properties { $zipFileName = "" $majorVersion = "4.5" $majorWithReleaseVersion = "4.5.1" $version = GetVersion $majorWithReleaseVersion $signAssemblies = $false $signKeyPath = "D:\Development\Releases\newtonsoft.snk" $buildDocumentation = $false $buildNuGet = $false $baseDir = resolve-path .. $buildDir = "$baseDir\Build" $sourceDir = "$baseDir\Src" $toolsDir = "$baseDir\Tools" $docDir = "$baseDir\Doc" $releaseDir = "$baseDir\Release" $workingDir = "$baseDir\Working" $builds = @( @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json"; TestsName = "Newtonsoft.Json.Tests"; Constants=""; FinalDir="Net40"; NuGetDir = "net40"; Framework="net-4.0"; Sign=$true}, @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json.Metro"; TestsName = $null; Constants="NETFX_CORE"; FinalDir="Metro"; NuGetDir = "winrt45"; Framework="net-4.5"; Sign=$true}, # unsigned SL/WP @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json.WindowsPhone"; TestsName = $null; Constants="SILVERLIGHT;WINDOWS_PHONE"; FinalDir="WindowsPhone"; NuGetDir = "sl3-wp,sl4-windowsphone71"; Framework="net-4.0"; Sign=$false}, @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json.Silverlight"; TestsName = "Newtonsoft.Json.Tests.Silverlight"; Constants="SILVERLIGHT"; FinalDir="Silverlight"; NuGetDir = "sl4"; Framework="net-4.0"; Sign=$false}, # signed SL/WP @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json.WindowsPhone"; TestsName = $null; Constants="SILVERLIGHT;WINDOWS_PHONE"; FinalDir="WindowsPhone\Signed"; NuGetDir = $null; Framework="net-4.0"; Sign=$true}, @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json.Silverlight"; TestsName = "Newtonsoft.Json.Tests.Silverlight"; Constants="SILVERLIGHT"; FinalDir="Silverlight\Signed"; NuGetDir = $null; Framework="net-4.0"; Sign=$true}, @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json.Net35"; TestsName = "Newtonsoft.Json.Tests.Net35"; Constants="NET35"; FinalDir="Net35"; NuGetDir = "net35"; Framework="net-2.0"; Sign=$true}, @{Name = "Newtonsoft.Json.Net20"; TestsName = "Newtonsoft.Json.Tests.Net20"; Constants="NET20"; FinalDir="Net20"; NuGetDir = "net20"; Framework="net-2.0"; Sign=$true} ) } $framework = '4.0x86' task default -depends Test # Ensure a clean working directory task Clean { Set-Location $baseDir if (Test-Path -path $workingDir) { Write-Output "Deleting Working Directory" del $workingDir -Recurse -Force } New-Item -Path $workingDir -ItemType Directory } # Build each solution, optionally signed task Build -depends Clean { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Updating assembly version" Write-Host Update-AssemblyInfoFiles $sourceDir ($majorVersion + '.0.0') $version foreach ($build in $builds) { $name = $build.Name $finalDir = $build.FinalDir $sign = ($build.Sign -and $signAssemblies) Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Building " $name Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Signed " $sign Write-Host exec { msbuild "/t:Clean;Rebuild" /p:Configuration=Release "/p:Platform=Any CPU" /p:OutputPath=bin\Release\$finalDir\ /p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=$signKeyPath "/p:SignAssembly=$sign" (GetConstants $build.Constants $sign) ".\Src\$name.sln" } "Error building $name" } } # Optional build documentation, add files to final zip task Package -depends Build { foreach ($build in $builds) { $name = $build.TestsName $finalDir = $build.FinalDir robocopy "$sourceDir\Newtonsoft.Json\bin\Release\$finalDir" $workingDir\Package\Bin\$finalDir /NP /XO /XF *.pri } if ($buildNuGet) { New-Item -Path $workingDir\NuGet -ItemType Directory Copy-Item -Path "$buildDir\Newtonsoft.Json.nuspec" -Destination $workingDir\NuGet\Newtonsoft.Json.nuspec -recurse foreach ($build in $builds) { if ($build.NuGetDir -ne $null) { $name = $build.TestsName $finalDir = $build.FinalDir $frameworkDirs = $build.NuGetDir.Split(",") foreach ($frameworkDir in $frameworkDirs) { robocopy "$sourceDir\Newtonsoft.Json\bin\Release\$finalDir" $workingDir\NuGet\lib\$frameworkDir /NP /XO /XF *.pri } } } exec { .