using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Documentation.Util; namespace Mono.Documentation.Updater { public class VBFullMemberFormatter : MemberFormatter { public override string Language => Consts.VbNet; protected override StringBuilder AppendNamespace(StringBuilder buf, TypeReference type) { string ns = DocUtils.GetNamespace(type); if (GetVBType(type.FullName) == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns) && ns != "System") buf.Append(ns).Append('.'); return buf; } protected virtual string GetVBType(string t) { // make sure there are no modifiers in the type string (add them back before returning) string typeToCompare = t; string[] splitType = null; if (t.Contains(' ')) { splitType = t.Split(' '); typeToCompare = splitType[0]; } switch (typeToCompare) { case "System.Byte": typeToCompare = "Byte"; break; case "System.SByte": typeToCompare = "SByte"; break; case "System.Int16": typeToCompare = "Short"; break; case "System.Int32": typeToCompare = "Integer"; break; case "System.Int64": typeToCompare = "Long"; break; case "System.UInt16": typeToCompare = "UShort"; break; case "System.UInt32": typeToCompare = "UInteger"; break; case "System.UInt64": typeToCompare = "ULong"; break; case "System.Single": typeToCompare = "Single"; break; case "System.Double": typeToCompare = "Double"; break; case "System.Decimal": typeToCompare = "Decimal"; break; case "System.Boolean": typeToCompare = "Boolean"; break; case "System.Char": typeToCompare = "Char"; break; case "System.String": typeToCompare = "String"; break; case "System.Object": typeToCompare = "Object"; break; } if (splitType != null) { // re-add modreq/modopt if it was there splitType[0] = typeToCompare; typeToCompare = string.Join(" ", splitType); } return typeToCompare == t ? null : typeToCompare; } protected override StringBuilder AppendTypeName(StringBuilder buf, TypeReference type, DynamicParserContext context) { if (type is GenericParameter) return AppendGenericParameterConstraints(buf, (GenericParameter)type, context).Append(type.Name); string t = type.FullName; if (!t.StartsWith("System.")) { return base.AppendTypeName(buf, type, context); } string s = GetVBType(t); if (s != null) { if (context != null) context.TransformIndex++; return buf.Append(s); } return base.AppendTypeName(buf, type, context); } private StringBuilder AppendGenericParameterConstraints(StringBuilder buf, GenericParameter type, DynamicParserContext context) { if (MemberFormatterState != MemberFormatterState.WithinGenericTypeParameters) return buf; GenericParameterAttributes attrs = type.Attributes; bool isout = (attrs & GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant) != 0; bool isin = (attrs & GenericParameterAttributes.Contravariant) != 0; if (isin) buf.Append("In "); else if (isout) buf.Append("Out "); return buf; } protected override string GetTypeDeclaration(TypeDefinition type) { string visibility = GetTypeVisibility(type.Attributes); if (visibility == null) return null; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.Append(visibility); buf.Append(" "); MemberFormatter full = new VBMemberFormatter(); if (DocUtils.IsDelegate(type)) { buf.Append("Delegate "); MethodDefinition invoke = type.GetMethod("Invoke"); bool isFunction = invoke.ReturnType.FullName != "System.Void"; if (isFunction) buf.Append("Function "); else buf.Append("Sub "); buf.Append(GetName(type)); AppendParameters(buf, invoke, invoke.Parameters); if (isFunction) { buf.Append(" As "); buf.Append(full.GetName(invoke.ReturnType, new DynamicParserContext(invoke.MethodReturnType))).Append(" "); } return buf.ToString(); } if (type.IsAbstract && !type.IsInterface && !IsModule(type)) buf.Append("MustInherit "); if (type.IsSealed && !DocUtils.IsDelegate(type) && !type.IsValueType && !IsModule(type)) buf.Append("NotInheritable "); buf.Replace(" MustInherit