com")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("hTtP://www.hackerz.com")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("HtTpS://www.hackerz.com")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsUrlsWithTooManySchemeSeparatorCharacters() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http://///www.hackerz.com/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("https://///www.hackerz.com/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("HtTpS://///www.hackerz.com/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http:///www.hackerz.com/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http:////www.hackerz.com/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("http://///www.hackerz.com/foobar.html")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsUrlsWithMissingSchemeName() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("//www.hackerz.com")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("//www.hackerz.com/foobar.html")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("///www.hackerz.com")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl("//////www.hackerz.com")); } [Fact] public void IsLocalUrl_RejectsInvalidUrls() { UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl(); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl(@"http:\\www.hackerz.com")); Assert.False(helper.IsLocalUrl(@"http:\\www.hackerz.com\")); } [Fact] public void RequestContextProperty() { // Arrange RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(new Mock().Object, new RouteData()); UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper(requestContext); // Assert Assert.Equal(requestContext, urlHelper.RequestContext); } [Fact] public void ConstructorWithNullRequestContextThrows() { // Assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate { new UrlHelper(null); }, "requestContext"); } [Fact] public void ConstructorWithNullRouteCollectionThrows() { // Assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate { new UrlHelper(GetRequestContext(), null); }, "routeCollection"); } [Fact] public void Action() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction"); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home/newaction", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithControllerName() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", "home2"); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithControllerNameAndDictionary() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", "home2", new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = "someid" })); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithControllerNameAndObjectProperties() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", "home2", new { id = "someid" }); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithDictionary() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", new RouteValueDictionary(new { Controller = "home2", id = "someid" })); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithNullActionName() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action(null); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home/oldaction", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithNullProtocol() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", "home2", new { id = "someid" }, null /* protocol */); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void ActionParameterOverridesObjectProperties() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", new { Action = "action" }); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home/newaction", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithObjectProperties() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", new { Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void ActionWithProtocol() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Action("newaction", "home2", new { id = "someid" }, "https"); // Assert Assert.Equal("https://localhost" + MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void ContentWithAbsolutePath() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Content("/Content/Image.jpg"); // Assert Assert.Equal("/Content/Image.jpg", url); } [Fact] public void ContentWithAppRelativePath() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Content("~/Content/Image.jpg"); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/Content/Image.jpg", url); } [Fact] public void ContentWithEmptyPathThrows() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act & Assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNullOrEmpty( delegate() { urlHelper.Content(String.Empty); }, "contentPath"); } [Fact] public void ContentWithRelativePath() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Content("Content/Image.jpg"); // Assert Assert.Equal("Content/Image.jpg", url); } [Fact] public void ContentWithExternalUrl() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.Content("http://www.asp.net/App_Themes/Standard/i/logo.png"); // Assert Assert.Equal("http://www.asp.net/App_Themes/Standard/i/logo.png", url); } [Fact] public void Encode() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string encodedUrl = urlHelper.Encode(@"SomeUrl /+\"); // Assert Assert.Equal(encodedUrl, "SomeUrl+%2f%2b%5c"); } [Fact] public void GenerateContentUrlWithNullContentPathThrows() { // Act & Assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNullOrEmpty( delegate() { UrlHelper.GenerateContentUrl(null, null); }, "contentPath"); } [Fact] public void GenerateContentUrlWithNullContextThrows() { // Act & Assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate() { UrlHelper.GenerateContentUrl("Content/foo.png", null); }, "httpContext"); } [Fact] public void GenerateUrlWithNullRequestContextThrows() { // Act & Assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate() { UrlHelper.GenerateUrl(null /* routeName */, null /* actionName */, null /* controllerName */, null /* routeValues */, new RouteCollection(), null /* requestContext */, false); }, "requestContext"); } [Fact] public void GenerateUrlWithNullRouteCollectionThrows() { // Act & Assert Assert.ThrowsArgumentNull( delegate() { UrlHelper.GenerateUrl(null /* routeName */, null /* actionName */, null /* controllerName */, null /* routeValues */, null /* routeCollection */, null /* requestContext */, false); }, "routeCollection"); } [Fact] public void GenerateUrlWithEmptyCollectionsReturnsNull() { // Arrange RequestContext requestContext = GetRequestContext(); // Act string url = UrlHelper.GenerateUrl(null, null, null, null, new RouteCollection(), requestContext, true); // Assert Assert.Null(url); } [Fact] public