// // ThreadLazyTests.cs // // Author: // Jérémie "Garuma" Laval // // Copyright (c) 2009 Jérémie "Garuma" Laval // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Threading; using NUnit; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Threading { [TestFixtureAttribute] public class ThreadLocalTests { ThreadLocal threadLocal; int nTimes; [SetUp] public void Setup () { nTimes = 0; threadLocal = new ThreadLocal (() => { Interlocked.Increment (ref nTimes); return 42; }); } [Test] public void SingleThreadTest () { AssertThreadLocal (); } [Test] public void ThreadedTest () { AssertThreadLocal (); Thread t = new Thread ((object o) => { Interlocked.Decrement (ref nTimes); AssertThreadLocal (); }); t.Start (); t.Join (); } [Test] public void InitializeThrowingTest () { int callTime = 0; threadLocal = new ThreadLocal (() => { Interlocked.Increment (ref callTime); throw new ApplicationException ("foo"); }); Exception exception = null; try { var foo = threadLocal.Value; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } Assert.IsNotNull (exception, "#1"); Assert.That (exception, Is.TypeOf (typeof (ApplicationException)), "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (1, callTime, "#3"); exception = null; try { var foo = threadLocal.Value; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } Assert.IsNotNull (exception, "#4"); Assert.That (exception, Is.TypeOf (typeof (ApplicationException)), "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (2, callTime, "#6"); } [Category ("NotDotNet")] // nunit results in stack overflow public void MultipleReferenceToValueTest () { try { threadLocal = new ThreadLocal (() => threadLocal.Value + 1); var v = threadLocal.Value; Assert.Fail ("#1"); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { } } [Test] public void DefaultThreadLocalInitTest () { var local = new ThreadLocal (); var local2 = new ThreadLocal (); Assert.AreEqual (default (DateTime), local.Value); Assert.AreEqual (default (object), local2.Value); } [Test, ExpectedException (typeof (ObjectDisposedException))] public void DisposedOnValueTest () { var tl = new ThreadLocal (); tl.Dispose (); var value = tl.Value; } [Test, ExpectedException (typeof (ObjectDisposedException))] public void DisposedOnIsValueCreatedTest () { var tl = new ThreadLocal (); tl.Dispose (); var value = tl.IsValueCreated; } [Test] public void PerThreadException () { int callTime = 0; threadLocal = new ThreadLocal (() => { if (callTime == 1) throw new ApplicationException ("foo"); Interlocked.Increment (ref callTime); return 43; }); Exception exception = null; var foo = threadLocal.Value; bool thread_value_created = false; Assert.AreEqual (43, foo, "#3"); Thread t = new Thread ((object o) => { try { var foo2 = threadLocal.Value; } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } // should be false and not throw thread_value_created = threadLocal.IsValueCreated; }); t.Start (); t.Join (); Assert.AreEqual (false, thread_value_created, "#4"); Assert.IsNotNull (exception, "#5"); Assert.That (exception, Is.TypeOf (typeof (ApplicationException)), "#6"); } void AssertThreadLocal () { Assert.IsFalse (threadLocal.IsValueCreated, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (42, threadLocal.Value, "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (threadLocal.IsValueCreated, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (42, threadLocal.Value, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (1, nTimes, "#5"); } class SetMreOnFinalize { ManualResetEventSlim m_mres; public SetMreOnFinalize (ManualResetEventSlim mres) { m_mres = mres; } ~SetMreOnFinalize() { m_mres.Set(); } } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] // Finalizers aren't guaranteed #if MONOTOUCH [Category ("NotWorking")] // https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=34617 #endif public void DisposeOnThreadExit () { var threadLocal = new ThreadLocal(); var mres = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); var thread = new Thread (() => { threadLocal.Value = new SetMreOnFinalize (mres); }); thread.Start (); thread.Join (); SpinWait.SpinUntil (() => { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); return mres.IsSet; }, 500); if (!mres.IsSet) Assert.Fail ("Finalizer didn't run after thread termination"); } } }