// DecimalTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for the System.Decimal struct // // Authors: // Martin Weindel (martin.weindel@t-online.de) // Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com> // // (C) Martin Weindel, 2001 // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell (http://www.novell.com) // using NUnit.Framework; using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; namespace MonoTests.System { internal struct ParseTest { public ParseTest (String str, bool exceptionFlag) { this.str = str; this.exceptionFlag = exceptionFlag; this.style = NumberStyles.Number; this.d = 0; } public ParseTest (String str, Decimal d) { this.str = str; this.exceptionFlag = false; this.style = NumberStyles.Number; this.d = d; } public ParseTest (String str, Decimal d, NumberStyles style) { this.str = str; this.exceptionFlag = false; this.style = style; this.d = d; } public String str; public Decimal d; public NumberStyles style; public bool exceptionFlag; } internal struct ToStringTest { public ToStringTest (String format, Decimal d, String str) { this.format = format; this.d = d; this.str = str; } public String format; public Decimal d; public String str; } [TestFixture] public class DecimalTest { private const int negativeBitValue = unchecked ((int) 0x80000000); private const int negativeScale4Value = unchecked ((int) 0x80040000); private int [] parts0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; //Positive Zero. private int [] parts1 = { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; private int [] parts2 = { 0, 1, 0, 0 }; private int [] parts3 = { 0, 0, 1, 0 }; private int [] parts4 = { 0, 0, 0, negativeBitValue }; // Negative zero. private int [] parts5 = { 1, 1, 1, 0 }; private int [] partsMaxValue = { -1, -1, -1, 0 }; private int [] partsMinValue = { -1, -1, -1, negativeBitValue }; private int [] parts6 = { 1234, 5678, 8888, negativeScale4Value }; private NumberFormatInfo NfiUser, NfiBroken; private CultureInfo old_culture; [TestFixtureSetUp] public void FixtureSetUp () { old_culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; // Set culture to en-US and don't let the user override. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("en-US", false); NfiUser = new NumberFormatInfo (); NfiUser.CurrencyDecimalDigits = 3; NfiUser.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ","; NfiUser.CurrencyGroupSeparator = "_"; NfiUser.CurrencyGroupSizes = new int [] { 2, 1, 0 }; NfiUser.CurrencyNegativePattern = 10; NfiUser.CurrencyPositivePattern = 3; NfiUser.CurrencySymbol = "XYZ"; NfiUser.NumberDecimalSeparator = "##"; NfiUser.NumberDecimalDigits = 4; NfiUser.NumberGroupSeparator = "__"; NfiUser.NumberGroupSizes = new int [] { 2, 1 }; NfiUser.PercentDecimalDigits = 1; NfiUser.PercentDecimalSeparator = ";"; NfiUser.PercentGroupSeparator = "~"; NfiUser.PercentGroupSizes = new int [] { 1 }; NfiUser.PercentNegativePattern = 2; NfiUser.PercentPositivePattern = 2; NfiUser.PercentSymbol = "%%%"; NfiBroken = new NumberFormatInfo (); NfiBroken.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; NfiBroken.NumberGroupSeparator = "."; NfiBroken.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."; NfiBroken.CurrencyGroupSeparator = "."; } [TestFixtureTearDown] public void FixtureTearDown () { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = old_culture; } [Test] public void TestToString () { ToStringTest [] tab = { new ToStringTest ("F", 12.345678m, "12.35"), new ToStringTest ("F3", 12.345678m, "12.346"), new ToStringTest ("F0", 12.345678m, "12"), new ToStringTest ("F7", 12.345678m, "12.3456780"), new ToStringTest ("g", 12.345678m, "12.345678"), new ToStringTest ("E", 12.345678m, "1.234568E+001"), new ToStringTest ("E3", 12.345678m, "1.235E+001"), new ToStringTest ("E0", 12.345678m, "1E+001"), new ToStringTest ("e8", 12.345678m, "1.23456780e+001"), new ToStringTest ("F", 0.0012m, "0.00"), new ToStringTest ("F3", 0.0012m, "0.001"), new ToStringTest ("F0", 0.0012m, "0"), new ToStringTest ("F6", 0.0012m, "0.001200"), new ToStringTest ("e", 0.0012m, "1.200000e-003"), new ToStringTest ("E3", 0.0012m, "1.200E-003"), new ToStringTest ("E0", 0.0012m, "1E-003"), new ToStringTest ("E6", 0.0012m, "1.200000E-003"), new ToStringTest ("F4", -0.001234m, "-0.0012"), new ToStringTest ("E3", -0.001234m, "-1.234E-003"), new ToStringTest ("g", -0.000012m, "-0.000012"), new ToStringTest ("g0", -0.000012m, "-1.2e-05"), new ToStringTest ("g2", -0.000012m, "-1.2e-05"), new ToStringTest ("g20", -0.000012m, "-1.2e-05"), new ToStringTest ("g", -0.00012m, "-0.00012"), new ToStringTest ("g4", -0.00012m, "-0.00012"), new ToStringTest ("g7", -0.00012m, "-0.00012"), new ToStringTest ("g", -0.0001234m, "-0.0001234"), new ToStringTest ("g", -0.0012m, "-0.0012"), new ToStringTest ("g", -0.001234m, "-0.001234"), new ToStringTest ("g", -0.012m, "-0.012"), new ToStringTest ("g4", -0.012m, "-0.012"), new ToStringTest ("g", -0.12m, "-0.12"), new ToStringTest ("g", -1.2m, "-1.2"), new ToStringTest ("g4", -120m, "-120"), new ToStringTest ("g", -12.000m, "-12.000"), new ToStringTest ("g0", -12.000m, "-12"), new ToStringTest ("g6", -12.000m, "-12"), new ToStringTest ("g", -12m, "-12"), new ToStringTest ("g", -120m, "-120"), new ToStringTest ("g", -1200m, "-1200"), new ToStringTest ("g4", -1200m, "-1200"), new ToStringTest ("g", -1234m, "-1234"), new ToStringTest ("g", -12000m, "-12000"), new ToStringTest ("g4", -12000m, "-1.2e+04"), new ToStringTest ("g5", -12000m, "-12000"), new ToStringTest ("g", -12345m, "-12345"), new ToStringTest ("g", -120000m, "-120000"), new ToStringTest ("g4", -120000m, "-1.2e+05"), new ToStringTest ("g5", -120000m, "-1.2e+05"), new ToStringTest ("g6", -120000m, "-120000"), new ToStringTest ("g", -123456.1m, "-123456.1"), new ToStringTest ("g5", -123456.1m, "-1.2346e+05"), new ToStringTest ("g6", -123456.1m, "-123456"), new ToStringTest ("g", -1200000m, "-1200000"), new ToStringTest ("g", -123456.1m, "-123456.1"), new ToStringTest ("g", -123456.1m, "-123456.1"), new ToStringTest ("g", -1234567.1m, "-1234567.1"), new ToStringTest ("g", -12000000m, "-12000000"), new ToStringTest ("g", -12345678.1m, "-12345678.1"), new ToStringTest ("g", -12000000000000000000m, "-12000000000000000000"), new ToStringTest ("F", -123, "-123.00"), new ToStringTest ("F3", -123, "-123.000"), new ToStringTest ("F0", -123, "-123"), new ToStringTest ("E3", -123, "-1.230E+002"), new ToStringTest ("E0", -123, "-1E+002"), new ToStringTest ("E", -123, "-1.230000E+002"), new ToStringTest ("F3", Decimal.MinValue, "-79228162514264337593543950335.000"), new ToStringTest ("F", Decimal.MinValue, "-79228162514264337593543950335.00"), new ToStringTest ("F0", Decimal.MinValue, "-79228162514264337593543950335"), new ToStringTest ("E", Decimal.MinValue, "-7.922816E+028"), new ToStringTest ("E3", Decimal.MinValue, "-7.923E+028"), new ToStringTest ("E28", Decimal.MinValue, "-7.9228162514264337593543950335E+028"), new ToStringTest ("E30", Decimal.MinValue, "-7.922816251426433759354395033500E+028"), new ToStringTest ("E0", Decimal.MinValue, "-8E+028"), new ToStringTest ("N3", Decimal.MinValue, "-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335.000"), new ToStringTest ("N0", Decimal.MinValue, "-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335"), new ToStringTest ("N", Decimal.MinValue, "-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335.00"), new ToStringTest ("n3", Decimal.MinValue, "-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335.000"), new