// // mkbundle: tool to create bundles. // // Based on the `make-bundle' Perl script written by Paolo Molaro (lupus@debian.org) // // Author: // Miguel de Icaza // // (C) Novell, Inc 2004 // (C) 2016 Xamarin Inc // // Missing features: // * Add support for packaging native libraries, extracting at runtime and setting the library path. // * Implement --list-targets lists all the available remote targets // using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using IKVM.Reflection; using System.Linq; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; class MakeBundle { static string output = "a.out"; static string object_out = null; static List link_paths = new List (); static bool autodeps = false; static bool keeptemp = false; static bool compile_only = false; static bool static_link = false; static string config_file = null; static string machine_config_file = null; static string config_dir = null; static string style = "linux"; static string os_message = ""; static bool compress; static bool nomain; static bool? use_dos2unix = null; static bool skip_scan; static string ctor_func; static bool quiet; static string cross_target = null; static string fetch_target = null; static bool custom_mode = true; static string embedded_options = null; static string runtime = null; static string target_server = "https://download.mono-project.com/runtimes/raw/"; static int Main (string [] args) { List sources = new List (); int top = args.Length; link_paths.Add ("."); DetectOS (); for (int i = 0; i < top; i++){ switch (args [i]){ case "--help": case "-h": case "-?": Help (); return 1; case "--simple": custom_mode = false; autodeps = true; break; case "--custom": custom_mode = true; break; case "-c": compile_only = true; break; case "--local-targets": CommandLocalTargets (); return 0; case "--cross": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } custom_mode = false; autodeps = true; cross_target = args [++i]; break; case "--fetch-target": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } fetch_target = args [++i]; break; case "--list-targets": var wc = new WebClient (); var s = wc.DownloadString (new Uri (target_server + "target-list.txt")); Console.WriteLine ("Cross-compilation targets available:\n" + s); return 0; case "--target-server": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } target_server = args [++i]; break; case "-o": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } output = args [++i]; break; case "--options": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } embedded_options = args [++i]; break; case "--runtime": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } runtime = args [++i]; break; case "-oo": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } object_out = args [++i]; break; case "-L": if (i+1 == top){ Help (); return 1; } link_paths.Add (args [++i]); break; case "--nodeps": autodeps = false; break; case "--deps": autodeps = true; break; case "--keeptemp": keeptemp = true; break; case "--static": static_link = true; if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine ("Note that statically linking the LGPL Mono runtime has more licensing restrictions than dynamically linking."); Console.WriteLine ("See http://www.mono-project.com/Licensing for details on licensing."); } break; case "--config": if (i+1 == top) { Help (); return 1; } config_file = args [++i]; break; case "--machine-config": if (i+1 == top) { Help (); return 1; } machine_config_file = args [++i]; if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine ("WARNING:\n Check that the machine.config file you are bundling\n doesn't contain sensitive information specific to this machine."); break; case "--config-dir": if (i+1 == top) { Help (); return 1; } config_dir = args [++i]; break; case "-z": compress = true; break; case "--nomain": nomain = true; break; case "--style": if (i+1 == top) { Help (); return 1; } style = args [++i]; switch (style) { case "windows": case "mac": case "linux": break; default: Console.Error.WriteLine ("Invalid style '{0}' - only 'windows', 'mac' and 'linux' are supported for --style argument", style); return 1; } break; case "--skip-scan": skip_scan = true; break; case "--static-ctor": if (i+1 == top) { Help (); return 1; } ctor_func = args [++i]; break; case "--dos2unix": case "--dos2unix=true": use_dos2unix = true; break; case "--dos2unix=false": use_dos2unix = false; break; case "-q": case "--quiet": quiet = true; break; default: sources.Add (args [i]); break; } } if (!quiet) { Console.WriteLine (os_message); Console.WriteLine ("Sources: {0} Auto-dependencies: {1}", sources.Count, autodeps); } if (sources.Count == 0 || output == null) { Help (); Environment.Exit (1); } List assemblies = LoadAssemblies (sources); List files = new List (); foreach (string file in assemblies) if (!QueueAssembly (files, file)) return 1; if (fetch_target != null){ var truntime = Path.Combine (targets_dir, fetch_target, "mono"); Directory.CreateDirectory (Path.GetDirectoryName (truntime)); var wc = new WebClient (); var uri = new Uri ($"{target_server}{fetch_target}"); try { wc.DownloadFile (uri, truntime); } catch { Console.Error.WriteLine ($"Failure to download the specified runtime from {uri}"); File.Delete (truntime); return 1; } return 0; } if (custom_mode) GenerateBundles (files); else { if (cross_target == "default") runtime = null; else { var truntime = Path.Combine (targets_dir, cross_target, "mono"); if (!File.Exists (truntime)){ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"The runtime for the {cross_target} does not exist, use --fetch-target {cross_target} to download first"); return 1; } } GeneratePackage (files); } return 0; } static string targets_dir = Path.Combine (Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), ".mono", "targets"); static void CommandLocalTargets () { string [] targets; Console.WriteLine ("Available targets:"); Console.WriteLine ("\tdefault\t- Current System Mono"); try { targets = Directory.GetDirectories (targets_dir); } catch { return; } foreach (var target in targets){ var p = Path.Combine (target, "mono"); if (File.Exists (p)) Console.WriteLine ("\t{0}", Path.GetFileName (target)); } } static void WriteSymbol (StreamWriter sw, string name, long size) { switch (style){ case "linux": sw.WriteLine ( ".globl {0}\n" + "\t.section .rodata\n" + "\t.p2align 5\n" + "\t.type {0}, \"object\"\n" + "\t.size {0}, {1}\n" + "{0}:\n", name, size); break; case "osx": sw.WriteLine ( "\t.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions\n" + "\t.globl _{0}\n" + "\t.data\n" + "\t.align 4\n" + "_{0}:\n", name, size); break; case "windows": sw.WriteLine ( ".globl _{0}\n" + "\t.section .rdata,\"dr\"\n" + "\t.align 32\n" + "_{0}:\n", name, size); break; } } static string [] chars = new string [256]; static void WriteBuffer (StreamWriter ts, Stream stream, byte[] buffer) { int n; // Preallocate the strings we need. if (chars [0] == null) { for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++) chars [i] = string.Format ("{0}", i.ToString ()); } while ((n = stream.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (count % 32 == 0) { ts.Write ("\n\t.byte "); } else { ts.Write (","); } ts.Write (chars [buffer [i]]); count ++; } } ts.WriteLine (); } class PackageMaker { Dictionary> locations = new Dictionary> (); const int align = 4096; Stream package; public PackageMaker (string output) { package = File.Create (output, 128*1024); if (IsUnix){ File.SetAttributes (output, unchecked ((FileAttributes) 0x80000000)); } } public int AddFile (string fname) { using (Stream fileStream = File.OpenRead (fname)){ var ret = fileStream.Length; Console.WriteLine ("At {0:x} with input {1}", package.Position, fileStream.Length); fileStream.CopyTo (package); package.Position = package.Position + (align - (package.Position % align)); return (int) ret; } } public void Add (string entry, string fname) { var p = package.Position; var size = AddFile (fname); locations [entry] = Tuple.Create(p, size); } public void AddString (string entry, string text) { var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (text); locations [entry] = Tuple.Create (package.Position, bytes.Length); package.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length); package.Position = package.Position + (align - (package.Position % align)); } public void Dump () { foreach (var floc in locations.Keys){ Console.WriteLine ($"{floc} at {locations[floc]:x}"); } } public void WriteIndex () { var indexStart = package.Position; var binary = new BinaryWriter (package); binary.Write (locations.Count); foreach (var entry in from entry in locations orderby entry.Value.Item1 ascending select entry){ var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (entry.Key); binary.Write (bytes.Length+1); binary.Write (bytes); binary.Write ((byte) 0); binary.Write (entry.Value.Item1); binary.Write (entry.Value.Item2); } binary.Write (indexStart); binary.Write (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes ("xmonkeysloveplay")); binary.Flush (); } public void Close () { WriteIndex (); package.Close (); package = null; } } static bool MaybeAddFile (PackageMaker maker, string code, string file) { if (file == null) return true; if (!File.Exists (file)){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("The file {0} does not exist", file); return false; } maker.Add (code, file); return true; } static bool GeneratePackage (List files) { if (runtime == null){ if (IsUnix) runtime = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName; else { Console.Error.WriteLine ("You must specify at least one runtime with --runtime or --cross"); Environment.Exit (1); } } if (!File.Exists (runtime)){ Console.Error.WriteLine ($"The specified runtime at {runtime} does not exist"); Environment.Exit (1); } if (ctor_func != null){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("--static-ctor not supported with package bundling, you must use native compilation for this"); return false; } var maker = new PackageMaker (output); maker.AddFile (runtime); foreach (var url in files){ string fname = LocateFile (new Uri (url).LocalPath); string aname = Path.GetFileName (fname); maker.Add ("assembly:" + aname, fname); if (File.Exists (fname + ".config")) maker.Add ("config:" + aname, fname + ".config"); } if (!MaybeAddFile (maker, "systemconfig:", config_file) || !MaybeAddFile (maker, "machineconfig:", machine_config_file)) return false; if (config_dir != null) maker.Add ("config_dir:", config_dir); if (embedded_options != null) maker.AddString ("options:", embedded_options); maker.Dump (); maker.Close (); return true; } static void GenerateBundles (List files) { string temp_s = "temp.s"; // Path.GetTempFileName (); string temp_c = "temp.c"; string temp_o = "temp.o"; if (compile_only) temp_c = output; if (object_out != null) temp_o = object_out; try { List c_bundle_names = new List (); List config_names = new List (); using (StreamWriter ts = new StreamWriter (File.Create (temp_s))) { using (StreamWriter tc = new StreamWriter (File.Create (temp_c))) { string prog = null; #if XAMARIN_ANDROID tc.WriteLine ("/* This source code was produced by mkbundle, do not edit */"); tc.WriteLine ("\n#ifndef NULL\n#define NULL (void *)0\n#endif"); tc.WriteLine (@" typedef struct { const char *name; const unsigned char *data; const unsigned int size; } MonoBundledAssembly; void mono_register_bundled_assemblies (const MonoBundledAssembly **assemblies); void mono_register_config_for_assembly (const char* assembly_name, const char* config_xml); "); #else tc.WriteLine ("#include "); tc.WriteLine ("#include \n"); #endif if (compress) { tc.WriteLine ("typedef struct _compressed_data {"); tc.WriteLine ("\tMonoBundledAssembly assembly;"); tc.WriteLine ("\tint compressed_size;"); tc.WriteLine ("} CompressedAssembly;\n"); } object monitor = new object (); var streams = new Dictionary (); var sizes = new Dictionary (); // Do the file reading and compression in parallel Action body = delegate (string url) { string fname = LocateFile (new Uri (url).LocalPath); Stream stream = File.OpenRead (fname); long real_size = stream.Length; int n; if (compress) { byte[] cbuffer = new byte [8192]; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (); GZipStream deflate = new GZipStream (ms, CompressionMode.Compress, leaveOpen:true); while ((n = stream.Read (cbuffer, 0, cbuffer.Length)) != 0){ deflate.Write (cbuffer, 0, n); } stream.Close (); deflate.Close (); byte [] bytes = ms.GetBuffer (); stream = new MemoryStream (bytes, 0, (int) ms.Length, false, false); } lock (monitor) { streams [url] = stream; sizes [url] = real_size; } }; //#if NET_4_5 #if FALSE Parallel.ForEach (files, body); #else foreach (var url in files) body (url); #endif // The non-parallel part byte [] buffer = new byte [8192]; // everything other than a-zA-Z0-9_ needs to be escaped in asm symbols. var symbolEscapeRE = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ("[^\\w_]"); foreach (var url in files) { string fname = LocateFile (new Uri (url).LocalPath); string aname = Path.GetFileName (fname); string encoded = symbolEscapeRE.Replace (aname, "_"); if (prog == null) prog = aname; var stream = streams [url]; var real_size = sizes [url]; if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine (" embedding: " + fname); WriteSymbol (ts, "assembly_data_" + encoded, stream.Length); WriteBuffer (ts, stream, buffer); if (compress) { tc.WriteLine ("extern const unsigned char assembly_data_{0} [];", encoded); tc.WriteLine ("static CompressedAssembly assembly_bundle_{0} = {{{{\"{1}\"," + " assembly_data_{0}, {2}}}, {3}}};", encoded, aname, real_size, stream.Length); if (!quiet) { double ratio = ((double) stream.Length * 100) / real_size; Console.WriteLine (" compression ratio: {0:.00}%", ratio); } } else { tc.WriteLine ("extern const unsigned char