//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // [....] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text; namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime { using Res = System.Xml.Utils.Res; internal static class CharUtil { // Checks whether a given character is alphanumeric. Alphanumeric means any character that has // a Unicode category of Nd (8), Nl (9), No (10), Lu (0), Ll (1), Lt (2), Lm (3) or Lo (4) // http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt.html#convert public static bool IsAlphaNumeric(char ch) { int category = (int)char.GetUnicodeCategory(ch); return category <= 4 || (category <= 10 && category >= 8); } // Checks whether a given character has decimal digit value of 1. The decimal digits are characters // having the Unicode category of Nd (8). NOTE: We do not support Tamil and Ethiopic numbering systems // having no zeros. public static bool IsDecimalDigitOne(char ch) { int category = (int)char.GetUnicodeCategory(--ch); return category == 8 && char.GetNumericValue(ch) == 0; } } internal enum NumberingSequence { Nil = -1, FirstDecimal, Arabic = FirstDecimal, // 0x0031 -- 1, 2, 3, 4, ... DArabic, // 0xff11 -- Combines DbChar w/ Arabic Hindi3, // 0x0967 -- Hindi numbers Thai2, // 0x0e51 -- Thai numbers FEDecimal, // 0x4e00 -- FE numbering style (decimal numbers) KorDbNum1, // 0xc77c -- Korea (decimal) LastNum = KorDbNum1, // Alphabetic numbering sequences (do not change order unless you also change _rgnfcToLab's order) FirstAlpha, UCLetter = FirstAlpha, // 0x0041 -- A, B, C, D, ... LCLetter, // 0x0061 -- a, b, c, d, ... UCRus, // 0x0410 -- Upper case Russian alphabet LCRus, // 0x0430 -- Lower case Russian alphabet Thai1, // 0x0e01 -- Thai letters Hindi1, // 0x0915 -- Hindi vowels Hindi2, // 0x0905 -- Hindi consonants Aiueo, // 0xff71 -- Japan numbering style (SbChar) DAiueo, // 0x30a2 -- Japan - Combines DbChar w/ Aiueo Iroha, // 0xff72 -- Japan numbering style (SbChar) DIroha, // 0x30a4 -- Japan - Combines DbChar w/ Iroha// New defines for 97... DChosung, // 0x3131 -- Korea Chosung (DbChar) Ganada, // 0xac00 -- Korea ArabicScript, // 0x0623 -- BIDI AraAlpha for Arabic/Persian/Urdu LastAlpha = ArabicScript, // Special numbering sequences (includes peculiar alphabetic and numeric sequences) FirstSpecial, UCRoman = FirstSpecial, // 0x0049 -- I, II, III, IV, ... LCRoman, // 0x0069 -- i, ii, iii, iv, ... Hebrew, // 0x05d0 -- BIDI Heb1 for Hebrew DbNum3, // 0x58f1 -- FE numbering style (similar to China2, some different characters) ChnCmplx, // 0x58f9 -- China (complex, traditional chinese, spell out numbers) KorDbNum3, // 0xd558 -- Korea (1-99) Zodiac1, // 0x7532 -- CJK-heavenly-stem (10 numbers) Zodiac2, // 0x5b50 -- CJK-earthly-branch (12 numbers) Zodiac3, // 0x7532 -- (Zodiac1 + Zodiac2 Combination) LastSpecial = Zodiac3, } internal class NumberFormatterBase { protected const int MaxAlphabeticValue = int.MaxValue; // Maximum value that can be represented private const int MaxAlphabeticLength = 7; // Number of letters needed to represent the maximum value public static void ConvertToAlphabetic(StringBuilder sb, double val, char firstChar, int totalChars) { Debug.Assert(1 <= val && val <= MaxAlphabeticValue); Debug.Assert(Math.Pow(totalChars, MaxAlphabeticLength) >= MaxAlphabeticValue); char[] letters = new char[MaxAlphabeticLength]; int idx = MaxAlphabeticLength; int number = (int)val; while (number > totalChars) { int quot = --number / totalChars; letters[--idx] = (char)(firstChar + (number - quot * totalChars)); number = quot; } letters[--idx] = (char)(firstChar + --number); sb.Append(letters, idx, MaxAlphabeticLength - idx); } protected const int MaxRomanValue = 32767; private const string RomanDigitsUC = "IIVIXXLXCCDCM"; private const string RomanDigitsLC = "iivixxlxccdcm"; // RomanDigit = { I IV V IX X XL L XC C CD D CM M } private static readonly int[] RomanDigitValue = { 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000 }; public static void ConvertToRoman(StringBuilder sb, double val, bool upperCase) { Debug.Assert(1 <= val && val <= MaxRomanValue); int number = (int)val; string digits = upperCase ? RomanDigitsUC : RomanDigitsLC; for (int idx = RomanDigitValue.Length; idx-- != 0; ) { while (number >= RomanDigitValue[idx]) { number -= RomanDigitValue[idx]; sb.Append(digits, idx, 1 + (idx & 1)); } } } // Most of tables here were taken from MSXML sources and compared with the last // CSS3 proposal available at http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-lists-20021107/ // MSXML-, CSS3+ // CSS3 inserts two new characters U+3090, U+3091 before U+3092 private const string hiraganaAiueo = "\u3042\u3044\u3046\u3048\u304a\u304b\u304d\u304f\u3051\u3053" + "\u3055\u3057\u3059\u305b\u305d\u305f\u3061\u3064\u3066\u3068" + "\u306a\u306b\u306c\u306d\u306e\u306f\u3072\u3075\u3078\u307b" + "\u307e\u307f\u3080\u3081\u3082\u3084\u3086\u3088\u3089\u308a" + "\u308b\u308c\u308d\u308f\u3092\u3093"; // MSXML-, CSS3+ private const string hiraganaIroha = "\u3044\u308d\u306f\u306b\u307b\u3078\u3068\u3061\u308a\u306c" + "\u308b\u3092\u308f\u304b\u3088\u305f\u308c\u305d\u3064\u306d" + "\u306a\u3089\u3080\u3046\u3090\u306e\u304a\u304f\u3084\u307e" + "\u3051\u3075\u3053\u3048\u3066\u3042\u3055\u304d\u3086\u3081" + "\u307f\u3057\u3091\u3072\u3082\u305b\u3059"; // MSXML+, CSS3+ // CSS3 inserts two new characters U+30F0, U+30F1 before U+30F2 private const string katakanaAiueo = "\u30a2\u30a4\u30a6\u30a8\u30aa\u30ab\u30ad\u30af\u30b1\u30b3" + "\u30b5\u30b7\u30b9\u30bb\u30bd\u30bf\u30c1\u30c4\u30c6\u30c8" + "\u30ca\u30cb\u30cc\u30cd\u30ce\u30cf\u30d2\u30d5\u30d8\u30db" + "\u30de\u30df\u30e0\u30e1\u30e2\u30e4\u30e6\u30e8\u30e9\u30ea" + "\u30eb\u30ec\u30ed\u30ef\u30f2\u30f3"; // MSXML+, CSS3+ // CSS3 removes last U+30F3 character private const string katakanaIroha = "\u30a4\u30ed\u30cf\u30cb\u30db\u30d8\u30c8\u30c1\u30ea\u30cc" + "\u30eb\u30f2\u30ef\u30ab\u30e8\u30bf\u30ec\u30bd\u30c4\u30cd" + "\u30ca\u30e9\u30e0\u30a6\u30f0\u30ce\u30aa\u30af\u30e4\u30de" + "\u30b1\u30d5\u30b3\u30a8\u30c6\u30a2\u30b5\u30ad\u30e6\u30e1" + "\u30df\u30b7\u30f1\u30d2\u30e2\u30bb\u30b9\u30f3"; // MSXML+, CSS3- private const string katakanaAiueoHw = "\uff71\uff72\uff73\uff74\uff75\uff76\uff77\uff78\uff79\uff7a" + "\uff7b\uff7c\uff7d\uff7e\uff7f\uff80\uff81\uff82\uff83\uff84" + "\uff85\uff86\uff87\uff88\uff89\uff8a\uff8b\uff8c\uff8d\uff8e" + "\uff8f\uff90\uff91\uff92\uff93\uff94\uff95\uff96\uff97\uff98" + "\uff99\uff9a\uff9b\uff9c\uff66\uff9d"; // MSXML+, CSS3- private const string katakanaIrohaHw = "\uff72\uff9b\uff8a\uff86\uff8e\uff8d\uff84\uff81\uff98\uff87" + "\uff99\uff66\uff9c\uff76\uff96\uff80\uff9a\uff7f\uff82\uff88" + "\uff85\uff97\uff91\uff73\u30f0\uff89\uff75\uff78\uff94\uff8f" + "\uff79\uff8c\uff7a\uff74\uff83\uff71\uff7b\uff77\uff95\uff92" + "\uff90\uff7c\u30f1\uff8b\uff93\uff7e\uff7d\uff9d"; // MSXML+, CSS3- // Unicode 4.0.0 spec: When used to represent numbers in decimal notation, zero // is represented by U+3007. Otherwise, zero is represented by U+96F6. private const string cjkIdeographic = "\u3007\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u516d\u4e03\u516b\u4e5d"; } }