ToStringTest ("n0", Decimal.MinValue, "-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335"), new ToStringTest ("n", Decimal.MinValue, "-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335.00"), new ToStringTest ("C", 123456.7890m, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol + "123,456.79"), new ToStringTest ("C", -123456.7890m, "(" + NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol + "123,456.79)"), new ToStringTest ("C3", 1123456.7890m, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol + "1,123,456.789"), new ToStringTest ("P", 123456.7891m, "12,345,678.91 %"), new ToStringTest ("P", -123456.7892m, "-12,345,678.92 %"), new ToStringTest ("P3", 1234.56789m, "123,456.789 %"), }; NumberFormatInfo nfi = NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; for (int i = 0; i < tab.Length; i++) { try { string s = tab [i].d.ToString (tab [i].format, nfi); Assert.AreEqual (tab [i].str, s, "A01 tab[" + i + "].format = '" + tab [i].format + "')"); } catch (OverflowException) { Assert.Fail (tab [i].d.ToString (tab [i].format, nfi) + " (format = '" + tab [i].format + "'): unexpected exception !"); } catch (NUnit.Framework.AssertionException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail ("Unexpected Exception when i = " + i + ". e = " + e); } } } [Test] public void TestCurrencyPattern () { NumberFormatInfo nfi2 = (NumberFormatInfo) NfiUser.Clone (); Decimal d = -1234567.8976m; string [] ergCurrencyNegativePattern = new String [16] { "(XYZ1234_5_67,898)", "-XYZ1234_5_67,898", "XYZ-1234_5_67,898", "XYZ1234_5_67,898-", "(1234_5_67,898XYZ)", "-1234_5_67,898XYZ", "1234_5_67,898-XYZ", "1234_5_67,898XYZ-", "-1234_5_67,898 XYZ", "-XYZ 1234_5_67,898", "1234_5_67,898 XYZ-", "XYZ 1234_5_67,898-", "XYZ -1234_5_67,898", "1234_5_67,898- XYZ", "(XYZ 1234_5_67,898)", "(1234_5_67,898 XYZ)", }; for (int i = 0; i < ergCurrencyNegativePattern.Length; i++) { nfi2.CurrencyNegativePattern = i; if (d.ToString ("C", nfi2) != ergCurrencyNegativePattern [i]) { Assert.Fail ("CurrencyNegativePattern #" + i + " failed: " + d.ToString ("C", nfi2) + " != " + ergCurrencyNegativePattern [i]); } } d = 1234567.8976m; string [] ergCurrencyPositivePattern = new String [4] { "XYZ1234_5_67,898", "1234_5_67,898XYZ", "XYZ 1234_5_67,898", "1234_5_67,898 XYZ", }; for (int i = 0; i < ergCurrencyPositivePattern.Length; i++) { nfi2.CurrencyPositivePattern = i; if (d.ToString ("C", nfi2) != ergCurrencyPositivePattern [i]) { Assert.Fail ("CurrencyPositivePattern #" + i + " failed: " + d.ToString ("C", nfi2) + " != " + ergCurrencyPositivePattern [i]); } } } [Test] public void TestNumberNegativePattern () { NumberFormatInfo nfi2 = (NumberFormatInfo) NfiUser.Clone (); Decimal d = -1234.89765m; string [] ergNumberNegativePattern = new String [5] { "(1__2__34##8977)", "-1__2__34##8977", "- 1__2__34##8977", "1__2__34##8977-", "1__2__34##8977 -", }; for (int i = 0; i < ergNumberNegativePattern.Length; i++) { nfi2.NumberNegativePattern = i; Assert.AreEqual (ergNumberNegativePattern [i], d.ToString ("N", nfi2), "NumberNegativePattern #" + i); } } [Test] public void TestBrokenNFI () { Assert.AreEqual (5.3m, decimal.Parse ("5.3", NumberStyles.Number, NfiBroken), "Parsing with broken NFI"); } [Test] public void TestPercentPattern () { NumberFormatInfo nfi2 = (NumberFormatInfo) NfiUser.Clone (); Decimal d = -1234.8976m; string [] ergPercentNegativePattern = new String [3] { "-1~2~3~4~8~9;8 %%%", "-1~2~3~4~8~9;8%%%", "-%%%1~2~3~4~8~9;8" }; for (int i = 0; i < ergPercentNegativePattern.Length; i++) { nfi2.PercentNegativePattern = i; if (d.ToString ("P", nfi2) != ergPercentNegativePattern [i]) { Assert.Fail ("PercentNegativePattern #" + i + " failed: " + d.ToString ("P", nfi2) + " != " + ergPercentNegativePattern [i]); } } d = 1234.8976m; string [] ergPercentPositivePattern = new String [3] { "1~2~3~4~8~9;8 %%%", "1~2~3~4~8~9;8%%%", "%%%1~2~3~4~8~9;8" }; for (int i = 0; i < ergPercentPositivePattern.Length; i++) { nfi2.PercentPositivePattern = i; if (d.ToString ("P", nfi2) != ergPercentPositivePattern [i]) { Assert.Fail ("PercentPositivePattern #" + i + " failed: " + d.ToString ("P", nfi2) + " != " + ergPercentPositivePattern [i]); } } } ParseTest [] tab = { new ParseTest("1.2345", 1.2345m), new ParseTest("1.2345\0", 1.2345m), new ParseTest("1.2345\0\0\0\0", 1.2345m), new ParseTest("-9876543210", -9876543210m), new ParseTest(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.CurrencySymbol + " ( 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335.000 ) ", Decimal.MinValue, NumberStyles.Currency), new ParseTest("1.234567890e-10", (Decimal)1.234567890e-10, NumberStyles.Float), new ParseTest("1.234567890e-24", 1.2346e-24m, NumberStyles.Float), new ParseTest(" 47896396.457983645462346E10 ", 478963964579836454.62346m, NumberStyles.Float), new ParseTest("-7922816251426433759354395033.250000000000001", -7922816251426433759354395033.3m), new ParseTest("-00000000000000795033.2500000000000000", -795033.25m), new ParseTest("-000000000000001922816251426433759354395033.300000000000000", -1922816251426433759354395033.3m), new ParseTest("-7922816251426433759354395033.150000000000", -7922816251426433759354395033.2m), new ParseTest("-7922816251426433759354395033.2400000000000", -7922816251426433759354395033.2m), new ParseTest("-7922816251426433759354395033.2600000000000", -7922816251426433759354395033.3m), new ParseTest("987654321098765432109876543.25999", 987654321098765432109876543.3m, NumberStyles.Float), new ParseTest("987654321098765432109876543.25199", 987654321098765432109876543.3m, NumberStyles.Float), new ParseTest("2.22222222222222222222222222225", 2.2222222222222222222222222222m, NumberStyles.Float) }; [Test] public void TestParse () { Decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < tab.Length; i++) { try { d = Decimal.Parse (tab [i].str, tab [i].style, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (tab [i].exceptionFlag) { Assert.Fail (tab [i].str + ": missing exception !"); } else if (d != tab [i].d) { Assert.Fail (tab [i].str + " != " + d); } } catch (OverflowException) { if (!tab [i].exceptionFlag) { Assert.Fail (tab [i].str + ": unexpected exception !"); } } } try { d = Decimal.Parse (null); Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException"); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { //ok } try { d = Decimal.Parse ("123nx"); Assert.Fail ("Expected FormatException"); } catch (FormatException) { //ok } try { d = Decimal.Parse ("79228162514264337593543950336"); Assert.Fail ("Expected OverflowException" + d); } catch (OverflowException) { //ok } try { d = Decimal.Parse ("5\05"); Assert.Fail ("Expected FormatException" + d); } catch (FormatException) { //ok } } [Test] public void TestConstants () { Assert.AreEqual (0m, Decimal.Zero, "Zero"); Assert.AreEqual (1m, Decimal.One, "One"); Assert.AreEqual (-1m, Decimal.MinusOne, "MinusOne"); Assert.AreEqual (79228162514264337593543950335m, Decimal.MaxValue, "MaxValue"); Assert.AreEqual (-79228162514264337593543950335m, Decimal.MinValue, "MinValue"); Assert.IsTrue (-1m == Decimal.MinusOne, "MinusOne 2"); } [Test] public void TestConstructInt32 () { decimal [] dtab = { 0m, 1m, -1m, 123456m, -1234567m }; int [] itab = { 0, 1, -1, 123456, -1234567 }; Decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < dtab.GetLength (0); i++) { d = new Decimal (itab [i]); if ((decimal) d != dtab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("Int32 -> Decimal: " + itab [i] + " != " + d); } else { int n = (int) d; if (n != itab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("Decimal -> Int32: " + d + " != " + itab [i]); } } } d = new Decimal (Int32.MaxValue); Assert.IsTrue ((int) d == Int32.MaxValue); d = new Decimal (Int32.