using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs; namespace System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs { /// Represents the data from PKCS#12 PFX contents. This class cannot be inherited. public sealed class Pkcs12Info { /// Gets a read-only collection of the SafeContents values present in the PFX AuthenticatedSafe. /// A read-only collection of the SafeContents values present in the PFX AuthenticatedSafe. public ReadOnlyCollection AuthenticatedSafe { get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (); } } /// Gets a value that indicates the type of tamper protection provided for the contents. /// One of the enumeration members that indicates the type of tamper protection provided for the contents. public Pkcs12IntegrityMode IntegrityMode { get { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (); } } internal Pkcs12Info () { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (); } /// Reads the provided data as a PKCS#12 PFX and returns an object view of the contents. /// The data to interpret as a PKCS#12 PFX. /// When this method returns, contains a value that indicates the number of bytes from which were read by this method. This parameter is treated as uninitialized. /// /// to store without making a defensive copy; otherwise, . The default is . /// An object view of the PKCS#12 PFX decoded from the input. /// The contents of the parameter were not successfully decoded as a PKCS#12 PFX. public static Pkcs12Info Decode (ReadOnlyMemory encodedBytes, out int bytesConsumed, bool skipCopy = false) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (); } /// Attempts to verify the integrity of the contents with a password represented by a . /// The password to use to attempt to verify integrity. /// /// if the password successfully verifies the integrity of the contents; if the password is not correct or the contents have been altered. /// The value is not . /// The hash algorithm option specified by the PKCS#12 PFX contents could not be identified or is not supported by this platform. public bool VerifyMac (ReadOnlySpan password) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (); } /// Attempts to verify the integrity of the contents with a password represented by a . /// The password to use to attempt to verify integrity. /// /// if the password successfully verifies the integrity of the contents; if the password is not correct or the contents have been altered. /// The value is not . /// The hash algorithm option specified by the PKCS#12 PFX contents could not be identified or is not supported by this platform. public bool VerifyMac (string password) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (); } } }