// // SolutionParser.cs: Generates a project file from a solution file. // // Author: // Jonathan Chambers (joncham@gmail.com) // Ankit Jain // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // (C) 2009 Jonathan Chambers // Copyright 2008, 2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine; namespace Mono.XBuild.CommandLine { class ProjectInfo { public string Name; public string FileName; public Guid Guid; public ProjectInfo (string name, string fileName) { Name = name; FileName = fileName; } public Dictionary TargetMap = new Dictionary (); public Dictionary Dependencies = new Dictionary (); public Dictionary ProjectSections = new Dictionary (); public List AspNetConfigurations = new List (); } class ProjectSection { public string Name; public Dictionary Properties = new Dictionary (); public ProjectSection (string name) { Name = name; } } struct TargetInfo { public string Configuration; public string Platform; public bool Build; public TargetInfo (string configuration, string platform) : this (configuration, platform, false) { } public TargetInfo (string configuration, string platform, bool build) { Configuration = configuration; Platform = platform; Build = build; } } internal delegate void RaiseWarningHandler (int errorNumber, string message); class SolutionParser { static string[] buildTargets = new string[] { "Build", "Clean", "Rebuild", "Publish" }; static string guidExpression = "{[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}}"; static Regex slnVersionRegex = new Regex (@"Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version (\d?\d.\d\d)"); static Regex projectRegex = new Regex ("Project\\(\"(" + guidExpression + ")\"\\) = \"(.*?)\", \"(.*?)\", \"(" + guidExpression + ")\"(\\s*?)((\\s*?)ProjectSection\\((.*?)\\) = (.*?)EndProjectSection(\\s*?))*(\\s*?)(EndProject)?", RegexOptions.Singleline); static Regex projectDependenciesRegex = new Regex ("ProjectSection\\((.*?)\\) = \\w*(.*?)EndProjectSection", RegexOptions.Singleline); static Regex projectDependencyRegex = new Regex ("\\s*(" + guidExpression + ") = (" + guidExpression + ")"); static Regex projectSectionPropertiesRegex = new Regex ("\\s*(?.*) = \"(?.*)\""); static Regex globalRegex = new Regex ("Global(.*)EndGlobal", RegexOptions.Singleline); static Regex globalSectionRegex = new Regex ("GlobalSection\\((.*?)\\) = \\w*(.*?)EndGlobalSection", RegexOptions.Singleline); static Regex solutionConfigurationRegex = new Regex ("\\s*(.*?)\\|(.*?) = (.*?)\\|(.+)"); static Regex projectConfigurationActiveCfgRegex = new Regex ("\\s*(" + guidExpression + ")\\.(.+?)\\|(.+?)\\.ActiveCfg = (.+?)\\|(.+)"); static Regex projectConfigurationBuildRegex = new Regex ("\\s*(" + guidExpression + ")\\.(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\.Build\\.0 = (.*?)\\|(.+)"); static string solutionFolderGuid = "{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}"; static string vcprojGuid = "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}"; static string websiteProjectGuid = "{E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A}"; RaiseWarningHandler RaiseWarning; public void ParseSolution (string file, Project p, RaiseWarningHandler RaiseWarning) { this.RaiseWarning = RaiseWarning; EmitBeforeImports (p, file); AddGeneralSettings (file, p); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (file); string slnVersion = GetSlnFileVersion (reader); if (slnVersion == "12.00") #if XBUILD_14 p.DefaultToolsVersion = "14.0"; #elif XBUILD_12 p.DefaultToolsVersion = "12.0"; #else p.DefaultToolsVersion = "4.0"; #endif else if (slnVersion == "11.00") p.DefaultToolsVersion = "4.0"; else if (slnVersion == "10.00") p.DefaultToolsVersion = "3.5"; else p.DefaultToolsVersion = "2.0"; string line = reader.ReadToEnd (); line = line.Replace ("\r\n", "\n"); string solutionDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (file); List solutionTargets = new List (); Dictionary projectInfos = new Dictionary (); Dictionary websiteProjectInfos = new Dictionary (); List[] infosByLevel = null; Dictionary unsupportedProjectInfos = new Dictionary (); Match m = projectRegex.Match (line); while (m.Success) { ProjectInfo projectInfo = new ProjectInfo (m.Groups[2].Value, Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (solutionDir, m.Groups [3].Value.