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue ((int) d == Int32.MinValue); } [Test] public void TestConstructUInt32 () { decimal [] dtab = { 0m, 1m, 123456m, 123456789m }; uint [] itab = { 0, 1, 123456, 123456789 }; Decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < dtab.GetLength (0); i++) { d = new Decimal (itab [i]); if ((decimal) d != dtab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("UInt32 -> Decimal: " + itab [i] + " != " + d); } else { uint n = (uint) d; if (n != itab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("Decimal -> UInt32: " + d + " != " + itab [i]); } } } d = new Decimal (UInt32.MaxValue); Assert.IsTrue ((uint) d == UInt32.MaxValue); d = new Decimal (UInt32.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue ((uint) d == UInt32.MinValue); } [Test] public void TestConstructInt64 () { decimal [] dtab = { 0m, 1m, -1m, 9876543m, -9876543210m, 12345678987654321m }; long [] itab = { 0, 1, -1, 9876543, -9876543210L, 12345678987654321L }; Decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < dtab.GetLength (0); i++) { d = new Decimal (itab [i]); if ((decimal) d != dtab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("Int64 -> Decimal: " + itab [i] + " != " + d); } else { long n = (long) d; if (n != itab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("Decimal -> Int64: " + d + " != " + itab [i]); } } } d = new Decimal (Int64.MaxValue); Assert.IsTrue ((long) d == Int64.MaxValue); d = new Decimal (Int64.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue ((long) d == Int64.MinValue); } [Test] public void TestConstructUInt64 () { decimal [] dtab = { 0m, 1m, 987654321m, 123456789876543210m }; ulong [] itab = { 0, 1, 987654321, 123456789876543210L }; Decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < dtab.GetLength (0); i++) { d = new Decimal (itab [i]); if ((decimal) d != dtab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("UInt64 -> Decimal: " + itab [i] + " != " + d); } else { ulong n = (ulong) d; if (n != itab [i]) { Assert.Fail ("Decimal -> UInt64: " + d + " != " + itab [i]); } } } d = new Decimal (UInt64.MaxValue); Assert.IsTrue ((ulong) d == UInt64.MaxValue); d = new Decimal (UInt64.MinValue); Assert.IsTrue ((ulong) d == UInt64.MinValue); } [Test] public void TestConstructSingle () { Decimal d; d = new Decimal (-1.2345678f); Assert.AreEqual (-1.234568m, (decimal) d, "A#01"); d = 3; Assert.AreEqual (3.0f, (float) d, "A#02"); d = new Decimal (0.0f); Assert.AreEqual (0m, (decimal) d, "A#03"); Assert.AreEqual (0.0f, (float) d, "A#04"); d = new Decimal (1.0f); Assert.AreEqual (1m, (decimal) d, "A#05"); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, (float) d, "A#06"); d = new Decimal (-1.2345678f); Assert.AreEqual (-1.234568m, (decimal) d, "A#07"); Assert.AreEqual (-1.234568f, (float) d, "A#08"); d = new Decimal (1.2345673f); Assert.AreEqual (1.234567m, (decimal) d, "A#09"); d = new Decimal (1.2345673e7f); Assert.AreEqual (12345670m, (decimal) d, "A#10"); d = new Decimal (1.2345673e-17f); Assert.AreEqual (0.00000000000000001234567m, (decimal) d, "A#11"); Assert.AreEqual (1.234567e-17f, (float) d, "A#12"); // test exceptions try { d = new Decimal (Single.MaxValue); Assert.Fail (); } catch (OverflowException) { } try { d = new Decimal (Single.NaN); Assert.Fail (); } catch (OverflowException) { } try { d = new Decimal (Single.PositiveInfinity); Assert.Fail (); } catch (OverflowException) { } } [Test] public void TestConstructSingleRounding_NowWorking () { decimal d; d = new Decimal (1765.23454f); Assert.AreEqual (1765.234m, d, "failed banker's rule rounding test 2"); d = new Decimal (0.00017652356f); Assert.AreEqual (0.0001765236m, d, "06"); d = new Decimal (0.000176523554f); Assert.AreEqual (0.0001765236m, d, "failed banker's rule rounding test 3"); d = new Decimal (0.00017652354f); Assert.AreEqual (0.0001765235m, d, "08"); d = new Decimal (0.00017652346f); Assert.AreEqual (0.0001765235m, d, "09"); d = new Decimal (0.000176523454f); Assert.AreEqual (0.0001765234m, d, "failed banker's rule rounding test 4"); d = new Decimal (0.00017652344f); Assert.AreEqual (0.0001765234m, d, "11"); } public void TestConstructSingleRounding () { decimal d; d = new Decimal (1765.2356f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.236m, "01"); d = new Decimal (1765.23554f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.236m, "failed banker's rule rounding test 1"); d = new Decimal (1765.2354f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.235m, "03"); d = new Decimal (1765.2346f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.235m, "04"); d = new Decimal (1765.2344f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.234m, "05"); d = new Decimal (3.7652356e10f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 37652360000m, "12"); d = new Decimal (3.7652356e20f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 376523600000000000000m, "13"); d = new Decimal (3.76523554e20f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 376523600000000000000m, "failed banker's rule rounding test 5"); d = new Decimal (3.7652352e20f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 376523500000000000000m, "15"); d = new Decimal (3.7652348e20f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 376523500000000000000m, "16"); d = new Decimal (3.76523454e20f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 376523400000000000000m, "failed banker's rule rounding test 6"); d = new Decimal (3.7652342e20f); Assert.IsTrue (d == 376523400000000000000m, "18"); } [Test] [SetCulture("en-US")] public void TestConstructDouble () { Decimal d; d = new Decimal (0.0); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 0m); d = new Decimal (1.0); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 1m); Assert.IsTrue (1.0 == (double) d); d = new Decimal (-1.2345678901234); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == -1.2345678901234m); Assert.IsTrue (-1.2345678901234 == (double) d); d = new Decimal (1.2345678901234); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 1.2345678901234m); d = new Decimal (1.2345678901234e8); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 123456789.01234m); Assert.IsTrue (1.2345678901234e8 == (double) d); d = new Decimal (1.2345678901234e16); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 12345678901234000m); Assert.IsTrue (1.2345678901234e16 == (double) d); d = new Decimal (1.2345678901234e24); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 1234567890123400000000000m); Assert.IsTrue (1.2345678901234e24 == (double) d); d = new Decimal (1.2345678901234e28); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 1.2345678901234e28m); Assert.IsTrue (1.2345678901234e28 == (double) d); d = new Decimal (7.2345678901234e28); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 7.2345678901234e28m); Assert.IsTrue (new Decimal ((double) d) == d); d = new Decimal (1.2345678901234e-8); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 1.2345678901234e-8m); d = new Decimal (1.2345678901234e-14); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) d == 1.2345678901234e-14m); Assert.IsTrue (1.2345678901234e-14 == (double) d); d = new Decimal (1.2342278901234e-25); Assert.AreEqual (d, 1.234e-25m, "A10"); // // Make sure that 0.6 is turned into // the 96 bit value 6 with the magnitude set to // double mydouble = 0.6; d = new Decimal (mydouble); int [] bits = Decimal.GetBits (d); Assert.AreEqual (bits [0], 6, "f1"); Assert.AreEqual (bits [1], 0, "f2"); Assert.AreEqual (bits [2], 0, "f3"); Assert.AreEqual (bits [3], 65536, "f4"); // // Make sure that we properly parse this value // this in particular exposes a bug in the // unmanaged version which rounds to 1234 instead // of 1235, here to make sure we do not regress // on the future. // mydouble = 1.2345679329684657e-25; d = new Decimal (mydouble); Assert.AreEqual (d.ToString (), "0.0000000000000000000000001235", "f5"); // test exceptions try { d = new Decimal (8e28); Assert.Fail (); } catch (OverflowException) { } try { d = new Decimal (8e48); Assert.Fail (); } catch (OverflowException) { } try { d = new Decimal (Double.NaN); Assert.Fail (); } catch (OverflowException) { } try { d = new Decimal (Double.PositiveInfinity); Assert.Fail (); } catch (OverflowException) { } } [Test] public void TestConstructDoubleRound () { decimal d; int TestNum = 1; try { d = new Decimal (1765.231234567857); Assert.AreEqual (1765.23123456786m, d, "A01"); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1765.2312345678554); Assert.AreEqual (1765.23123456786m, d, "A02, failed banker's rule rounding test 1"); Assert.AreEqual (1765.23123456786, (double) d, "A03"); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1765.231234567853); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.23123456785m); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1765.231234567847); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.23123456785m); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1765.231234567843); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.23123456784m); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1.765231234567857e-9); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1.76523123456786e-9m); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1.7652312345678554e-9); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1.76523123456786e-9m, "failed banker's rule rounding test 3"); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1.765231234567853e-9); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1.76523123456785e-9m); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1.765231234567857e+24); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1.76523123456786e+24m); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1.7652312345678554e+24); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1.76523123456786e+24m, "failed banker's rule rounding test 4"); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1.765231234567853e+24); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1.76523123456785e+24m); TestNum++; d = new Decimal (1765.2312345678454); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1765.23123456785m); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail ("At TestNum = " + TestNum + " unexpected exception. e = " + e); } } [Test] public void TestNegate () { decimal d; d = new Decimal (12345678); Assert.IsTrue ((decimal) Decimal.Negate (d) == -12345678m); } [Test] public void TestPartConstruct () { decimal d; d = new Decimal (parts0); Assert.IsTrue (d == 0); d = new Decimal (parts1); Assert.IsTrue (d == 1); d = new Decimal (parts2); Assert.IsTrue (d == 4294967296m); d = new Decimal (parts3); Assert.IsTrue (d == 18446744073709551616m); d = new Decimal (parts4); Assert.IsTrue (d == 0m); d = new Decimal (parts5); Assert.IsTrue (d == 18446744078004518913m); d = new Decimal (partsMaxValue); Assert.IsTrue (d == Decimal.MaxValue); d = new Decimal (partsMinValue); Assert.IsTrue (d == Decimal.MinValue); d = new Decimal (parts6); int [] erg = Decimal.GetBits (d); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Assert.IsTrue (erg [i] == parts6 [i]); } } [Test] public void TestFloorTruncate () { decimal [,] dtab = { {0m, 0m, 0m}, {1m, 1m, 1m}, {-1m, -1m, -1m}, {1.1m, 1m, 1m}, {-1.000000000001m, -2m, -1m}, {12345.67890m,12345m,12345m}, {-123456789012345.67890m, -123456789012346m, -123456789012345m}, {Decimal.MaxValue, Decimal.MaxValue, Decimal.MaxValue}, {Decimal.MinValue, Decimal.MinValue, Decimal.MinValue}, {6.999999999m, 6m, 6m}, {-6.999999999m, -7m, -6m}, {0.00001m, 0m, 0m}, {-0.00001m, -1m, 0m} }; decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < dtab.GetLength (0); i++) { d = Decimal.Floor (dtab [i, 0]); if (d != dtab [i, 1]) { Assert.Fail ("Floor: Floor(" + dtab [i, 0] + ") != " + d); } d = Decimal.Truncate (dtab [i, 0]); if (d != dtab [i, 2]) { Assert.Fail ("Truncate: Truncate(" + dtab [i, 0] + ") != " + d); } } } [Test] public void Truncate () { decimal dd = 249.9m; decimal dt = Decimal.Truncate (dd); Assert.AreEqual (249.9m, dd, "Original"); Assert.AreEqual (249m, dt, "Truncate"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (byte) dd, "Cast-Byte"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (char) dd, "Cast-Char"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (short) dd, "Cast-Int16"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (ushort) dd, "Cast-UInt16"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (int) dd, "Cast-Int32"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (uint) dd, "Cast-UInt32"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (long) dd, "Cast-Int64"); Assert.AreEqual (249, (ulong) dd, "Cast-UInt64"); } [Test] public void TestRound () { decimal [,] dtab = { {1m, 0, 1m}, {1.234567890m, 1, 1.2m}, {1.234567890m, 2, 1.23m}, {1.23450000001m, 3, 1.235m}, {1.2355m, 3, 1.236m}, {1.234567890m, 4, 1.2346m}, {1.23567890m, 2, 1.24m}, {47893764694.4578563236436621m, 7, 47893764694.4578563m}, {-47893764694.4578563236436621m, 9, -47893764694.457856324m}, {-47893764694.4578m, 5, -47893764694.4578m} }; decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < dtab.GetLength (0); i++) { d = Decimal.Round (dtab [i, 0], (int) dtab [i, 1]); if (d != dtab [i, 2]) { Assert.Fail ("Round: Round(" + dtab [i, 0] + "," + (int) dtab [i, 1] + ") != " + d); } } } [Test] public void TestRoundFailures () { decimal [,] dtab = { {1.2345m, 3, 1.234m} }; decimal d; for (int i = 0; i < dtab.GetLength (0); i++) { d = Decimal.Round (dtab [i, 0], (int) dtab [i, 1]); if (d != dtab [i, 2]) { Assert.Fail ("FailRound: Round(" + dtab [i, 0] + "," + (int) dtab [i, 1] + ") != " + d); } } } [Test] public void ParseInt64 () { long max = Int64.MaxValue; Decimal dmax = Decimal.Parse (max.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual (Int64.MaxValue, Decimal.ToInt64 (dmax), "Int64.MaxValue"); long min = Int64.MinValue; Decimal dmin = Decimal.Parse (min.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual (Int64.MinValue, Decimal.ToInt64 (dmin), "Int64.MinValue"); dmax += 1.1m; dmax = Decimal.Parse (dmax.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual (Int64.MaxValue, Decimal.ToInt64 (dmax - 1.1m), "Int64.MaxValue+1.1"); dmin -= 1.1m; dmin = Decimal.Parse (dmin.