# # This is not a runnable script, it is a Perl module, a collection of variables, subroutines, etc. # to be used in Perl scripts. # # To get help about exported variables and subroutines, execute the following command: # # perldoc Platform.pm # # or see POD (Plain Old Documentation) imbedded to the source... # # # #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #// #// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure #// #// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open #// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details. #// #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// # package Platform; use strict; use warnings; use base "Exporter"; use Uname; my @vars; BEGIN { @vars = qw{ $host_arch $host_os $host_platform $target_arch $target_mic_arch $target_os $target_platform }; } our $VERSION = "0.014"; our @EXPORT = qw{}; our @EXPORT_OK = ( qw{ canon_arch canon_os canon_mic_arch legal_arch arch_opt }, @vars ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [ @EXPORT_OK ], vars => \@vars ); # Canonize architecture name. sub canon_arch($) { my ( $arch ) = @_; if ( defined( $arch ) ) { if ( $arch =~ m{\A\s*(?:32|IA-?32|IA-?32 architecture|i[3456]86|x86)\s*\z}i ) { $arch = "32"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\A\s*(?:48|(?:ia)?32e|Intel\s*64|Intel\(R\)\s*64|x86[_-]64|x64|AMD64)\s*\z}i ) { $arch = "32e"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\Aarm(?:v7\D*)?\z} ) { $arch = "arm"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\Appc64le} ) { $arch = "ppc64le"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\Appc64} ) { $arch = "ppc64"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\Aaarch64} ) { $arch = "aarch64"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\Amic} ) { $arch = "mic"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\Amips64} ) { $arch = "mips64"; } elsif ( $arch =~ m{\Amips} ) { $arch = "mips"; } else { $arch = undef; }; # if }; # if return $arch; }; # sub canon_arch # Canonize Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture name. sub canon_mic_arch($) { my ( $mic_arch ) = @_; if ( defined( $mic_arch ) ) { if ( $mic_arch =~ m{\Aknf} ) { $mic_arch = "knf"; } elsif ( $mic_arch =~ m{\Aknc}) { $mic_arch = "knc"; } elsif ( $mic_arch =~ m{\Aknl} ) { $mic_arch = "knl"; } else { $mic_arch = undef; }; # if }; # if return $mic_arch; }; # sub canon_mic_arch { # Return legal approved architecture name. my %legal = ( "32" => "IA-32 architecture", "32e" => "Intel(R) 64", "arm" => "ARM", "aarch64" => "AArch64", "mic" => "Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture", "mips" => "MIPS", "mips64" => "MIPS64", ); sub legal_arch($) { my ( $arch ) = @_; $arch = canon_arch( $arch ); if ( defined( $arch ) ) { $arch = $legal{ $arch }; }; # if return $arch; }; # sub legal_arch } { # Return architecture name suitable for Intel compiler setup scripts. my %option = ( "32" => "ia32", "32e" => "intel64", "64" => "ia64", "arm" => "arm", "aarch64" => "aarch", "mic" => "intel64", "mips" => "mips", "mips64" => "MIPS64", ); sub arch_opt($) { my ( $arch ) = @_; $arch = canon_arch( $arch ); if ( defined( $arch ) ) { $arch = $option{ $arch }; }; # if return $arch; }; # sub arch_opt } # Canonize OS name. sub canon_os($) { my ( $os ) = @_; if ( defined( $os ) ) { if ( $os =~ m{\A\s*(?:Linux|lin|l)\s*\z}i ) { $os = "lin"; } elsif ( $os =~ m{\A\s*(?:Mac(?:\s*OS(?:\s*X)?)?|mac|m|Darwin)\s*\z}i ) { $os = "mac"; } elsif ( $os =~ m{\A\s*(?:Win(?:dows)?(?:(?:_|\s*)?(?:NT|XP|95|98|2003))?|w)\s*\z}i ) { $os = "win"; } else { $os = undef; }; # if }; # if return $os; }; # sub canon_os my ( $_host_os, $_host_arch, $_target_os, $_target_arch, $_target_mic_arch, $_default_mic_arch); # Set the default mic-arch value. $_default_mic_arch = "knc"; sub set_target_arch($) { my ( $arch ) = canon_arch( $_[ 0 ] ); if ( defined( $arch ) ) { $_target_arch = $arch; $ENV{ LIBOMP_ARCH } = $arch; }; # if return $arch; }; # sub set_target_arch sub set_target_mic_arch($) { my ( $mic_arch ) = canon_mic_arch( $_[ 0 ] ); if ( defined( $mic_arch ) ) { $_target_mic_arch = $mic_arch; $ENV{ LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH } = $mic_arch; }; # if return $mic_arch; }; # sub