assembly_data_{0} [];", encoded); tc.WriteLine ("static const MonoBundledAssembly assembly_bundle_{0} = {{\"{1}\", assembly_data_{0}, {2}}};", encoded, aname, real_size); } stream.Close (); c_bundle_names.Add ("assembly_bundle_" + encoded); try { FileStream cf = File.OpenRead (fname + ".config"); if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine (" config from: " + fname + ".config"); tc.WriteLine ("extern const unsigned char assembly_config_{0} [];", encoded); WriteSymbol (ts, "assembly_config_" + encoded, cf.Length); WriteBuffer (ts, cf, buffer); ts.WriteLine (); config_names.Add (new string[] {aname, encoded}); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { /* we ignore if the config file doesn't exist */ } } if (config_file != null){ FileStream conf; try { conf = File.OpenRead (config_file); } catch { Error (String.Format ("Failure to open {0}", config_file)); return; } if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine ("System config from: " + config_file); tc.WriteLine ("extern const char system_config;"); WriteSymbol (ts, "system_config", config_file.Length); WriteBuffer (ts, conf, buffer); // null terminator ts.Write ("\t.byte 0\n"); ts.WriteLine (); } if (machine_config_file != null){ FileStream conf; try { conf = File.OpenRead (machine_config_file); } catch { Error (String.Format ("Failure to open {0}", machine_config_file)); return; } if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine ("Machine config from: " + machine_config_file); tc.WriteLine ("extern const char machine_config;"); WriteSymbol (ts, "machine_config", machine_config_file.Length); WriteBuffer (ts, conf, buffer); ts.Write ("\t.byte 0\n"); ts.WriteLine (); } ts.Close (); if (compress) tc.WriteLine ("\nstatic const CompressedAssembly *compressed [] = {"); else tc.WriteLine ("\nstatic const MonoBundledAssembly *bundled [] = {"); foreach (string c in c_bundle_names){ tc.WriteLine ("\t&{0},", c); } tc.WriteLine ("\tNULL\n};\n"); tc.WriteLine ("static char *image_name = \"{0}\";", prog); if (ctor_func != null) { tc.WriteLine ("\nextern void {0} (void);", ctor_func); tc.WriteLine ("\n__attribute__ ((constructor)) static void mono_mkbundle_ctor (void)"); tc.WriteLine ("{{\n\t{0} ();\n}}", ctor_func); } tc.WriteLine ("\nstatic void install_dll_config_files (void) {\n"); foreach (string[] ass in config_names){ tc.WriteLine ("\tmono_register_config_for_assembly (\"{0}\", assembly_config_{1});\n", ass [0], ass [1]); } if (config_file != null) tc.WriteLine ("\tmono_config_parse_memory (&system_config);\n"); if (machine_config_file != null) tc.WriteLine ("\tmono_register_machine_config (&machine_config);\n"); tc.WriteLine ("}\n"); if (config_dir != null) tc.WriteLine ("static const char *config_dir = \"{0}\";", config_dir); else tc.WriteLine ("static const char *config_dir = NULL;"); Stream template_stream; if (compress) { template_stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly (typeof(MakeBundle)).GetManifestResourceStream ("template_z.c"); } else { template_stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly (typeof(MakeBundle)).GetManifestResourceStream ("template.c"); } StreamReader s = new StreamReader (template_stream); string template = s.ReadToEnd (); tc.Write (template); if (!nomain) { Stream template_main_stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly (typeof(MakeBundle)).GetManifestResourceStream ("template_main.c"); StreamReader st = new StreamReader (template_main_stream); string maintemplate = st.ReadToEnd (); tc.Write (maintemplate); } tc.Close (); string assembler = GetEnv("AS", "as"); string as_cmd = String.Format("{0} -o {1} {2} ", assembler, temp_o, temp_s); Execute(as_cmd); if (compile_only) return; if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine("Compiling:"); if (style == "windows") { Func quote = (pp) => { return "\"" + pp + "\""; }; string compiler = GetEnv("CC", "cl.exe"); string winsdkPath = GetEnv("WINSDK", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1"); string vsPath = GetEnv("VSINCLUDE", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC"); string monoPath = GetEnv("MONOPREFIX", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono"); string[] includes = new string[] {winsdkPath + @"\Include\um", winsdkPath + @"\Include\shared", vsPath + @"\include", monoPath + @"\include\mono-2.0"}; string[] libs = new string[] { winsdkPath + @"\Lib\winv6.3\um\x86" , vsPath + @"\lib" }; string monoFile; var compilerArgs = new List(); foreach (string include in includes) compilerArgs.Add(String.Format ("/I {0}", quote (include))); if (static_link) monoFile = LocateFile (monoPath + @"\lib\monosgen-2.0.lib"); else monoFile = LocateFile (monoPath + @"\lib\monosgen-2.0.dll"); compilerArgs.Add("/MD"); compilerArgs.Add(temp_c); compilerArgs.Add(temp_o); compilerArgs.Add("/link"); if (nomain) compilerArgs.Add("/NOENTRY"); compilerArgs.Add("/DLL"); foreach (string lib in libs) compilerArgs.Add(String.Format ("/LIBPATH:{0}", quote(lib))); compilerArgs.Add (quote(monoFile)); string cl_cmd = String.Format("{0} {1}", compiler, String.Join(" ", compilerArgs.ToArray())); Execute (cl_cmd); } else { string zlib = (compress ? "-lz" : ""); string debugging = "-g"; string cc = GetEnv("CC", "cc"); string cmd = null; if (style == "linux") debugging = "-ggdb"; if (static_link) { string smonolib; if (style == "osx") smonolib = "`pkg-config --variable=libdir mono-2`/libmono-2.0.a "; else smonolib = "-Wl,-Bstatic -lmono-2.0 -Wl,-Bdynamic "; cmd = String.Format("{4} -o '{2}' -Wall `pkg-config --cflags mono-2` {0} {3} " + "`pkg-config --libs-only-L mono-2` " + smonolib + "`pkg-config --libs-only-l mono-2 | sed -e \"s/\\-lmono-2.0 //\"` {1}", temp_c, temp_o, output, zlib, cc); } else { cmd = String.Format("{4} " + debugging + " -o '{2}' -Wall {0} `pkg-config --cflags --libs mono-2` {3} {1}", temp_c, temp_o, output, zlib, cc); } Execute (cmd); } if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine ("Done"); } } } finally { if (!keeptemp){ if (object_out == null){ File.Delete (temp_o); } if (!compile_only){ File.Delete (temp_c); } File.Delete (temp_s); } } } static List LoadAssemblies (List sources) { List assemblies = new List (); bool error = false; foreach (string name in sources){ try { Assembly a = LoadAssembly (name); if (a == null){ error = true; continue; } assemblies.Add (a.CodeBase); } catch (Exception) { if (skip_scan) { if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine ("File will not be scanned: {0}", name); assemblies.Add (new Uri (new FileInfo (name).FullName).ToString ()); } else { throw; } } } if (error) Environment.Exit (1); return assemblies; } static readonly Universe universe = new Universe (); static readonly Dictionary loaded_assemblies = new Dictionary (); static bool QueueAssembly (List files, string codebase) { // Console.WriteLine ("CODE BASE IS {0}", codebase); if (files.Contains (codebase)) return true; var path = new Uri(codebase).LocalPath; var name = Path.GetFileName (path); string found; if (loaded_assemblies.TryGetValue (name, out found)) { Error (string.Format ("Duplicate assembly name `{0}'. Both `{1}' and `{2}' use same assembly name.", name, path, found)); return false; } loaded_assemblies.Add (name, path); files.Add (codebase); if (!autodeps) return true; try { Assembly a = universe.LoadFile (path); foreach (AssemblyName an in a.GetReferencedAssemblies ()) { a = universe.Load (an.FullName); if (!QueueAssembly (files, a.CodeBase)) return false; } } catch (Exception) { if (!skip_scan) throw; } return true; } static Assembly LoadAssembly (string assembly) { Assembly a; try { char[] path_chars = { '/', '\\' }; if (assembly.IndexOfAny (path_chars) != -1) { a = universe.LoadFile (assembly); } else { string ass = assembly; if (ass.EndsWith (".dll")) ass = assembly.Substring (0, assembly.Length - 4); a = universe.Load (ass); } return a; } catch (FileNotFoundException){ string total_log = ""; foreach (string dir in link_paths){ string full_path = Path.Combine (dir, assembly); if (!assembly.EndsWith (".dll") && !assembly.EndsWith (".exe")) full_path += ".dll"; try { a = universe.LoadFile (full_path); return a; } catch (FileNotFoundException ff) { total_log += ff.FusionLog; continue; } } Error ("Cannot find assembly `" + assembly + "'" ); if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine ("Log: \n" + total_log); } catch (IKVM.Reflection.BadImageFormatException f) { if (skip_scan) throw; Error ("Cannot load assembly (bad file format) " + f.Message); } catch (FileLoadException f){ Error ("Cannot load assembly " + f.Message); } catch (ArgumentNullException){ Error("Cannot load assembly (null argument)"); } return null; } static void Error (string msg) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("ERROR: " + msg); Environment.Exit (1); } static void Help () { Console.WriteLine ("Usage is: mkbundle [options] assembly1 [assembly2...]\n\n" + "Options:\n" + " --config F Bundle system config file `F'\n" + " --config-dir D Set MONO_CFG_DIR to `D'\n" + " --deps Turns on automatic dependency embedding (default on simple)\n" + " -L path Adds `path' to the search path for assemblies\n" + " --machine-config F Use the given file as the machine.config for the application.