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual (Int64.MinValue, Decimal.ToInt64 (dmin + 1.1m), "Int64.MinValue-1.1"); } [Test] public void ToByte () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254, Decimal.ToByte (d), "Decimal.ToByte"); Assert.AreEqual (255, Convert.ToByte (d), "Convert.ToByte"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (d as IConvertible).ToByte (null), "IConvertible.ToByte"); } [Test] public void ToSByte () { Decimal d = 126.9m; Assert.AreEqual (126, Decimal.ToSByte (d), "Decimal.ToSByte"); Assert.AreEqual (127, Convert.ToSByte (d), "Convert.ToSByte"); Assert.AreEqual (127, (d as IConvertible).ToSByte (null), "IConvertible.ToSByte"); d = -d; Assert.AreEqual (-126, Decimal.ToSByte (d), "-Decimal.ToSByte"); Assert.AreEqual (-127, Convert.ToSByte (d), "-Convert.ToSByte"); Assert.AreEqual (-127, (d as IConvertible).ToSByte (null), "-IConvertible.ToSByte"); } [Test] public void ToInt16 () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254, Decimal.ToInt16 (d), "Decimal.ToInt16"); Assert.AreEqual (255, Convert.ToInt16 (d), "Convert.ToInt16"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (d as IConvertible).ToInt16 (null), "IConvertible.ToInt16"); d = -d; Assert.AreEqual (-254, Decimal.ToInt16 (d), "-Decimal.ToInt16"); Assert.AreEqual (-255, Convert.ToInt16 (d), "-Convert.ToInt16"); Assert.AreEqual (-255, (d as IConvertible).ToInt16 (null), "-IConvertible.ToInt16"); } [Test] public void ToUInt16 () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254, Decimal.ToUInt16 (d), "Decimal.ToUInt16"); Assert.AreEqual (255, Convert.ToUInt16 (d), "Convert.ToUInt16"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (d as IConvertible).ToUInt16 (null), "IConvertible.ToUInt16"); } [Test] public void ToInt32 () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254, Decimal.ToInt32 (d), "Decimal.ToInt32"); Assert.AreEqual (255, Convert.ToInt32 (d), "Convert.ToInt32"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (d as IConvertible).ToInt32 (null), "IConvertible.ToInt32"); d = -d; Assert.AreEqual (-254, Decimal.ToInt32 (d), "-Decimal.ToInt32"); Assert.AreEqual (-255, Convert.ToInt32 (d), "-Convert.ToInt32"); Assert.AreEqual (-255, (d as IConvertible).ToInt32 (null), "-IConvertible.ToInt32"); } [Test] public void ToUInt32 () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254, Decimal.ToUInt32 (d), "Decimal.ToUInt32"); Assert.AreEqual (255, Convert.ToUInt32 (d), "Convert.ToUInt32"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (d as IConvertible).ToUInt32 (null), "IConvertible.ToUInt32"); } [Test] public void ToInt64 () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254, Decimal.ToInt64 (d), "Decimal.ToInt64"); Assert.AreEqual (255, Convert.ToInt64 (d), "Convert.ToInt64"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (d as IConvertible).ToInt64 (null), "IConvertible.ToInt64"); d = -d; Assert.AreEqual (-254, Decimal.ToInt64 (d), "-Decimal.ToInt64"); Assert.AreEqual (-255, Convert.ToInt64 (d), "-Convert.ToInt64"); Assert.AreEqual (-255, (d as IConvertible).ToInt64 (null), "-IConvertible.ToInt64"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void ToInt64_TooBig () { Decimal d = (Decimal) Int64.MaxValue; d += 1.1m; long value = Decimal.ToInt64 (d); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void ToInt64_TooSmall () { Decimal d = (Decimal) Int64.MinValue; d -= 1.1m; long value = Decimal.ToInt64 (d); } [Test] public void ToUInt64 () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254, Decimal.ToUInt64 (d), "Decimal.ToUInt64"); Assert.AreEqual (255, Convert.ToUInt64 (d), "Convert.ToUInt64"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (d as IConvertible).ToUInt64 (null), "IConvertible.ToUInt64"); } [Test] public void ToSingle () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254.9f, Decimal.ToSingle (d), "Decimal.ToSingle"); Assert.AreEqual (254.9f, Convert.ToSingle (d), "Convert.ToSingle"); Assert.AreEqual (254.9f, (d as IConvertible).ToSingle (null), "IConvertible.ToSingle"); d = -d; Assert.AreEqual (-254.9f, Decimal.ToSingle (d), "-Decimal.ToSingle"); Assert.AreEqual (-254.9f, Convert.ToSingle (d), "-Convert.ToSingle"); Assert.AreEqual (-254.9f, (d as IConvertible).ToSingle (null), "-IConvertible.ToSingle"); } [Test] public void ToDouble () { Decimal d = 254.9m; Assert.AreEqual (254.9d, Decimal.ToDouble (d), "Decimal.ToDouble"); Assert.AreEqual (254.9d, Convert.ToDouble (d), "Convert.ToDouble"); Assert.AreEqual (254.9d, (d as IConvertible).ToDouble (null), "IConvertible.ToDouble"); d = -d; Assert.AreEqual (-254.9d, Decimal.ToDouble (d), "-Decimal.ToDouble"); Assert.AreEqual (-254.9d, Convert.ToDouble (d), "-Convert.ToDouble"); Assert.AreEqual (-254.9d, (d as IConvertible).ToDouble (null), "-IConvertible.ToDouble"); } [Test] [SetCulture("en-US")] public void ToString_Defaults () { Decimal d = 254.9m; // everything defaults to "G" string def = d.ToString ("G"); Assert.AreEqual (def, d.ToString (), "ToString()"); Assert.AreEqual (def, d.ToString ((IFormatProvider) null), "ToString((IFormatProvider)null)"); Assert.AreEqual (def, d.ToString ((string) null), "ToString((string)null)"); Assert.AreEqual (def, d.ToString (String.Empty), "ToString(empty)"); Assert.AreEqual (def, d.ToString (null, null), "ToString(null,null)"); Assert.AreEqual (def, d.ToString (String.Empty, null), "ToString(empty,null)"); Assert.AreEqual ("254.9", def, "ToString()"); } [Test] public void CastTruncRounding () { // casting truncs decimal value (not normal nor banker's rounding) Assert.AreEqual (254, (long) (254.9m), "254.9==254"); Assert.AreEqual (-254, (long) (-254.9m), "-254.9=-254"); Assert.AreEqual (255, (long) (255.9m), "255.9==256"); Assert.AreEqual (-255, (long) (-255.9m), "-255.9=-256"); } [Test] public void ParseFractions () { decimal d1 = Decimal.Parse ("0.523456789012345467890123456789", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Assert.AreEqual (0.5234567890123454678901234568m, d1, "f1"); decimal d2 = Decimal.Parse ("0.49214206543486529434634231456", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Assert.AreEqual (0.4921420654348652943463423146m, d2, "f2"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (OverflowException))] public void Parse_Int64_Overflow () { // Int64.MaxValue + 1 + small fraction to allow 30 digits // 123456789012345678901234567890 decimal d = Decimal.Parse ("9223372036854775808.0000000009", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); long l = (long) d; } /* Not yet fixed [Test] public void ParseEmptyNumberGroupSeparator () { CultureInfo originalCulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo ("en-US"); try { var nf = new NumberFormatInfo (); nf.NumberDecimalSeparator = "."; nf.NumberGroupSeparator = ""; decimal d = decimal.Parse ("4.5", nf); Assert.AreEqual (4.5, d); } finally { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = originalCulture; } } */ [Test] public void ParseCultureSeparator () { Assert.AreEqual (2.2m, decimal.Parse ("2.2", new CultureInfo("es-MX"))); } [Test] public void TryParse () { Decimal r; // These should return false Assert.AreEqual (false, Decimal.TryParse ("79228162514264337593543950336", out r)); Assert.AreEqual (false, Decimal.TryParse ("123nx", NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out r)); Assert.AreEqual (false, Decimal.TryParse (null, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out r)); // These should pass for (int i = 0; i < tab.