using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher; using MonoTests.Helpers; namespace MonoTests.System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher { [TestFixture] public class ChannelDispatcherTest { [Test] public void ConstructorNullBindingName () { new ChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener (new Uri ("urn:foo")), null); new ChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener (new Uri ("urn:foo")), null, null); } [Test] public void ServiceThrottle () { var cd = new ChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener<IReplyChannel> (new Uri ("urn:foo"))); var st = cd.ServiceThrottle; Assert.IsNull (st, "#0"); var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); h.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (TestContract).FullName, new BasicHttpBinding (), "address"); h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (cd); Assert.IsNull (st, "#1"); var ed = new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", ""); Assert.IsNull (ed.ChannelDispatcher, "#1-2"); ed.DispatchRuntime.Type = typeof (TestContract); cd.Endpoints.Add (ed); Assert.AreEqual (cd, ed.ChannelDispatcher, "#1-3"); cd.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; { cd.Open (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); try { Assert.IsNull (st, "#2"); // so, can't really test actual slot values as it is null. } finally { cd.Close (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); } return; } } [Test] public void Collection_Add_Remove () { Console.WriteLine ("STart test Collection_Add_Remove"); var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); h.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (TestContract).FullName, new BasicHttpBinding (), "address"); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener (uri)); h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); Assert.IsTrue (d.Attached, "#1"); h.ChannelDispatchers.Remove (d); Assert.IsFalse (d.Attached, "#2"); h.ChannelDispatchers.Insert (0, d); Assert.IsTrue (d.Attached, "#3"); h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (new MyChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener (uri))); h.ChannelDispatchers.Clear (); Assert.IsFalse (d.Attached, "#4"); } [Test] public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener (uri)); d.Endpoints.Add (new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", "")); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest2 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener (uri)); d.Endpoints.Add (new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", "")); d.Open (); // the dispatcher must be attached. } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest3 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (new MyChannelListener (uri)); d.Endpoints.Add (new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", "")); h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); d.Open (); // missing MessageVersion } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] // i.e. it is thrown synchronously in current thread. public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest4 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); var listener = new MyChannelListener (uri); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (listener); var ed = new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", ""); Assert.IsNotNull (ed.DispatchRuntime, "#1"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceProvider, "#2"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider, "#3"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceProvider, "#3.2"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.SingletonInstanceContext, "#4"); d.Endpoints.Add (ed); d.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); // it misses DispatchRuntime.Type, which seems set // automatically when the dispatcher is created in // ordinal process but need to be set manually in this case. try { d.Open (); try { // should not reach here, but in case it didn't, it must be closed. d.Close (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); } catch { } } finally { Assert.AreEqual (CommunicationState.Opened, listener.State, "#5"); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] // i.e. it is thrown synchronously in current thread. public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest5 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); var binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); var listener = new MyChannelListener (uri); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (listener); var ed = new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", ""); d.Endpoints.Add (ed); ed.DispatchRuntime.Type = typeof (TestContract); // different from Test4 d.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); // It rejects "unrecognized type" of the channel listener. // Test6 uses IChannelListener<IReplyChannel> and works. d.Open (); // should not reach here, but in case it didn't, it must be closed. d.Close (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); } [Test] public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest6 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); var binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); var listener = new MyChannelListener<IReplyChannel> (uri); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (listener); var ed = new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", ""); d.Endpoints.Add (ed); Assert.IsFalse (d.Attached, "#x1"); ed.DispatchRuntime.Type = typeof (TestContract); d.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); Assert.IsTrue (d.Attached, "#x2"); d.Open (); // At this state, it does *not* call AcceptChannel() yet. Assert.IsFalse (listener.AcceptChannelTried, "#1"); Assert.IsFalse (listener.WaitForChannelTried, "#2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ed.DispatchRuntime, "#3"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceProvider, "#4"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider, "#5"); // it is not still set after ChannelDispatcher.Open(). Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceProvider, "#5.2"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.SingletonInstanceContext, "#6"); d.Close (); // we don't have to even close it. } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (InvalidOperationException))] public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest7 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); var binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); var listener = new MyChannelListener<IReplyChannel> (uri); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (listener); var ed = new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", ""); d.Endpoints.Add (ed); ed.DispatchRuntime.Type = typeof (TestContract); d.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; // add service endpoint to open the host (unlike all tests above). h.