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)))); if (String.Compare (m.Groups [1].Value, solutionFolderGuid, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { // Ignore solution folders m = m.NextMatch (); continue; } projectInfo.Guid = new Guid (m.Groups [4].Value); if (String.Compare (m.Groups [1].Value, vcprojGuid, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { // Ignore vcproj RaiseWarning (0, string.Format("Ignoring vcproj '{0}'.", projectInfo.Name)); unsupportedProjectInfos [projectInfo.Guid] = projectInfo; m = m.NextMatch (); continue; } if (String.Compare (m.Groups [1].Value, websiteProjectGuid, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) websiteProjectInfos.Add (new Guid (m.Groups[4].Value), projectInfo); else projectInfos.Add (projectInfo.Guid, projectInfo); Match projectSectionMatch = projectDependenciesRegex.Match (m.Groups[6].Value); while (projectSectionMatch.Success) { string section_name = projectSectionMatch.Groups [1].Value; if (String.Compare (section_name, "ProjectDependencies") == 0) { Match projectDependencyMatch = projectDependencyRegex.Match (projectSectionMatch.Value); while (projectDependencyMatch.Success) { // we might not have projectInfo available right now, so // set it to null, and fill it in later projectInfo.Dependencies [new Guid (projectDependencyMatch.Groups[1].Value)] = null; projectDependencyMatch = projectDependencyMatch.NextMatch (); } } else { ProjectSection section = new ProjectSection (section_name); Match propertiesMatch = projectSectionPropertiesRegex.Match ( projectSectionMatch.Groups [2].Value); while (propertiesMatch.Success) { section.Properties [propertiesMatch.Groups ["name"].Value] = propertiesMatch.Groups ["value"].Value; propertiesMatch = propertiesMatch.NextMatch (); } projectInfo.ProjectSections [section_name] = section; } projectSectionMatch = projectSectionMatch.NextMatch (); } m = m.NextMatch (); } foreach (ProjectInfo projectInfo in projectInfos.Values) { string filename = projectInfo.FileName; string projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName (filename); if (!File.Exists (filename)) { RaiseWarning (0, String.Format ("Project file {0} referenced in the solution file, " + "not found. Ignoring.", filename)); continue; } Project currentProject = p.ParentEngine.CreateNewProject (); try { currentProject.Load (filename, ProjectLoadSettings.IgnoreMissingImports); } catch (InvalidProjectFileException e) { RaiseWarning (0, e.Message); continue; } foreach (BuildItem bi in currentProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("ProjectReference")) { ProjectInfo info = null; string projectReferenceGuid = bi.GetEvaluatedMetadata ("Project"); bool hasGuid = !String.IsNullOrEmpty (projectReferenceGuid); // try to resolve the ProjectReference by GUID // and fallback to project filename if (hasGuid) { Guid guid = new Guid (projectReferenceGuid); projectInfos.TryGetValue (guid, out info); if (info == null && unsupportedProjectInfos.TryGetValue (guid, out info)) { RaiseWarning (0, String.Format ( "{0}: ProjectReference '{1}' is of an unsupported type. Ignoring.", filename, bi.Include)); continue; } } if (info == null || !hasGuid) { // Project not found by guid or guid not available // Try to find by project file string fullpath = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (projectDir, bi.Include.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar))); info = projectInfos.Values.FirstOrDefault (pi => pi.FileName == fullpath); if (info == null) { if (unsupportedProjectInfos.Values.Any (pi => pi.FileName == fullpath)) RaiseWarning (0, String.Format ( "{0}: ProjectReference '{1}' is of an unsupported type. Ignoring.", filename, bi.Include)); else RaiseWarning (0, String.Format ( "{0}: ProjectReference '{1}' not found, neither by guid '{2}' nor by project file name '{3}'.", filename, bi.Include, projectReferenceGuid.Replace ("{", "").Replace ("}", ""), fullpath)); } } if (info != null) projectInfo.Dependencies [info.Guid] = info; } // unload the project after reading info from it // it'll be reloaded with proper context when building the solution p.ParentEngine.UnloadProject (currentProject); } // fill in the project info for deps found in the .sln file foreach (ProjectInfo projectInfo in projectInfos.Values) { List missingInfos = new List (); foreach (KeyValuePair dependency in projectInfo.Dependencies) { if (dependency.Value == null) missingInfos.Add (dependency.Key); } foreach (Guid guid in missingInfos) { ProjectInfo info; if (projectInfos.TryGetValue (guid, out info)) projectInfo.Dependencies [guid] = info; else projectInfo.Dependencies.Remove (guid); } } Match globalMatch = globalRegex.Match (line); Match globalSectionMatch = globalSectionRegex.Match (globalMatch.Groups[1].Value); while (globalSectionMatch.Success) { string sectionType = globalSectionMatch.Groups[1].Value; switch (sectionType) { case "SolutionConfigurationPlatforms": ParseSolutionConfigurationPlatforms (globalSectionMatch.Groups[2].Value, solutionTargets); break; case "ProjectConfigurationPlatforms": ParseProjectConfigurationPlatforms (globalSectionMatch.Groups[2].Value, projectInfos, websiteProjectInfos); break; case "SolutionProperties": ParseSolutionProperties (globalSectionMatch.Groups[2].Value); break; case "NestedProjects": break; case "MonoDevelopProperties": break; default: RaiseWarning (0, string.Format("Don't know how to handle GlobalSection {0}, Ignoring.", sectionType)); break; } globalSectionMatch = globalSectionMatch.NextMatch (); } int num_levels = AddBuildLevels (p, solutionTargets, projectInfos, ref infosByLevel); AddCurrentSolutionConfigurationContents (p, solutionTargets, projectInfos, websiteProjectInfos); AddProjectReferences (p, projectInfos); AddWebsiteProperties (p, websiteProjectInfos, projectInfos); AddValidateSolutionConfiguration (p); EmitAfterImports (p, file); AddGetFrameworkPathTarget (p); AddWebsiteTargets (p, websiteProjectInfos, projectInfos, infosByLevel, solutionTargets); AddProjectTargets (p, solutionTargets, projectInfos); AddSolutionTargets (p, num_levels, websiteProjectInfos.Values); } string GetSlnFileVersion (StreamReader reader) { string strInput = null; Match match; strInput = reader.ReadLine(); if (strInput == null) return null; match = slnVersionRegex.Match(strInput); if (!match.Success) { strInput = reader.ReadLine(); if (strInput == null) return null; match = slnVersionRegex.Match (strInput); } if (match.Success) return match.Groups[1].Value; return null; } void EmitBeforeImports (Project p, string file) { p.AddNewImport ("$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\\SolutionFile\\ImportBefore\\*", "'$(ImportByWildcardBeforeSolution)' != 'false' and " + "Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\\SolutionFile\\ImportBefore')"); string before_filename = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (file), "before." + Path.GetFileName (file) + ".targets"); p.AddNewImport (before_filename, String.Format ("Exists ('{0}')", before_filename)); } void EmitAfterImports (Project p, string file) { p.AddNewImport ("$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\\SolutionFile\\ImportAfter\\*", "'$(ImportByWildcardAfterSolution)' != 'false' and " + "Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\\SolutionFile\\ImportAfter')"); string after_filename = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (file), "after." + Path.GetFileName (file) + ".targets"); p.AddNewImport (after_filename, String.Format ("Exists ('{0}')", after_filename)); } void AddGeneralSettings (string solutionFile, Project p) { p.DefaultTargets = "Build"; p.InitialTargets = "ValidateSolutionConfiguration"; p.AddNewUsingTaskFromAssemblyName ("CreateTemporaryVCProject", "Microsoft.Build.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"); p.AddNewUsingTaskFromAssemblyName ("ResolveVCProjectOutput", "Microsoft.Build.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"); string solutionFilePath = Path.GetFullPath (solutionFile); BuildPropertyGroup solutionPropertyGroup = p.AddNewPropertyGroup (true); solutionPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("SolutionDir", Path.GetDirectoryName (solutionFilePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); solutionPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("SolutionExt", Path.GetExtension (solutionFile)); solutionPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("SolutionFileName", Path.GetFileName (solutionFile)); solutionPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("SolutionName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (solutionFile)); solutionPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("SolutionPath", solutionFilePath); } void ParseSolutionConfigurationPlatforms (string section, List solutionTargets) { Match solutionConfigurationPlatform = solutionConfigurationRegex.Match (section); while (solutionConfigurationPlatform.Success) { string solutionConfiguration = solutionConfigurationPlatform.Groups[1].Value; string solutionPlatform = solutionConfigurationPlatform.Groups[2].Value; solutionTargets.Add (new TargetInfo (solutionConfiguration, solutionPlatform)); solutionConfigurationPlatform = solutionConfigurationPlatform.NextMatch (); } } // ignores the website projects, in the websiteProjectInfos void ParseProjectConfigurationPlatforms (string section, Dictionary projectInfos, Dictionary websiteProjectInfos) { List missingGuids = new List (); Match projectConfigurationPlatform = projectConfigurationActiveCfgRegex.Match (section); while (projectConfigurationPlatform.Success) { Guid guid = new Guid (projectConfigurationPlatform.Groups[1].Value); ProjectInfo projectInfo; if (!projectInfos.TryGetValue (guid, out projectInfo)) { if (!missingGuids.Contains (guid)) { if (!websiteProjectInfos.ContainsKey (guid)) // ignore website projects RaiseWarning (0, string.Format("Failed to find project {0}", guid)); missingGuids.Add (guid); } projectConfigurationPlatform = projectConfigurationPlatform.NextMatch (); continue; } string