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual (!tab [i].exceptionFlag, Decimal.TryParse (tab [i].str, tab [i].style, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out r)); } } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (DivideByZeroException))] public void Remainder_ByZero () { Decimal.Remainder (254.9m, 0m); } [Test] public void Remainder () { decimal p1 = 254.9m; decimal p2 = 12.1m; decimal n1 = -254.9m; decimal n2 = -12.1m; Assert.AreEqual (0.8m, Decimal.Remainder (p1, p2), "254.9 % 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (-0.8m, Decimal.Remainder (n1, p2), "-254.9 % 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (0.8m, Decimal.Remainder (p1, n2), "254.9 % -12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (-0.8m, Decimal.Remainder (n1, n2), "-254.9 % -12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (12.1m, Decimal.Remainder (p2, p1), "12.1 % 254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (-12.1m, Decimal.Remainder (n2, p1), "-12.1 % 254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (12.1m, Decimal.Remainder (p2, n1), "12.1 % -254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (-12.1m, Decimal.Remainder (n2, n1), "-12.1 % -254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (0.0m, Decimal.Remainder (p1, p1), "12.1 % 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (0.0m, Decimal.Remainder (n1, p1), "-12.1 % 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (0.0m, Decimal.Remainder (p1, n1), "12.1 % -12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (0.0m, Decimal.Remainder (n1, n1), "-12.1 % -12.1"); } [Test] public void Remainder2 () { decimal a = 20.0M; decimal b = 10.0M; decimal c = 10.00M; Assert.AreEqual (0.00m, a % c, "20.0M % 10.00M"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (DivideByZeroException))] public void Divide_ByZero () { Decimal.Divide (254.9m, 0m); } [Test] public void Divide () { decimal p1 = 254.9m; decimal p2 = 12.1m; decimal n1 = -254.9m; decimal n2 = -12.1m; decimal c1 = 21.066115702479338842975206612m; decimal c2 = 0.0474695959199686151431934092m; Assert.AreEqual (c1, Decimal.Divide (p1, p2), "254.9 / 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (-c1, Decimal.Divide (n1, p2), "-254.9 / 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (-c1, Decimal.Divide (p1, n2), "254.9 / -12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (c1, Decimal.Divide (n1, n2), "-254.9 / -12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (c2, Decimal.Divide (p2, p1), "12.1 / 254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (-c2, Decimal.Divide (n2, p1), "-12.1 / 254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (-c2, Decimal.Divide (p2, n1), "12.1 / -254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (c2, Decimal.Divide (n2, n1), "-12.1 / -254.9"); Assert.AreEqual (1, Decimal.Divide (p1, p1), "12.1 / 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, Decimal.Divide (n1, p1), "-12.1 / 12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (-1, Decimal.Divide (p1, n1), "12.1 / -12.1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, Decimal.Divide (n1, n1), "-12.1 / -12.1"); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void Round_InvalidDecimals_Negative () { Decimal.Round (254.9m, -1); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] public void Round_InvalidDecimals_TooHigh () { Decimal.Round (254.9m, 29); } [Test] public void Round_OddValue () { decimal five = 5.5555555555555555555555555555m; Assert.AreEqual (6, Decimal.Round (five, 0), "5,5_,00"); Assert.AreEqual (5.6m, Decimal.Round (five, 1), "5,5_,01"); Assert.AreEqual (5.56m, Decimal.Round (five, 2), "5,5_,02"); Assert.AreEqual (5.556m, Decimal.Round (five, 3), "5,5_,03"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5556m, Decimal.Round (five, 4), "5,5_,04"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55556m, Decimal.Round (five, 5), "5,5_,05"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 6), "5,5_,06"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 7), "5,5_,07"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 8), "5,5_,08"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 9), "5,5_,09"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 10), "5,5_,10"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 11), "5,5_,11"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 12), "5,5_,12"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 13), "5,5_,13"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 14), "5,5_,14"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 15), "5,5_,15"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 16), "5,5_,16"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 17), "5,5_,17"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 18), "5,5_,18"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 19), "5,5_,19"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 20), "5,5_,20"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 21), "5,5_,21"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 22), "5,5_,22"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 23), "5,5_,23"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 24), "5,5_,24"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 25), "5,5_,25"); Assert.AreEqual (5.55555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 26), "5,5_,26"); Assert.AreEqual (5.555555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 27), "5,5_,27"); Assert.AreEqual (5.5555555555555555555555555555m, Decimal.Round (five, 28), "5.5_,28"); } [Test] public void Round_EvenValue () { Assert.AreEqual (2, Decimal.Round (2.5m, 0), "2,2_5,00"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2m, Decimal.Round (2.25m, 1), "2,2_5,01"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22m, Decimal.Round (2.225m, 2), "2,2_5,02"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222m, Decimal.Round (2.2225m, 3), "2,2_5,03"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222m, Decimal.Round (2.22225m, 4), "2,2_5,04"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222m, Decimal.Round (2.222225m, 5), "2,2_5,05"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222225m, 6), "2,2_5,06"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222225m, 7), "2,2_5,07"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222222m, Decimal.Round (2.222222225m, 8), "2,2_5,08"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222222225m, 9), "2,2_5,09"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222222225m, 10), "2,2_5,10"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.222222222225m, 11), "2,2_5,11"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222222222225m, 12), "2,2_5,12"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222222222225m, 13), "2,2_5,13"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.222222222222225m, 14), "2,2_5,14"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222222222222225m, 15), "2,2_5,15"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222222222222225m, 16), "2,2_5,16"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.222222222222222225m, 17), "2,2_5,17"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222222222222222225m, 18), "2,2_5,18"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222222222222222225m, 19), "2,2_5,19"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.222222222222222222225m, 20), "2,2_5,20"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222222222222222222225m, 21), "2,2_5,21"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222222222222222222225m, 22), "2,2_5,22"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.222222222222222222222225m, 23), "2,2_5,23"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222222222222222222222225m, 