//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // AppSettings.cs // using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Hosting; namespace System.Web.Util { internal static class AppSettings { private static volatile bool _settingsInitialized = false; private static object _appSettingsLock = new object(); private static void EnsureSettingsLoaded() { if (!_settingsInitialized) { lock (_appSettingsLock) { if (!_settingsInitialized) { NameValueCollection settings = null; try { settings = GetAppSettingsSection(); } finally { // GetApplicationPathData may throw. That's fine. Let the user see the exception // once, but just fall back on default settings for the future. if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl"], out _useHostHeaderForRequestUrl)) _useHostHeaderForRequestUrl = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:AllowAnonymousImpersonation"], out _allowAnonymousImpersonation)) _allowAnonymousImpersonation = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:ScriptResourceAllowNonJsFiles"], out _scriptResourceAllowNonJsFiles)) _scriptResourceAllowNonJsFiles = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UseLegacyEncryption"], out _useLegacyEncryption)) _useLegacyEncryption = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UseLegacyMachineKeyEncryption"], out _useLegacyMachineKeyEncryption)) _useLegacyMachineKeyEncryption = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UseLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility"], out _useLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility)) _useLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UseLegacyEventValidationCompatibility"], out _useLegacyEventValidationCompatibility)) _useLegacyEventValidationCompatibility = false; _allowInsecureDeserialization = GetNullableBooleanValue(settings, "aspnet:AllowInsecureDeserialization"); if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:AlwaysIgnoreViewStateValidationErrors"], out _alwaysIgnoreViewStateValidationErrors)) _alwaysIgnoreViewStateValidationErrors = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:AllowRelaxedHttpUserName"], out _allowRelaxedHttpUserName)) _allowRelaxedHttpUserName = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:JavaScriptDoNotEncodeAmpersand"], out _javaScriptDoNotEncodeAmpersand)) _javaScriptDoNotEncodeAmpersand = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UseTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext"], out _useTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext)) _useTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext = (BinaryCompatibility.Current.TargetsAtLeastFramework45) ? true : false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:AllowAsyncDuringSyncStages"], out _allowAsyncDuringSyncStages)) _allowAsyncDuringSyncStages = false; if (settings == null || !int.TryParse(settings["aspnet:MaxHttpCollectionKeys"], out _maxHttpCollectionKeys) || _maxHttpCollectionKeys < 0) _maxHttpCollectionKeys = DefaultMaxHttpCollectionKeys; if (settings == null || !int.TryParse(settings["aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers"], out _maxJsonDeserializerMembers) || _maxJsonDeserializerMembers < 0) _maxJsonDeserializerMembers = DefaultMaxJsonDeserializerMembers; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:DoNotDisposeSpecialHttpApplicationInstances"], out _doNotDisposeSpecialHttpApplicationInstances)) _doNotDisposeSpecialHttpApplicationInstances = false; if (settings != null) _formsAuthReturnUrlVar = settings["aspnet:FormsAuthReturnUrlVar"]; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:RestrictXmlControls"], out _restrictXmlControls)) _restrictXmlControls = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:AllowRelaxedRelativeUrl"], out _allowRelaxedRelativeUrl)) _allowRelaxedRelativeUrl = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UseLegacyRequestUrlGeneration"], out _useLegacyRequestUrlGeneration)) _useLegacyRequestUrlGeneration = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:AllowUtf7RequestContentEncoding"], out _allowUtf7RequestContentEncoding)) _allowUtf7RequestContentEncoding = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:AllowRelaxedUnicodeDecoding"], out _allowRelaxedUnicodeDecoding)) _allowRelaxedUnicodeDecoding = false; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:DontUsePercentUUrlEncoding"], out _dontUsePercentUUrlEncoding)) _dontUsePercentUUrlEncoding = BinaryCompatibility.Current.TargetsAtLeastFramework452; // default value is keyed off of if (settings == null || !int.TryParse(settings["aspnet:UpdatePanelMaxScriptLength"], out _updatePanelMaxScriptLength) || _updatePanelMaxScriptLength < 0) _updatePanelMaxScriptLength = 0; // AppSettings override allows users to build against 4.5 but run against 4.0 or 4.5 _maxConcurrentCompilations = GetNullableIntegerValue(settings, "aspnet:MaxConcurrentCompilations"); if (settings == null || !int.TryParse(settings["aspnet:MaxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount"], out _maxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount) || _maxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount <= 0) _maxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount = DefaultMaxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:PortableCompilationOutput"], out _portableCompilationOutput)) _portableCompilationOutput = false; if (settings == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_portableCompilationOutputSnapshotType = settings["aspnet:PortableCompilationOutputSnapshotType"])) _portableCompilationOutputSnapshotType = null; if (settings == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_portableCompilationOutputSnapshotTypeOptions = settings["aspnet:PortableCompilationOutputSnapshotTypeOptions"])) _portableCompilationOutputSnapshotTypeOptions = null; if (settings == null || !Boolean.TryParse(settings["aspnet:EnsureSessionStateLockedOnFlush"], out _ensureSessionStateLockedOnFlush)) _ensureSessionStateLockedOnFlush = false; _settingsInitialized = true; } } } } } [ConfigurationPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)] [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2106:SecureAsserts", Justification = "This assert is safe since we control the callers; they're not leaking information.")] private static NameValueCollection GetAppSettingsSection() { // DevDiv #353926 - Fall back to reading App.config if System.Web types are being consumed outside an ASP.NET application if (!HostingEnvironment.IsHosted) { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings; } // Check the app-level config. Ignore configuration errors CachedPathData appPathData = CachedPathData.GetApplicationPathData(); if (appPathData != null && appPathData.ConfigRecord != null) return appPathData.ConfigRecord.GetSection("appSettings") as NameValueCollection; // nothing found return null; } // helper function to read a tri-state boolean from config private static bool? GetNullableBooleanValue(NameValueCollection settings, string key) { bool value; return (settings != null && Boolean.TryParse(settings[key], out value)) ? value : (bool?)null; } // helper function to read a nullable int from config private static int? GetNullableIntegerValue(NameValueCollection settings, string key) { int value; return (settings != null && int.TryParse(settings[key], out value)) ? value : (int?)null; } private static bool _useHostHeaderForRequestUrl; internal static bool UseHostHeaderForRequestUrl { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _useHostHeaderForRequestUrl; } } private static bool _allowAnonymousImpersonation; internal static bool AllowAnonymousImpersonation { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _allowAnonymousImpersonation; } } // false [default] to allow ScriptResource.axd to serve static files only if they are *.js; // true to allow ScriptResource.axd to serve any static file (bad practice) private static bool _scriptResourceAllowNonJsFiles; internal static bool ScriptResourceAllowNonJsFiles { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _scriptResourceAllowNonJsFiles; } } // false [default] to use encrypt+sign for all except Membership and MachineKey public API // true to use encrypt only (dangerous!) private static bool _useLegacyEncryption; internal static bool UseLegacyEncryption { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _useLegacyEncryption; } } // false [default] to use encrypt+sign for MachineKey public API // true to use encrypt only for MachineKey public API (dangerous!) private static bool _useLegacyMachineKeyEncryption; internal static bool UseLegacyMachineKeyEncryption { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _useLegacyMachineKeyEncryption; } } // false [default] to use secure semantics when generating FormsAuthentication tickets // true to allow ticketCompatibilityMode="Framework20" (dangerous!) private static bool _useLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility; internal static bool UseLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _useLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility; } } // false [default] to use a cryptographic hash algorithm when generating the __EVENTVALIDATION field // true to use String.GetHashCode() instead (dangerous!) // more info: DevDiv #233564 (http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/web/wi.aspx?id=233564) private static bool _useLegacyEventValidationCompatibility; internal static bool UseLegacyEventValidationCompatibility { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _useLegacyEventValidationCompatibility; } } // false to always enforce EnableViewStateMac=false // true to allow the developer to specify EnableViewStateMac=false (dangerous, leads to RCE!) // null [default] to make the decision based on a registry key // more info: DevDiv #461378 (http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/461378) private static bool? _allowInsecureDeserialization; internal static bool? AllowInsecureDeserialization { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _allowInsecureDeserialization; } } // false [default] to use the default heuristic for determining when to suppress __VIEWSTATE MAC validation errors and when to display a YSOD // true to always ---- errors and never show a YSOD private static bool _alwaysIgnoreViewStateValidationErrors; internal static bool AlwaysIgnoreViewStateValidationErrors { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _alwaysIgnoreViewStateValidationErrors; } } // false [default] to restrict dangerous characters in any user name passed to native code // true to allow dangerous characters private static bool _allowRelaxedHttpUserName; internal static bool AllowRelaxedHttpUserName { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _allowRelaxedHttpUserName; } } // false [default] to encode '&' characters in HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode() // true to not encode '&' characters (bad practice) private static bool _javaScriptDoNotEncodeAmpersand; internal static bool JavaScriptDoNotEncodeAmpersand { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _javaScriptDoNotEncodeAmpersand; } } // false [default] to use the updated AspNetSynchronizationContext type (needed for TAP methods) // true to use LegacyAspNetSynchronizationContext (needed for some back-compat scenarios) private static bool _useTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext ; internal static bool UseTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _useTaskFriendlySynchronizationContext ; } } // false [default] if the updated AspNetSynchronizationContext type should throw when it encounters invalid operations // true to allow some invalid operations through the system (needed for some back-compat scenarios) // more info: see doc on HttpContext.AllowAsyncDuringSyncStages private static bool _allowAsyncDuringSyncStages; internal static bool AllowAsyncDuringSyncStages { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _allowAsyncDuringSyncStages; } } // maximum number of keys a HttpValueCollection, HttpFileCollection or HttpCookieCollection is allowed to have private const int DefaultMaxHttpCollectionKeys = Int32.MaxValue; private static int _maxHttpCollectionKeys = DefaultMaxHttpCollectionKeys; internal static int MaxHttpCollectionKeys { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _maxHttpCollectionKeys; } } // maximum number of entries a Json deserialized dictionary is allowed to have private const int DefaultMaxJsonDeserializerMembers = Int32.MaxValue; private static int _maxJsonDeserializerMembers = DefaultMaxJsonDeserializerMembers; internal static int MaxJsonDeserializerMembers { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _maxJsonDeserializerMembers; } } // false [default] to call HttpApplication.Dispose() on all HttpApplication instances instantiated by ASP.NET // true to suppress calling HttpApplication.Dispose() on "special" (i.e., associated with App_Start, App_End, etc.) HttpApplication instances // see DevDiv #109006 (http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/web/wi.aspx?id=109006): HttpModules attached to the "Special" HttpApplication instance are not disposed private static bool _doNotDisposeSpecialHttpApplicationInstances; internal static bool DoNotDisposeSpecialHttpApplicationInstances { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _doNotDisposeSpecialHttpApplicationInstances; } } // none [default] to use the existing /loging.aspx?ReturnUrl= // to use /loging.aspx?= private static string _formsAuthReturnUrlVar; internal static string FormsAuthReturnUrlVar { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _formsAuthReturnUrlVar; } } // false [default] to use potentially unsafe System.Xml API's that were in use for 1.0 through 4.0 // true to avoid using vulnerable System.Xml API's. private static bool _restrictXmlControls; internal static bool RestrictXmlControls { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _restrictXmlControls; } } // false [default] - requires relative url to be more strict // true - use less strict policy private static bool _allowRelaxedRelativeUrl; internal static bool AllowRelaxedRelativeUrl { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _allowRelaxedRelativeUrl; } } // false [default] - attempts to re-encode HttpRequest.Url so that it is equivalent to the actual incoming URL // true - does not attempt to re-encode the Url, which could allow the Uri class to perform double-decoding (dangerous!) // See also DevDiv #703232 (http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/703232) private static bool _useLegacyRequestUrlGeneration; internal static bool UseLegacyRequestUrlGeneration { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _useLegacyRequestUrlGeneration; } } // false [default] - disallow UTF-7 as an incoming ContentEncoding // true - allow UTF-7 as an incoming ContentEncoding (dangerous!) private static bool _allowUtf7RequestContentEncoding; internal static bool AllowUtf7RequestContentEncoding { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _allowUtf7RequestContentEncoding; } } // false [default] - disallow invalid UTF-16 (like unpaired surrogates) when deserializing JSON strings and inside UrlDecode // true - allow malformed strings like "\ud800" and "%ud800" to be deserialized (dangerous!) private static bool _allowRelaxedUnicodeDecoding; internal static bool AllowRelaxedUnicodeDecoding { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _allowRelaxedUnicodeDecoding; } } // false - use UrlEncodeUnicode for some URL generation within ASP.NET, which can produce non-compliant results // true - use UTF8 encoding for things like
, which works with modern browsers // defaults to true when targeting >= 4.5.2, otherwise false // See DevDiv #762975 for more information. private static bool _dontUsePercentUUrlEncoding; internal static bool DontUsePercentUUrlEncoding { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _dontUsePercentUUrlEncoding; } } // maximum length for UpdatePanel script block private static int _updatePanelMaxScriptLength; internal static int UpdatePanelMaxScriptLength { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _updatePanelMaxScriptLength; } } // maximum number of concurrent compilations private static int? _maxConcurrentCompilations; internal static int? MaxConcurrentCompilations { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _maxConcurrentCompilations; } } // Controls how deep we look when trying to get a CultureInfo from an Accept-Language header. // For example, a value of 3 with Accept-Language: en-us, en, fr-FR, zh-CN will cause us to // look for "en-us", "en", and "fr-FR" in order, taking the first hit, but we won't look // for "zh-CN" if the first three fail. Setting this value too high could result in DoS. private const int DefaultMaxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount = 3; private static int _maxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount; internal static int MaxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _maxAcceptLanguageFallbackCount; } } // false [default] // true to allow private static bool _portableCompilationOutput; internal static bool PortableCompilationOutput { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _portableCompilationOutput; } } // null [default] // complete type name as string private static string _portableCompilationOutputSnapshotType; internal static string PortableCompilationOutputSnapshotType { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _portableCompilationOutputSnapshotType; } } // null [default] // options private static string _portableCompilationOutputSnapshotTypeOptions; internal static string PortableCompilationOutputSnapshotTypeOptions { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _portableCompilationOutputSnapshotTypeOptions; } } // false [default] - allow delayed store of session state item (possibly concurrent access on new session) // true - ensure the session state item is stored before another request is allowed to proceed with the same session private static bool _ensureSessionStateLockedOnFlush; internal static bool EnsureSessionStateLockedOnFlush { get { EnsureSettingsLoaded(); return _ensureSessionStateLockedOnFlush; } } } }