set_target_mic_arch sub set_target_os($) { my ( $os ) = canon_os( $_[ 0 ] ); if ( defined( $os ) ) { $_target_os = $os; $ENV{ LIBOMP_OS } = $os; }; # if return $os; }; # sub set_target_os sub target_options() { my @options = ( "target-os|os=s" => sub { set_target_os( $_[ 1 ] ) or die "Bad value of --target-os option: \"$_[ 1 ]\"\n"; }, "target-architecture|targert-arch|architecture|arch=s" => sub { set_target_arch( $_[ 1 ] ) or die "Bad value of --target-architecture option: \"$_[ 1 ]\"\n"; }, "target-mic-architecture|targert-mic-arch|mic-architecture|mic-arch=s" => sub { set_target_mic_arch( $_[ 1 ] ) or die "Bad value of --target-mic-architecture option: \"$_[ 1 ]\"\n"; }, ); return @options; }; # sub target_options # Detect host arch. { my $hardware_platform = Uname::hardware_platform(); if ( 0 ) { } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "i386" ) { $_host_arch = "32"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "ia64" ) { $_host_arch = "64"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "x86_64" ) { $_host_arch = "32e"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "arm" ) { $_host_arch = "arm"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "ppc64le" ) { $_host_arch = "ppc64le"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "ppc64" ) { $_host_arch = "ppc64"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "aarch64" ) { $_host_arch = "aarch64"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "mips64" ) { $_host_arch = "mips64"; } elsif ( $hardware_platform eq "mips" ) { $_host_arch = "mips"; } else { die "Unsupported host hardware platform: \"$hardware_platform\"; stopped"; }; # if } # Detect host OS. { my $operating_system = Uname::operating_system(); if ( 0 ) { } elsif ( $operating_system eq "GNU/Linux" ) { $_host_os = "lin"; } elsif ( $operating_system eq "FreeBSD" ) { # Host OS resembles Linux. $_host_os = "lin"; } elsif ( $operating_system eq "NetBSD" ) { # Host OS resembles Linux. $_host_os = "lin"; } elsif ( $operating_system eq "Darwin" ) { $_host_os = "mac"; } elsif ( $operating_system eq "MS Windows" ) { $_host_os = "win"; } else { die "Unsupported host operating system: \"$operating_system\"; stopped"; }; # if } # Detect target arch. if ( defined( $ENV{ LIBOMP_ARCH } ) ) { # Use arch specified in LIBOMP_ARCH. $_target_arch = canon_arch( $ENV{ LIBOMP_ARCH } ); if ( not defined( $_target_arch ) ) { die "Unknown architecture specified in LIBOMP_ARCH environment variable: \"$ENV{ LIBOMP_ARCH }\""; }; # if } else { # Otherwise use host architecture. $_target_arch = $_host_arch; }; # if $ENV{ LIBOMP_ARCH } = $_target_arch; # Detect target Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture. if ( defined( $ENV{ LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH } ) ) { # Use mic arch specified in LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH. $_target_mic_arch = canon_mic_arch( $ENV{ LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH } ); if ( not defined( $_target_mic_arch ) ) { die "Unknown architecture specified in LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH environment variable: \"$ENV{ LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH }\""; }; # if } else { # Otherwise use default Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture. $_target_mic_arch = $_default_mic_arch; }; # if $ENV{ LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH } = $_target_mic_arch; # Detect target OS. if ( defined( $ENV{ LIBOMP_OS } ) ) { # Use OS specified in LIBOMP_OS. $_target_os = canon_os( $ENV{ LIBOMP_OS } ); if ( not defined( $_target_os ) ) { die "Unknown OS specified in LIBOMP_OS environment variable: \"$ENV{ LIBOMP_OS }\""; }; # if } else { # Otherwise use host OS. $_target_os = $_host_os; }; # if $ENV{ LIBOMP_OS } = $_target_os; use vars @vars; tie( $host_arch, "Platform::host_arch" ); tie( $host_os, "Platform::host_os" ); tie( $host_platform, "Platform::host_platform" ); tie( $target_arch, "Platform::target_arch" ); tie( $target_mic_arch, "Platform::target_mic_arch" ); tie( $target_os, "Platform::target_os" ); tie( $target_platform, "Platform::target_platform" ); { package Platform::base; use Carp; use Tie::Scalar; use base "Tie::StdScalar"; sub STORE { my $self = shift( @_ ); croak( "Modifying \$" . ref( $self ) . " is not allowed; stopped" ); }; # sub STORE } # package Platform::base { package Platform::host_arch; use base "Platform::base"; sub FETCH { return $_host_arch; }; # sub FETCH } # package Platform::host_arch { package Platform::host_os; use base "Platform::base"; sub FETCH { return $_host_os; }; # sub FETCH } # package Platform::host_os { package Platform::host_platform; use base "Platform::base"; sub FETCH { return "${_host_os}_${_host_arch}"; }; # sub FETCH } # package Platform::host_platform { package Platform::target_arch; use base "Platform::base"; sub FETCH { return $_target_arch; }; # sub FETCH } # package Platform::target_arch { package Platform::target_mic_arch; use base "Platform::base"; sub FETCH { return $_target_mic_arch; }; # sub FETCH } # package Platform::target_mic_arch { package Platform::target_os; use base "Platform::base"; sub FETCH { return $_target_os; }; # sub FETCH } # package Platform::target_os { package Platform::target_platform; use base "Platform::base"; sub FETCH { if ($_target_arch eq "mic") { return "${_target_os}_${_target_mic_arch}"; } else { return "${_target_os}_${_target_arch}"; } }; # sub FETCH } # package Platform::target_platform return 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME B -- Few subroutines to get OS, architecture and platform name in form suitable for naming files, directories, macros, etc. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Platform ":all"; use tools; my $arch = canon_arch( "em64T" ); # Returns "32e". my $legal = legal_arch( "em64t" ); # Returns "Intel(R) 64". my $option = arch_opt( "em64t" ); # Returns "intel64". my $os = canon_os( "Windows NT" ); # Returns "win". print( $host_arch, $host_os, $host_platform ); print( $taregt_arch, $target_os, $target_platform ); tools::get_options( Platform::target_options(), ... ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Environment variable LIBOMP_OS specifies target OS to report. If LIBOMP_OS id not defined, the script assumes host OS is target OS. Environment variable LIBOMP_ARCH specifies target architecture to report. If LIBOMP_ARCH is not defined, the script assumes host architecture is target one. =head2 Functions. =over =item B Input string is an architecture name to canonize. The function recognizes many variants, for example: C<32e>, C, C, etc. Returned string is a canononized architecture name, one of: C<32>, C<32e>, C<64>, C, C, C, C, C, C, or C is input string is not recognized. =item B Input string is architecture name. The function recognizes the same variants as C does. Returned string is a name approved by Intel Legal, one of: C, C or C if input string is not recognized. =item B Input string is architecture name. The function recognizes the same variants as C does. Returned string is an architecture name suitable for passing to compiler setup scripts (e. g. C), one of: C, C or C if input string is not recognized. =item B Input string is OS name to canonize. The function recognizes many variants, for example: C, C, etc. Returned string is a canonized OS name, one of: C, C, C, or C is input string is not recognized. =item B Returns array suitable for passing to C to let a script recognize C<--target-architecture=I> and C<--target-os=I> options. Typical usage is: use tools; use Platform; my ( $os, $arch, $platform ); # Global variables, not initialized. ... get_options( Platform::target_options(), # Let script recognize --target-os and --target-arch options. ... ); # Initialize variabls after parsing command line. ( $os, $arch, $platform ) = ( Platform::target_os(), Platform::target_arch(), Platform::target_platform() ); =back =head2 Variables =item B<$host_arch> Canonized name of host architecture. =item B<$host_os> Canonized name of host OS. =item B<$host_platform> Host platform name (concatenated canonized OS name, underscore, and canonized architecture name). =item B<$target_arch> Canonized name of target architecture. =item B<$target_os> Canonized name of target OS. =item B<$target_platform> Target platform name (concatenated canonized OS name, underscore, and canonized architecture name). =back =cut # end of file #