// // WsdlExporterTest.cs // // Author: // Ankit Jain // // Copyright (C) 2006 Novell, Inc. http://www.novell.com // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.ServiceModel; using System.Web.Services; using WSServiceDescription = System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription; using WSMessage = System.Web.Services.Description.Message; using WSBinding = System.Web.Services.Description.Binding; using QName = System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName; using SMMessage = System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message; using System.Xml; using System.Web.Services.Description; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Reflection; namespace MonoTests.System.ServiceModel.Description { [TestFixture] public class WsdlExporterTest { [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void Ctor1 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); Assert.IsNotNull (we.GetGeneratedMetadata ()); Assert.IsNotNull (we.GeneratedWsdlDocuments, "#c1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, we.GeneratedWsdlDocuments.Count, "#c2"); Assert.IsNotNull (we.GeneratedXmlSchemas, "#c3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, we.GeneratedXmlSchemas.Count, "#c4"); } [Test] public void ExportEndpointTest () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); ServiceEndpoint se = new ServiceEndpoint (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService))); se.Binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); se.Address = new EndpointAddress ("http://localhost:8080"); //TEST Invalid name: 5se.Name = "Service#1"; //se.Name = "Service0"; //se.ListenUri = new Uri ("http://localhost:8080/svc"); we.ExportEndpoint (se); MetadataSet ms = we.GetGeneratedMetadata (); Assert.AreEqual (6, ms.MetadataSections.Count); CheckContract_IEchoService (ms, "#eet01"); WSServiceDescription sd = GetServiceDescription (ms, "http://tempuri.org/", "ExportEndpointTest"); CheckServicePort (GetService (sd, "service", "ExportEndpointTest"), "BasicHttpBinding_IEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("BasicHttpBinding_IEchoService", "http://tempuri.org/"), "http://localhost:8080/", "#eet02"); CheckBasicHttpBinding (sd, "BasicHttpBinding_IEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("IEchoService", "http://myns/echo"), "Echo", "http://myns/echo/IEchoService/Echo", true, true, "#eet03"); } [Test] public void ExportEndpointTest2 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); ServiceEndpoint se = new ServiceEndpoint (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService2))); se.Binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); se.Address = new EndpointAddress ("http://localhost:8080"); we.ExportEndpoint (se); MetadataSet ms = we.GetGeneratedMetadata (); Assert.AreEqual (5, ms.MetadataSections.Count); WSServiceDescription sd = ms.MetadataSections [0].Metadata as WSServiceDescription; CheckContract_IEchoService2 (ms, "#eet20"); CheckServicePort (GetService (GetServiceDescription (ms, "http://tempuri.org/", "#eet21"), "service", "ExportEndpointTest"), "BasicHttpBinding_ThisIsEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("BasicHttpBinding_ThisIsEchoService", "http://tempuri.org/"), "http://localhost:8080/", "#eet22"); CheckBasicHttpBinding (sd, "BasicHttpBinding_ThisIsEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("ThisIsEchoService", "http://tempuri.org/"), "Echo", "http://tempuri.org/ThisIsEchoService/Echo", true, true, "#eet03"); //FIXME: CheckXmlSchema } [Test] public void ExportEndpointTest3 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); /*ContractDescription contract =*/ ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService2)); ServiceEndpoint se = new ServiceEndpoint (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService2))); se.Binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); se.Address = new EndpointAddress ("http://localhost:8080"); we.ExportEndpoint (se); se = new ServiceEndpoint (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService))); se.Binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); se.Address = new EndpointAddress ("http://somehost"); we.ExportEndpoint (se); MetadataSet ms = we.GetGeneratedMetadata (); Assert.AreEqual (7, ms.MetadataSections.Count); Service svc = GetService ( GetServiceDescription (ms, "http://tempuri.org/", "ExportEndpointTest"), "service", "ExportEndpointTest"); CheckContract_IEchoService (ms, "#eet31"); CheckServicePort (svc, "BasicHttpBinding_IEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("BasicHttpBinding_IEchoService", "http://tempuri.org/"), "http://somehost/", "#eet32"); CheckContract_IEchoService2 (ms, "#eet33"); CheckServicePort (svc, "BasicHttpBinding_ThisIsEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("BasicHttpBinding_ThisIsEchoService", "http://tempuri.org/"), "http://localhost:8080/", "#eet34"); WSServiceDescription sd = ms.MetadataSections [0].Metadata as WSServiceDescription; CheckBasicHttpBinding (sd, "BasicHttpBinding_IEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("IEchoService", "http://myns/echo"), "Echo", "http://myns/echo/IEchoService/Echo", true, true, "#eet35"); CheckBasicHttpBinding (sd, "BasicHttpBinding_ThisIsEchoService", new XmlQualifiedName ("ThisIsEchoService", "http://tempuri.org/"), "Echo", "http://tempuri.org/ThisIsEchoService/Echo", true, true, "#eet36"); //FIXME: CheckXmlSchema } [Test] public void ExportContractInvalid1 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); we.ExportContract (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService2))); //Duplicate contract QNames not allowed ExportContractExpectException (we, ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService2)), typeof (ArgumentException), "ExportContractInvalid1"); } [Test] public void ExportContractInvalid2 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); we.ExportContract (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService2))); //Invalid as IEchoService3.Echo is http://tempuri.org/Echo message which has already been exported //Even though, the service name is different ExportContractExpectException (we, ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService3)), typeof (InvalidOperationException), "ExportContractInvalid2"); } [Test] public void ExportContract1 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); we.ExportContract (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService))); MetadataSet ms = we.GetGeneratedMetadata (); Assert.AreEqual (5, ms.MetadataSections.Count); CheckContract_IEchoService (ms, "ExportContract1"); } [Test] public void ExportContract2 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); we.ExportContract (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IFoo1))); MetadataSet ms = we.GetGeneratedMetadata (); Assert.AreEqual (5, ms.MetadataSections.Count); } [Test] public void ExportContract2a () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); we.ExportContract (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IFoo1))); //IFoo1a.Op1 is the same operations as IFoo1.Op1, so cant be exported //the message element for both is the same //(Compared by names not signature) ExportContractExpectException (we, ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IFoo1a)), typeof (InvalidOperationException), "ExportContract2a"); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] // System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException : XmlSchema error: Named item // http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.Reflection:ArrayOfTypeInfo was already contained // in the schema object table. Consider setting MONO_STRICT_MS_COMPLIANT to 'yes' to mimic // MS implementation. Related schema item SourceUri: , Line 0, Position 0. public void ExportMessageContract () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IFoo2)); we.ExportContract (cd); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] //FIXME: One check not working, BeginGetResult public void ExportMexContract () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IMetadataExchange)); we.ExportContract (cd); MetadataSet ms = we.GetGeneratedMetadata (); WSServiceDescription sd = GetServiceDescription (ms, "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/04/mex", "ExportMexContract"); CheckMessage (sd, "IMetadataExchange_Get_InputMessage", "request", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/Message:MessageBody", true, "#exc0"); CheckMessage (sd, "IMetadataExchange_Get_OutputMessage", "GetResult", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/Message:MessageBody", true, "#exc1"); //PortType PortType port_type = sd.PortTypes ["IMetadataExchange"]; Assert.IsNotNull (port_type, "#exc2, PortType