solConf = projectConfigurationPlatform.Groups[2].Value; string solPlat = projectConfigurationPlatform.Groups[3].Value; string projConf = projectConfigurationPlatform.Groups[4].Value; string projPlat = projectConfigurationPlatform.Groups[5].Value; // hack, what are they doing here? if (projPlat == "Any CPU") projPlat = "AnyCPU"; projectInfo.TargetMap.Add (new TargetInfo (solConf, solPlat), new TargetInfo (projConf, projPlat)); projectConfigurationPlatform = projectConfigurationPlatform.NextMatch (); } Match projectConfigurationPlatformBuild = projectConfigurationBuildRegex.Match (section); while (projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.Success) { Guid guid = new Guid (projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.Groups[1].Value); ProjectInfo projectInfo; if (!projectInfos.TryGetValue (guid, out projectInfo)) { if (!missingGuids.Contains (guid)) { RaiseWarning (0, string.Format("Failed to find project {0}", guid)); missingGuids.Add (guid); } projectConfigurationPlatformBuild = projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.NextMatch (); continue; } string solConf = projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.Groups[2].Value; string solPlat = projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.Groups[3].Value; string projConf = projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.Groups[4].Value; string projPlat = projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.Groups[5].Value; // hack, what are they doing here? if (projPlat == "Any CPU") projPlat = "AnyCPU"; projectInfo.TargetMap[new TargetInfo (solConf, solPlat)] = new TargetInfo (projConf, projPlat, true); projectConfigurationPlatformBuild = projectConfigurationPlatformBuild.NextMatch (); } } void ParseSolutionProperties (string section) { } void AddCurrentSolutionConfigurationContents (Project p, List solutionTargets, Dictionary projectInfos, Dictionary websiteProjectInfos) { TargetInfo default_target_info = new TargetInfo ("Debug", "Any CPU"); if (solutionTargets.Count > 0) { bool found = false; foreach (TargetInfo tinfo in solutionTargets) { if (String.Compare (tinfo.Platform, "Mixed Platforms") == 0) { default_target_info = tinfo; found = true; break; } } if (!found) default_target_info = solutionTargets [0]; } AddDefaultSolutionConfiguration (p, default_target_info); foreach (TargetInfo solutionTarget in solutionTargets) { BuildPropertyGroup platformPropertyGroup = p.AddNewPropertyGroup (false); platformPropertyGroup.Condition = string.Format ( " ('$(Configuration)' == '{0}') and ('$(Platform)' == '{1}') ", solutionTarget.Configuration, solutionTarget.Platform ); StringBuilder solutionConfigurationContents = new StringBuilder (); solutionConfigurationContents.Append (""); foreach (KeyValuePair projectInfo in projectInfos) { AddProjectConfigurationItems (projectInfo.Key, projectInfo.Value, solutionTarget, solutionConfigurationContents); } solutionConfigurationContents.Append (""); platformPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents", solutionConfigurationContents.ToString ()); } } void AddProjectReferences (Project p, Dictionary projectInfos) { BuildItemGroup big = p.AddNewItemGroup (); foreach (KeyValuePair pair in projectInfos) big.AddNewItem ("ProjectReference", pair.Value.FileName); } void AddProjectConfigurationItems (Guid guid, ProjectInfo projectInfo, TargetInfo solutionTarget, StringBuilder solutionConfigurationContents) { foreach (KeyValuePair targetInfo in projectInfo.TargetMap) { if (solutionTarget.Configuration == targetInfo.Key.Configuration && solutionTarget.Platform == targetInfo.Key.Platform) { solutionConfigurationContents.AppendFormat ( "{2}|{3}", guid.ToString ("B").ToUpper (), projectInfo.FileName, targetInfo.Value.Configuration, targetInfo.Value.Platform); } } } void AddDefaultSolutionConfiguration (Project p, TargetInfo target) { BuildPropertyGroup configurationPropertyGroup = p.AddNewPropertyGroup (true); configurationPropertyGroup.Condition = " '$(Configuration)' == '' "; configurationPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("Configuration", target.Configuration); BuildPropertyGroup platformPropertyGroup = p.AddNewPropertyGroup (true); platformPropertyGroup.Condition = " '$(Platform)' == '' "; platformPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("Platform", target.Platform); // emit default for AspNetConfiguration also BuildPropertyGroup aspNetConfigurationPropertyGroup = p.AddNewPropertyGroup (true); aspNetConfigurationPropertyGroup.Condition = " ('$(AspNetConfiguration)' == '') "; aspNetConfigurationPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty ("AspNetConfiguration", "$(Configuration)"); } void AddWarningForMissingProjectConfiguration (Target target, string slnConfig, string