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (TestContract), new BasicHttpBinding (), uri.ToString ()); h.ChannelDispatchers.Clear (); h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); d.Open (); // At this state, it does *not* call AcceptChannel() yet. // This rejects already-opened ChannelDispatcher. h.Open (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); // should not reach here, but in case it didn't, it must be closed. h.Close (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] // Validating duplicate listen URI causes this regression. // Since it is niche, I rather fixed ServiceHostBase to introduce validation. // It is probably because this code doesn't use ServiceEndpoint to build IChannelListener i.e. built without Binding. // We can add an extra field to ChannelDispatcher to indicate that it is from ServiceEndpoint (i.e. with Binding), // but it makes little sense especially for checking duplicate listen URIs. Duplicate listen URIs should be rejected anyways. public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest8 () { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (typeof (TestContract), uri); var listener = new MyChannelListener<IReplyChannel> (uri); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (listener); var ed = new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", ""); d.Endpoints.Add (ed); ed.DispatchRuntime.Type = typeof (TestContract); d.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; // add service endpoint to open the host (unlike all tests above). h.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (TestContract), new BasicHttpBinding (), uri.ToString ()); h.ChannelDispatchers.Clear (); h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); Assert.AreEqual (h, d.Host, "#0"); try { h.Open (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); Assert.AreEqual (3, h.ChannelDispatchers.Count, "#0"); // TestContract, d, mex Assert.IsTrue (listener.BeginAcceptChannelTried, "#1"); // while it throws NIE ... Assert.IsFalse (listener.WaitForChannelTried, "#2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ed.DispatchRuntime, "#3"); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceProvider, "#4"); Assert.IsNotNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider, "#5"); // it was set after ServiceHost.Open(). Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.SingletonInstanceContext, "#6"); /* var l = new HttpListener (); l.Prefixes.Add (uri.ToString ()); l.Start (); l.Stop (); */ } finally { h.Close (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); h.Abort (); } } // FIXME: this test itself indeed passes, but some weird conflict that blocks correspoding port happens between this and somewhere (probably above) // [Test] public void EndpointDispatcherAddTest9 () // test singleton service { var uri = new Uri ("http://localhost:" + NetworkHelpers.FindFreePort ()); ServiceHost h = new ServiceHost (new TestContract (), uri); h.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceBehaviorAttribute> ().InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single; var listener = new MyChannelListener<IReplyChannel> (uri); MyChannelDispatcher d = new MyChannelDispatcher (listener); var ed = new EndpointDispatcher (new EndpointAddress (uri), "", ""); d.Endpoints.Add (ed); ed.DispatchRuntime.Type = typeof (TestContract); d.MessageVersion = MessageVersion.Default; h.AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (TestContract), new BasicHttpBinding (), uri.ToString ()); h.ChannelDispatchers.Clear (); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.SingletonInstanceContext, "#1"); h.ChannelDispatchers.Add (d); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.SingletonInstanceContext, "#2"); try { h.Open (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); Assert.IsNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceProvider, "#4"); Assert.IsNotNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider, "#5"); // it was set after ServiceHost.Open(). Assert.IsNotNull (ed.DispatchRuntime.SingletonInstanceContext, "#6"); } finally { h.Close (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (10)); h.Abort (); } } [ServiceContract] public class TestContract { [OperationContract] public void Process (string input) { } } class MyChannelDispatcher : ChannelDispatcher { public bool Attached = false; public MyChannelDispatcher (IChannelListener l) : base (l) { } protected override void Attach (ServiceHostBase host) { base.Attach (host); Attached = true; } protected override void Detach (ServiceHostBase host) { base.Detach (host); Attached = false; } } class MyChannelListener<TChannel> : MyChannelListener, IChannelListener<TChannel> where TChannel : class, IChannel { public MyChannelListener (Uri uri) : base (uri) { } public bool AcceptChannelTried { get; set; } public bool BeginAcceptChannelTried { get; set; } public TChannel AcceptChannel () { AcceptChannelTried = true; throw new NotImplementedException (); } public TChannel AcceptChannel (TimeSpan timeout) { AcceptChannelTried = true; throw new NotImplementedException (); } public IAsyncResult BeginAcceptChannel (AsyncCallback callback, object state) { BeginAcceptChannelTried = true; throw new NotImplementedException (); } public IAsyncResult BeginAcceptChannel (TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { BeginAcceptChannelTried = true; throw new NotImplementedException (); } public TChannel EndAcceptChannel (IAsyncResult result) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } class MyChannelListener : IChannelListener { public MyChannelListener (Uri uri) { Uri = uri; } public bool WaitForChannelTried { get; set; } public CommunicationState State { get; set; } #region IChannelListener Members public IAsyncResult BeginWaitForChannel (TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { WaitForChannelTried = true; throw new NotImplementedException (); } public bool EndWaitForChannel (IAsyncResult result) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public T GetProperty<T> () where T : class { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public Uri Uri { get; set; } public bool WaitForChannel (TimeSpan timeout) { WaitForChannelTried = true; throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endregion #region ICommunicationObject Members public void Abort () { State = CommunicationState.Closed; } public IAsyncResult BeginClose (TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public IAsyncResult BeginClose (AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public IAsyncResult BeginOpen (TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public IAsyncResult BeginOpen (AsyncCallback callback, object state) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public void Close (TimeSpan timeout) { State = CommunicationState.Closed; } public void Close () { State = CommunicationState.Closed; } public event EventHandler Closed; public event EventHandler Closing; public void EndClose (IAsyncResult result) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public void EndOpen (IAsyncResult result) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public event EventHandler Faulted; public void Open (TimeSpan timeout) { State = CommunicationState.Opened; } public void Open () { State = CommunicationState.Opened; } public event EventHandler Opened; public event EventHandler Opening; #endregion } } }