\Tools\NuGet\NuGet.exe pack $workingDir\NuGet\Newtonsoft.Json.nuspec } move -Path .\*.nupkg -Destination $workingDir\NuGet } if ($buildDocumentation) { $mainBuild = $builds | where { $_.Name -eq "Newtonsoft.Json" } | select -first 1 $mainBuildFinalDir = $mainBuild.FinalDir $documentationSourcePath = "$workingDir\Package\Bin\$mainBuildFinalDir" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Building documentation from $documentationSourcePath" # Sandcastle has issues when compiling with .NET 4 MSBuild - exec { msbuild "/t:Clean;Rebuild" /p:Configuration=Release "/p:DocumentationSourcePath=$documentationSourcePath" $docDir\doc.shfbproj } "Error building documentation. Check that you have Sandcastle, Sandcastle Help File Builder and HTML Help Workshop installed." move -Path $workingDir\Documentation\Documentation.chm -Destination $workingDir\Package\Documentation.chm move -Path $workingDir\Documentation\LastBuild.log -Destination $workingDir\Documentation.log } Copy-Item -Path $docDir\readme.txt -Destination $workingDir\Package\ Copy-Item -Path $docDir\versions.txt -Destination $workingDir\Package\Bin\ robocopy $sourceDir $workingDir\Package\Source\Src /MIR /NP /XD .svn bin obj TestResults AppPackages /XF *.suo *.user robocopy $buildDir $workingDir\Package\Source\Build /MIR /NP /XD .svn robocopy $docDir $workingDir\Package\Source\Doc /MIR /NP /XD .svn robocopy $toolsDir $workingDir\Package\Source\Tools /MIR /NP /XD .svn exec { .\Tools\7-zip\7za.exe a -tzip $workingDir\$zipFileName $workingDir\Package\* } "Error zipping" } # Unzip package to a location task Deploy -depends Package { exec { .\Tools\7-zip\7za.exe x -y "-o$workingDir\Deployed" $workingDir\$zipFileName } "Error unzipping" } # Run tests on deployed files task Test -depends Deploy { foreach ($build in $builds) { $name = $build.TestsName if ($name -ne $null) { $finalDir = $build.FinalDir $framework = $build.Framework Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Copying test assembly $name to deployed directory" Write-Host robocopy ".\Src\Newtonsoft.Json.Tests\bin\Release\$finalDir" $workingDir\Deployed\Bin\$finalDir /NP /XO /XF LinqBridge.dll Copy-Item -Path ".\Src\Newtonsoft.Json.Tests\bin\Release\$finalDir\Newtonsoft.Json.Tests.dll" -Destination $workingDir\Deployed\Bin\$finalDir\ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Running tests " $name Write-Host exec { .\Tools\NUnit\nunit-console.exe "$workingDir\Deployed\Bin\$finalDir\Newtonsoft.Json.Tests.dll" /framework=$framework /xml:$workingDir\$name.xml } "Error running $name tests" } } } function GetConstants($constants, $includeSigned) { $signed = switch($includeSigned) { $true { ";SIGNED" } default { "" } } return "/p:DefineConstants=`"TRACE;$constants$signed`"" } function GetVersion($majorVersion) { $now = [DateTime]::Now $year = $now.Year - 2000 $month = $now.Month $totalMonthsSince2000 = ($year * 12) + $month $day = $now.Day $minor = "{0}{1:00}" -f $totalMonthsSince2000, $day $hour = $now.Hour $minute = $now.Minute $revision = "{0:00}{1:00}" -f $hour, $minute return $majorVersion + "." + $minor } function Update-AssemblyInfoFiles ([string] $sourceDir, [string] $assemblyVersionNumber, [string] $fileVersionNumber) { $assemblyVersionPattern = 'AssemblyVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)' $fileVersionPattern = 'AssemblyFileVersion\("[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+|\*)){1,3}"\)' $assemblyVersion = 'AssemblyVersion("' + $assemblyVersionNumber + '")'; $fileVersion = 'AssemblyFileVersion("' + $fileVersionNumber + '")'; Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceDir -r -filter AssemblyInfo.cs | ForEach-Object { $filename = $_.Directory.ToString() + '\' + $_.Name Write-Host $filename $filename + ' -> ' + $version (Get-Content $filename) | ForEach-Object { % {$_ -replace $assemblyVersionPattern, $assemblyVersion } | % {$_ -replace $fileVersionPattern, $fileVersion } } | Set-Content $filename } }