named IMetadataExchange not found."); Assert.AreEqual (1, port_type.Operations.Count, "#exc3"); Operation op = port_type.Operations [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("Get", op.Name, "#exc4"); Assert.AreEqual (2, op.Messages.Count, "#exc5"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [0], "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/04/mex:IMetadataExchange_Get_InputMessage", typeof (OperationInput), "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/Get"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [1], "http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/04/mex:IMetadataExchange_Get_OutputMessage", typeof (OperationOutput), "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/09/transfer/GetResponse"); CheckSpecialMessage (ms, "#exc6"); Assert.AreEqual (1, we.GeneratedWsdlDocuments.Count, "GeneratedWsdlDocuments.Count"); Assert.AreEqual (1, we.GeneratedXmlSchemas.Count, "GeneratedXmlSchemas.Count"); } [Test] public void ExportBar1Contract () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); ContractDescription cd = ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (Bar1)); we.ExportContract (cd); } //Helper methods //Checks the ComplexType emitted for CLR type Message void CheckSpecialMessage (MetadataSet ms, string label) { //Check ComplexType MessageBody XmlSchema xs = GetXmlSchema (ms, "http://schemas.microsoft.com/Message", label + " #csm0"); foreach (XmlSchemaObject o in xs.SchemaTypes.Values) { XmlSchemaComplexType complex_type = o as XmlSchemaComplexType; if (complex_type == null) continue; if (complex_type.Name != "MessageBody") continue; //MessageBody Assert.IsNotNull (complex_type.Particle, label + " #cms1"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (XmlSchemaSequence), complex_type.Particle.GetType (), label + " #cms2"); XmlSchemaSequence seq = (XmlSchemaSequence) complex_type.Particle; Assert.AreEqual (1, seq.Items.Count, label + " #cms3"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (XmlSchemaAny), seq.Items [0].GetType (), label + " #cms4"); XmlSchemaAny any = (XmlSchemaAny) seq.Items [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("##any", any.Namespace, label + " #cms5"); Assert.AreEqual (0, any.MinOccurs, label + " #cms6"); Assert.AreEqual ("unbounded", any.MaxOccursString, label + " #cms6"); } } //somebody fix this name! void ExportContractExpectException (WsdlExporter we, ContractDescription cd, Type exception_type, string msg) { try { we.ExportContract (cd); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.GetType () == exception_type) return; Assert.Fail (String.Format ("[{0}] Expected {1}, but got : {2}", msg, exception_type, e)); } Assert.Fail (String.Format ("[{0}] Expected {1}", msg, exception_type)); } WSServiceDescription GetServiceDescription (MetadataSet ms, string ns, string msg) { foreach (MetadataSection section in ms.MetadataSections) { WSServiceDescription sd = section.Metadata as WSServiceDescription; if (sd == null) continue; if (sd.TargetNamespace == ns) { /*Assert.AreEqual ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/", section.Dialect, msg + " Dialect"); Assert.AreEqual (id, section.Identifier, msg + "Identifier"); Assert.AreEqual (0, section.Attributes.Count, "#cw4");*/ return sd; } } Assert.Fail (String.Format ("[{0}] ServiceDescription for ns : {1} not found.", msg, ns)); return null; } XmlSchema GetXmlSchema (MetadataSet ms, string ns, string msg) { foreach (MetadataSection section in ms.MetadataSections) { XmlSchema xs = section.Metadata as XmlSchema; if (xs == null) continue; if (xs.TargetNamespace == ns) { /*Assert.AreEqual ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wxsl/", section.Dialect, msg + " Dialect"); Assert.AreEqual (id, section.Identifier, msg + "Identifier"); Assert.AreEqual (0, section.Attributes.Count, "#cw4");*/ return xs; } } Assert.Fail (String.Format ("[{0}] XmlSchema for tns : {1} not found.", msg, ns)); return null; } Service GetService (WSServiceDescription sd, string name, string label) { Service ret = sd.Services [name]; if (ret == null) Assert.Fail (String.Format ("[{0}] Service named '{1}' not found.", label, name)); return ret; } WSBinding GetBinding (WSServiceDescription sd, string name, string label) { WSBinding ret = sd.Bindings [name]; if (ret == null) Assert.Fail (String.Format ("[{0}] Binding named '{1}' not found.", label, name)); return