void GenerateUrlWithAction() { // Arrange RequestContext requestContext = GetRequestContext(GetRouteData()); // Act string url = UrlHelper.GenerateUrl(null, "newaction", null, null, GetRouteCollection(), requestContext, true); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home/newaction", url); } [Fact] public void GenerateUrlWithActionAndController() { // Arrange RequestContext requestContext = GetRequestContext(GetRouteData()); // Act string url = UrlHelper.GenerateUrl(null, "newaction", "newcontroller", null, GetRouteCollection(), requestContext, true); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/newcontroller/newaction", url); } [Fact] public void GenerateUrlWithImplicitValues() { // Arrange RequestContext requestContext = GetRequestContext(GetRouteData()); // Act string url = UrlHelper.GenerateUrl(null, null, null, null, GetRouteCollection(), requestContext, true); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home/oldaction", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlCanUseNamedRouteWithoutSpecifyingDefaults() { // DevDiv 217072: Non-mvc specific helpers should not give default values for controller and action // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); urlHelper.RouteCollection.MapRoute("MyRouteName", "any/url", new { controller = "Charlie" }); // Act string result = urlHelper.RouteUrl("MyRouteName"); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/any/url", result); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithDictionary() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(new RouteValueDictionary(new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" })); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithEmptyHostName() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute", new RouteValueDictionary(new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }), "http", String.Empty /* hostName */); // Assert Assert.Equal("http://localhost" + MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithEmptyProtocol() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute", new RouteValueDictionary(new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }), String.Empty /* protocol */, "foo.bar.com"); // Assert Assert.Equal("http://foo.bar.com" + MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithNullProtocol() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute", new RouteValueDictionary(new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }), null /* protocol */, "foo.bar.com"); // Assert Assert.Equal("http://foo.bar.com" + MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithNullProtocolAndNullHostName() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute", new RouteValueDictionary(new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }), null /* protocol */, null /* hostName */); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithObjectProperties() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl(new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithProtocol() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute", new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }, "https"); // Assert Assert.Equal("https://localhost" + MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithRouteNameAndDefaults() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute"); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home/oldaction", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithRouteNameAndDictionary() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute", new RouteValueDictionary(new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" })); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void RouteUrlWithRouteNameAndObjectProperties() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); // Act string url = urlHelper.RouteUrl("namedroute", new { Action = "newaction", Controller = "home2", id = "someid" }); // Assert Assert.Equal(MvcHelper.AppPathModifier + "/app/named/home2/newaction/someid", url); } [Fact] public void UrlGenerationDoesNotChangeProvidedDictionary() { // Arrange UrlHelper urlHelper = GetUrlHelper(); RouteValueDictionary valuesDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary(); // Act urlHelper.Action("actionName", valuesDictionary); // Assert Assert.Empty(valuesDictionary); Assert.False(valuesDictionary.ContainsKey("action")); } [Fact] public void UrlGenerationReturnsNullWhenSubsequentSegmentHasValue() { // Dev10 Bug #924729 // Arrange RouteCollection routes = new RouteCollection(); routes.MapRoute("SampleRoute", "testing/{a}/{b}/{c}", new { controller = "controller", action = "action", b = UrlParameter.Optional, c = UrlParameter.Optional }); UrlHelper helper = GetUrlHelper(routeCollection: routes); // Act string url = helper.Action("action", "controller", new { a = 42, c = 2112 }); // Assert Assert.Null(url); } private static RequestContext GetRequestContext() { HttpContextBase httpcontext = MvcHelper.GetHttpContext("/app/", null, null); RouteData rd = new RouteData(); return new RequestContext(httpcontext, rd); } private static RequestContext GetRequestContext(RouteData routeData) { HttpContextBase httpcontext = MvcHelper.GetHttpContext("/app/", null, null); return new RequestContext(httpcontext, routeData); } private static RouteCollection GetRouteCollection() { RouteCollection rt = new RouteCollection(); rt.Add(new Route("{controller}/{action}/{id}", null) { Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = "defaultid" }) }); rt.Add("namedroute", new Route("named/{controller}/{action}/{id}", null) { Defaults = new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = "defaultid" }) }); return rt; } private static RouteData GetRouteData() { RouteData rd = new RouteData(); rd.Values.Add("controller", "home"); rd.Values.Add("action", "oldaction"); return rd; } private static UrlHelper GetUrlHelper() { return GetUrlHelper(GetRouteData(), GetRouteCollection()); } private static UrlHelper GetUrlHelper(RouteData routeData = null, RouteCollection routeCollection = null) { HttpContextBase httpcontext = MvcHelper.GetHttpContext("/app/", null, null); UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(httpcontext, routeData ?? new RouteData()), routeCollection ?? new RouteCollection()); return urlHelper; } private static UrlHelper GetUrlHelperForIsLocalUrl() { Mock contextMock = new Mock(); contextMock.SetupGet(context => context.Request.Url).Returns(new Uri("http://www.mysite.com/")); RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext(contextMock.Object, new RouteData()); UrlHelper helper = new UrlHelper(requestContext); return helper; } } }