24), "2,2_5,24"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222222222222222222222225m, 25), "2,2_5,25"); Assert.AreEqual (2.22222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.222222222222222222222222225m, 26), "2,2_5,26"); Assert.AreEqual (2.222222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.2222222222222222222222222225m, 27), "2,2_5,27"); Assert.AreEqual (2.2222222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (2.22222222222222222222222222225m, 28), "2,2_5,28"); } [Test] public void Round_OddValue_Negative () { decimal five = -5.5555555555555555555555555555m; Assert.AreEqual (-6, Decimal.Round (five, 0), "-5,5_,00"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.6m, Decimal.Round (five, 1), "-5,5_,01"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.56m, Decimal.Round (five, 2), "-5,5_,02"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.556m, Decimal.Round (five, 3), "-5,5_,03"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5556m, Decimal.Round (five, 4), "-5,5_,04"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55556m, Decimal.Round (five, 5), "-5,5_,05"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 6), "-5,5_,06"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 7), "-5,5_,07"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 8), "-5,5_,08"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 9), "-5,5_,09"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 10), "-5,5_,10"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 11), "-5,5_,11"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 12), "-5,5_,12"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 13), "-5,5_,13"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 14), "-5,5_,14"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 15), "-5,5_,15"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 16), "-5,5_,16"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 17), "-5,5_,17"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 18), "-5,5_,18"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 19), "-5,5_,19"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 20), "-5,5_,20"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 21), "-5,5_,21"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 22), "-5,5_,22"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 23), "-5,5_,23"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 24), "-5,5_,24"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 25), "-5,5_,25"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.55555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 26), "-5,5_,26"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.555555555555555555555555556m, Decimal.Round (five, 27), "-5,5_,27"); Assert.AreEqual (-5.5555555555555555555555555555m, Decimal.Round (five, 28), "-5.5_,28"); } [Test] public void Round_EvenValue_Negative () { Assert.AreEqual (-2, Decimal.Round (-2.5m, 0), "-2,2_5,00"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2m, Decimal.Round (-2.25m, 1), "-2,2_5,01"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22m, Decimal.Round (-2.225m, 2), "-2,2_5,02"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2225m, 3), "-2,2_5,03"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22225m, 4), "-2,2_5,04"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222225m, 5), "-2,2_5,05"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222225m, 6), "-2,2_5,06"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222225m, 7), "-2,2_5,07"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222222225m, 8), "-2,2_5,08"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222222225m, 9), "-2,2_5,09"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222222225m, 10), "-2,2_5,10"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222222222225m, 11), "-2,2_5,11"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222222222225m, 12), "-2,2_5,12"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222222222225m, 13), "-2,2_5,13"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222222222222225m, 14), "-2,2_5,14"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222222222222225m, 15), "-2,2_5,15"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222222222222225m, 16), "-2,2_5,16"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222222222222222225m, 17), "-2,2_5,17"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222222222222222225m, 18), "-2,2_5,18"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222222222222222225m, 19), "-2,2_5,19"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222222222222222222225m, 20), "-2,2_5,20"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222222222222222222225m, 21), "-2,2_5,21"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222222222222222222225m, 22), "-2,2_5,22"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222222222222222222222225m, 23), "-2,2_5,23"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222222222222222222222225m, 24), "-2,2_5,24"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222222222222222222222225m, 25), "-2,2_5,25"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.22222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.222222222222222222222222225m, 26), "-2,2_5,26"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.222222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.2222222222222222222222222225m, 27), "-2,2_5,27"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.2222222222222222222222222222m, Decimal.Round (-2.22222222222222222222222222225m, 28), "-2,2_5,28"); } [Test] // bug #59425 [SetCulture("en-US")] public void ParseAndKeepPrecision () { string value = "5"; Assert.AreEqual (value, value, Decimal.Parse (value).ToString ()); value += '.'; for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { value += "0"; Assert.AreEqual (value, Decimal.Parse (value).ToString (), i.ToString ()); } value = "-5"; Assert.AreEqual (value, value, Decimal.Parse (value).ToString ()); value += '.'; for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++) { value += "0"; Assert.AreEqual (value, Decimal.Parse (value).ToString (), "-" + i.ToString ()); } } [Test] [SetCulture("en-US")] public void ToString_G () { Assert.AreEqual ("1.0", (1.0m).ToString (), "00"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.1", (0.1m).ToString (), "01"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.01", (0.01m).ToString (), "02"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.001", (0.001m).ToString (), "03"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0001", (0.0001m).ToString (), "04"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00001", (0.00001m).ToString (), "05"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000001", (0.000001m).ToString (), "06"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000001", (0.0000001m).ToString (), "07"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00000001", (0.00000001m).ToString (), "08"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000000001", (0.000000001m).ToString (), "09"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000001", (0.0000000001m).ToString (), "10"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00000000001", (0.00000000001m).ToString (), "11"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000000000001", (0.000000000001m).ToString (), "12"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000000001", (0.0000000000001m).ToString (), "13"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00000000000001", (0.00000000000001m).ToString (), "14"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000000000000001", (0.000000000000001m).ToString (), "15"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000000000001", (0.0000000000000001m).ToString (), "16"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00000000000000001", (0.00000000000000001m).ToString (), "17"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000000000000000001", (0.000000000000000001m).ToString (), "18"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000000000000001", (0.0000000000000000001m).ToString (), "19"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00000000000000000001", (0.00000000000000000001m).ToString (), "20"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000000000000000000001", (0.000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "21"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000000000000000001", (0.0000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "22"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00000000000000000000001", (0.00000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "23"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000000000000000000000001", (0.000000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "24"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000000000000000000001", (0.0000000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "25"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.00000000000000000000000001", (0.00000000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "26"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000000000000000000000000001", (0.000000000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "27"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000000000000000000000001", (0.0000000000000000000000000001m).ToString (), "28"); } [Test] public void MidpointRoundingAwayFromZero () { MidpointRounding m = MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero; Assert.AreEqual (4, Math.Round (3.5M, m), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (3, Math.Round (2.8M, m), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (3, Math.Round (2.5M, m), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (2, Math.Round (2.1M, m), "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (-2, Math.Round (-2.1M, m), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (-3, Math.Round (-2.5M, m), "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (-3, Math.Round (-2.8M, m), "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (-4, Math.Round (-3.5M, m), "#8"); Assert.AreEqual (3.1M, Math.Round (3.05M, 1, m), "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (2.1M, Math.Round (2.08M, 1, m), "#10"); Assert.AreEqual (2.1M, Math.Round (2.05M, 1, m), "#11"); Assert.AreEqual (2.0M, Math.Round (2.01M, 1, m), "#12"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.0M, Math.Round (-2.01M, 1, m), "#13"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.1M, Math.Round (-2.05M, 1, m), "#14"); Assert.AreEqual (-2.1M, Math.Round (-2.08M, 1, m), "#15"); Assert.AreEqual (-3.1M, Math.Round (-3.05M, 1, m), "#16"); } [Test] // bug #4814 [SetCulture("")] public void Parse_NumberGroupSeparatorIsEmpty_DoNotThrowIndexOutOfRangeException () { NumberFormatInfo nf = new NumberFormatInfo (); nf.NumberGroupSeparator = ""; Decimal.Parse ("1.5", nf); } [Test] // bug #4814 [SetCulture("")] public void Parse_CurrencyGroupSeparatorIsEmpty_DoNotThrowIndexOutOfRangeException () { NumberFormatInfo nf = new NumberFormatInfo (); nf.CurrencyGroupSeparator = ""; Decimal.Parse ("\u00A41.5", NumberStyles.Currency, nf); } [Test] // bug #4814 [SetCulture("")] public void Parse_LeadingSign_PositiveSignIsEmpty_DoNotThrowIndexOutOfRangeException () { NumberFormatInfo nf = new NumberFormatInfo (); nf.PositiveSign = ""; try { Decimal.Parse ("+15", nf); } catch (FormatException) { return; } Assert.Fail ("Expected FormatException"); } [Test] // bug #4814 [SetCulture("")] public void Parse_LeadingSign_NegativeSignIsEmpty_DoNotThrowIndexOutOfRangeException () { NumberFormatInfo nf = new NumberFormatInfo (); nf.NegativeSign = ""; try { Decimal.Parse ("-15", nf); } catch (FormatException) { return; } Assert.Fail ("Expected FormatException"); } [Test] // bug #4814 [SetCulture("")] public void Parse_TrailingSign_PositiveSignIsEmpty_DoNotThrowIndexOutOfRangeException () { NumberFormatInfo nf = new NumberFormatInfo (); nf.PositiveSign = ""; try { Decimal.Parse ("15+", nf); } catch (FormatException) { return; } Assert.Fail ("Expected FormatException"); } [Test] // bug #4814 [SetCulture("")] public void Parse_TrailingSign_NegativeSignIsEmpty_DoNotThrowIndexOutOfRangeException () { NumberFormatInfo nf = new NumberFormatInfo (); nf.NegativeSign = ""; try { Decimal.Parse ("15-", nf); } catch (FormatException) { return; } Assert.Fail ("Expected FormatException"); } [Test] [SetCulture("en-US")] public void ParseZeros () { var d = Decimal.Parse ("0.000"); var bits = Decimal.GetBits (d); Assert.AreEqual (0, bits[0], "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bits[1], "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, bits[2], "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (196608, bits[3], "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.000", d.ToString (), "#5"); d = Decimal.Parse("0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); Assert.AreEqual ("0.0000000000000000000000000000", d.ToString (), "#10"); d = Decimal.Parse ("0."); Assert.AreEqual ("0", d.ToString (), "#11"); } [Test] // bug #21764 public void RoundToString () { Assert.AreEqual ("3", Math.Round (3M, 5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("3.01", Math.Round (3.01M, 5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual ("-3.01", Math.Round (-3.01M, 5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("128", Math.Round (127.5M, 0).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "#4"); } [Test] // Bug Xamarin#14822 public void RoundToString_Bug14822 () { decimal value = 1.600000m; var roundedValue = Math.Round (value, 3); Assert.AreEqual ("1.600", roundedValue.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "#1"); } [Test] // Bug Xamarin#17538 public void BankerRounding () { decimal dcm3 = 987654321098765432109876543.2m; decimal dcm4 = 0.05m; decimal dcm5 = dcm3 + dcm4; Assert.AreEqual (987654321098765432109876543.2m, dcm5); } [Test] // Bug Xamarin #24411 public void DecimalDivision_24411 () { decimal dd = 45m; var x = dd / 100; var bits = decimal.GetBits (x); var flags = (uint) bits[3]; byte scale2 = (byte)(flags >> 16); Assert.AreEqual (2, scale2); // The side effect is that 45m/100 should render as 0.45, not 0.4500000000000000000000000000 // Just for completeness: Assert.AreEqual ("0.45", (45m/100).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } [Test] // Bug SUSE #655780 public void TrailingZerosBug () { decimal d; Assert.AreEqual ("0", (0m/5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual ("0.2", (1m/5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual ("0.4", (2m/5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual ("0.6", (3m/5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Assert.AreEqual ("0.8", (4m/5).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } }