// ****************************************************************
// This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You
// may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding
// copyright ownership at http://nunit.org/?p=license&r=2.4.
// ****************************************************************
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using NUnit.Core;
namespace NUnit.Util
public enum BinPathType
public class ProjectConfig
#region Instance Variables
/// The name of this config
private string name;
/// IProject interface of containing project
protected NUnitProject project = null;
/// List of the names of the assemblies
private AssemblyList assemblies;
/// Base path specific to this configuration
private string basePath;
/// Our configuration file, if specified
private string configFile;
/// Private bin path, if specified
private string binPath;
/// True if assembly paths should be added to bin path
private BinPathType binPathType = BinPathType.Auto;
#region Constructor
public ProjectConfig( string name )
this.name = name;
this.assemblies = new AssemblyList();
assemblies.Changed += new EventHandler( assemblies_Changed );
#region Properties and Events
public event EventHandler Changed;
public NUnitProject Project
// get { return project; }
set { project = value; }
public string Name
get { return name; }
if ( name != value )
name = value;
private bool BasePathSpecified
return project.BasePathSpecified || this.basePath != null && this.basePath != "";
/// The base directory for this config - used
/// as the application base for loading tests.
public string BasePath
if ( project == null || project.BasePath == null )
return basePath;
if ( basePath == null )
return project.BasePath;
return Path.Combine( project.BasePath, basePath );
if ( BasePath != value )
basePath = value;
/// The base path relative to the project base
public string RelativeBasePath
if ( project == null || basePath == null || !Path.IsPathRooted( basePath ) )
return basePath;
return PathUtils.RelativePath( project.BasePath, basePath );
private bool ConfigurationFileSpecified
get { return configFile != null; }
public string ConfigurationFile
return configFile == null && project != null
? project.ConfigurationFile
: configFile;
if ( ConfigurationFile != value )
configFile = value;
public string ConfigurationFilePath
return BasePath != null && ConfigurationFile != null
? Path.Combine( BasePath, ConfigurationFile )
: ConfigurationFile;
private bool PrivateBinPathSpecified
get { return binPath != null; }
/// The Path.PathSeparator-separated path containing all the
/// assemblies in the list.
public string PrivateBinPath
get { return binPath; }
if ( binPath != value )
binPath = value;
binPathType = binPath == null ? BinPathType.Auto : BinPathType.Manual;
/// How our PrivateBinPath is generated
public BinPathType BinPathType
get { return binPathType; }
if ( binPathType != value )
binPathType = value;
/// Return our AssemblyList
public AssemblyList Assemblies
get { return assemblies; }
public TestPackage MakeTestPackage()
TestPackage package = new TestPackage( project.ProjectPath );
if ( !project.IsAssemblyWrapper )
foreach ( string assembly in this.Assemblies )
package.Assemblies.Add( assembly );
if ( this.BasePathSpecified || this.PrivateBinPathSpecified || this.ConfigurationFileSpecified )
package.BasePath = this.BasePath;
package.PrivateBinPath = this.PrivateBinPath;
package.ConfigurationFile = this.ConfigurationFile;
package.AutoBinPath = this.BinPathType == BinPathType.Auto;
return package;
private void assemblies_Changed( object sender, EventArgs e )
private void FireChangedEvent()
if ( Changed != null )
Changed( this, EventArgs.Empty );