\n" + " -o out Specifies output filename\n" + " --nodeps Turns off automatic dependency embedding (default on custom)\n" + " --skip-scan Skip scanning assemblies that could not be loaded (but still embed them).\n" + "\n" + "--simple Simple mode does not require a C toolchain and can cross compile\n" + " --cross TARGET Generates a binary for the given TARGET\n"+ " --local-targets Lists locally available targets\n" + " --list-targets Lists available targets on the remote server\n" + " --options OPTIONS Embed the specified Mono command line options on target\n" + " --runtime RUNTIME Manually specifies the Mono runtime to use\n" + " --target-server URL Specified a server to download targets from, default is " + target_server + "\n" + "\n" + "--custom Builds a custom launcher, options for --custom\n" + " -c Produce stub only, do not compile\n" + " -oo obj Specifies output filename for helper object file\n" + " --dos2unix[=true|false]\n" + " When no value provided, or when `true` specified\n" + " `dos2unix` will be invoked to convert paths on Windows.\n" + " When `--dos2unix=false` used, dos2unix is NEVER used.\n" + " --keeptemp Keeps the temporary files\n" + " --static Statically link to mono libs\n" + " --nomain Don't include a main() function, for libraries\n" + " -z Compress the assemblies before embedding.\n" + " --static-ctor ctor Add a constructor call to the supplied function.\n" + " You need zlib development headers and libraries.\n"); } [DllImport ("libc")] static extern int system (string s); [DllImport ("libc")] static extern int uname (IntPtr buf); static void DetectOS () { if (!IsUnix) { os_message = "OS is: Windows"; style = "windows"; return; } IntPtr buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (8192); if (uname (buf) != 0){ os_message = "Warning: Unable to detect OS"; Marshal.FreeHGlobal (buf); return; } string os = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (buf); os_message = "OS is: " + os; if (os == "Darwin") style = "osx"; Marshal.FreeHGlobal (buf); } static bool IsUnix { get { int p = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform; return ((p == 4) || (p == 128) || (p == 6)); } } static void Execute (string cmdLine) { if (IsUnix) { if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine ("[execute cmd]: " + cmdLine); int ret = system (cmdLine); if (ret != 0) { Error(String.Format("[Fail] {0}", ret)); } return; } // on Windows, we have to pipe the output of a // `cmd` interpolation to dos2unix, because the shell does not // strip the CRLFs generated by the native pkg-config distributed // with Mono. // // But if it's *not* on cygwin, just skip it. // check if dos2unix is applicable. if (use_dos2unix == true) try { var info = new ProcessStartInfo ("dos2unix"); info.CreateNoWindow = true; info.RedirectStandardInput = true; info.UseShellExecute = false; var dos2unix = Process.Start (info); dos2unix.StandardInput.WriteLine ("aaa"); dos2unix.StandardInput.WriteLine ("\u0004"); dos2unix.StandardInput.Close (); dos2unix.WaitForExit (); if (dos2unix.ExitCode == 0) use_dos2unix = true; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Warning: dos2unix not found"); use_dos2unix = false; } if (use_dos2unix == null) use_dos2unix = false; ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.UseShellExecute = false; // if there is no dos2unix, just run cmd /c. if (use_dos2unix == false) { psi.FileName = "cmd"; psi.Arguments = String.Format("/c \"{0}\"", cmdLine); } else { psi.FileName = "sh"; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cmdLine.Length; i++) { if (cmdLine[i] == '`') { if (count % 2 != 0) { b.Append("|dos2unix"); } count++; } b.Append(cmdLine[i]); } cmdLine = b.ToString(); psi.Arguments = String.Format("-c \"{0}\"", cmdLine); } if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine(cmdLine); using (Process p = Process.Start (psi)) { p.WaitForExit (); int ret = p.ExitCode; if (ret != 0){ Error (String.Format("[Fail] {0}", ret)); } } } static string GetEnv(string name, string defaultValue) { string val = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name); if (val != null) { if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", name, val); } else { val = defaultValue; if (!quiet) Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1} (default)", name, val); } return val; } static string LocateFile(string default_path) { var override_path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Path.GetFileName(default_path)); if (File.Exists(override_path)) return override_path; else if (File.Exists(default_path)) return default_path; else throw new FileNotFoundException(default_path); } }