slnPlatform, string projectName) { BuildTask task = target.AddNewTask ("Warning"); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", String.Format ("The project configuration for project '{0}' corresponding " + "to the solution configuration '{1}|{2}' was not found in the solution file.", projectName, slnConfig, slnPlatform)); task.Condition = String.Format ("('$(Configuration)' == '{0}') and ('$(Platform)' == '{1}')", slnConfig, slnPlatform); } // Website project methods void AddWebsiteProperties (Project p, Dictionary websiteProjectInfos, Dictionary projectInfos) { var propertyGroupByConfig = new Dictionary (); foreach (KeyValuePair infoPair in websiteProjectInfos) { ProjectInfo info = infoPair.Value; string projectGuid = infoPair.Key.ToString (); ProjectSection section; if (!info.ProjectSections.TryGetValue ("WebsiteProperties", out section)) { RaiseWarning (0, String.Format ("Website project '{0}' does not have the required project section: WebsiteProperties. Ignoring project.", info.Name)); return; } //parse project references string [] ref_guids = null; string references; if (section.Properties.TryGetValue ("ProjectReferences", out references)) { ref_guids = references.Split (new char [] {';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (int i = 0; i < ref_guids.Length; i ++) { // "{guid}|foo.dll" ref_guids [i] = ref_guids [i].Split ('|') [0]; Guid r_guid = new Guid (ref_guids [i]); ProjectInfo ref_info; if (projectInfos.TryGetValue (r_guid, out ref_info)) // ignore if not found info.Dependencies [r_guid] = ref_info; } } foreach (KeyValuePair pair in section.Properties) { //looking for -- ConfigName.AspNetCompiler.PropName string [] parts = pair.Key.Split ('.'); if (parts.Length != 3 || String.Compare (parts [1], "AspNetCompiler") != 0) continue; string config = parts [0]; string propertyName = parts [2]; BuildPropertyGroup bpg; if (!propertyGroupByConfig.TryGetValue (config, out bpg)) { bpg = p.AddNewPropertyGroup (true); bpg.Condition = String.Format (" '$(AspNetConfiguration)' == '{0}' ", config); propertyGroupByConfig [config] = bpg; } bpg.AddNewProperty (String.Format ("Project_{0}_AspNet{1}", projectGuid, propertyName), pair.Value); if (!info.AspNetConfigurations.Contains (config)) info.AspNetConfigurations.Add (config); } } } // For WebSite projects // The main "Build" target: // 1. builds all non-website projects // 2. calls target for website project // - gets target path for the referenced projects // - Resolves dependencies, satellites etc for the // referenced project assemblies, and copies them // to bin/ folder void AddWebsiteTargets (Project p, Dictionary websiteProjectInfos, Dictionary projectInfos, List[] infosByLevel, List solutionTargets) { foreach (ProjectInfo w_info in websiteProjectInfos.Values) { // gets a linear list of dependencies List depInfos = new List (); foreach (List pinfos in infosByLevel) { foreach (ProjectInfo pinfo in pinfos) if (w_info.Dependencies.ContainsKey (pinfo.Guid)) depInfos.Add (pinfo); } foreach (string buildTarget in new string [] {"Build", "Rebuild"}) AddWebsiteTarget (p, w_info, projectInfos, depInfos, solutionTargets, buildTarget); // clean/publish are not supported for website projects foreach (string buildTarget in new string [] {"Clean", "Publish"}) AddWebsiteUnsupportedTarget (p, w_info, depInfos, buildTarget); } } void AddWebsiteTarget (Project p, ProjectInfo webProjectInfo, Dictionary projectInfos, List depInfos, List solutionTargets, string buildTarget) { string w_guid = webProjectInfo.Guid.ToString ().ToUpper (); Target target = p.Targets.AddNewTarget (GetTargetNameForProject (webProjectInfo.Name, buildTarget)); target.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''"; target.DependsOnTargets = GetWebsiteDependsOnTarget (depInfos, buildTarget); // this item collects all the references string final_ref_item = String.Format ("Project_{0}_References{1}", w_guid, buildTarget != "Build" ? "_" + buildTarget : String.Empty); foreach (TargetInfo targetInfo in solutionTargets) { int ref_num = 0; foreach (ProjectInfo depInfo in depInfos) { TargetInfo projectTargetInfo; if (!depInfo.TargetMap.TryGetValue (targetInfo, out projectTargetInfo)) // Ignore, no config, so no target path continue; // GetTargetPath from the referenced project AddWebsiteMSBuildTaskForReference (target, depInfo, projectTargetInfo, targetInfo, final_ref_item, ref_num); ref_num ++; } } // resolve the references AddWebsiteResolveAndCopyReferencesTasks (target, webProjectInfo, final_ref_item, w_guid); } // emits the MSBuild task to GetTargetPath for the referenced project void AddWebsiteMSBuildTaskForReference (Target target, ProjectInfo depInfo, TargetInfo projectTargetInfo, TargetInfo solutionTargetInfo, string final_ref_item, int ref_num) { BuildTask