ret; } OperationBinding GetOperationBinding (WSBinding b, string name, string label) { foreach (OperationBinding op in b.Operations) if (op.Name == name) return op; Assert.Fail (String.Format ("[{0}] OperationBinding named '{1}' not found.", label, name)); return null; } void CheckBasicHttpBinding (WSServiceDescription wsd, string binding_name, XmlQualifiedName binding_type, string operation_name, string action, bool has_input, bool has_output, string label) { WSBinding b = GetBinding (wsd, binding_name, label); OperationBinding op = GetOperationBinding (b, operation_name, label + " CheckBasicHttpBinding"); Assert.AreEqual (binding_type, b.Type, label + " #cbh0"); if (has_input) { InputBinding inb = op.Input; Assert.IsNotNull (inb, label + " #cbh1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, inb.Extensions.Count, label + " #cbh2"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (SoapBodyBinding), inb.Extensions [0].GetType (), label + " #cbh3"); SoapBodyBinding soap_binding = (SoapBodyBinding) inb.Extensions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (SoapBindingUse.Literal, soap_binding.Use, label + " #cbh4"); if (action != null) { Assert.AreEqual (1, op.Extensions.Count, label + " #chb5"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (SoapOperationBinding), op.Extensions [0].GetType (), label + " #cbh6"); SoapOperationBinding sopb = (SoapOperationBinding) op.Extensions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (action, sopb.SoapAction, label + " #cbh7"); } } if (has_output) { OutputBinding outb = op.Output; Assert.IsNotNull (outb, label + " #cbh10"); Assert.AreEqual (1, outb.Extensions.Count, label + " #cbh11"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (SoapBodyBinding), outb.Extensions [0].GetType (), label + " #cbh12"); SoapBodyBinding soap_binding = (SoapBodyBinding) outb.Extensions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (SoapBindingUse.Literal, soap_binding.Use, label + " #cbh13"); } Assert.AreEqual (1, b.Extensions.Count, label + " #cbh20"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (SoapBinding), b.Extensions [0].GetType (), label + " #cbh21"); SoapBinding sb = (SoapBinding) b.Extensions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (SoapBinding.HttpTransport, sb.Transport, label + " #cbh22"); } void CheckServicePort (Service svc, string port_name, XmlQualifiedName binding_name, string address, string label) { Port port = svc.Ports [port_name]; Assert.IsNotNull (port, label + " #csp0"); Assert.AreEqual (port.Binding, binding_name, label + " #csp1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, port.Extensions.Count, label + " #csp2"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (SoapAddressBinding), port.Extensions [0].GetType (), label + " #csp3"); SoapAddressBinding sab = (SoapAddressBinding) port.Extensions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (address, sab.Location, label + " #csp3"); } void CheckContract_IEchoService2 (MetadataSet ms, string label) { WSServiceDescription wsd = GetServiceDescription (ms, "http://tempuri.org/", label + "#a1"); Assert.AreEqual (3, wsd.Messages.Count, "#cw5"); Assert.IsNotNull (wsd.Messages [0]); // WSMessage m = wsd.Messages [0]; CheckMessage (wsd, "ThisIsEchoService_Echo_InputMessage", "http://tempuri.org/:Echo"); CheckMessage (wsd, "ThisIsEchoService_Echo_OutputMessage", "http://tempuri.org/:EchoResponse"); CheckMessage (wsd, "ThisIsEchoService_DoubleIt_InputMessage", "http://tempuri.org/:DoubleIt"); //PortTypes Assert.AreEqual (1, wsd.PortTypes.Count, "#cw6"); PortType port = wsd.PortTypes [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("ThisIsEchoService", port.Name, "#cw7"); //Operations Assert.AreEqual (2, port.Operations.Count, "#cw8"); //Operations [0] Operation op = port.Operations [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("Echo", op.Name, "#co1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Extensions.Count, "#co2"); Assert.IsNull (op.ParameterOrder, "#co3"); Assert.AreEqual ("", op.ParameterOrderString, "#co4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Faults.Count, "#co5"); //OperationMessages Assert.AreEqual (2, op.Messages.Count, "#co6"); Assert.AreEqual (OperationFlow.RequestResponse, op.Messages.Flow, "#co7"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [0], "http://tempuri.org/:ThisIsEchoService_Echo_InputMessage", typeof (OperationInput), "http://tempuri.org/ThisIsEchoService/Echo"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [1], "http://tempuri.org/:ThisIsEchoService_Echo_OutputMessage", typeof (OperationOutput), "http://tempuri.org/ThisIsEchoService/EchoResponse"); op = port.Operations [1]; Assert.AreEqual ("DoubleIt", op.Name, "#co8"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Extensions.Count, "#co9"); Assert.IsNull (op.ParameterOrder, "#co10"); Assert.AreEqual ("", op.ParameterOrderString, "#co11"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Faults.Count, "#co12"); //OperationMessages Assert.AreEqual (1, op.Messages.Count, "#co13"); Assert.AreEqual (OperationFlow.OneWay, op.Messages.Flow, "#co14"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [0], "http://tempuri.org/:ThisIsEchoService_DoubleIt_InputMessage", typeof (OperationInput), "http://tempuri.org/ThisIsEchoService/DoubleIt"); /* FIXME: Assert.AreEqual (1, wsd.Types.Schemas.Count, "#co20"); XmlSchema xs = wsd.Types.Schemas [0]; Assert.AreEqual (4, xs.Includes.Count); //FIXME: Check the imports.. */ } void CheckContract_IEchoService (MetadataSet ms, string label) { WSServiceDescription wsd = GetServiceDescription (ms, "http://myns/echo", label + "#a0"); Assert.AreEqual (4, wsd.Messages.Count, "#cw5"); Assert.IsNotNull (wsd.Messages [0]); //WSMessage m = wsd.Messages [0]; CheckMessage (wsd, "IEchoService_Echo_InputMessage", "http://myns/echo:Echo"); CheckMessage (wsd, "IEchoService_Echo_OutputMessage", "http://myns/echo:EchoResponse"); CheckMessage (wsd, "IEchoService_DoubleIt_InputMessage", "http://myns/echo:DoubleIt"); CheckMessage (wsd, "IEchoService_DoubleIt_OutputMessage", "http://myns/echo:DoubleItResponse"); //PortTypes Assert.AreEqual (1, wsd.PortTypes.Count, "#cw6"); PortType port = wsd.PortTypes [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("IEchoService", port.Name, "#cw7"); //Operations Assert.AreEqual (2, port.Operations.Count, "#cw8"); //Operations [0] Operation op = port.Operations [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("Echo", op.Name, "#co1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Extensions.Count, "#co2"); Assert.IsNull (op.ParameterOrder, "#co3"); Assert.AreEqual ("", op.ParameterOrderString, "#co4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Faults.Count, "#co5"); //OperationMessages Assert.AreEqual (2, op.Messages.Count, "#co6"); Assert.AreEqual (OperationFlow.RequestResponse, op.Messages.Flow, "#co7"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [0], "http://myns/echo:IEchoService_Echo_InputMessage", typeof (OperationInput), "http://myns/echo/IEchoService/Echo"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [1], "http://myns/echo:IEchoService_Echo_OutputMessage", typeof (OperationOutput), "http://myns/echo/IEchoService/EchoResponse"); op = port.Operations [1]; Assert.AreEqual ("DoubleIt", op.Name, "#co8"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Extensions.Count, "#co9"); Assert.IsNull (op.ParameterOrder, "#co10"); Assert.AreEqual ("", op.ParameterOrderString, "#co11"); Assert.AreEqual (0, op.Faults.Count, "#co12"); //OperationMessages Assert.AreEqual (2, op.Messages.Count, "#co13"); Assert.AreEqual (OperationFlow.RequestResponse, op.Messages.Flow, "#co14"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [0], "http://myns/echo:IEchoService_DoubleIt_InputMessage", typeof (OperationInput), "http://myns/echo/IEchoService/DoubleIt"); CheckOperationMessage (op.Messages [1], "http://myns/echo:IEchoService_DoubleIt_OutputMessage", typeof (OperationOutput), "http://myns/echo/IEchoService/DoubleItResponse"); /* FIXME: Assert.AreEqual (1, wsd.Types.Schemas.Count, "#co20"); XmlSchema xs = wsd.Types.Schemas [0]; Assert.AreEqual (4, xs.Includes.Count); //FIXME: Check the imports.. */ } void CheckOperationMessage (OperationMessage opmsg, string msg, Type type, string action) { Assert.AreEqual (type, opmsg.GetType (), "#com1"); Assert.AreEqual (msg, opmsg.Message.ToString (), "#com2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, opmsg.Extensions.Count, "#com3"); Assert.AreEqual (1, opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes.Length, "#com4"); Assert.IsNull (opmsg.Name, "#com5"); XmlAttribute attr = opmsg.ExtensibleAttributes [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("Action", attr.LocalName, "#ca1"); Assert.AreEqual ("http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl", attr.NamespaceURI, "#ca2"); Assert.AreEqual (action, attr.Value, "#ca3"); } void CheckMessage (WSServiceDescription sd, string msg_name, string part_type) { CheckMessage (sd, msg_name, "parameters", part_type, false, ""); } void CheckMessage (WSServiceDescription sd, string msg_name, string part_name, string part_type, bool is_type, string label) { WSMessage m = sd.Messages [msg_name]; Assert.IsNotNull (m, label + " : Message named " + msg_name + " not found."); Assert.AreEqual (msg_name, m.Name, label + " #cm1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, m.Extensions.Count, label + " #cm2"); Assert.IsNull (m.ExtensibleAttributes, label + " #cm3a"); Assert.AreEqual (1, m.Parts.Count, label + " #cm3"); Assert.AreEqual (part_name, m.Parts [0].Name, label + " #cm9"); if (is_type) { Assert.AreEqual ("", m.Parts [0].Element.ToString (), label + " #cm4"); Assert.AreEqual (part_type, m.Parts [0].Type.ToString (), label + " #cm4a"); } else { Assert.AreEqual ("", m.Parts [0].Type.ToString (), label + " #cm5"); Assert.AreEqual (part_type, m.Parts [0].Element.ToString (), label + " #cm5a"); } Assert.IsNull (m.Parts [0].ExtensibleAttributes, label + " #cm6"); Assert.AreEqual (0, m.Parts [0].Extensions.Count, label + " #cm7"); } void WriteTo (WsdlExporter we, string name) { using (XmlTextWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter (name, Encoding.UTF8)) { xw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; we.GetGeneratedMetadata ().WriteTo (xw); } } [Test] public void ExportEndpointTest5 () { WsdlExporter we = new WsdlExporter (); ServiceEndpoint se = new ServiceEndpoint (ContractDescription.GetContract (typeof (IEchoService))); se.Binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); se.Address = new EndpointAddress ("http://localhost:8080"); we.ExportEndpoint (se); MetadataSet ms = we.GetGeneratedMetadata (); Assert.AreEqual (6, ms.MetadataSections.Count); WSServiceDescription wsd = GetServiceDescription (ms, "http://tempuri.org/", "ExportEndpointTest5#1"); SoapBinding soapBinding = (SoapBinding) wsd.Bindings [0].Extensions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (SoapBindingStyle.Document, soapBinding.Style, "soapBinding.Style"); Assert.AreEqual (SoapBinding.HttpTransport, soapBinding.Transport, "soapBinding.Transport"); } } [DataContract] public class dc { [DataMember] string foo; /* [DataMember] dc me; [DataMember] some_enum en; [DataMember] NotReferenced nr;*/ [DataMember] public FooNS.bar bb; } [ServiceContract (Namespace = "http://myns/echo")] public interface IEchoService { [OperationContract] string Echo (string msg, int num, dc d); [OperationContract] void DoubleIt (int it, string prefix); /*[OperationContract] void foo ();*/ } [ServiceContract (Name = "ThisIsEchoService")] public interface IEchoService2 { [OperationContract] string Echo (string msg, int num, dc d); [OperationContract (IsOneWay = true)] void DoubleIt (int it, string prefix); /*[OperationContract] void foo ();*/ } [ServiceContract (Name = "AnotherService")] public interface IEchoService3 { [OperationContract] string Echo (string msg, int num, dc d); [OperationContract (IsOneWay = true)] void DoubleIt (int it, string prefix); /*[OperationContract] void foo ();*/ } [ServiceContract] public class Bar1 { [OperationContract] public void Foo (SMMessage msg, string s) { } } [ServiceContract] public interface IFoo1 { //Same DataContract used in different operations [OperationContract] void Op1 (dc d); [OperationContract] void Op2 (dc d); } //Used to check whether both IFoo1 & IFoo1a //can be exported //Operations are not Service scoped [ServiceContract] public interface IFoo1a { [OperationContract] void Op1 (string s); } [ServiceContract] public interface IFoo2 { // FIXME: it does not pass yet [OperationContract] OregoMessage Nanoda (OregoMessage msg); // FIXME: it does not pass yet [OperationContract] Mona NewMona (Mona source); } [MessageContract] public class OregoMessage { [MessageBodyMember] public string Neutral; [MessageBodyMember] public Assembly Huh; [MessageBodyMember] // it should be ignored ... public string Setter { set { } } public string NonMember; } [DataContract] public class Mona { [DataMember] public string OmaeMona; [DataMember] public string OreMona; } } namespace FooNS { [DataContract] public class bar { [DataMember] public string foo; } }