NotInheritable", ""); buf.Append(GetTypeKind(type)); buf.Append(" "); buf.Append(GetVBType(type.FullName) == null ? GetName(type) : type.Name); if (!type.IsEnum) { TypeReference basetype = type.BaseType; if (basetype != null && basetype.FullName == "System.Object" || type.IsValueType) basetype = null; if (basetype != null) { buf.Append(GetLineEnding()).Append("Inherits "); buf.Append(full.GetName(basetype)); } List interfaceNames = DocUtils.GetUserImplementedInterfaces(type) .Select(iface => full.GetName(iface)) .OrderBy(s => s) .ToList(); if (interfaceNames.Count > 0) { buf.Append(GetLineEnding()).Append("Implements "); buf.Append(string.Join(", ", interfaceNames)); } } return buf.ToString(); } protected override string[] GenericTypeContainer { get { return new[] {"(Of ", ")"}; } } static string GetTypeKind(TypeDefinition t) { if (IsModule(t)) return "Module"; if (t.IsEnum) return "Enum"; if (t.IsValueType) return "Structure"; if (t.IsClass || t.FullName == "System.Enum") return "Class"; if (t.IsInterface) return "Interface"; throw new ArgumentException(t.FullName); } static string GetTypeVisibility(TypeAttributes ta) { switch (ta & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) { case TypeAttributes.Public: case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic: return "Public"; case TypeAttributes.NestedFamily: return "Protected"; case TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem: return "Protected Friend"; default: return null; } } protected override StringBuilder AppendGenericType(StringBuilder buf, TypeReference type, DynamicParserContext context, bool appendGeneric = true) { List decls = DocUtils.GetDeclaringTypes( type is GenericInstanceType ? type.GetElementType() : type); List genArgs = GetGenericArguments(type); int argIdx = 0; int displayedInParentArguments = 0; bool insertNested = false; foreach (var decl in decls) { TypeReference declDef = decl.Resolve() ?? decl; if (insertNested) { buf.Append(NestedTypeSeparator); } insertNested = true; AppendTypeName(buf, declDef, context); int argumentCount = DocUtils.GetGenericArgumentCount(declDef); int notYetDisplayedArguments = argumentCount - displayedInParentArguments; displayedInParentArguments = argumentCount;// nested TypeReferences have parents' generic arguments, but we shouldn't display them if (notYetDisplayedArguments > 0) { buf.Append(GenericTypeContainer[0]); var origState = MemberFormatterState; MemberFormatterState = MemberFormatterState.WithinGenericTypeParameters; for (int i = 0; i < notYetDisplayedArguments; ++i) { if (i > 0) buf.Append(", "); var genArg = genArgs[argIdx++]; _AppendTypeName(buf, genArg, context); var genericParameter = genArg as GenericParameter; if (genericParameter != null) AppendConstraints(buf, genericParameter); } MemberFormatterState = origState; buf.Append(GenericTypeContainer[1]); } } return buf; } protected override StringBuilder AppendGenericTypeConstraints(StringBuilder buf, TypeReference type) { return buf; } private void AppendConstraints(StringBuilder buf, GenericParameter genArg) { if (MemberFormatterState == MemberFormatterState.WithinGenericTypeParameters) { // check to avoid such a code: // Public Class MyList(Of A As {Class, Generic.IList(Of B --->As {Class, A}<----), New}, B As {Class, A}) return; } GenericParameterAttributes attrs = genArg.Attributes; #if NEW_CECIL Mono.Collections.Generic.Collection constraints = genArg.Constraints; #else IList constraints = genArg.Constraints; #endif if (attrs == GenericParameterAttributes.NonVariant && constraints.Count == 0) return; bool isref = (attrs & GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint) != 0; bool isvt = (attrs & GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) != 0; bool isnew = (attrs & GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint) != 0; bool comma = false; if (!isref && !isvt && !isnew && constraints.Count == 0) return; int constraintsCount = Convert.ToInt32(isref) + Convert.ToInt32(isvt) + Convert.ToInt32(isnew) + constraints.Count; buf.Append(" As "); if (constraintsCount > 1 && !isvt) buf.Append("{"); if (isref) { buf.Append("Class"); comma = true; } else if (isvt) { buf.Append("Structure"); comma = true; } if (constraints.Count > 0 && !isvt) { if (comma) buf.Append(", "); #if NEW_CECIL buf.Append(GetTypeName(constraints[0].ConstraintType)); for (int i = 1; i < constraints.Count; ++i) buf.Append(", ").Append(GetTypeName(constraints[i].ConstraintType)); #else buf.Append(GetTypeName(constraints[0])); for (int i = 1; i < constraints.Count; ++i) buf.Append(", ").Append(GetTypeName(constraints[i])); #endif } if (isnew && !isvt) { if (comma) buf.Append(", "); buf.Append("New"); } if (constraintsCount > 1 && !isvt) buf.Append("}"); } protected override string GetConstructorDeclaration(MethodDefinition constructor) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); AppendVisibility(buf, constructor); if (buf.Length == 0) return null; buf.Append(" Sub New "); AppendParameters(buf, constructor, constructor.Parameters); return buf.ToString(); } protected override string GetMethodDeclaration(MethodDefinition method) { if (method.HasCustomAttributes && method.CustomAttributes.Cast().Any( ca => ca.GetDeclaringType() == "System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractInvariantMethodAttribute")) return null; // Special signature for destructors. if (method.Name == "Finalize" && method.Parameters.Count == 0) return GetFinalizerName(method); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (DocUtils.IsExtensionMethod(method)) buf.Append("" + GetLineEnding()); AppendVisibility(buf, method); if (buf.Length == 0 && !(DocUtils.IsExplicitlyImplemented(method) && !method.IsSpecialName)) return null; AppendModifiers(buf, method); if (buf.Length != 0) buf.Append(" "); bool isFunction = method.MethodReturnType.ReturnType.FullName != "System.Void"; if (!DocUtils.IsOperator(method)) { if (isFunction) buf.Append("Function "); else buf.Append("Sub "); } AppendMethodName(buf, method); AppendGenericMethod(buf, method).Append(" "); AppendParameters(buf, method, method.Parameters); AppendGenericMethodConstraints(buf, method); if (isFunction) buf.Append(" As ").Append(GetTypeName(method.ReturnType, new DynamicParserContext(method.MethodReturnType))); if (DocUtils.IsExplicitlyImplemented(method)) { TypeReference iface; MethodReference ifaceMethod; DocUtils.GetInfoForExplicitlyImplementedMethod(method, out iface, out ifaceMethod); buf.Append(" Implements ") .Append(new VBMemberFormatter().GetName(iface)) .Append('.') .Append(ifaceMethod.Name); } return buf.ToString(); } protected override StringBuilder AppendMethodName(StringBuilder buf, MethodDefinition method) { if (DocUtils.IsExplicitlyImplemented(method)) { return buf.Append(method.Name.Split('.').Last()); } if (DocUtils.IsOperator(method)) { // this is an operator switch (method.Name) { case "op_Implicit": case "op_Explicit": buf.Length--; // remove the last space, which assumes a member name is coming return buf; case "op_Addition": case "op_UnaryPlus": return buf.Append("Operator +"); case "op_Subtraction": case "op_UnaryNegation": return buf.Append("Operator -"); case "op_IntegerDivision": return buf.Append("Operator \\"); case "op_Division": return buf.Append("Operator /"); case "op_Multiply": return buf.Append("Operator *"); case "op_Modulus": return buf.Append("Operator Mod"); case "op_BitwiseAnd": return buf.Append("Operator And"); case "op_BitwiseOr": return buf.Append("Operator Or"); case "op_ExclusiveOr": return buf.Append("Operator Xor"); case "op_LeftShift": return buf.Append("Operator <<"); case "op_RightShift": return buf.Append("Operator >>"); case "op_LogicalNot": return buf.Append("Operator Not"); case "op_OnesComplement": return buf.Append("Operator Not"); case "op_True": return buf.Append("Operator IsTrue"); case "op_False": return buf.Append("Operator IsFalse"); case "op_Equality": return buf.Append("Operator =="); case "op_Inequality": return buf.Append("Operator !