task = target.AddNewTask ("MSBuild"); task.SetParameterValue ("Projects", depInfo.FileName); task.SetParameterValue ("Targets", "GetTargetPath"); task.SetParameterValue ("Properties", string.Format ("Configuration={0}; Platform={1}; BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)", projectTargetInfo.Configuration, projectTargetInfo.Platform)); task.Condition = string.Format (" ('$(Configuration)' == '{0}') and ('$(Platform)' == '{1}') ", solutionTargetInfo.Configuration, solutionTargetInfo.Platform); string ref_item = String.Format ("{0}_{1}", final_ref_item, ref_num); task.AddOutputItem ("TargetOutputs", ref_item); task = target.AddNewTask ("CreateItem"); task.SetParameterValue ("Include", String.Format ("@({0})", ref_item)); task.SetParameterValue ("AdditionalMetadata", String.Format ("Guid={{{0}}}", depInfo.Guid.ToString ().ToUpper ())); task.AddOutputItem ("Include", final_ref_item); } void AddWebsiteResolveAndCopyReferencesTasks (Target target, ProjectInfo webProjectInfo, string final_ref_item, string w_guid) { BuildTask task = target.AddNewTask ("ResolveAssemblyReference"); task.SetParameterValue ("Assemblies", String.Format ("@({0}->'%(FullPath)')", final_ref_item)); task.SetParameterValue ("TargetFrameworkDirectories", "$(TargetFrameworkPath)"); task.SetParameterValue ("SearchPaths", "{RawFileName};{TargetFrameworkDirectory};{GAC}"); task.SetParameterValue ("FindDependencies", "true"); task.SetParameterValue ("FindSatellites", "true"); task.SetParameterValue ("FindRelatedFiles", "true"); task.Condition = String.Format ("Exists ('%({0}.Identity)')", final_ref_item); string copylocal_item = String.Format ("{0}_CopyLocalFiles", final_ref_item); task.AddOutputItem ("CopyLocalFiles", copylocal_item); // Copy the references task = target.AddNewTask ("Copy"); task.SetParameterValue ("SourceFiles", String.Format ("@({0})", copylocal_item)); task.SetParameterValue ("DestinationFiles", String.Format ( "@({0}->'$(Project_{1}_AspNetPhysicalPath)\\Bin\\%(DestinationSubDirectory)%(Filename)%(Extension)')", copylocal_item, w_guid)); // AspNetConfiguration, is config for the website project, useful // for overriding from command line StringBuilder cond = new StringBuilder (); foreach (string config in webProjectInfo.AspNetConfigurations) { if (cond.Length > 0) cond.Append (" or "); cond.AppendFormat (" ('$(AspNetConfiguration)' == '{0}') ", config); } task.Condition = cond.ToString (); task = target.AddNewTask ("Message"); cond = new StringBuilder (); foreach (string config in webProjectInfo.AspNetConfigurations) { if (cond.Length > 0) cond.Append (" and "); cond.AppendFormat (" ('$(AspNetConfiguration)' != '{0}') ", config); } task.Condition = cond.ToString (); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", "Skipping as the '$(AspNetConfiguration)' configuration is " + "not supported by this website project."); } void AddWebsiteUnsupportedTarget (Project p, ProjectInfo webProjectInfo, List depInfos, string buildTarget) { Target target = p.Targets.AddNewTarget (GetTargetNameForProject (webProjectInfo.Name, buildTarget)); target.DependsOnTargets = GetWebsiteDependsOnTarget (depInfos, buildTarget); BuildTask task = target.AddNewTask ("Message"); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", String.Format ( "Target '{0}' not support for website projects", buildTarget)); } string GetWebsiteDependsOnTarget (List depInfos, string buildTarget) { StringBuilder deps = new StringBuilder (); foreach (ProjectInfo pinfo in depInfos) { if (deps.Length > 0) deps.Append (";"); deps.Append (GetTargetNameForProject (pinfo.Name, buildTarget)); } deps.Append (";GetFrameworkPath"); return deps.ToString (); } void AddGetFrameworkPathTarget (Project p) { Target t = p.Targets.AddNewTarget ("GetFrameworkPath"); BuildTask task = t.AddNewTask ("GetFrameworkPath"); task.AddOutputProperty ("Path", "TargetFrameworkPath"); } void AddValidateSolutionConfiguration (Project p) { Target t = p.Targets.AddNewTarget ("ValidateSolutionConfiguration"); BuildTask task = t.AddNewTask ("Warning"); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", "On windows, an environment variable 'Platform' is set to MCD sometimes, and this overrides the Platform property" + " for xbuild, which could be an invalid Platform for this solution file. And so you are getting the following error." + " You could override it by either setting the environment variable to nothing, as\n" + " set Platform=\n" + "Or explicity specify its value on the command line, as\n" + " xbuild Foo.sln /p:Platform=Release"); task.Condition = "('$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' == '') and ('$(SkipInvalidConfigurations)' != 'true')" + " and '$(Platform)' == 'MCD' and '$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT'"; task = t.AddNewTask ("Error"); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", "Invalid solution configuration and platform: \"$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\"."); task.Condition = "('$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' == '') and ('$(SkipInvalidConfigurations)' != 'true')"; task = t.AddNewTask ("Warning"); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", "Invalid solution configuration and platform: \"$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\"."); task.Condition = "('$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' == '') and ('$(SkipInvalidConfigurations)' == 'true')"; task = t.AddNewTask ("Message"); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", "Building solution configuration \"$(Configuration)|$(Platform)\"."); task.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''"; } void AddProjectTargets (Project p, List solutionTargets, Dictionary projectInfos) { foreach (KeyValuePair projectInfo in projectInfos) { ProjectInfo project = projectInfo.Value; foreach (string buildTarget in buildTargets) { string target_name = GetTargetNameForProject (project.Name, buildTarget); bool is_build_or_rebuild = buildTarget == "Build" || buildTarget == "Rebuild"; Target target = p.Targets.AddNewTarget (target_name); target.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''"; if (is_build_or_rebuild) target.Outputs = "@(CollectedBuildOutput)"; if (project.Dependencies.Count > 0) target.DependsOnTargets = String.Join (";", project.Dependencies.Values.Select ( di => GetTargetNameForProject (di.Name, buildTarget)).ToArray ()); foreach (TargetInfo targetInfo in solutionTargets) { BuildTask task = null; TargetInfo projectTargetInfo; if (!project.TargetMap.TryGetValue (targetInfo, out projectTargetInfo)) { AddWarningForMissingProjectConfiguration (target, targetInfo.Configuration, targetInfo.Platform, project.Name); continue; } if (projectTargetInfo.Build) { task = target.AddNewTask ("MSBuild"); task.SetParameterValue ("Projects", project.FileName); task.SetParameterValue ("ToolsVersion", "$(ProjectToolsVersion)"); if (is_build_or_rebuild) task.AddOutputItem ("TargetOutputs", "CollectedBuildOutput"); if (buildTarget != "Build") task.SetParameterValue ("Targets", buildTarget); task.SetParameterValue ("Properties", string.Format ("Configuration={0}; Platform={1}; BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)", projectTargetInfo.Configuration, projectTargetInfo.Platform)); } else { task = target.AddNewTask ("Message"); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", string.Format ("Project \"{0}\" is disabled for solution configuration \"{1}|{2}\".", project.Name, targetInfo.Configuration, targetInfo.Platform)); } task.Condition = string.Format (" ('$(Configuration)' == '{0}') and ('$(Platform)' == '{1}') ", targetInfo.Configuration, targetInfo.Platform); } } } } string GetTargetNameForProject (string projectName, string buildTarget) { //FIXME: hack projectName = projectName.Replace ("\\", "/").Replace (".", "_"); string target_name = projectName + (buildTarget == "Build" ? string.Empty : ":" + buildTarget); if (IsBuildTargetName (projectName)) target_name = "Solution:" + target_name; return target_name; } bool IsBuildTargetName (string name) { foreach (string tgt in buildTargets) if (name == tgt) return true; return false; } // returns number of levels int AddBuildLevels (Project p, List solutionTargets, Dictionary projectInfos, ref List[] infosByLevel) { infosByLevel = TopologicalSort (projectInfos.Values); foreach (TargetInfo targetInfo in solutionTargets) { BuildItemGroup big = p.AddNewItemGroup (); big.Condition = String.Format (" ('$(Configuration)' == '{0}') and ('$(Platform)' == '{1}') ", targetInfo.Configuration, targetInfo.Platform); //FIXME: every level has projects that can be built in parallel. // levels are ordered on the basis of the dependency graph for (int i = 0; i < infosByLevel.Length; i ++) { string build_level = String.Format ("BuildLevel{0}", i); string skip_level = String.Format ("SkipLevel{0}", i); string missing_level = String.Format ("MissingConfigLevel{0}", i); foreach (ProjectInfo projectInfo in infosByLevel [i]) { TargetInfo projectTargetInfo; if (!projectInfo.TargetMap.TryGetValue (targetInfo, out projectTargetInfo)) { // missing project config big.AddNewItem (missing_level, projectInfo.Name); continue; } if (projectTargetInfo.Build) { BuildItem item = big.AddNewItem (build_level, projectInfo.FileName); item.SetMetadata ("Configuration", projectTargetInfo.Configuration); item.SetMetadata ("Platform", projectTargetInfo.Platform); } else { // build disabled big.AddNewItem (skip_level, projectInfo.Name); } } } } return infosByLevel.Length; } void AddSolutionTargets (Project p, int num_levels, IEnumerable websiteProjectInfos) { foreach (string buildTarget in buildTargets) { Target t = p.Targets.AddNewTarget (buildTarget); bool is_build_or_rebuild = buildTarget == "Build" || buildTarget == "Rebuild"; t.