param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$RepositoryRoot = $PSScriptRoot, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$ToolsLocalPath = (Join-Path $RepositoryRoot "Tools"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$CliLocalPath = (Join-Path $ToolsLocalPath "dotnetcli"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$SharedFrameworkSymlinkPath = (Join-Path $ToolsLocalPath "dotnetcli\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\version"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$SharedFrameworkVersion = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$Architecture = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$DotNetInstallBranch = "rel/1.0.0", [switch]$Force = $false ) $rootToolVersions = Join-Path $RepositoryRoot ".toolversions" $bootstrapComplete = Join-Path $ToolsLocalPath "bootstrap.complete" # if the force switch is specified delete the semaphore file if it exists if ($Force -and (Test-Path $bootstrapComplete)) { del $bootstrapComplete } # if the semaphore file exists and is identical to the specified version then exit if ((Test-Path $bootstrapComplete) -and !(Compare-Object (Get-Content $rootToolVersions) (Get-Content $bootstrapComplete))) { exit 0 } $initCliScript = "dotnet-install.ps1" $dotnetInstallPath = Join-Path $ToolsLocalPath $initCliScript # blow away the tools directory so we can start from a known state if (Test-Path $ToolsLocalPath) { # if the bootstrap.ps1 script was downloaded to the tools directory don't delete it rd -recurse -force $ToolsLocalPath -exclude "bootstrap.ps1" } else { mkdir $ToolsLocalPath | Out-Null } # download CLI boot-strapper script Invoke-WebRequest "$DotNetInstallBranch/scripts/obtain/dotnet-install.ps1" -OutFile $dotnetInstallPath # load the version of the CLI $rootCliVersion = Join-Path $RepositoryRoot ".cliversion" $dotNetCliVersion = Get-Content $rootCliVersion if (-Not (Test-Path $CliLocalPath)) { mkdir $CliLocalPath | Out-Null } # now execute the script Write-Host "$dotnetInstallPath -Version $dotNetCliVersion -InstallDir $CliLocalPath -Architecture ""$Architecture""" Invoke-Expression "$dotnetInstallPath -Version $dotNetCliVersion -InstallDir $CliLocalPath -Architecture ""$Architecture""" if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Output "The .NET CLI installation failed with exit code $LastExitCode" exit $LastExitCode } # create a junction to the shared FX version directory. this is # so we have a stable path to dotnet.exe regardless of version. $runtimesPath = Join-Path $CliLocalPath "shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App" if ($SharedFrameworkVersion -eq "") { $SharedFrameworkVersion = Get-ChildItem $runtimesPath -Directory | % { New-Object System.Version($_) } | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 } $junctionTarget = Join-Path $runtimesPath $SharedFrameworkVersion $junctionParent = Split-Path $SharedFrameworkSymlinkPath -Parent if (-Not (Test-Path $junctionParent)) { mkdir $junctionParent | Out-Null } if (-Not (Test-Path $SharedFrameworkSymlinkPath)) { cmd.exe /c mklink /j $SharedFrameworkSymlinkPath $junctionTarget | Out-Null } # create a project.json for the packages to restore $projectJson = Join-Path $ToolsLocalPath "project.json" $pjContent = "{ `"dependencies`": {" $tools = Get-Content $rootToolVersions foreach ($tool in $tools) { $name, $version = $tool.split("=") $pjContent = $pjContent + "`"$name`": `"$version`"," } $pjContent = $pjContent + "}, `"frameworks`": { `"netcoreapp1.0`": { } } }" $pjContent | Out-File $projectJson # now restore the packages $buildToolsSource = "" $nugetOrgSource = "" if ($env:buildtools_source -ne $null) { $buildToolsSource = $env:buildtools_source } $packagesPath = Join-Path $RepositoryRoot "packages" $dotNetExe = Join-Path $cliLocalPath "dotnet.exe" $restoreArgs = "restore $projectJson --packages $packagesPath --source $buildToolsSource --source $nugetOrgSource" $process = Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow -FilePath $dotNetExe -ArgumentList $restoreArgs -PassThru if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) { exit $process.ExitCode } # now stage the contents to tools directory and run any init scripts foreach ($tool in $tools) { $name, $version = $tool.split("=") # verify that the version we expect is what was restored $pkgVerPath = Join-Path $packagesPath "$name\$version" if ((Test-Path $pkgVerPath) -eq 0) { Write-Output "Directory '$pkgVerPath' doesn't exist, ensure that the version restored matches the version specified." exit 1 } # at present we have the following conventions when staging package content: # 1. if a package contains a "tools" directory then recursively copy its contents # to a directory named the package ID that's under $ToolsLocalPath. # 2. if a package contains a "libs" directory then recursively copy its contents # under the $ToolsLocalPath directory. # 3. if a package contains a file "lib\init-tools.cmd" execute it. if (Test-Path (Join-Path $pkgVerPath "tools")) { $destination = Join-Path $ToolsLocalPath $name mkdir $destination | Out-Null copy (Join-Path $pkgVerPath "tools\*") $destination -recurse } elseif (Test-Path (Join-Path $pkgVerPath "lib")) { copy (Join-Path $pkgVerPath "lib\*") $ToolsLocalPath -recurse } if (Test-Path (Join-Path $pkgVerPath "lib\init-tools.cmd")) { cmd.exe /c (Join-Path $pkgVerPath "lib\init-tools.cmd") $RepositoryRoot $dotNetExe $ToolsLocalPath | Out-File (Join-Path $RepositoryRoot "Init-$name.log") } } # write semaphore file copy $rootToolVersions $bootstrapComplete