="); case "op_LessThan": return buf.Append("Operator <"); case "op_LessThanOrEqual": return buf.Append("Operator <="); case "op_GreaterThan": return buf.Append("Operator >"); case "op_GreaterThanOrEqual": return buf.Append("Operator >="); case "op_Like": return buf.Append("Operator Like"); default: return base.AppendMethodName(buf, method); } } else return base.AppendMethodName(buf, method); } protected override StringBuilder AppendGenericMethodConstraints(StringBuilder buf, MethodDefinition method) { return buf; } protected override string RefTypeModifier { get { return ""; } } protected override string GetFinalizerName(MethodDefinition method) { return method.Name + " ()"; } protected override StringBuilder AppendVisibility(StringBuilder buf, MethodDefinition method) { if (method == null) return buf; if (method.IsPublic) return buf.Append("Public"); if (method.IsFamily) return buf.Append("Protected"); if (method.IsFamilyOrAssembly) return buf.Append("Protected Friend"); return buf; } protected override StringBuilder AppendModifiers(StringBuilder buf, MethodDefinition method) { string modifiers = String.Empty; if (method.IsStatic && !IsModule(method.DeclaringType)) modifiers += " Shared"; if (IsIteratorMethod(method)) modifiers += " Iterator"; if (method.IsVirtual && !method.IsAbstract) { if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.NewSlot) != 0) modifiers += " Overridable"; else modifiers += " Overrides"; } TypeDefinition declType = (TypeDefinition)method.DeclaringType; if (method.IsAbstract && !declType.IsInterface) modifiers += " MustOverride"; if (method.IsFinal) modifiers += " NotOverridable"; if (modifiers == " MustOverride NotOverridable") modifiers = ""; if (modifiers == " Overridable NotOverridable") modifiers = ""; switch (method.Name) { case "op_Implicit": modifiers += " Widening Operator CType"; break; case "op_Explicit": modifiers += " Narrowing Operator CType"; break; } return buf.Append(modifiers); } protected override StringBuilder AppendGenericMethod(StringBuilder buf, MethodDefinition method) { if (method.IsGenericMethod()) { IList args = method.GenericParameters; if (args.Count > 0) { buf.Append(GenericTypeContainer[0]); buf.Append(args[0].Name); AppendConstraints(buf, args[0]); for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; ++i) { buf.Append(", ").Append(args[i].Name); AppendConstraints(buf, args[0]); } buf.Append(GenericTypeContainer[1]); } } return buf; } protected override StringBuilder AppendParameters(StringBuilder buf, MethodDefinition method, IList parameters) { return AppendParameters(buf, method, parameters, '(', ')'); } private StringBuilder AppendParameters(StringBuilder buf, MethodDefinition method, IList parameters, char begin, char end) { buf.Append(begin); if (parameters.Count > 0) { AppendParameter(buf, parameters[0]); for (int i = 1; i < parameters.Count; ++i) { buf.Append(", "); AppendParameter(buf, parameters[i]); } } return buf.Append(end); } private StringBuilder AppendParameter(StringBuilder buf, ParameterDefinition parameter) { if (parameter.IsOptional) { buf.Append("Optional "); } if (parameter.ParameterType is ByReferenceType) { buf.Append("ByRef "); } if (parameter.HasCustomAttributes) { var isParams = parameter.CustomAttributes.Any(ca => ca.AttributeType.Name == "ParamArrayAttribute"); if (isParams) buf.AppendFormat("ParamArray "); } buf.Append(parameter.Name); buf.Append(" As "); buf.Append(GetTypeName(parameter.ParameterType, new DynamicParserContext(parameter))); if (parameter.HasDefault && parameter.IsOptional && parameter.HasConstant) { buf.AppendFormat(" = {0}", MDocUpdater.MakeAttributesValueString(parameter.Constant, parameter.ParameterType)); } return buf; } protected