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''"; if (is_build_or_rebuild) t.Outputs = "@(CollectedBuildOutput)"; BuildTask task = null; for (int i = 0; i < num_levels; i ++) { string level_str = String.Format ("BuildLevel{0}", i); task = t.AddNewTask ("MSBuild"); task.SetParameterValue ("Condition", String.Format ("'@({0})' != ''", level_str)); task.SetParameterValue ("Projects", String.Format ("@({0})", level_str)); task.SetParameterValue ("ToolsVersion", "$(ProjectToolsVersion)"); task.SetParameterValue ("Properties", string.Format ("Configuration=%(Configuration); Platform=%(Platform); BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)")); if (buildTarget != "Build") task.SetParameterValue ("Targets", buildTarget); //FIXME: change this to BuildInParallel=true, when parallel // build support gets added task.SetParameterValue ("RunEachTargetSeparately", "true"); if (is_build_or_rebuild) task.AddOutputItem ("TargetOutputs", "CollectedBuildOutput"); level_str = String.Format ("SkipLevel{0}", i); task = t.AddNewTask ("Message"); task.Condition = String.Format ("'@({0})' != ''", level_str); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", String.Format ("The project '%({0}.Identity)' is disabled for solution " + "configuration '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'.", level_str)); level_str = String.Format ("MissingConfigLevel{0}", i); task = t.AddNewTask ("Warning"); task.Condition = String.Format ("'@({0})' != ''", level_str); task.SetParameterValue ("Text", String.Format ("The project configuration for project '%({0}.Identity)' " + "corresponding to the solution configuration " + "'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' was not found.", level_str)); } // "build" website projects also StringBuilder w_targets = new StringBuilder (); foreach (ProjectInfo info in websiteProjectInfos) { if (w_targets.Length > 0) w_targets.Append (";"); w_targets.Append (GetTargetNameForProject (info.Name, buildTarget)); } task = t.AddNewTask ("CallTarget"); task.SetParameterValue ("Targets", w_targets.ToString ()); task.SetParameterValue ("RunEachTargetSeparately", "true"); } } // Sorts the ProjectInfo dependency graph, to obtain // a series of build levels with projects. Projects // in each level can be run parallel (no inter-dependency). static List[] TopologicalSort (IEnumerable items) where T: ProjectInfo { IList allItems; allItems = items as IList; if (allItems == null) allItems = new List (items); bool[] inserted = new bool[allItems.Count]; bool[] triedToInsert = new bool[allItems.Count]; int[] levels = new int [allItems.Count]; int maxdepth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allItems.Count; ++i) { int d = Insert (i, allItems, levels, inserted, triedToInsert); if (d > maxdepth) maxdepth = d; } // Separate out the project infos by build level List[] infosByLevel = new List[maxdepth]; for (int i = 0; i < levels.Length; i ++) { int level = levels [i] - 1; if (infosByLevel [level] == null) infosByLevel [level] = new List (); infosByLevel [level].Add (allItems [i]); } return infosByLevel; } // returns level# for the project static int Insert (int index, IList allItems, int[] levels, bool[] inserted, bool[] triedToInsert) where T: ProjectInfo { if (inserted [index]) return levels [index]; if (triedToInsert[index]) throw new InvalidOperationException (String.Format ( "Cyclic dependency involving project {0} found in the project dependency graph", allItems [index].Name)); triedToInsert[index] = true; ProjectInfo insertItem = allItems[index]; int maxdepth = 0; foreach (ProjectInfo dependency in insertItem.Dependencies.Values) { for (int j = 0; j < allItems.Count; ++j) { ProjectInfo checkItem = allItems [j]; if (dependency.FileName == checkItem.FileName) { int d = Insert (j, allItems, levels, inserted, triedToInsert); maxdepth = d > maxdepth ? d : maxdepth; break; } } } levels [index] = maxdepth + 1; inserted [index] = true; return levels [index]; } public static IEnumerable GetAllProjectFileNames (string solutionFile) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (solutionFile); string line = reader.ReadToEnd (); line = line.Replace ("\r\n", "\n"); string soln_dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (solutionFile); Match m = projectRegex.Match (line); while (m.Success) { if (String.Compare (m.Groups [1].Value, solutionFolderGuid, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != 0) yield return Path.Combine (soln_dir, m.Groups [3].Value).Replace ("\\", "/"); m = m.NextMatch (); } } } }