override string GetPropertyDeclaration(PropertyDefinition property) { string getVisible = null; if (DocUtils.IsAvailablePropertyMethod(property.GetMethod)) getVisible = AppendVisibility(new StringBuilder(), property.GetMethod).ToString(); string setVisible = null; if (DocUtils.IsAvailablePropertyMethod(property.SetMethod)) setVisible = AppendVisibility(new StringBuilder(), property.SetMethod).ToString(); if (setVisible == null && getVisible == null) return null; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); IEnumerable defs = property.DeclaringType.GetDefaultMembers(); bool indexer = false; foreach (MemberReference mi in defs) { if (mi == property) { indexer = true; break; } } if (indexer) buf.Append("Default "); if (getVisible != null && (setVisible == null || (setVisible != null && getVisible == setVisible))) buf.Append(getVisible); else if (setVisible != null && getVisible == null) buf.Append(setVisible); else buf.Append("Public"); // Pick an accessor to use for static/virtual/override/etc. checks. var method = property.SetMethod; if (method == null) method = property.GetMethod; string modifiers = String.Empty; if (method.IsStatic && !IsModule(method.DeclaringType)) modifiers += " Shared"; if (method.IsVirtual && !method.IsAbstract) { if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.NewSlot) != 0) modifiers += " Overridable"; else modifiers += " Overrides"; } TypeDefinition declDef = (TypeDefinition)method.DeclaringType; if (method.IsAbstract && !declDef.IsInterface) modifiers += " MustOverride"; if (method.IsFinal) modifiers += " NotOverridable"; if (modifiers == " MustOverride NotOverridable") modifiers = ""; if (modifiers == " Overridable NotOverridable") modifiers = ""; buf.Append(modifiers).Append(' '); if (getVisible != null && setVisible == null) buf.Append("ReadOnly "); buf.Append("Property "); buf.Append(property.Name.Split('.').Last()); if (property.Parameters.Count != 0) { AppendParameters(buf, method, property.Parameters, '(', ')'); } buf.Append(" As "); buf.Append(GetTypeName(property.PropertyType, new DynamicParserContext(property))); if (DocUtils.IsExplicitlyImplemented(property.GetMethod)) { TypeReference iface; MethodReference ifaceMethod; DocUtils.GetInfoForExplicitlyImplementedMethod(method, out iface, out ifaceMethod); buf.Append(" Implements ") .Append(new VBMemberFormatter().GetName(iface)) .Append('.') .Append(DocUtils.GetPropertyName(property, NestedTypeSeparator).Split('.').Last()); } return buf.ToString(); } protected override string GetFieldDeclaration(FieldDefinition field) { TypeDefinition declType = (TypeDefinition)field.DeclaringType; if (declType.IsEnum && field.Name == "value__") return null; // This member of enums aren't documented. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); AppendFieldVisibility(buf, field); if (buf.Length == 0) return null; if (declType.IsEnum) return field.Name; if (field.IsStatic && !field.IsLiteral && !IsModule(field.DeclaringType)) buf.Append(" Shared"); if (field.IsInitOnly) buf.Append(" ReadOnly"); if (field.IsLiteral) buf.Append(" Const"); buf.Append(' ').Append(field.Name); buf.Append(" As ").Append(GetTypeName(field.FieldType, new DynamicParserContext(field))).Append(' '); DocUtils.AppendFieldValue(buf, field); return buf.ToString(); } static void AppendFieldVisibility(StringBuilder buf, FieldDefinition field) { if (field.IsPublic) { buf.Append("Public"); return; } if (field.IsFamily) { buf.Append("Protected"); } if (field.IsFamilyOrAssembly) { buf.Append("Protected Friend"); } } protected override string GetEventDeclaration(EventDefinition e) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); bool isPublicEII = IsPublicEII(e); if (AppendVisibility(buf, e.AddMethod).Length == 0 && !isPublicEII) { return null; } if (e.DeclaringType.IsInterface) // There is no access modifiers in interfaces { buf.Clear(); } AppendModifiers(buf, e.AddMethod); if (e.AddMethod.CustomAttributes.All( i => i.AttributeType.FullName != Consts.CompilerGeneratedAttribute) && !e.DeclaringType.IsInterface)// There is no 'Custom' modifier in interfaces { if (buf.Length > 0) buf.Append(' '); buf.Append("Custom"); } if (buf.Length > 0) buf.Append(' '); buf.Append("Event "); if (isPublicEII) buf.Append(e.Name.Split('.').Last()); else buf.Append(e.Name); buf.Append(" As ").Append(GetTypeName(e.EventType, new DynamicParserContext(e.AddMethod.Parameters[0]))).Append(' '); if (isPublicEII) { var dotIndex = e.Name.LastIndexOf ('.'); dotIndex = dotIndex > -1 ? dotIndex : e.Name.Length; buf.Append($"Implements {e.Name.Substring(0, dotIndex)}"); } return buf.ToString(); } protected override char[] ArrayDelimeters { get { return new[] {'(', ')'}; } } public override bool IsSupported(TypeReference tref) { return !tref.Name.Contains('*'); } public override bool IsSupported(MemberReference mref) { var field = mref as FieldDefinition; if (field != null) { return IsSupported(field.FieldType) && IsSupportedNaming(field); } var method = mref as MethodDefinition; if (method != null) { return IsSupported(method.ReturnType) && method.Parameters.All(i => IsSupported(i.ParameterType)) && IsSupportedNaming(method); } var property = mref as PropertyDefinition; if (property != null) { return IsSupported(property.PropertyType) && IsSupportedNaming(property); } var @event = mref as EventDefinition; if (@event != null) { return IsSupported(@event.EventType) && IsSupportedNaming(@event); } var @event2 = mref as AttachedEventReference; if (@event2 != null) return true; var prop = mref as AttachedPropertyReference; if (prop != null) return true; throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported member type: " + mref.GetType().FullName); } private bool IsSupportedNaming(EventDefinition @event) { return !@event.Name.Equals(@event.EventType.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } private bool IsSupportedNaming(PropertyDefinition property) { return !property.Name.Equals(property.DeclaringType.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } private bool IsSupportedNaming(MethodDefinition method) { var allTypes = method.Parameters.Select(i => i.ParameterType) .Concat(method.GenericParameters) .Concat(new[] { method.ReturnType }) .ToList(); foreach (var typeReference in allTypes) { foreach (var typeReference2 in allTypes) { // if there are types which differ only in letter case if (typeReference.Name.Equals(typeReference2.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && typeReference.Name != typeReference2.Name) return false; } foreach (var parameterDefinition in method.Parameters) { // it there's a parameter which name is case-insensitively equal to typename if (parameterDefinition.Name.Equals(typeReference.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return false; } } foreach (var parameterDefinition in method.Parameters) { foreach (var parameterDefinition2 in method.Parameters) { // if there're parameters which names are case-insensitively equal if (parameterDefinition.Name.Equals(parameterDefinition2.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && parameterDefinition.Name != parameterDefinition2.Name) return false; } } return true; } private bool IsSupportedNaming(FieldDefinition field) { return !field.Name.Equals(field.DeclaringType.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } private static bool IsModule(TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { return typeDefinition.CustomAttributes.Any(i => i.AttributeType.FullName == "Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.StandardModuleAttribute") || typeDefinition.Methods.Any(DocUtils.IsExtensionMethod); } private bool IsIteratorMethod(MethodDefinition method) { return method.CustomAttributes.Any(i => i.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute"); } } }